When other elections may be held. Rate of interest, etc., on bonds. How signed. Tax for, how raised. To be nego immediately upon the conclusion of such canvass the inspectors of election shall make and sign a certificate showing the whole number of votes cast upon such proposition, and the number for and against it. Said inspectors shall endorse upon such certificate a declaration in writing of the result of such election, which certificate and declaration shall then be filed with the clerk of said township, and a copy thereof certified to by said township clerk shall be filed in the office of the clerk of Allegan county. SEC. 4. In case said proposition to so issue the bonds of said township shall be defeated at any such election, the said township is hereby authorized to hold other elections, under and by virtue of this act, for the purpose above mentioned. SEC. 5. If such issue of bonds shall be authorized by a vote of the electors of said township, such bonds may be issued in such sums not exceeding the amount hereby authorized, payable at such times and place, not exceeding fifteen years from the date of such bonds, and with such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, as such township board shall direct by resolution. Said bonds shall be signed by the township board and countersigned by the township treasurer and negotiated by and under the direction of said board, and the the moneys arising therefrom shall be used in paying for the construction of said bridge before mentioned. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the said township board to provide for the raising by tax upon taxable property of such township, such sums of money annually as shall be sufficient to pay the amount of said bonds and interest thereon, as fast as the same shall become due. SEC. 7. No bonds issued under and by virtue of this act tiated at par. shall be negotiated at less than their par value. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved January 28, 1903. Bond issue by township. [No. 263.] AN ACT to authorize the township board of the township of Mikado, county of Alcona, to issue the bonds of said township to the amount of two thousand dollars for the purpose of paying for bridges now constructed, and to levy taxes sufficient for the payment of same and the interest thereon. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The township board of the township of Mikado, in the county of Alcona, is hereby authorized to issue the negotiable coupon bonds of said township to the amount of two thousand dollars, for the purpose of providing funds to pay for bridges now constructed in said township. Said bonds shall interest. be designated as "Bridge Bonds"; shall become due and pay- SEC. 2. When said bonds are issued, the township board of Tax for, how said township shall thereafter, annually, levy a direct tax, in levied. addition to all other township taxes, sufficient in amount to meet the interest on said bonds promptly as the same matures, and also to establish and maintain a sinking fund which shall be sufficient to liquidate the principal of said bonds at maturity. Said annual tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner in each year as other township taxes are collected. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 264.] AN ACT to authorize the village of Otsego, in the county of Allegan, and State of Michigan, to borrow money and issue bonds therefor, the proceeds of which are to be used for the purchase of real estate for public grounds, parks, markets, public buildings, and for other purposes necessary or convenient for the public good, and to promote and make any public improvement in said village. The People of the State of Michigan enact: village. SECTION 1. The village council of Otsego, in the county of Bond issue by Allegan, shall be and is hereby authorized to borrow money on the faith and credit of the said village, and issue bonds therefor, to an amount, not exceeding fourteen thousand dollars, which shall be expended for the purchase of real estate for Money, how public grounds, parks, markets, public buildings, and for other expended. purposes necessary or convenient for the public good, and for the encouragement and promotion of any public improvement for the benefit of said village, under such rules and regulations as said village council shall prescribe: Provided, That a ma- Proviso. jority of the electors of said village, voting at an election held in accordance with the provisions of this act, shall vote in favor of the said loan in the manner specified in this act, and not otherwise. electors. SEC. 2. The question of raising the said money and issuing Question to be such bonds shall be submitted by the village council of the said submitted to village to the electors thereof, and the vote shall be taken as near as may be in accordance with the provisions of an act, Form of ballot. Bonds, how negotiated, etc. entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the State of Michigan, and defining their powers and duties," approved February nineteenth, eighteen hundred ninety-five, and the amendments thereto, if any. The village council shall have the power to order a special election when it may, by said council, be deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and the proceedings had at such special election shall be the same as at general elections held within said village, except that those electors voting for the said loan shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "For bonding the village to an amount not exceeding the sum of fourteen thousand dollars-Yes;" and those voting against the loan shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "For bonding the village to an amount not exceeding the sum of fourteen thousand dollars-No." SEC. 3. If said loan shall be authorized by a majority of the electors voting at such election such bonds may be issued in such sums not exceeding the amount hereinbefore limited, and payable at such times, with such rates of interest, not exceeding six per cent per annum, as said village council shall direct, and shall be signed by the president of said village and countersigned by the clerk of said village, and negotiated by or under the direction of said village council; and the money raised therefrom shall be appropriated in such manner as said Tax for, to be village council shall determine for the purposes aforesaid; and the said village council shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, to raise by taxes upon the taxable property of said village such sum or sums as shall be sufficient to pay the amount of said bonds and the interest thereon, as fast as the same shall become due. raised. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Name changed [No. 265.] AN ACT to change the name of Section Ten Lake, in the county of Missaukee, to Lake Sapphire. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The name of Section Ten lake, in the county of This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 266.] AN ACT to change the name of Muskrat lake, in the county of The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The name of Muskrat lake in the county of Mis- Name saukee is hereby changed to Lake Missaukee. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. changed. [No. 267.] AN ACT to detach certain territory from school district number three of the township of Chickaming, Berrien county, Michigan and from school district number three of the township of Weesaw, county of Berrien, State of Michigan, and to organize the same into fractional school district number three of the said townships of Chickaming and Weesaw. The People of the State of Michigan enact: tached from SECTION 1. That all that part of section thirteen, now in- Territory decluded in said school district number three, also the north half school dis and southeast quarter of section twenty-four, town seven tricts. south, range twenty west, now in school district number three of said Chickaming township, be detached from said school district. And that section nineteen, the west half of section twenty, the south half of southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of section seventeen, the south seventy acres of the southeast quarter of section eighteen, the south thirty-six and one-quarter acres of southwest quarter of section eighteen, town seven south, range nineteen west, be detached from said school district number three. And that said foregoing de- Organized into scribed territory be organized into and be hereafter known as fractional school district number three of the townships of Chickaming and Weesaw, to be organized in the same manner as school districts are organized under the general law. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved January 30, 1903. new district. Action of council legalized. May issue bonds. [No. 268.] AN ACT to cure the irregularity in action of the common council of the city of Grand Rapids, and of the vote of the electors of said city taken April seventh, nineteen hundred two, upon the issue of fifty thousand dollars of bonds for the construction of bridges across Grand river at Bridge street and Wealthy avenue, and to authorize the common council of the city of Grand Rapids to issue such bonds for the construction of said bridges. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The action taken by the common council of the city of Grand Rapids providing for a vote upon the issuing of fifty thousand dollars bonds for the construction of bridges over Grand river at Wealthy avenue and Bridge street, the principal to run for twenty-five years from the date when is sued (instead of twenty years as provided in the charter of said city), and to draw interest at not to exceed four per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and the vote of the electors of said city on the seventh day of April, nineteen hundred two, thereon, and the irregularity therein in fixing the term of such bonds at twenty-five years, is hereby cured and such action validated. And the common council of the city of Grand Rapids by a majority vote of its members elect is hereby authorized at any time within one year from the date this act is given effect to issue fifty thousand dollars of its bridge bonds for the construction of said bridges at Bridge street and Wealthy avenue across Grand River, the principal of the same to be made payable twenty-five years from the date of their issuance, to draw interest not to exceed four per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and in the manner provided by the charter of the city of Grand Rapids, except as herein otherwise provided. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Bond issue by school district. [No. 269.] AN ACT to authorize the district board of School District number six of the township of Royal Oak, in the county of Oakland, to issue the bonds of said school district to the amount of three thousand dollars for the purpose of completing a new school building and paying outstanding orders. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The district board of school district number six of the township of Royal Oak, in the county of Oakland, is hereby authorized to issue negotiable coupon bonds of said |