Bond issue by school district. Proviso. Further proviso. Question to be submitted to electors. Notice of. Who to constitute board of inspectors. [No. 313.] AN ACT to authorize school district number four, of the township of Ecorse, county of Wayne, and State of Michigan, to borrow money and issue bonds therefor in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be used in the erection of a school building or school buildings in said district, and furnishing the same and in the purchase of a site or sites therefor. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. School district number four, of the township of Ecorse, county of Wayne, and State of Michigan, is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of said school district, a sum of money not to exceed fifty thousand dollars, for a term not exceeding thirty years from date of issue, at a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent per annum payable semi-annually, at such place or places as the board of trustees of said school district may determine, and to issue the bonds of said district therefor, in such denominations as the said board of trustees may by a majority vote of all the members thereof elect, determine: Provided, however, That no such bonds shall be sold for less than par value, and, Provided further, That no bonds shall be issued or moneys borrowed for the purpose of the construction of said school building or school buildings and for the furnishing of same, or the purchase of a site or sites therefor, until the question of borrowing such sum of money and issuing of said bonds therefor shall be first submitted to a vote of the electors of said school district qualified under the laws of the State of Michigan to vote on questions which directly involve the raising of money by tax for said school district, present at any annual or special meeting appointed and called by the board of trustees of said school district for the purpose of voting thereon, and unless the borrowing of such sum of money and the issue of said bonds therefor shall be authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority of such qualified electors voting upon said proposition at such meeting. SEC. 2. The board of trustees of said district shall submit the question of making such loan and issuing said bonds to the electors mentioned in section one of this act, at any annual meeting of said district, or at any special meeting called by said board for the purpose of voting on such proposition, and public notice of such meeting, which shall contain a statement of the time, place and object thereof, shall be given by said board of trustees, by causing copies of such notice to be posted in at least five public places, in said district, not less than six days before the time of such meeting. SEC. 3. At such annual meeting, or at the special meeting provided for in section two of this act, at which the proposition of issuing said bonds may be submitted to the electors of said district, the moderator, director and treasurer (formerly called assessor) of said school district, shall constitute a ballot. board of inspectors, and shall cause a poll list to be kept and suitable poll books to be used, and the polls shall be kept open for two hours after the time fixed for the meeting, in the notices thereof. The vote upon such proposition shall be by ballot, either printed or written or partly printed and partly written, and the proposition shall be stated upon such ballots in the following form: "For borrowing the sum of Form of fifty thousand dollars and issuing the bonds of school district number four of the township of Ecorse, Wayne county, Michigan, therefor, at not to exceed five per cent interest per annum, and for not to exceed thirty years, to be used in the erection of a school building or school buildings in said district and furnishing the same, and in the purchase of a site or sites therefor-Yes." And "For borrowing the sum of fifty thousand dollars and issuing the bonds of school district number four of the township of Ecorse, Wayne county, Michigan, therefor, at not to exceed five per cent interest per annum and for not to exceed thirty years, to be used in the erection of a school building or school buildings in said district and furnishing the same, and in the purchase of a site. or sites therefor-No." And the ballots shall be deposited in a separate ballot box provided for the purpose. At the clos- Who to caning of the polls the inspectors shall canvass the ballots and publicly declare the result thereof, and record the same in the school district records. vass votes. may issue SEC. 4. If at such meeting a majority of such qualified When board electors present thereat and voting upon such proposition bonds. shall vote in favor of such loan and issuing said bonds therefor, the board of trustees of said district shall thereupon be authorized to borrow not to exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars and to issue the bonds of said district therefor, which bonds shall be executed in such proper form and by such officers of the board as the board of trustees of said district shall direct, and the said bonds may be disposed of from time to time in such quantities as such board of trustees may deem necessary. used. SEC. 5. The money borrowed under the provisions of this Money, how act shall be applied as follows, viz.: To the construction and erection of a school building or school buildings, and for the furnishing of the same for the use of said school district, and for the purchase of a school site or sites therefor to be located in such place or places in said school district as the board of trustees of said district may determine. ment of SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of said board of trustees of Tax for payschool district number four, of the township of Ecorse, to bonds. provide by tax upon all the taxable property in said school district, or from any fund it may have on hand and not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of said sum of fifty thousand dollars, and interest, upon all bonds issued under authority of this act, and the board of trustees of said school district is hereby authorized to raise by tax in each year, in Intent and addition to all other school taxes, a sum sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest on said bonds. SEC. 7. It is the intent and purpose of this act to enable and empower the said school district number four to raise and realize the sum of fifty thousand dollars, over and above and in addition to all sums which said district may borrow and become indebted for under the general statutes of the State, relative to the indebtedness of school districts, and this act shall not be construed to limit or impair the power and authority which said school district may have under the said general statutes of the State to borrow money and become indebted therefor, and all sections of the general school law of this State inconsistent with the provisions of this act are and the same shall be inoperative as to said district, but all sections of the general school law of this State not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are and the same shall be and remain in full force in said district. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 12, 1903. Council may establish lic works. [No. 314.] AN ACT to authorize the city of Coldwater to create and appoint and prescribe the powers and duties of a board of public works to have the care and management of the system of water works, electric light plant, sewers, drains and other public improvements of the city of Coldwater, which are or may be constructed, owned and operated by said city. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Coldwater board of pub may, by resolution duly passed and entered on its records, create and appoint a board of public works to have the care and management of the system of water works, electric light plant, sewers, drains and streets, and other public improvements of the city of Coldwater which are or may be constructed, owned and operated by said city. Number of board. To be nonpartisan. SEC. 2. There may be created and constituted in the city of Coldwater, subject to the provisions of this act, a board of public works, composed of five members who shall be freeholders and electors of the city, and shall serve without compensation. Such board shall, as near as may be, be nonpartisan, no more than three members to be appointed from any one political party and shall be appointed by the mayor, by and with the consent of the council. At the first appointment of the members of said board, which shall be within thirty days after the passage of this act, one member shall Term of office. be appointed for the term of one year, one member for the term of two years, one member for the term of three years, one member for the term of four years, and one member for the term of five years from the first Monday of May next thereafter, and on the first Monday of May of each year thereafter one member shall be appointed for the term of five years unless otherwise provided in this act. and elect SEC. 3. Said board shall, within ten days after their first To organize appointment and annually thereafter during the month of officers. January, organize and elect one of their number president. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The city clerk shall be ex-officio clerk of said board, but shall have no vote therein. It shall be his duty to perform all the clerical labor required by said board, and he shall have charge of all its books, records, accounts and papers. duties of SEC. 4. The said board of public works, subject to the Powers and direction of the council, is hereby charged and entrusted with board. the following duties, powers and responsibilities: First, The construction, management, supervision and control of such water-works as are or shall be owned by the city; Second, The construction, management, supervision and control of such electric or other lighting plants as are or shall be owned by the city; Third, The management and supervision of the sewers, sewerage system and drainage of such city, and of the construction thereof; Fourth, Such other public improvements or works as the common council may, by ordinance, place under their management, supervision and control. laws, etc. SEC. 5. The said board shall have the power to make and To adopt byadopt all such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary and expedient for the transaction of their business, not inconsistent with the ordinances of the city or the provisions of this act. tracts. SEC. 6. Whenever the expense of constructing or repair- when board. ing any public work placed under the control of the board of to let conpublic works shall not exceed the sum of two hundred dollars, the work shall be done by such board in such manner as they may deem proper; but whenever such expense shall exceed the sum of two hundred dollars, then the said board shall submit the plans, diagrams, profiles and estimates thereof to the council for their approval, and when so approved the board shall, subject to the approval of the council, cause such work to be done by contract, or otherwise in such manner as they may deem proper: Provided, That if the expense Proviso. shall exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, the board shall advertise for sealed proposals, and shall give such notice as the council may direct, and shall let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder who shall be deemed competent to do the work and give adequate security for the performance To report to council. thereof, which contract and security shall be approved by the council. SEC. 7. All work done under the supervision of said board shall be reported to the council from time to time, and no money shall be paid out of the treasury on account of any work so done until the council shall have authorized the same and ordered the same paid by warrant drawn on the city treasurer, and all claims or accounts against the city that in any manner relate to the works in charge of such board or that have been incurred by such board shall first be submitted to and approved by the said board of public works before the Annual report council shall be authorized to order such warrant drawn. It shall be the duty of the board to make an annual report to the council on the third Monday in April, of each year, which report shall embrace an itemized statement of the revenues and the expenditures relating to or connected with each of the works under their control, keeping a separate account of each fund, and a statement of the condition, progress and operation of said works. They shall also make such other reports and furnish such other information to the council as that body shall by resolution or ordinance provide. to include statement. To make estimate of money needed. To pay certain money into city treasury. Duty relative to payment of water, etc., rates. To appoint street com SEC. 8. On or before the second Monday of May, in each year, the board of public works shall submit to the common council careful estimates in detail of the amount of money, which, according to the judgment of the board, will be needed for the water works fund, the light fund and the sewer fund during the ensuing year, which estimates may be increased, modified or adopted by the said common council as in its judgment may seem justifiable. SEC. 9. The board of public works shall, on the first Monday of each month, pay into the city treasury to the credit of the water, light, sewer or other fund, as the case may be, all moneys received by them and belonging to any such fund, and shall file a detailed statement thereof, together with the receipt of the treasurer attached thereto, with the city clerk who shall report the filing of such statement and receipt to the council. SEC. 10. The board of public works may provide when and to whom all water and light rates, and other moneys collectable by them shall be paid, and what steps shall be taken to enforce payment thereof, and may provide in case of nonpayment that such water, light or sewerage connection be shut off or stopped as to any person neglecting or refusing to make such payment; and may also collect the same in an action of assumpsit on the common counts in any court of competent jurisdiction. SEC. 11. The board of public works is hereby empowered, missioner, etc. subject to the approval of the council, to appoint the street commissioner of said city and to employ all necessary officers, agents and employees that they may deem necessary to operate, carry on and improve all the public works and duties placed under their care and supervision and subject to the |