Imágenes de páginas

To be body corporate.

Subject to certain act.

First election.

Board of registration,


gan, and described as follows, viz.: Sections fourteen and fifteen, town seventeen north, range thirteen west, is hereby incorporated, made and constituted a village by the name of Marlborough.

SEC. 2. The inhabitants of said village shall be and constitute a body corporate and politic to be known and distinguished by the name and title of the village of Marlborough, and the said village shall be vested with all the powers and privileges and subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of villages organized under an act, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the State of Michigan, and defining their powers and duties," approved February nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred ninety-five, and all acts amnedatory thereof or in addition thereto.

SEC. 3. The first election of officers for said village shall be held on the first Monday in June, one thousand nine hundred three, at the Marlborough hotel situated in said village.

SEC. 4. Frederick T. Houk, Charles R. Rinehart, Edward W. when to meet, Britton and George Baker are hereby constituted the board of registration and election for the purpose of registering voters for the first election, to be held in said village, and of acting as inspectors of election at said first election, and said board of registration is hereby directed to meet on the Saturday preceding the said first Monday in June, in the main office of the said Marlborough hotel, in the said village of Marlborough and register the names of all persons, residents of said village presenting themselves for registration and having the qualifications of voters under the constitution and laws of this State.

Notice of election.

How governed.



SEC. 5. Notice of said first election of officers of said village shall be posted in three of the most public places in said village at least five days before the date of said election, which notice may be signed by any five electors in said village.

SEC. 6. The said village of Marlborough shall in all things not herein otherwise provided be governed by the said act, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the State of Michigan, and defining their powers and duties," approved February nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred ninety-five, and the acts amendatory thereof and in addition thereto.

SEC. 7. In case the officers of said village are not elected at the time designated in section three of this act, the election for such officers may be held at any time within one year from the time designated in said section, notice thereof being given as provided in section four of this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved May 21, 1903.

[No. 488.]

AN ACT providing that all persons, other than attorneys at law, shall be ineligible to election or appointment to the office of judge of probate in Iron county.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

to office.

SECTION 1. Hereafter no person shall be eligible to election Who eligible or appointment to the office of judge of probate in the county of Iron in this State, nor shall any person be qualified to hold such office after the term of the present incumbent shall have expired or said incumbent shall have resigned or the said office otherwise become vacant, who is not, at the time of such election or appointment, an attorney at law, duly authorized to practice at the bar in all of the courts of this State.


SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts in conflict or inconsistent Repealing with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved May 26, 1903.

[No. 489.]

AN ACT to amend section sixty-six of chapter seven of an act, entitled "An act to provide a charter for the city of Detroit," and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, approved June seventh, eighteen hundred eighty-three, being act number three hundred twenty-six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-three, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. Section sixty-six of chapter seven of act three Section hundred twenty-six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-three, entitled "An act to provide a charter for the city of Detroit," and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof, is hereby amended to read as follows:


SEC. 66. The common council shall also have power to appro- Amount counpriate each year for the support of the Detroit museum of art cil may appropriate for such sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars in any one museum of year as it may deem necessary, which sum shall be paid from the general fund: Provided, however, Such appropriation shall be made upon the express condition that admittance to said museum shall be free to the public at all times, subject to such reasonable regulations as to the hours as the board of trustees of said Detroit museum of art may establish. The common council shall also have power to appropriate from time to time such sums as is necessary for the purpose of erecting an addi

May borrow money for buildings.

May issue bonds.

Sale of, etc.

tional building or buildings for the Detroit museum of art
which sums shall be paid from the general fund. The common
council shall also have power, with the approval of the board
of estimates, for the purpose of erecting such additional build-
ing or buildings for said museum of art to borrow upon the best
terms it can make and for such time as it shall deem expedient,
such sums of money as it shall deem necessary, not exceeding
the sum of fifty thousand dollars, and shall have authority to
issue bonds pledging the faith and credit of said city for the
payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, which
bonds shall be denominated "Detroit Museum of Art Bonds,"
of the city of Detroit and shall bear interest not exceeding four
per cent per annum. The controller shall keep an accurate
register of all such bonds issued showing the number, date and
amount of each bond and to whom the same was issued. The
money received from such bonds shall be placed in the city
treasury and shall be expended solely for the purposes therein
specified under the supervision and on the warrant of the board
of trustees of said Detroit museum of art. The common council
shall have full authority to provide by resolution for the ad-
vertising and sale of said bonds, the manner thereof to conform
as nearly as may be practicable to the regulations heretofore
prescribed by law for the issuance of sewer bonds. The bonds
herein provided for shall run for a period of not less than ten
years nor more than twenty-five years.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved May 26, 1903.

Village may issue bonds.

[No. 490.]

AN ACT to authorize and empower the village of Decatur, in the county of Van Buren and State of Michigan, to raise or borrow money and issue bonds therefor, not to exceed four thousand dollars, for the purpose of refunding four thousand dollars of water-works bonds due in nineteen hundred four.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The village council of the village of Decatur, in the county of Van Buren, is hereby authorized to raise or borrow money and to issue the negotiable coupon bonds of the said village to an amount not exceeding four thousand dollars, for the purpose of refunding the water-works bonds amounting to four thousand dollars, being due in nineteen hundred four. The said bonds shall become due and payable not later than twenty Rate of inter- years from their date; shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annnum, payable semi-annually, and shall be in such form and of such denomination and executed in such manner as the said village council shall by a two-thirds

est, etc.

raised to pay.

vote thereof direct, and when issued and delivered for value,
shall be valid and binding obligations against the said village.
SEC. 2. When the said bonds are issued, it shall be the duty Tax to be
of the said village council thereafter to annually levy a direct
tax, in addition to all other village taxes, on all taxable prop-
erty in the said village, sufficient in amount to meet the interest
on the said bonds promptly as the same matures, and also to
establish and maintain a sinking fund which shall be sufficient
to liquidate the principal of the said bonds at the date of their
maturity. The annual tax herein provided for shall be col-
lected at the same time and in the same manner in each year
as other village taxes are collected: Provided, That the amount Proviso.
of money authorized to be raised or derived from the issue of
bonds under the provisions of this act shall not be used for
any purpose other than refunding the water-works bonds due
in nineteen hundred four: Provided further, That said village Further
shall not bond itself, as herein before provided, until a majority
of the qualified electors of said village voting thereon have
voted in favor of said bonding.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved May 27, 1903.


[No. 491.]

AN ACT to authorize and empower the village of Decatur, in the county of Van Buren and State of Michigan, to raise or borrow five thousand dollars and issue bonds therefor, for the purpose of making public improvements and paying off unsecured indebtedness.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. The village council of the village of Decatur, in Bond issue by the county of Van Buren and State of Michigan, is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow, on the faith and credit of the said village, a sum of money not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of five thousand dollars for any term of years not less than one nor more than fifteen, at a rate of interest not to exceed six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and to execute and issue the coupon bonds of the said village therefor, in such form and in such amounts and payable at such times, within the foregoing limits, as the said council may, by a two-thirds vote of all the members elect, determine, and to provide for the payment of the interest upon the same, which interest shall be payable at such place or places as the said council shall direct.

SEC. 2. The said village council is hereby further given au- Tax, how thority to provide by tax on the taxable property in the said provided for.: village for a sum of money sufficient to pay the interest upon

Moneys, how used.


any and all such bonds issued under authority of this act, and to establish a fund for the payment of the said bonds at the date of their maturity.

SEC. 3. All money borrowed under the provisions of this act shall be used only for the purpose of paying off unsecured indebtedness and for making public improvements of such a nature and under such rules and regulations as the said village council shall prescribe: Provided, That said village shall not bond itself as herein before provided, until a majority of the qualified electors of said village voting thereon, have voted in favor of said bonding.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved May 27, 1903.

Sections amended.

[No. 492.]

AN ACT to amend section six. of chapter eight, section one of chapter nine, sections eleven, sixteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirty-five of chapter sixteen, section one of chapter twentyone, section seventeen of chapter twenty-three of act number four hundred seventy-five of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, entitled "An act to reincorporate the city of Kalamazoo and to repeal an act, entitled 'An act to incorporate the city of Kalamazoo,' and to repeal an act, entitled 'An act to reincorporate the village of Kalamazoo and to repeal all inconsistent acts and parts of acts, approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred sixty-one, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof,' approved June eighth, eighteen hundred eighty-three, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof, and to repeal all inconsistent acts and parts of acts," approved June second, eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof, and to repeal section sixty-one of chapter twentytwo thereof and to add a chapter thereto to stand and be known as chapter twenty-eight, and to repeal all inconsistent acts and parts of acts.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section six of chapter eight, section one of chapter nine, sections eleven, sixteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirtyfive of chapter sixteen, section one of chapter twenty-one, section seventeen of chapter twenty-three of act number four hundred seventy-five of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetyseven, entitled "An act to reincorporate the city of Kalamazoo and to repeal an act, entitled 'An act to incorporate the city of Kalamazoo,' and to repeal an act, entitled 'An act to reincorporate the village of Kalamazoo and to repeal all inconsistent acts and parts of acts, approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred sixty-one, as amended by the several acts amendatory

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