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approval of the council, to fix the salaries and compensation of such employees.

to hold over.

SEC. 12. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith Present board are hereby repealed, provided that the present board of water works and electric light commissioners shall continue and exercise their full authority until the board of public works is appointed and qualified, and provided further that all contracts and agreements now existing by and between the inhabitants of said city and the board of commissioners are hereby continued in the board of public works.

to electors.

SEC. 13. The question of the creation and appointment of Question to the board of public works provided for in this act shall be be submitted submitted to the legal voters of said city at the annual city election to be held on the first Monday of April in the year one thousand nine hundred three, or at a special election to be called or ordered by the common council of said city for that purpose at any time after the passage of this act; and the said common council is hereby authorized and empowered to submit the question of the creation and appointment of said board of public works to the qualified electors of said city at such general or special city election giving due notice thereof, by causing the date, place of voting and purpose of Notice of this act to be printed in two of the newspapers published and printed in said city and to be posted in at least three public places in each voting precinct in said city, not less than ten days prior to said election. The ballots to be voted Form of at said election shall be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, and of the following form:




For the appointment of a board of public works-Yes, []. For the appointment of a board of public works-No, [ ]. Each elector in favor of the appointment of a board of Method of public works shall place a cross in the square after the word "Yes" and each elector voting against said proposition shall place a cross in the square after the word "No." Said vote shall be canvassed the same as the vote at regular city elections and the result certified to the common council by the board of city canvassers. If it shall appear from such When act to canvass and the certificate furnished to the common council take effect. that a majority of the electors voting upon said proposition have voted in favor of its adoption, then in that case the said council shall proceed to carry out the provisions of this act and the same shall become and be operative and of full force and effect, otherwise the same shall be null and void. This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Approved March 12, 1903.

Proceedings legalized.

Bond issue by city.

How used.

Question to be submitted.

When bonds may be issued.

Amount and interest.

Moneys, how expended.

[No. 315.]

AN ACT to legalize certain proceedings of the city council of the city of East Tawas, Iosco county, Michigan, in the purchase of land for the extension of the water works and electric light plants of said city, and to authorize the raising of ten thousand dollars by issuing the bonds of said city with which to pay the indebtedness incurred by said city in purchasing such lands, and to provide a tax to meet the payment of said bonds.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The proceedings of the city council of the city of East Tawas, Michigan, had and taken on the fourteenth day of November, nineteen hundred two, providing for the purchase and payment of purchase price of certain lands within the said city of East Tawas, for the purpose of extending and improving the water works and electric light systems and plants, within said city, is hereby legalized and the said city of East Tawas be declared to be legally obligated to pay all orders heretofore issued as the purchase price of said lands.

SEC. 2. The city of East Tawas, by and through its council, is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow money on the faith and credit of said city and issue bonds therefor to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars, which sum shall be used in improving and extending the water works and electric light plants of said city, and in paying all indebtedness outstanding incurred by said city council in the purchase of land and other improvements in connection with the water works and electric light plants of said city.

SEC. 3. The question of raising said money by loan shall be submitted to the electors of said city at the next regular election, and the vote shall be taken, as near as may be, in compliance with chapter six of act two hundred fifteen of the public acts of Michigan for eighteen hundred ninety-five, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of cities of the fourth class."

SEC. 4. If such loan shall be authorized by a two-thirds vote of the electors voting therefor at such election, said bonds may be issued in such sums, not exceeding the amount of ten thousand dollars and payable at such time and with such rate of interest, not exceeding six per cent per annum, as the city council may direct and such bonds shall be signed by the mayor of said city and countersigned by the clerk and negotiated by and under the direction of said city council for a sum not less than the par value of such bond.

SEC. 5. All money derived from the negotiating of bonds, as authorized by this act, shall be applied under the direction of the city council for the purpose of paying for the lands heretofore purchased or which may be hereafter purchased for the extension and improvement of the water works and

electric light plant of said city and the paying of all indebtedness heretofore incurred in connection with said plants and in the payment of outstanding orders heretofore issued by said city council for the purchase of lands in connection with said water works and electric light plants.


SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the city council and the tax Tax to be officers of said city and they shall have power to raise by tax upon the taxable property of said city such sum or sums as shall be sufficient to pay the amount of said bond and interest thereon when the same shall become due and payable. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 12, 1903.

[No. 316.]

AN ACT to organize the township of Pointe Aux Barques, in the county of Huron.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. All of fractional sections twenty, twenty-one Territory to and twenty-two, in township number nineteen north of range number thirteen east, now forming a portion of the township of Port Austin, in the county of Huron, are hereby set off from the residue of said last named township and organized into a separate township by the name of Pointe Aux Barques. The first township meeting thereof shall be held at the United States life saving station in township number nineteen north of range thirteen east, on the first Monday of April, A. D., nineteen hundred three.


SEC. 2. Henry H. Gill, William F. Schultz and Albert Bra- Who to be bow are hereby made and constituted a board of inspectors inspectors. for said township election, and at such election the qualified electors shall choose, by ballot, persons to fill the various township offices, in manner and form as provided by the general laws of the State in case of township elections.

SEC. 3. If for any reason the township meeting provided When may hold special for in section one shall not be held at the time specified for election. holding the same, it shall be lawful to hold the same at any time thereafter by giving at least fifteen days' notice of the time and place of holding such meeting, by posting notice thereof in four of the most public places in said township, which notice may be given by said board of inspectors of election, or a majority of them.

of inspectors.

SEC. 4. If for any reason all or either of the inspectors In case of vahereby appointed shall neglect or be unable to attend cancy in board the first township meeting at the time specified, it shall be lawful for the electors of said township, who shall be present at the time designated for opening the polls at such

Who to constitute regis

election, to choose from the electors present suitable persons to act as inspectors of said election in place of such inspectors who shall neglect or be unable to attend such meeting.

SEC. 5. The said Henry H. Gill, William F. Schultz and tration board. Albert Brabow, or a majority of them, shall constitute a board of registration with like powers and duties of township boards of registration in other cases, and the holding of the session of said board of registration shall be at said United States life saving station.

Act not to districts.

SEC. 6. The provisions of this act shall in no way affect affect school the boundaries of any school district or districts, a part of whose territory is now included within the limits of the township hereby created, but the said district or disricts shall be made and constituted into fractional school district of the township or townships in which the schoolhouses shall be situated, after the township of Pointe Aux Barques is created. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 12, 1903.

Division into districts.

[No. 317.]

AN ACT to authorize the township board of the township of Moran, county of Mackinac, to divide the said township into two election precincts and to appoint boards of registration and election inspectors therefor.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The township board of the township of Moran, county of Mackinac, is empowered and authorized to divide said township into two election precincts and to appoint an additional board of registration and election inspectors for the first election after the passage of this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 12, 1903.

Division into districts.

[No. 318.]

AN ACT to authorize the township board of the township of Sherman, county of Keweenaw, to divide the said township into two election precincts and to appoint boards of regis tration and election inspectors therefor.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The township board of the township of Sherman, county of Keweenaw, is empowered and authorized to divide said township into two election precincts and to ap

point an additional board of registration and election in-
spectors for the first election after the passage of this act.
This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 12, 1903.

[No. 319.]

AN ACT to define the duties of the coroners of the county of Kent, to fix their qualifications and to provide for their compensation.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

docket, books,

SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of each of the coroners of To provide the county of Kent to provide for the use of his office, a etc. docket and all necessary books, blanks and stationery, the bills therefor to be audited and allowed by the board of supervisors.

SEC. 2. Each of said coroners shall receive from the Salary. county of Kent an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars, payable monthly, which salary shall be in lieu of all fees and emoluments now or hereafter attaching to the said office or rising out of the performance of the duties thereof or such duties as they exercise by virtue of being coroner, which salary shall be paid as aforesaid on the order of the county clerk of said county on the treasurer thereof. No mileage shall be allowed in any case.

to office.

SEC. 3. No person except he be a legally authorized physi- Who eligible cian shall be eligible to the election of coroner of said county. It shall be the duty of each of the said coroners to keep a true record of all the official acts and inquests held by each of them and to enter in their docket the same and an itemized expense account of each inquest or other services performed. Said dockets and all other books and files to be public prop- Docket to be erty and to be open for inspection during office hours at the co office of each of the said coroners.


coroner when

SEC. 4. When in the judgment of either coroner having To call other charge of a case he shall deem it necessary to call another assistance physician as an expert witness or give testimony as an ex- needed. pert it shall be his duty to call the other coroner, and the coroner thus called shall serve in such capacity without extra charge therefor. Provided, however, That in case of the in- Proviso. ability of the coroner thus called to act as such witness he shall at his own expense, supply another physician for that duty, and when requested in a post mortem investigation by the friends of the deceased, the said friends may, without cost to the county, furnish physician who may make such investigation and give testimony therein.

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