ward, the different wards to be comprised of the territory and within the boundaries indicated, as follows: First, The first ward shall consist of all that part of the First. city lying between the center lines of the north line road and Superior avenue, and the said lines extended easterly and westerly to the city limits. Second, The second ward shall consist of all that part of Second. said city lying between the center line of Superior avenue to the center line of Maple street, and the said lines extended easterly and westerly to the city limits. Third, The third ward shall consist of all that part of said Third. city lying between the center line of Maple street to the center line of Pine street, and the said lines extended easterly and westerly to the city limits. Fourth, The fourth ward shall consist of all that part of said Fourth. city lying between the center line of Pine street and southerly to the city limits, and the said lines extending easterly and westerly to the city limits: Provided, That if any vacancy shall occur in the office of alderman or constable in any new ward or ward which may be divided under the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the common council of the said city of Wyandotte to call a special election for the purpose of filling such vacancy. However, the provisions of this section shall not operate to create any vacancy or interfere in any wise with persons holding office, previously elected. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 536.] AN ACT to amend section one of act number three hundred ninety-seven of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, entitled "An act to provide for the retirement of aged and disabled policemen employed by the city of Saginaw, and for the payment of pensions to the wives and children and widowed mothers of policemen killed in the service of the city of Saginaw." The People of the State of Michigan enact: amended. SECTION 1. Section one of act number three hundred ninety- Section seven of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, entitled "An act to provide for the retirement of aged and disabled policemen employed by the city of Saginaw and for the payment of pensions to the wives and children and widowed mothers of policemen killed in the service of the city of Saginaw," is hereby amended to read as follows: may be SECTION 1. Whenever a member of the police force of the When memcity of Saginaw shall have been disabled or incapacitated while ber of police in the actual performance of his official duty, and whenever retired. any member of said police force or other person in the employ Proviso. Further proviso. of the police board of said city of Saginaw, who has performed faithful service as such member or employee for a period of not less than twenty-five years, shall have become permanently incapacitated from performing regular active duty, he may be retired by the board of police commissioners from the regular Amount may active service and placed on the retired list. Such member pay annually. when so retired may be paid annually, in equal monthly payments, a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars, or a sum equal to one-half the annual pay received by him at the time of his retirement, if the city physician or some other competent physician authorized by the police board to act in the premises, shall certify to the police board in writing, that he is permanently physically or mentally incapacitated from regular active duty, which finding shall be approved by said board of police commissioners by resolution made of record by said board: Provided, That no member of said force shall be so retired until he has been duly notified by said board of its intention to so retire him, and he has been heard in opposition thereto: Provided, further, That said board of police commissioners may place on the retired list any person who became totally disabled while in the employment of said commissioners prior to the passage of this act: Provided further, That the provisions of this act shall apply to any member of the police force of the cities of East Saginaw and Saginaw city as formerly exist ing before the consolidation of the same as the city of Saginaw; and in computing the period of service in such case, the length of time served by any member of the police force or other person on the police force of the said cities of East Saginaw and Saginaw city, shall be allowed and added to the time said member has served in the police department of the consolidated city of Saginaw And provided further, That any member of said force deeming himself entitled to the benefits of this act, may make a written application to said board of police commissioners for such benefits, and it shall be the duty of said board to hear and determine such application. Approved June 18, 1903. Proviso as to East Saginaw. Further proviso. : Fire commis pension. [No. 537.] AN ACT to authorize the fire commission of the city of Detroit to grant a pension to Cora Hogan. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The fire commission of the city of Detroit is slon may grant hereby authorized to grant and pay a pension to Cora Hogan, widow of Thomas E. Hogan, who, while serving as a member of the fire department of the city of Detroit, contracted a cold, in the year nineteen hundred three, on January seventh, which resulted in his death on January eighteenth, nineteen hundred three, in the same manner and to the same extent as though the said Thomas E. Hogan had died within one year from di- This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 538.] AN ACT to amend section nineteen of title six of "An act to revise and amend the charter of the city of Saginaw" as existing under an act, entitled "An act to annex the territory embraced within the city of East Saginaw to that of the city of Saginaw and to consolidate the city of East Saginaw with Saginaw under the name of the city of Saginaw; to specify and fix the boundaries of the consolidated city; to provide for the assuming and payment of the indebtedness and liabilities of the present cities of East Saginaw and Saginaw, and for the ownership of all their corporate property and rights; to define the corporate rights, powers and privileges of the said city of Saginaw as so consolidated, and to repeal all acts inconsistent herewith, being act number four hundred sixty-five of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetyseven and acts supplementary and amendatory thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith." The People of the State of Michigan enact: amended. SECTION 1. Section nineteen of title six of an act, entitled Section "An act to revise and amend the charter of the city of Saginaw" as existing under an act, entitled "An act to annex the territory embraced within the city of East Saginaw to that of the city of Saginaw, and to consolidate the city of East Saginaw with Saginaw under the name of the city of Saginaw, to specify and fix the boundaries of the consolidated city, to provide for the assuming and payment of the indebtedness and liabili ties of the present cities of East Saginaw and Saginaw and for the ownership of all their corporate property and rights, to define the corporate rights, powers and privileges of said city of Saginaw as so consolidated and to repeal all acts inconsistent herewith, being act number four hundred sixty-five of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-seven and acts supplementary and amendatory thereof, and to repeal all acts. and parts of acts inconsistent herewith" is hereby amended to read as follows: Council may issue bonds for street improvements. Proviso as to amount. Relative to issuance, pay. TITLE VI. SEC. 19. To meet the expense of improving streets in said city by paving, grading, graveling or otherwise in anticipation of the collection of the assessments and taxes to defray the expense and cost thereof, the common council may, by resolution, with the approval of the board of estimates, authorize and direct the mayor, controller and clerk of said city to borrow such an amount of money as may be required in any one year for such purpose and to issue bonds of said city therefor, bearing interest at the rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, which shall be charge able to and paid by the proper taxing district: Provided. That the total amount of bonds which the common council is thus authorized to issue shall not exceed six hundred thousand dol lars outstanding at any one time. The common council may. ment, etc., of when any of the above improvements are made, authorize that the bonds for making said improvements shall run for a period of not less than five nor more than ten years. And the amount of bonds which may be issued for such purpose shall be made payable in annual equal parts, as ordered by the common council. The said bonds to be indorsed "Street improvement bonds. of the taxing district," and to be numbered or lettered consecutively. Said bonds shall not be sold for less than par and the proceeds of the same shall be paid to the city treasurer, and by him placed to the credit of the "Street improvement fund" of the proper taxing district. All said bonds shall be paid at maturity and the common council shall not have the power to authorize the re-issue of the same bonds or of bonds to take up said original bonds. bonds. Repealing clause. ... SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts in so far as they are in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 539.] AN ACT to amend section three of chapter one; section one of chapter two; sections three, six and thirteen of chapter three; sections four, eight and nine of chapter four; sections one, six, eleven and sixteen of chapter six; sections three, nineteen, twenty-two, thirty-one, forty-five, forty-seven, fifty, fifty-three, fifty-four and fifty-five of chapter seven; section one of chapter thirteen; sections one, three and nineteen of chapter fifteen; sections five, seven, nine, thirteen, twentynine and thirty-five of chapter seventeen; section two of chapter twenty-three of act number three hundred ninety of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-five and the amend ments thereto, entitled "An act to amend and revise the charter of the city of Port Huron," approved June seventeenth, eighteen hundred eighty-five. The People of the State of Michigan enact: amended. SECTION 1. Section three of chapter one; section one of Sections chapter two; sections three, six and thirteen of chapter three; sections four, eight and nine of chapter four; sections one, six, eleven and sixteen of chapter six; sections three, nineteen. twenty-two, thirty-one, forty-five, forty-seven, fifty, fifty-three,. fifty-four and fifty-five of chapter seven; section one of chapter thirteen; sections one, three and nineteen of chapter fifteen; sections five, seven, nine, thirteen, twenty-nine and thirty-five of chapter seventeen; section two of chapter twenty-three of act number three hundred ninety of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-five and the amendments thereto, entitled "An, act to amend and revise the charter of the city of Port Huron," approved June seventeenth, eighteen hundred eighty-five, are hereby amended so as to read as follows: CHAPTER I. to contain. SEC. 3. The territorial limits of said city shall consist of Territory city all that tract of country in the county of St. Clair. bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point in the national boundary line at St. Clair river where the same would be intersected by the section line projected between sections twenty-one and twenty-eight in town six, north range seventeen east, thence running westerly along said section line to the east line of the highway known as River Road, thence north along said east line to the north line of the highway between said sections; thence running westerly along the north line of said highway to its intersection with the east line of the highway running northerly along the section line between sections twenty and twenty-one; thence north along said east line of highway to the south line of Goulden street according to Factory Land Company plat number one; thence east along the said south line of Goulden street to the west line of Twentyeighth street according to said plat; thence south along the west line of said Twenty-eighth street to the south line of Conner street according to said plat; thence easterly along the south line of said Conner street to the west line of Electric avenue, according to said plat; thence north along said west line of Electric avenue to its connection with the west line of Twenty-fourth street; thence north along the west line of Twenty-fourth street to the north line of Moak street, according to said plat; thence west along the north line of Moak street to the east line of said highway known as Thirtysecond street and running north between sections twenty and twenty-one; thence north along said east line to the south line of highway known as Dove street and running east along the center line between sections sixteen and twenty-one; thence |