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equitable. In case the assessment of the county drain commissioner shall be sustained by such board of review, the appellant shall pay the whole cost and expense of such appeal. Such costs and expenses shall be ascertained and determined by the judge of probate and if not paid, the appellant shall be liable on his bond for the full amount of such cost in an action at law to be brought by the county drain commissioner on the bond before any court having competent jurisdiction.

board may

how filled.

SEC. 8. Should any or all of the persons so appointed as a when new board of review, neglect or refuse to serve or be unable to be appointed. act, the county drain commissioner shall adjourn the hearing for a sufficient length of time, not exceeding in all ten days, to enable him to apply to the probate court for the appointment of other persons to act as such board of review and shall make public announcement of the time and place of such adjournment. The review shall thereupon be deemed a continuous proceeding and no formal notice shall be required. The probate court shall, upon the showing being made that Vacancies, either any or all the persons appointed as aforesaid, of the neglect, refusal, or were unable to act, as the case may be, and of the adjournment day of meeting, at once by an order appointing such other person or persons of like qualifications as members to fill such vacancy, and the county drain commissioner shall notify such person or persons so appointed to fill such vacancy, of his appointment and of the adjourn ment day of meeting. The person so appointed, shall have the same power and perform the same duties as are herein provided for a board of review in the first instance. The person Compensaacting as such board of review, shall receive the sum of three dollars per day actually and necessarily spent in the discharge of their duties as such member of the board of review. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved June 16, 1903.


[No. 528.]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number four hundred thirty-three of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, entitled "An act to authorize the making of special assessments to pay for the construction of drains and sewers in the village of Highland Park, in the county of Wayne."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section one of act number four hundred thirty- Section three of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, entitled "An amended. act to authorize the making of special assessments to pay for the construction of drains and sewers in the village of Highland Park, in the county of Wayne," is amended so as to read as follows:

Powers of village relative to assessments.



petitions to

SECTION 1. The village council of Highland Park may create special assessment districts and raise, by special assessment therein, in the manner provided in chapter eight of act number three of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred and ninetyfive, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the State of Michigan, and defining their powers and duties," and the amendments thereto, for street paving assessments, such sums as it may deem necessary for the purpose of paying for the construction of drains and sewers: Proviso as to Provided, In no case shall the whole amount to be levied by special assessments upon any lot or premises for the construction of such drain or sewer exceed twenty-five per cent of the value of such lot or premises as valued and assessed in the Proviso as to last preceding tax roll: Provided further, That the council shall in all cases advertise for bids for the construction of proposed drains and sewers and shall in no case award bids. Proviso as to except to the lowest responsible bidder: And further provided, That the powers herein granted shall not be exercised by the council except upon petition, duly signed, of a majority of the owners of the property frontage therein, meaning thereby that each owner, whether resident or non-resident and no matter how many feet frontage or parcels of land he may own, shall count one and one only in such petition, except that where more than one person is represented in the ownership of a parcel or parcels of land the owners collectively shall count one in said petition: Provided, That in proposed districts where there are twelve or more dwelling houses the council may act on the petition of the owners of twelve dwelling houses: Provided further, That the word "owner," as used in the act, in cases where the premises are sold and purchased and held on a contract commonly known as a land contract, shall mean that the vendee in such contract shall be regarded as the owner to the exclusion of the vendor. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved June 16, 1903.



Further proviso.

Township boards may borrow


[No. 529.]

AN ACT to authorize the townships of Empire and Glen Arbor, in the county of Leelanau, to borrow money and issue bonds therefor, for the purpose of building a bridge across the Narrows of Glen Lake, on the line dividing the said townships, and to provide for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The township boards of the townships of Empire and Glen Arbor, in Leelanau county, are, each for itself, hereby authorized and empowered to borrow not exceeding three thousand dollars, on the faith and credit of said town

ships, and issue bonds therefor; said moneys to be used in the building of a bridge across the Narrows of Glen Lake, on the line dividing the two townships, and also on the line of the "Manistee and Leland State road." The sum of three thousand dollars hereby authorized to be borrowed by each of the said townships, shall be due and payable in ten years from the date thereof, together with interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent per annum.

submitted to

SEC. 2. Such money shall not be borrowed nor such bonds Question to be issued, unless a majority of the qualified electors of each of electors. said townships of Empire and Glen Arbor, voting at special township meetings in said townships, to be called or ordered by the respective township boards of said townships at any time after the taking effect of this act, shall vote in favor of said proposition; and the said township boards are hereby authorized and empowered to submit the question of said loan to the qualified electors of said townships, each for itself, at such special township meetings, giving due notice thereof, by causing the date, place of voting and object of said elections to be stated in printed or written notices, posted in at least five public places in each of said townships, not less than twelve days prior to said elections, which notices shall state the amount of money proposed to be borrowed.


SEC. 3. The proposition of issuing the said bonds provided Form of for in section one of this act, shall be submitted to the electors by ballot, which ballot shall be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, and in the following form: For the Glen Lake Narrows bridge loan-Yes. [ ] For the Glen Lake Narrows bridge loan-No. [ ] Said vote shall be canvassed in the same manner as the Vote, how canvassed. votes cast at township meetings, and if, upon the canvassing of said vote, it shall be found that a majority of the electors voting upon such proposition have voted in favor of the same, the township boards shall be authorized to issue the bonds of their respective townships as provided in the first section of this act.

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the township boards of Amount to be said townships of Empire and Glen Arbor, to raise by tax raised by tax. upon the taxable property of the said townships, in each of the years following the making of the loan provided for by this act, in addition to the other taxes authorized by law to be assessed and collected in the said townships, an amount sufficient to pay one-tenth of the principal obligation and the interest on the amount unpaid.


SEC. 5. It is hereby made the duty of the township boards Interest on of said townships of Empire and Glen Arbor to issue to their bonds, how respective township treasurers, definite orders for the payment of the several installments of the interest on the loan in this act provided for, as the same shall become due, and for the creation and proper care and security of a sinking fund to be constituted from the sums to be raised annually

therefor, the same being one-tenth of the total sum author-
ized to be borrowed; and it shall be lawful for the township
boards to borrow from the contingent fund of their townships
such amounts as may be necessary to make up for any short-
age in the collections on account of the bridge loan interest
tax arising from delinquent taxes in any year.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved June 16, 1903.

Bond issue by village.


Question to be submitted to electors.

[No. 530.]

AN ACT to authorize the village of Lawrence, Van Buren county, Michigan, to borrow money and issue bonds therefor, the proceeds of which are to be used to enable said village to erect a water works and lighting plant, to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The village of Lawrence, Van Buren county, shall be and is hereby authorized to borrow money on the faith and credit of said village, and issue bonds therefor to an amount not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting a water works and lighting plant in said village: Provided, That two-thirds of the electors of said village voting at an election as hereinafter provided shall vote in favor of said loan in the manner specified in this act and not otherwise.

SEC. 2. The question of raising the said money and issuing such bonds shall be submitted by the village board of said village to the electors thereof, at any regular annual election or on filing with the said board of a petition signed by not less than twelve electors of said village asking that an election be held by virtue of this act for the purpose herein specified and stating the amount desired to be borrowed for the purposes aforesaid. On receiving the said petition the said village board shall call a special election and the vote shall be taken as near as may be in accordance with the provisions of the statutes for holding special elections for the purpose of Election, how raising money by bonding villages. The proceedings at such special election shall be the same as at general elections held within said township, except that those electors voting for said loan shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "For the loan of fifteen thousand dollars for a water works and lighting plant," and those voting against the loan shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "Against the loan of fifteen thousand dollars for a water works and lighting plant."


issuance, pay-

SEC. 3. If said loan shall be authorized by two thirds of Relative to the electors voting at such election, said bonds may be issued ment, etc., in such sums not exceeding the amount authorized by such of bonds. election, and payable at such times with such rates of interest, not exceeding six per cent per annum, as said village board shall direct, and shall be signed by the president of said village and countersigned by the clerk of said village, and negotiated by and under the direction of said village board, and the moneys raised therefrom shall be applied, in such manner as the village board shall determine, to the erection and building of a water works and lighting plant in said village. And the said village board shall have the power and it shall be their duty to raise by taxes upon the taxable property of said village such sums as shall be sufficient to pay the amount of said bonds and the interest thereon from time to time as the same shall become due.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved June 16, 1903.

[No. 531.]

AN ACT to provide for the collection of assessments for public improvements within the city of Grand Rapids, on real estate belonging to steam railroad or railway corporations or companies, necessarily used in the operation of such roads within the city of Grand Rapids.

Certain property subject

for improvements.

The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. That freight houses, road-beds, rights of way and other premises belonging to any steam railroad or rail- to assessment way corporation or company, within the corporate limits of said city of Grand Rapids, which are necessarily used in the operating of the respective franchises of the owners of said railroads, are liable for all valid unpaid special assessments for public improvements hereafter made within the city of Grand Rapids and assessed against the same, but that no lien shall attach thereon on account of such assessments, and that the payment of such assessments shall not be enforced and collected out of the same, and that assessments of such classes of property shall be made in the same manner as the assessments of other property under the charter of said city, for special improvements, and that the assessment roll for such special taxes shall be prima facie evidence in any court, of the regularity of all proceedings leading up to the assessment and the making of said roll.

to constitute

SEC. 2. All special assessments made as aforesaid, against Assessments property of said railroad companies for public improvements lien. and all installments thereof, together with all interest, costs

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