term of two years from the second Monday in April of the [No. 495.] AN ACT relative to applications for the locating and establishing of drains within the county of Saginaw. The People of the State of Michigan enact: be filed with sioner before SECTION 1. Before the drain commissioner in the county of Application to Saginaw shall take any action relative to the locating or estab- drain commis lishing any drain in said county there shall be filed with him an establishment application signed by not less than one-third of the freeholders of drain. of the lands to be drained thereby, and to be assessed therefor. Such application, so signed as above, shall give a general description of the beginning, the route and terminus of the drain. In case any county commissioner shall directly or indirectly interest himself in the securing of signatures to an application for any drain he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, and his office shall be deemed vacant. The applicants for any drain shall be jointly and severally liable for all costs and expenses in case the county drain commissioner upon examination of the route and determination of the survey shall find that such drain is either unnecessary or impracticable, or in case the proceedings shall be dismissed for any other cause. If any person signing such application shall refuse to pay such costs and expenses, the county drain commissioner shall bring suit in a court of competent jurisdiction and collect such costs and expenses and costs of suit. If upon the presentation of such application the county drain. commissioner shall deem the financial responsibility of the applicants to be insufficient, he shall have the right to return such application for additional signatures. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Township transferred. To retain organization. Duty of register of deeds. To remain in same political districts. [No. 496.] AN ACT to detach township eighteen north of range three east, the township of Gibson, from the county of Bay and to attach the said township to the county of Arenac. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Township eighteen north of range three east, the township of Gibson, is hereby detached from the county of Bay and attached to the county of Arenac. SEC. 2. The said township shall retain its present township organization and its several officers for the terms for which they were elected. SEC. 3. The register of deeds of the said county of Arenac shall make transcripts of all records in Bay county necessary to appear upon the records of Arenac county, by reason of the attaching of said township to Arenac county, which records, so transcribed, shall have the same effect in all respects as original records, and the said register of deeds shall be paid for transcribing the same such sum as the board of supervisors of said county may deem just and reasonable. SEC. 4. The said township of Gibson shall remain in the second representative district of Bay county and shall also remain in the twenty-fourth senatorial district. The returns for representative in the State legislature for the second representative district of Bay county and for State senator in the twenty-fourth senatorial district from said township of Gibson, shall be made to the county clerk of Bay county and shall be forwarded by the board of township inspectors of election on the day prescribed by law for the meeting of county canvassers, until the next apportionment is made for members of the legislature. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Territory to contain. [No. 497.] AN ACT to incorporate the city of Standish, in the county of Arenac, as a city of the fourth class, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts relative to the incorporation of the village of Standish. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The territory in the county of Arenac and State of Michigan described as follows, to wit: The south half of section two, the east half of the southeast quarter of section three, the east half of the northeast quarter of section ten, and the north half of section eleven, all in township eighteen, north of range four east, is hereby detached from the township of Lincoln, and the said territory so detached is hereby incorporated, made, constituted and organized into a city to be known as the city of Standish. three wards. provisions of SEC. 2. The said city shall be divided into three wards. Divided into The first ward shall embrace all that portion of said city lying west of the right of way of the Michigan Central railroad. The second ward shall embrace all that portion of the city lying east of the Michigan Central railroad right of way, and north of the center line of Cedar street. The third ward shall embrace all that portion of said city lying east of the Michigan Central railroad and south of the center line of Cedar street. SEC. 3. The said city of Standish shall, in all things not Subject to herein otherwise provided, be governed and its powers and certain act. duties defined and limited by an act entitled, "An act to provide for the incorporation of cities of the fourth class," being act number two hundred fifteen of the Public Acts of Michigan of eighteen hundred ninety-five, approved May twenty-seven, eighteen hundred ninety-five, and all acts amendatory thereof, which said act, as the same is now or hereafter may be amended is hereby made and constituted a part of the charter of said city of Standish. to call special SEC. 4. Immediately upon the passage of this act, the com- When council mon council of the said village of Standish shall call a special election. election for said city, and the manner of conducting and giving notice of said election, the method in which the government and affairs of the old or village incorporation within the said city shall continue and proceed, and the powers and duties of the village officers, after the passage of this act and prior to the holding of the said first election in said city, and all other matters not herein otherwise provided for, shall be governed by the provisions of said act number two hundred fifteen of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five and the amendments thereto, except in so far as the same may be inconsistent with the provisions of this act, the same as if said city was incorporated in the manner provided in said act. tions, etc, SEC. 5. All rights of action, demands, credits, choses in Village obligaaction and property of whatsoever name or nature, belonging transferred to to or existing in favor of the said village of Standish, shall city. hereafter remain and be the debt, demands, property and rights of action and choses in action of the said city of Standish, and they shall have all the right and authority to enforce the same that was possessed by the said village of Standish. And all debts, demands and rights of action now existing against the said village of Standish shall be assumed by said city of Standish, and shall hereafter become and remain debts, demands and rights of action against the said city of Standish. SEC. 6. The mayor and aldermen of said city shall serve Compensawithout compensation. tion. of rights, etc., SEC. 7. The rights and liabilities as between the city of Adjustment Standish and the township of Lincoln shall be adjusted accord with Lincoln ing to the provisions of act number thirty-eight of the Public township. Incorporation not to affect school dis trict. Election, powers, etc., of supervisor at large. Not necessary to create board of Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-three, entitled, "An act to provide for the adjustment of rights and liabilities on division of cities and townships." SEC. 8. The incorporation of said city of Standish shall in no way change or affect the boundaries of school district number one of the township of Lincoln, but the same shall continue to be a graded school district, and no change shall be made in the manner or time of electing its district officers, or in the management or control of said district, except that the taxes voted for school purposes in said district shall be apportioned at or before the time of meeting of the board of supervisors of Arenac county in annual session, in October in each year, by the supervisor of the said city of Standish and the supervisor of the said township of Lincoln. SEC. 9. The city of Standish shall comprise a single assessment district and assessments of property and spreading of taxes shall be made thereon by a city supervisor at large, who shall be elected at the regular city election, excepting that the first supervisor shall be elected as herein provided at the first election held in said city. The said supervisor shall hold his office for one year and until his successor is elected and qualified, and shall be a member of the board of supervisors of said county of Arenac, and as a member of such board he shall be entitled to receive the same compensation as other supervisors for attendance on said board, and he shall have all the rights, privileges and powers of the other members of said board of supervisors, and no other supervisors shall be elected in said city. SEC. 10. It shall not be necessary for the city of Standish to create and constitute a board of public works as provided public works. in chapter twenty-eight of act number two hundred fifteen of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five and the amendments thereto, unless the council of said city shall so determine by a two-thirds vote of all the aldermen elect. Until such board of public works is established, all the duties of said board of public works shall be performed by the council of said city. Whenever the council of said city shall, by a two-thirds vote of all the aldermen elect, determine to create and constitute a board of public works, the provisions of said chapter twentyeight of act number two hundred fifteen of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five and the amendments thereto, shall be in full force and effect in said city. Certain act to remain in effect. SEC. 11. House enrolled act number twenty-four, ertitlel, "An act to authorize the village of Standish in the county of Arenac and State of Michigan to borrow money and issue its bonds therefor, with which to purchase or construct a water-works plant, an electric light plant, and to construct a system of public sewers for said village," approved February twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred three, shall remain in full force and effect, and the said city of Standish shall have the right to proceed under its provisions and do all things thereunder, that the said village of Standish might have done. SEC. 12. All acts or parts of acts relative to the incorpora- Acts tion of the village of Standish are hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take effect March first, nineteen hundred four. Approved May 28, 1903. repealed. [No. 498.] AN ACT to repeal act number four hundred thirty-eight of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, entitled "An act to amend sections five, eight, ten and fifteen of act number three hundred six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetythree, entitled 'An act relative to justices' courts in the city of Grand Rapids, to reduce the number thereof, and to fix the compensation of such justices, and to provide a clerk and officers thereof,' approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred ninety-three, as amended;" and to amend sections four, seven, nine and fourteen of act number three hundred twenty-seven of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetyseven, the same being an act, entitled "An act to amend sections one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and twelve of act number three hundred six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-three, entitled 'An act relative to justices' courts in the city of Grand Rapids, to reduce the number thereof, and to fix the compensation of such justices, and provide a clerk and officers therefor,' approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred ninety-three, as amended and to add ten new sections thereto to stand as sections fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two and twenty-three." The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Act number four hundred thirty-eight of the Act repealed. Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, being an act entitled "An act to amend sections five, eight, ten and fifteen of act number three hundred six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetythree, entitled 'An act relative to justices' courts in the city of Grand Rapids, to reduce the number thereof, and to fix the compensation of such justices, and to provide a clerk and officers thereof,' approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred ninety-three as amended," is hereby repealed; and sections Act amended. four, seven, nine and fourteen of act number three hundred twenty-seven of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetyseven, the same being an act, entitled "An act to amend sections one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and twelve of act number three hundred six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-three, entitled 'An act relative to justices' courts in the city of Grand Rapids to reduce the num |