running east along the south line of said Dove street to the east line of highway known as Twenty-fourth street and running north along the center of sections sixteen and nine; thence north along the east line of said Twenty-fourth street to the north line of Howard street; thence west along the north line of said Howard street extended, to a point where the Indian reservation line intersects said highway, thence in a northwesterly direction along said Indian reservation line to the south line of the Bonhomme tract; thence northeasterly along the south line of said Bonhomme tract to the center of Black river; thence up the middle line of Black river to a point where the same would be intersected by the northwest corner of the McNeil tract in the township of Fort Gratiot; thence easterly along the north line of said McNeil tract to a point where the west line of Lakeside cemetery intersects the north line of said tract; thence north along the west boundary of said Lakeside cemetery, said line being the west line of east fractional part of section twenty-seven in town seven north, range seventeen east, to the north line of said section twenty-seven; thence east along the line of said section twenty-seven and the north line of fractional section twenty-six to the westerly line of the highway known as the Lakeside turnpike or extension of Gratiot avenue; thence northerly along the west line of said last named highway to the north line of section twenty-two, town seven north, range seventeen east; thence east along said north line of said section twenty-two to the national boundary line in Lake Huron, and thence southerly along said national boundary line in Lake Huron and River St. Clair to the place of beginning. And the controller of the city of Port Huron shall eliminate from the assessment rolls of said city all property not embraced in the above description of territory and that the remainder of said assessment roll shall constitute the assessment roll of the said city of Port Huron without further action on the part of said city or any of its officers. Relative to election, term. etc., of officers. Proviso. CHAPTER II. SECTION 1. The following officers of the corporation shall be elected on the city ticket at every general biennial election in said city by the qualified voters thereof to wit: A mayor, city clerk, city treasurer, and one member of the board of estimates, who shall hold their respective offices for the term of two years and until their successors are elected and have qualified. In each ward there shall be elected at every annual election, by the qualified voters thereof, which shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year, one alderman, for the term of two years, and one member of the board of estimates and one constable, for the term of one year each: Provided, That when it becomes necessary by reason of a change of boundary of any ward, to elect two aldermen, one shall be elected for one year and one for two years. The aldermen of said city shall receive, to be paid out of the city treasury, a proviso. compensation of five dollars for each and every regular meeting CHAPTER III. when held. elected. SEC. 3. The next city election of said city shall be held at City elections, the general biennial election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in the year nineteen hundred four, and thereafter an election shall be held in said city on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in each year; at the election to omcers to be be held at the general biennial election of nineteen hundred four, there shall be elected a mayor, city clerk, city treasurer, and one member of the board of estimates, and each and every of said officers, except the treasurer, shall assume the duties of the office to which he is elected, on the first Monday in January following, except the city treasurer, who shall assume the duties of his office on the first day of May following. There shall also be elected at said biennial election in the year nineteen hundred four, in the several wards of said city, one alderman for one year and one alderman for two years and one member of the board of estimates and one constable for the term of one year each, and annually thereafter, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year, one alderman for two years and one member of the board of estimates and one constable for one year each, and such officers shall assume the duties of their office on the first day of January next following their election, and the present incumbents of said offices shall hold and retain their respective offices until the first Monday in Wards to be election districts. Proviso. Who to appoint clerks. Who declared elected. January nineteen hundred five, when they shall cease to be officers of said city. Each ward shall be an election district and such election shall be held at such place in each ward as the common council shall designate; each elector shall vote in the ward in which he resides and the residence of an elector under this act shall be in the ward in which he lodges: Provided, That the common council shall have the power to designate and define the boundaries of two election districts in any of the wards of said city if the number of votes in such wards shall exceed four hundred; that such number is to be determined by the number of votes cast at the last preceding election. In case of two election districts being established in any of the wards of said city, it shall be the duty of the common council to appoint the necessary boards of election inspectors and provide for the holding of election in such district. SEC. 6. The inspectors in each ward before the opening of the polls shall appoint two competent clerks of the election who shall take the same oath as the inspectors which oath either of said inspectors may administer, and they shall perform the duties of clerks of said election. Said inspectors shall also at the same time appoint two gate keepers who shall perform all the duties required of gate keepers under the general laws of the State relating to elections. SEC. 13. In the canvass of the votes, any person who has received a plurality of the votes for any office, shall be declared duly elected to such office. Certain officers to file bonds. Proviso as to signing. Further proviso. Council may require new bonds. CHAPTER IV. SEC. 4. The treasurer, clerk, city attorney, controller, and superintendent of public works shall respectively, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, and such other officers as the council may direct. file in the clerk's office an official bond in such sum and with such sureties as the common council shall direct and approve: Provided, That the bonds filed by the treasurer, clerk, controller and superintendent of public works respectively shall be signed by some responsible surety company authorized to do business in the State of Michigan, and such bonds shall be approved by the common council before the person giving such bond shall enter upon the duties of his office: Provided, That the common council shall reim burse the treasurer, clerk, controller and superintendent of public works for the premiums paid for the purpose of procur ing such bonds. SEC. 8. The common council may at any time require any officer, whether elected or appointed, to execute and file with the clerk of the city, new official bonds in the same or in such further sums, and with such new and other or further sureties as said common council may deem requisite for the best interests of the corporation. The common council may require such bonds to be furnished within a period of not less than fifteen days, and unless such bond be furnished within the time fixed, the office held by the officer so required to furnish a new official bond shall thereby be vacated and the vacancy may be filled in the manner provided in the charter of said city. SEC. 9. The common council shall examine into the suffi- To examine sureties. ciency of the proposed sureties on any official bond, or instrument in writing, required by this act, or in any contract in writing to which the corporation or any officer or board, except the board of education, under this act, shall be a party in interest and except in cases of surety companies, may require such sureties to submit to an examination under oath as to their property and responsibility. The deposition of the surety shall be reduced to writing, shall be signed by him and there shall be attached thereto a schedule of the property owned by such surety or sureties upon which such responsibility is based, together with a list of such incumbrance or incumbrances as exist thereon. The deposition of the sureties or surety shall be signed by such sureties and certified by the person taking the same, and affixed to and filed with the instrument in writing to which it relates. CHAPTER VI. duties of SECTION 1. The mayor shall be the chief executive officer of Powers and the city of Port Huron, and conservator of its peace. It shall mayor. be his duty to keep an office in some convenient place in said city, to be provided by the common council, to see that all officers of said city faithfully comply with and discharge their official duties; to see that all laws pertaining to the municipal government of said city, and all ordinances and resolu tions of the common council, be faithfully observed and executed, and he shall have power in his discretion to report to the common council any violation thereof. He shall, from time to time, give to the common council such information and recommend such measures as he shall deem necessary or expedient. He shall, by virtue of his office, be the chairman of the common council, and it shall be his duty to preside at all meetings thereof. He shall receive an annual salary of six hundred dollars, to be paid monthly out of the treasury of said city. duties of treasurer. SEC. 6. The treasurer shall have the custody of all moneys, Powers and bonds, mortgages, notes, leases and evidences of value belonging to the corporation and every board or officer thereof, except as hereinafter provided. He shall receive all moneys belonging to and receivable by the corporation except as hereinbefore provided in section five of this chapter, and shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures thereof. For all moneys received by him, except for general or special taxes, he shall give duplicate receipts, one to the party paying such money, and the other to the city controller, specifying the purpose for which such money was paid and the fund to which it properly belongs; he shall pay no money out of the treasury except on a warrant signed by the controller, which shall specify the purpose for which the amount thereof is to be paid, except that on the first day of March in each year, or within ten days thereafter he shall pay over to the county treasurer the amount of all State and county taxes collected by him. He shall keep an accurate account of, and be charged with all taxes and moneys appropriated, raised or received for each fund of the corporation; shall keep a separate account for each fund and shall pay every warrant out of the particular fund constituted or raised for the purpose for which such warrant was issued and which shall have the name of such fund endorsed thereon by the controller. He shall also keep an accurate account of all moneys received, with the date of such receipt and of the purpose for which same was received, in a book to be kept in his office for such purposes, and shall also keep an accurate account in a book to be kept in his office and provided for such purpose, of all checks drawn by him upon the treasury and all warrants endorsed by him, together with all moneys on deposit, showing ing the place where and amount of such deposit, and shall keep such further books of account as the common council may by ordinance determine to be necessary for the benefit and protection of the city and by resolution direct. All moneys received shall at the time of their receipt be entered upon such books, and all moneys deposited also be entered upon such books and all checks drawn upon any of the funds of said city, and all warrants endorsed for payment shall also at the time of such drawing or endorsement be entered upon such books, which shall be kept in such manner that they will at all times show the exact amount of money on hand be longing to the city, and the place or places where such money is kept or deposited. He shall keep an accurate account and report to the common council at the end of each quarter a detailed statement of all taxes collected and money received as well as money disbursed. He shall make a monthly detailed statement to the controller of the amount received and credited by him to each fund, and on what account received, and shall also, when required, exhibit a general statement showing the financial condition of the treasury, which account, report and statement shall be filed in the office of the controller. The treasurer shall keep an office in the city hall, where the books and accounts in his charge belonging to the city, shall be open to the inspection of any taxpayer of said city at reasonable hours in any week day. When any bonds. coupons, warrants, the place of payment of which is not otherwise designated, shall be presented for payment, the treasurer shall not discriminate as to parties holding coupons, warrants or other lawful demands. The city treasurer shall collect all the State and county taxes assessed and imposed upon the real and personal property of said city, and also all city, highway, sewer and school taxes, and all such special taxes |