Imágenes de páginas

Physician to sign death certificate.


Report of inquest, to whom made.

SEC. 5. In all cases where the immediate cause of death is unknown, it shall be the duty of the attending physician under oath to fill out and sign a death certificate upon the presentation of the same by the undertaker or any other interested person having the burial of the body in his charge. Provided, however, That this provision shall not apply to cases of sudden death or to fatalities wherein there is or has been no attending physician.

SEC. 6. When an inquest shall be held by a proper officer otherwise than a coroner, such officer shall inside of ten days make a complete report of said inquest and an itemized bill Duty of coro- of expense attending same to one of said coroners. If on


To make monthly re

receiving the report such coroner deems it expedient for any reason to question the said officers' action, verdict or expense he shall at once repair to the said place and make investigations and if it is in his judgment deemed advisable, the said coroner shall report his findings in writing to the prosecuting attorney forthwith and enter memorandum of his action and doing in relation thereto in his docket.

SEC. 7. Each coroner shall make a monthly report of all port to clerk. inquests and expenses and all acts pertaining to his said office and file the same with the county clerk of Kent county, on or before the tenth day of each month.

Repealing clause.

Violation of act a misde


When salary of coroners

to take effect.

SEC. 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 9. Any person or persons violating all or any part of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding ninety days or both, in the discretion of the court.

The board of supervisors of Kent county are hereby authorized to make settlements with the coroners taking office in the county of Kent on the first day of January, nineteen hundred three, from the first day of January to the time this act takes effect, on the basis of the salary provided for by this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 13, 1903.

[No. 320.]

AN ACT to authorize and empower the village of Newaygo, in the county of Newaygo, and State of Michigan, to raise or borrow money and issue bonds therefor, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars, with which to construct a village hall, and to authorize a joint building as a village hall for said village and county court house for the county of Newaygo, and to provide for the submission of the question of said bond issue to the voters of said village.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

village hall.

into agree

SECTION 1. The village of Newaygo, in the county of Ne- Bond Issue for waygo, and State of Michigan, is hereby authorized and empowered to raise or borrow money on the faith and credit of the said village, and issue bonds therefor to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, which shall be expended in the construction of a village hall for the use and purposes of said village, to be located in said village of Newaygo, under such rules and regulations as the common council of the said village of Newaygo may prescribe. And it shall be law- May enter ful for the common council of said village to enter into an ment with suagreement with the board of supervisors of the county of pervisors. Newaygo whereby a building for the joint occupation, use and purposes of both said village and said county as a village hall and county court house may be erected, and the funds herein provided applied in the construction of the same. Provided, Proviso. That a majority of the electors of said village, voting at an election held in accordance with the provisions of this act, shall vote in favor of the said loan in the manner specified in this act.

submit ques

SEC. 2. The common council of said village is hereby au- Council may thorized and empowered to submit the question of raising tion to said money and issuing said bonds to the qualified electors electors. of said village at a general or special election by resolution, setting forth the date, object and place of holding such election, the amount of bonds proposed to be issued, and whether Notices. it is to be a general or special election, copies of which resolution shall be securely posted in five public places in said village, at least ten days prior to the date of holding such election, and the same shall be published twice in at least one newspaper, published in said village of Newaygo, fourteen days previous to said election.


SEC. 3. The manner of conducting such election and can- Election, how vassing said votes shall be the same as at general elections, held within said village, except those voting for the said loan shall have printed or written on their ballots the words, "For the loan-Yes," and those voting against the loan shall Form of have printed or written on their ballots, "For the loan-No." Immediately upon the conclusion of such canvass the inspectors shall make and sign a certificate showing the whole number of votes cast upon such proposition and the number

" ballot.

When bonds

of votes cast for and against said proposition respectively, upon which they shall endorse in writing the result of said election and file the same with the village clerk of said village, and a copy of which certificate and endorsement shall be filed with the clerk of Newaygo county.

SEC. 4. If such loan shall be authorized by a majority of may be issued. such electors, said bonds may be issued in such sums not exceeding the amount hereinbefore limited and payable at such times and places, and not exceeding twenty years from the date of such bonds, and at such rates of interest, not exceeding six per cent, as the said common council shall by resolution direct: Provided, That not more than five thousand dollars of said bonds shall become due in any one year. Said bonds shall be signed by the president and clerk of said village, countersigned by the treasurer and negotiated by and under direction of the common council of said village.


Tax to pay bonds.

Bonds at par.

SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of said common council to provide for the raising by tax upon the taxable property of such village such sums of money as shall be sufficient to pay the amount of such bonds and the interest thereon as fast as the same shall become due.

SEC. 6. No bonds issued under and by virtue of this act
shall be used or negotiated at less than their par value.
This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 13, 1903.

Wire fences to be used.

Violation a misdemeanor.

[No. 321.]

AN ACT relative to fences along those highways in Charlevoix county, which are used or hereafter shall be used as United States mail routes.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. All fences which are hereafter built along those highways in Charlevoix county, which are used or here. after shall be used as United States mail or rural free delivery routes, shall be constructed of open wire fencing, and the building of any form of fence along such highways, which can cause the formation of snow drifts is hereby prohibited.

SEC. 2. Any person who shall violate the provisions of section one of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than twentyfive dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each twenty rods Duty of high- of fence so built in contravention of this act; and it shall be the duty of the commissioner of highways to make complaint against any person who may have constructed such illegal fence, and as soon as conviction of the person offending is had, the highway commissioner shall take down such part

way commis


of such unlawful fence, as it liable to cause the formation of snow drifts and lay the material of which it was constructed on the lands of the owner.

of supervisors.

cause removal

SEC. 3. The board of supervisors of Charlevoix county Duty of board shall cause an examination to be made of the fences now standing along those highways in the county which are used as United States mail routes or United States rural free delivery routes, said examination to be made by the county surveyor in consultation with the commissioner of highways of the township, in which any such mail routes are located, and on the report of such examination, shall adopt a resolu- When may tion setting forth that the removal of those fences or parts of of fences. fences which could cause the formation of snow drifts, specifying the same by the land description along which they are situated, is a necessary public improvement, and a requisite condition to the continuance of the rural free delivery of mails by the United States postal department, and that the necessary proceedings will be had for the removal or alteration of such fences; and that under the provisions of this act they take action for the appraisal, condemnation, alteration or removal of such fences.


SEC. 4. The appraisal of fences which are liable to cause Appraisal of snow drifts shall be in the following manner: The board of supervisors shall name one appraiser, the owner of such fence shall name a second appraiser, or, if the owner refuse or neglect to name an appraiser, then the judge of probate shall name one in his stead, and the two appraisers thus named shall choose a third. The appraisers shall all be freeholders of the township in which the fence is located. The three ap. Damages, how praisers shall meet together and view the fence which it shall be intended to alter or remove, and shall fix upon the actual damage to the owner to be caused by the alteration or removal of the same, and deposit their report with the county clerk.


to remove.

SEC. 5. Within twenty days from the date of the filing of When owner the report of the appraisers, it shall be the duty of the owner fence. of the fence to so alter or remove the same, and if the fence has not been so altered or removed at the end of thirty days from the date of filing of said report, it shall be the duty of the highway commissioner of the township to alter or remove the same with the least possible delay and expense.

to direct

SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the board of supervisors, at Supervisors their next meeting after the filing of the report of the ap- payment. praisers, to direct the payment of the award by the drawing of an order on the county treasurer for the amount thereof; Provided, The provisions of this act shall not prevent the Proviso. building or maintaining of snow fences where conditions require such fences.

Approved March 13, 1903.

[No. 322.]

AN ACT to incorporate the city of Muskegon Heights, in Muskegon county, and for that purpose to detach certain territory from Muskegon and Norton townships, in said county, and attach the same to said city, and to dissolve the corporation "Village of Muskegon Heights."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Territory to contain.



SECTION 1. That all the following tract and parcel of land situate in the county of Muskegon and State of Michigan, described as follows, to-wit:

Commencing at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-two, in town ten north of range sixteen west; thence south on section line between sections thirty-two and thirty-three, in said town; to the southeast corner of said section thirty-two, thence west along the south section line of said section thirty-two to the northeast corner of section five, in town nine north of range sixteen west; thence south along the section line between sections four and five, in said town nine north of range sixteen west, to the southeast corner of said section five; thence west` along the section line between sections five and eight and between sections six and seven, in said town nine north of range sixteen west to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section six; thence north along the west one-eighth line of said section six in said town nine north of range sixteen west, to the north line of said section six; thence east along the north line of said section six to the southwest corner of the southeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of section thirty-one, in town ten north of range sixteen west; thence north along the west oneeighth line of said section thirty-one to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section thirty-one; thence east along the east and west one-quar ter line of said section thirty-one to the center of said section thirty-one; thence north along the north and south onequarter line of said section thirty-one to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section thirty-one; thence east along the north one-eighth line of sections thirty-one and thirty-two in town ten north of range sixteen west, to the place or point of beginning; including all lands in said boundaries; be and is hereby set off from the township of Muskegon and the township of Norton, and declared to be a city by the name of "The City of Muskegon Heights," by which name it shall hereafter be known.

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