alter plans. Council may the common council by resolution. The common council may at any time, alter said plans and specifications, and any such change made by the common council and the proceedings authorizing such change or deviation shall be by the city clerk attached to the original contract and specifications. In case any officer or other person employed by or representing the city shall knowingly permit or allow any deviation from the plans and specifications as shown by the record in the office of the city clerk, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding ninety days in the common jail, upon conviction thereof before the police justice in the city of Port Huron. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Sections amended. [No. 543.] AN ACT to amend sections sixty-nine, eighty-eight, one hundred and one hundred thirty-a of an act, entitled "An act to reincorporate the city of Ann Arbor, revise the charter of said city and repeal all conflicting acts relating thereto," being act number three hundred thirty-one of the Local Acts of Michigan of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, as amended by act number two hundred sixty-two of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, approved March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred ninety-one, as amended by act number two hundred eighty-two of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, approved April tenth, eighteen hundred ninety-one, as amended by act number three hundred sixty-eight of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-three, approved April twentyseventh, eighteen hundred ninety-three, as amended by act number three hundred thirty-six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five, approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred ninety-five, as amended by act number four hundred sixty-nine of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, approved June second, eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by act number three hundred fifty-six of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, as amended by act number two hundred seventy-eight of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, approved February sixteenth, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, as amended by act number three hundred ninety-two of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, approved May tenth, eighteen hundred ninetynine. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Sections sixty-nine, eighty-eight, one hundred and one hundred thirty-a of an act, entitled "An act to rein corporate the city of Ann Arbor, revise the charter of said city tion of offcers SEC. 69. The officers of said corporation shall be entitled Compensato receive out of the city treasury the following sums in full payment of their services. The mayor shall be paid one dollar per annum; the city clerk shall receive one thousand dollars per annum; the city attorney shall receive six hundred dollars per annum; the treasurer shall be entitled to receive such sum as the common council shall allow, not exceeding one hundred dollars per annum: Provided, That the said treasurer shall Proviso. be entitled to receive, in addition to such salary the fees hereinafter provided for collecting the taxes to be levied and collected in said city. The marshal shall be entitled to receive such compensation not exceeding eighty-three and thirty-three one-hundredths dollars per month, as the common council shall allow; the assessor shall receive one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; the justices of the peace and the constables shall be allowed the same fees as are by law allowed to corresponding township officers; supervisors and all other officers of said city shall be entitled to receive such compensation as the common council shall allow, not exceeding two dollars per day for every day actually employed in the performance of the duties of their respective offices: Provided further, That the Further common council may increase the compensation of any officer proviso. whenever authorized thereto by majority vote of the qualified electors of the said city voting at any annual charter election, ten days notice having been given of the proposed increase. Powers of council. SEC. 88. The common council, in addition to the powers and duties specially conferred upon them by this act, shall have the management and control of the finances, rights, interests, buildings and all property, real and personal, belonging to the city, and make such orders and by-laws relating to the same as they May regulate shall deem proper and necessary; and further, they shall have by ordinance. power, within said city, to enact, make, continue, modify, establish, amend and repeal such ordinances, by-laws and regulations as they may deem desirable, within said city, for the following purposes: Public peace. Disorderly houses. Intoxicating liquors. Proviso as to certain part of city. Exhibitions. Nuisances. First, To prevent vice and immorality, to preserve public peace and good order, to organize, maintain and regulate a police force of the city, to prevent and quell riots, disturbances and disorderly assemblages, to prevent the violation of the Sabbath and the disturbance of any religious congregation, or any other public meeting assembled for any lawful purpose. To license newsboys, prohibit the sale of indecent and obscene newspapers, or other indecent or obscene publications, and authorize the seizure and destruction of the same; Second, To restrain and prevent disorderly and gaming houses and houses of ill-fame, and to seize and destroy all instruments and devices used for gaming, and to prohibit all mock auctions, gaming and fraudulent practices and devices, and to regulate and restrain billiard tables and bowling alleys; Third, To forbid and prevent the vending or other disposition of liquors and intoxicating drinks in violation of the laws of this State, and to forbid the selling or giving to be drank any intoxicating or fermented liquors to any common drunkard, or to any child or young person, and to prohibit, restrain and regulate the sale of all goods, wares, and personal property at auction, except in cases of sales authorized by law, and to fix the fees to be paid by and to auctioneers: Provided, That no person shall keep a saloon or other place except a drug store, where any spirituous, malt, brewed, fermented, vinous or intoxicating liquors are sold, or kept for sale, at wholesale, or retail, in all that part of the city of Ann Arbor lying south and east of the following described line: Beginning on Fuller street at the city limits of said city and running thence westerly along Fuller street to Detroit street; thence southwesterly along Detroit street to Division street; thence south on Division street and Division street as extended south to the city limits south of said city of Ann Arbor; Fourth, To prohibit. restrain and regulate all sports, exhibitions of natural or artificial curiosities, caravans of animals, theatrical exhibitions, circuses, or other public performances and exhibitions for money, except exhibitions of agricul tural, educational or religious societies or associations, or local musical societies; Fifth, To abate or remove nuisances of every kind, and to compel the owner or occupant of any grocery, tallow-chandler shop, butcher's stall, slaughter-house, glue, starch or soap factory, establishment for rendering tallow, lard or oil, and all establishments where any nauseous, offensive, or unwholesome business may be carried on, blacksmiths', coopers', cabinet makers', carpenters' and joiners' shops, and all buildings, business and establishments of any kind usually classed as extra hazardous in respect to fire; tannery and stable, privy, hog-pen, sewer, or any other offensive or unwholesome house or place, to cleanse, remove or abate the same from time to time, as often as the health, comfort and convenience or safety of the inhabitants of said city may require; houses, etc. Sixth, To direct the location of all slaughterhouses, markets, Slaughter stables, and building for storing gunpowder or other combustibles or explosive substances; Seventh, To regulate the buying, carrying, selling and using Explosives. of gunpowder, fire crackers or fireworks manufactured or prepared therefrom, and other combustible materials, and the exhibitions of fireworks, and the discharge of firearms, and lights in barns, stables and other buildings, and to restrain the making of bonfires in streets and yards; brances. Eighth, To prevent the encumbering of streets, sidewalks, Encumcross-walks, lanes, alleys, bridges or aqueducts, drains or ditches, in any manner whatever; Ninth, To prevent and punish horse racing and immoderate Racing. driving or riding in any street, or over any bridge, and to authorize the stopping and detaining of any person who shall be guilty of immoderate driving or riding in any street or over any bridge in said city; Tenth, To determine and designate the routes and grades of Railroads. any railroad coming into or passing through said city, and to restrain and regulate the use of locomotives, engines, and cars upon any railroad within the city; -Eleventh, To prohibit or regulate bathing in any public Bathing. water, or in any open or conspicuous place, or any indecent exposure of the person in the city; Twelfth, To arrest and punish drunkards and persons found Drunkards. drunk in the streets, lanes, alleys or public places of said city, disorderly persons, vagrants, common prostitutes, street walkers, mendicants, street beggars and persons soliciting alms and subscriptions for any purposes whatever; Thirteenth, To establish and regulate one or more pounds, Pounds. and to restrain and regulate the running at large of horses, cattle, swine and other animals, geese and poultry, and to authorize the impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred and the cost of keeping and impounding; Fourteenth, To prevent and regulate the running at large Dogs. of dogs, and to impose taxes on the owners of dogs, and to prevent dog fights in the city; carcasses, etc. Fifteenth, To prohibit any person from bringing or deposit- Dead ing within the limits of said city any dead carcasses or other unwholesome or offensive substances, and to require the removal or destruction thereof; and if any person shall have on his premises such substances or any putrid meats, fish, hides or skins of any kind, and shall neglect or refuse to remove the Sidewalks. Auctions. Watchmen. Buildings. Cemeteries. Markets. Proviso. Waterworks. Sextons, undertakers, scavengers, etc. same when ordered, to authorize the removal or destruction thereof, as a public nuisance, by some officer of the city; Sixteenth, To compel all persons to keep sidewalks in front of premises owned or occupied by them, clear from snow, ice, dirt, wood or other obstruction; Seventeenth, To regulate the ringing of bells and crying of goods and other commodities for sale at auction or otherwise, and to prevent disturbing noises in the streets; Eighteenth, To appoint and prescribe the powers and duties of watchmen, and the fines and penalties for their delinquencies; Nineteenth, To prohibit, restrain or regulate within such parts of the city as they may deem expedient, and prescribe the building, rebuilding, enlarging, repairing or placing of wooden buildings therein; to regulate and establish the line upon which buildings may be erected upon any street, lane or alley in said city, and to compel such buildings to be erected upon such line, by fine upon the owner or builder thereof, not to exceed five hundred dollars; Twentieth. To provide for obtaining, holding, regulating and managing burial grounds, within or without the city, when established for the benefit thereof; and to regulate the burial of the dead, and to compel the keeping and return of bills of mortality; Twenty-first, To establish, order and regulate market places, to regulate the vending of wood, hay, meat, vegetables, fruits, fish and provisions of all kinds, and prescribe the time and place of selling the same, and the fees to be paid by butchers. for license; to prohibit the sale of unwholesome meat, poultry, fish, vegetables or other articles of food or provisions; impure, spurious or adulterated wine, spirituous liquors or beer, or knowingly keeping or offering the same for sale; and to provide for and regulate the inspection of animals used for food, and the slaughter of the same: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall authorize the common council to restrict in any way the sale of fresh and wholesome meats by the quarter within the limits of the city; Twenty-second, To establish, regulate and preserve public reservoirs, wells, penstocks and pumps, and to prevent the waste of water; and to authorize and employ, under such regulations and upon such terms and conditions as they may choose, the laying of water pipes in the streets and alleys of the city, for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of said city with water; and to grant such exclusive privileges as they may deem expedient to any company organized to supply said city and its inhabitants with water; and to contract with such company to supply the city with water for fire and other public purposes; Twenty-third, To regulate sextons and undertakers for burying the dead. cartmen and their carts, hackney carriages and their drivers, omnibuses and their drivers, scavengers, porters and chimney sweeps, and their fees and compensation; and |