days subsequent to the time of receiving such request by said estimate of needed. clerk to re SEC. 9. The board of education at their regular meeting on To make the third Monday of July, in each year, shall make an estimate money of and determine the amount of money deemed necessary to be raised by taxes for the ensuing year for all purposes of expenditure within the powers of said board, which estimate shall specify the amounts required for the different objects of expenditure and such shall be entered in the records and proceedings of said board, and said funds shall be kept separate and shall be expended for the purpose for which they were raised and for no other purpose whatever, and no fund shall be overdrawn by said board. The clerk of said board shall within To whom twenty days thereafter make a written report of the amount port estimate. of taxes estimated and determined to be necessary and certify the same to the supervisor of said township of Alpena, who shall spread the same upon the regular tax roll of said township and the same shall be levied, collected and returned in the same manner as other township taxes: Provided, That for purchasing school lots and repairing and erecting schoolhouses, no greater sum than two mills on the dollar of all the taxable valuation of the real and personal property of said district shall be levied in any one year nor shall said board raise more than three hundred dollars in any one year for salaries and expenses of officers. Proviso. annual report. SEC. 11. The said board shall annually, and on the third Board to make Monday of March, in each year, make a detailed statement of the number of schools in said district, the number of teachers employed and the number of pupils instructed therein during the preceding year, and the expenditures of said board for all purposes, and also the resources and liabilities of said district, which report or statement shall be entered at length in the records of said board and shall be publicly read by the president, or in his absence by the clerk thereof, to the electors of the township of Alpena, at their annual township meeting, on the first Monday of April thereafter, between the hours of twelve o'clock noon, and three o'clock in the afternoon, and the electors of said township may immediately after such annual report is read determine viva voce vote the length of time the schools of said township shall be taught during the ensuing year, which time shall not exceed nine months nor be less than seven months in any one year. SEC. 16. The general school laws shall apply in all cases School law not covered by the provisions of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. applied. Section amended. Territory to contain. Suits, how commenced. [No. 513.] AN ACT to amend section one of chapter one of an act, entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Mount Pleasant, in Isabella county," being act number two hundred sixtyfour of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred ninety-one, as amended by act number three hundred sixteen of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-three. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Section one of chapter one of an act, entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Mount Pleasant in Isabella county," being act number two hundred sixty-four of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred ninety-one as amended by act three hundred sixteen of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetythree, approved March twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred ninetythree, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER I. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. All that tract of country situated in the township of Union, county of Isabella, described as follows, viz.: The south half of the southeast quarter of section nine; the south half of the southwest quarter, and the south half of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section ten; the south half of the southwest quarter of section eleven; the northwest quarter of section fourteen; entire section fifteen; east half of section sixteen; the northeast quarter of section twenty-one; the northwest quarter, except a piece of land six rods square in the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of section twenty-two; the northeast quarter of section twenty-two; the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-three; all being in township fourteen north of range four west, be and the same is hereby constituted and declared to be a city by the name of the "City of Mount Pleasant," and the freemen of such city, from time to time, being inhabitants thereof, shall be and continue to be a body corporate and politic by the name of the city of Mt. Pleasant, and by such name shall be known in law, and shall be capable of suing and being sued, and of prosecuting and defending all suits at law or in equity; but whenever any suit or action shall be commenced against such city, the same shall be by summons, an attested copy of which shall be served upon the mayor of the city. And in case such summons cannot for any reason be served upon the mayor it may be served upon the city clerk, or any one of the aldermen of the city. Such summons shall in all cases be served at least thirty days previous to the return day thereof. Said city may have a [No. 514.] AN ACT to annex the territory embraced within the city of West Bay City, to that of Bay City, and to consolidate the city of West Bay City with the city of Bay City under the name of Bay City; to specify and fix the boundaries of the city; to consolidate the school system and the library systems of the said cities of West Bay City and Bay City; to provide for the assuming and payment of all the indebtedness and liabilities of the present cities of Bay City and West Bay City, and their school and library systems and to provide for the ownership of all their corporate property and rights; to define the corporate rights, powers and privileges of said city of Bay City and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith. The People of the State of Michigan enact: CHAPTER I. INCORPORATION AND LIMITS. city SECTION 1. All the district of country in the county of Bay, Boundaries of and State of Michigan, embraced within the following des- described. cribed limits, is hereby constituted and declared a city by the name of Bay City; said district of country being included within the following limits, to wit: Beginning at a point in the middle of the Saginaw river where the section line between sections fourteen and fifteen in town fourteen north, range five east, crosses said river; thence southerly on a line between said sections fourteen and fifteen and sections twentytwo and twenty-three to the north line of Fillmore place, according to the Carroll park plat; thence easterly along the north line of said Fillmore place, if extended, about sixteen hundred feet to the east line of a tract of land owned by the Bay County Agricultural Society; thence southerly or said east line of said Agricultural Society's land about twenty-two hundred sixty-one feet to the center line of Center avenue; thence southerly on said line, if extended, to the section line between sections twenty-three and twenty-six, in township fourteen north, range five east; thence westerly on said section line to the northeast corner of section twenty-seven, town fourteen north, range five east; thence southerly along the east line of section twenty-seven in said township, to the intersection of same with the center line of Ridge road, so called; thence southeasterly along the center line of said Ridge road to the intersection of same with the north and south line on the east side of the property known as St. Patrick's cemetery, if said line were extended northerly; thence southerly along the said east line of said property known as St. Patrick's cemetery to the intersection of the same, if extended, with the east and west quarter line of section twenty-six, in township fourteen north, range five east; thence westerly along the east and west quarter line of said section twentysix to the east line of section twenty-seven in said township; thence southerly along the east line of section twenty-seven in said township to a point where the center line of Fifteenth street, if extended east, would intersect said section line; thence westerly along the center line of said Fifteenth street to the center line of Johnson street, thence southerly on the center line of Johnson street to the center line of Twentysecond street, thence westerly on the center line of Twentysecond street to the west side line of section thirty-four in said township; thence southerly on the section line between sections thirty-three and thirty-four to the southwest corner of section thirty-four; thence westerly on a line between section thirty-three and section four to the quarter line of said section four in township thirteen north, range five east; thence southerly on the said quarter line through section four, to the intersection of the southerly line of the Bullock road, so called; thence northwesterly on the southerly line of said Bullock road, to the intersection of said line with the easterly line of McCormick street, so called, in John W. McGraw and Company's first addition to Bay City, according to the plat thereof on record in the office of the register of deeds for Bay county; thence southerly along said easterly line of McCormick street, to the intersection of the same with the southerly line of Forty-first street, in said addition, thence westerly along the southerly line of Forty-first street to the intersection of the same with the westerly line of Harrison street; thence northerly along the westerly line of Harrison street to the intersection of the same with the center line of McGraw avenue: thence westerly along the center line of McGraw avenue. if produced and continued, to the center of the island in said river known as the Middleground; thence northerly and easterly through the center of said island or Middleground to a point where the south line of section thirty-two, in town fourteen north, range five east crosses said Middleground, thence west on the south line of said section thirty-two to the southwest corner thereof, thence north along the west side of sections thirty-two, twenty-nine and twenty, town fourteen, aforesaid to the northwest corner of section twenty; thence east along the north line of said section twenty to the quarter post of said section twenty; thence north along the quarter line of section seventeen, town fourteen aforesaid, to the north line of said section seventeen, town fourteen aforesaid; thence east along the north side of the east half of said section seventeen and the north line of sections fifteen and sixteen, to the northeast corner of section fifteen, town fourteen north, range five east; thence southerly along the section line between sections fourteen and fifteen, to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section fifteen; thence westerly along the north sub-quarter line to the north and south quarter section line in said section fifteen; thence southerly on said quarter section line to the center line of a highway known as Prairie avenue, if extended, according to the plat of the Riverside Park subdivision; thence south. seventy-four degrees west along the center of said Prairie avenue to a point which is north, sixty-one degrees fourteen minutes east, five hundred nineteen feet distant from the quarter section post between sections fifteen and sixteen, town aforesaid, said point being the intersection of the center line of said Prairie avenue with the center line of Roy street; thence south, one degree east, along the center line of Roy street seven hundred forty feet to the bank of the Saginaw river; thence south thirteen degrees, fifty minutes east, to the center of said Saginaw river, thence down stream along the center of said river to the place of beginning. body corpor SEC. 2. The freemen of said city, from time to time, being City to be inhabitants thereof, shall be and continue a body corporate ate.. and politic to be known and distinguished by the name and title of Bay City, and shall be and are hereby made capable of suing and being sued, of pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, and of defending and being defended in all courts of law and equity and in all places whatsoever, and may have a common seal which they may alter and change at pleasure. and may take, hold, purchase, lease, convey and dispose of any real, personal or mixed estate for the use and benefit of said corporation. SEC. 3. The city shall be divided into seventeen wards, Divided into bounded and described as follows: wards. first. First, The first ward of said city shall include all that por- Boundaries of tion of said city bounded as follows: Commencing at a point where the center line of Third street intersects the center of Saginaw river, running thence east along the center line of Third street to the center line of Johnson street; thence north along the center line of Johnson street to the center line of Woodside avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Woodside avenue to its intersection with the center line of Belinda street; thence north along the center line of Belinda street to the center of Saginaw river; on the north and westerly by the center of Saginaw river; Second, The second ward shall embrace all that portion Second. of the city lying between the center line of third street and the center line of Center avenue, and west of the center line of Lincoln avenue to the center line of Saginaw river; Third, The third ward of said city shall embrace all that Third. part of said city lying between the center line of Tenth street and a line on the north commencing in the center of the Sagi |