Supervisors' Room, Court House, January 9th, 1902, 2 o'clock p. m. Pursuant to adjournment the board met in the supervisors' room, in the court house, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Present at roll call-Supervisors Curtis, Given, Harrison, Hawkins, Lewis, Metzger, McCoy. Osborn, Parker, Price, Seaman, Smith, Stevenson, Sparling, Taylor, Tremblay, Wright and Stradley. (18) Absent-Supervisors Field and Vanderhook. The minutes of the proceedings of the board of January 7th, and of yesterday were read and approved and signed. The committee to whom was referred the petition for the division of the township of Superior presented the following report: January 9th. 1902. Honorable Board of Supervisors, County of Chippewa : Gentlemen-Your committee to whom was referred the matter of dividing Superior township, would respectfully recommend that the petition favoring division be granted, eliminating section 31, Tp. 47 N., R. 2 W. Signed. Fred R. Price, J. W. Sparling, N. L. Field, Geo. Wright, W. H. Lewis. In the matter of the application of certain freeholders for the erection and organization of a new township to be called Bay Mills, in the county of Chippewa and State of Michigan. On motion of Supervisor Price, supported by Supervisor Sparling, Resolved, That, whereas an application has been duly made and filed with the board of supervisors of the county of Chippewa and State of Michigan, by James Bertram, Stephen Burns, John Yon, Joe Hazel, Lewis Wilks, Fabian Revail, John Hill, Alexander McKay, S. J. Johnston, John Mills, Benj. Vanluvan, W. S. Esson, Napoleon Forrest, Bert Hambleton, C. W. Erickson, David McKay, Ernest Orr, D. C. McKiddie, Augustus Bertram, Patrick O'Reilly, F. F. Evans, James Lawless, Alex. Wynn, David Crowley, John McKay, Hector McKay, Calvin Vanluvan, George Robinson, William Collins, James O'Brien, Ed. Florence, Thos. Darcy, Donald McLellan, J. J. Sullivan, Eli Neversorry, James Sutton, Alfred Videau, John Galbraith, James Bertram. Jr., Joseph Teeple, Henry Mills, William McKay, Alfred Scales, C. L. Perkins, Thos. Scott, Nap. StLouis, Wm. J. Graham, P. J. Clow, Annias Morris, freeholders residing in the said township to be affected thereby. All of whom are freeholders and reside in the township to be affected thereby for the erection and organization into a new township of the territory hereinafter described and the said board having been furnished with a map of all the property to be affected thereby and it appearing to said board by due proof that notice in writing of such intended application signed by at least twelve freehold. ers of the township to be thereby affected has been duly posted up and published in the manner and during the time requirerd by law, and it also appearing to said board upon consideration thereof that said application ought to be granted. Thereupon it is ordered and determined by the said board that the territory described as follows, to wit: All of town forty-seven (47) north, range two (2) west, in said county of Chippewa, and State of Michigan. excepting and reserving therefrom, section thirty-one (31), of said township, be and the same is hereby erected and organized into a new town ship to be called and known as the township of Bay Mills, and that the first annual township meeting therein shall be held in the building known as and called Town Hall, at Bay Mills, Michigan, on the 7th day of April next, and that John W. Sparling, John Galbraith, Amos Scanlan, three electors of such township, are hereby designated as the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at said township meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls and to exercise the same powers and authority as the inspectors of any township meeting may exercise under the laws of the State of Michigan. Carried as follows: Yeas-Supervisors Curtis, Given, Harrison, Hawkins, Lewis, Metzger, McCoy, Osborn, Parker. Price, Seaman, Smith, Stevenson, Sparling, Taylor, Tremblay, Wright, and Stradley.—(18.) Nays none. The board thereupon adjourned until tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. JOHN G. STRADLEY, Chairman. JNO. E. PARSILLE, Clerk. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Office of County Clerk. SS. I, John E. Parsille, clerk of the board of supervisors of said county, do hereby certify that the annexed is a true and accurate copy of original resolution passed and adopted by the board of supervisors. on the ninth day of January, 1902 A. D., in my custody and keeping as such clerk of the board of supervisors; that I have carefully compared said copy with said resolution relating to the erection and organization of a new township to be called and known as the township of Bay Mills, in Chippewa county, Michigan, and that the same is a true and accurate copy of said original and of the whole of the same. [L. S.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the circuit court of said county this fifteenth day of April, 1902 A. D. JNO. E. PARSILLE, Clerk. CLARE COUNTY. In the matter of the incorporation of the township of Lincoln. Harrison, Mich., October 14, 1902, 8 o'clock a. m. Board called to order by the Chairman. Roll called. Members present and absent, as follows: Present-Mr. Carey, Carson. Chapin, Clark, Gordanier, Gordon. Hampton, Jackson, Jennings, Kelley, Lacy, Looker, McDonald, McIntosh, Pierce, Seamon, Stoll, Vanbenschoten, Wilson, Wright and Brown.-Total 21. Absent-None. Mr. Chapin submitted to the board the petition praying for the organization of a new township to be known as the township of Lincoln, and to be comprised of townships 18 N. R. 5 W. and 18 N. R. 6. W., and read said petition to the board, and after having so submitted said petition, and the papers attached and pertaining thereto, offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the petition of the freeholders of 17-5 and 18-5 and 18-6 be received and accepted and the prayer of said petitioners be granted, and that a new township comprised of townships 18 north of range 5 west and township 18 north of range 6 west be detached from said township of Surrey and erected and organized into a new township; that said new township be named "Lincoln." That the first annual township meeting thereof be held in the school house in and for school district No. 5 of 18-5 situated on section eight in township 18 north of range 5 west at Lake George on the fifteenth day of December, A. D. 1902, and that the following named persons shall be named as the electors to preside at said meeting, namely, J. R. Borst, James M. Wellman and L. B. Updike; that the first township meeting to be held in the township of Surrey hereafter, from which the above mentioned township is set off, namely, township 17 north of range 5 west, shall be held on the first Monday in April, 1903, in the town hall situated in Surrey township (village of Farwell) in township 17 north of range 5 west, and that A. J. Darling be appointed to post notices of the first annual town meeting to be held in said new township, and that N. D. Watkins be appointed to post notices of the first annual town meeting to be held in said township of Surrey, to wit. township 17 north of range 5 west, as required by Sec. 2489 of Compiled Laws of 1897. E. R. Chapin. The resolution being before the board, and subject to discussion, Thereupon Mr. Kelley presented and read to the board, a petition remonstrating against the organization of such new township, signed by divers persons residing in the townships to be affected thereby, and Mr. Kelley moved, as an amendment to said resolution, that the said petition and all papers pertaining thereto, as well as the said petition of remonstrance, be referred to the prosecuting attorney for his opinion thereon as to the legality of the proceedings with reference to such organization of such new township, and that said prosecuting attorney report, with his opinion thereon to this board on Thursday next, at 1:30 o'clock p. m. Which motion prevailed. The question then being upon the original resolution, as amended, the same prevailed. JOHN GORDON, Chairman. F. M. MORRISSEY, County Clerk. Harrison, Mich., October 16th, 1902, 7:30 o'clock a. m. Board called to order by the chairman. Roll called. Members present and absent, as follows: Present-Mr. Brown, Carey, Carson, Chapin, Clark, Gordanier, Gordon, Hampton, Jackson, Jennings, Kelley. Lacy, Looker, McDonald, McIntosh, Pierce, Seamon, Stoll, Vanbenschoten, Wilson and Wright.-Total 21. Absent-None. Thursday, 1:30 p. m. Mr. Kelley moved that the matter of the application and the petition for the organization of the new township of Lincoln be taken up by the board. Which motion prevailed. The written opinion of the prosecuting attorney, as to the legality of the proceedings in said application and petition was reported to the board, and read by the clerk. Mr. Chapin moved that the resolution granting the prayer contained in said petition, heretofore offered, be adopted. After considerable discussion, and after hearing persons resident of said townships to be affected by the organization of such new township, who were interested in the proceedings with reference to such application and petition, the resolution was put upon its passage, the same prevailing by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas-Mr. Brown, Carey, Chapin, Clark, Gordanier. Gordon, Hampton, Jackson, Jennings, Looker. McIntosh, Pierce, Seamon, Stoll, Vanbenschoten, Wilson and Wright.-17. Nays-None. I, Francis M. Morrissey, clerk of said county, and of the circuit court thereof, the same being a court of record, having a seal, do hereby certify, that I have compared the foregoing copy of the record of the action of the board of supervisors of said county, in the matter of the organization of the new township of Lincoln, in said county, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office and find the same to be a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original record. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said circuit court, at Harrison, in said county, this fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1902. [L. S.] FRANCIS M. MORRISSEY, County Clerk of Clare County. HOUGHTON COUNTY. In the matter of the petition of certain freeholders to detach certain lands from the township of Hancock, in the county of Houghton, and to organize the same into a new township. The township of Stanton. A meeting of the board of supervisors for the county of Houghton was held pursuant to adjournment at the office of the county clerk, in the village of Houghton in said county, on Tuesday, April 14, A. D. 1902. The following preamble and resolution were presented: WHEREAS, Written application has been made to this board, signed by twelve and more freeholders of the township of Hancock in the county of Houghton, residing in that part of the territory of said township not included within the territory sought to be set off from said township and erected into a new township, and by twelve and more freeholders of said township of Hancock residing in that portion of its territory sought to be set off, praying that a certain portion of said township of Hancock. containing lands, a description of which is hereinafter fully set forth, be set off from and taken out of said township of Hancock and be erected into a new township to be called the township of Redridge. AND WHEREAS, It appears to the board by written proof and by affidavit on file that notice in writing of such intended application subscribed by more than twenty-four freeholders of said township, twelve and more of whom reside in that portion of said township sought to be set off and twelve and more of whom reside in that portion of said township outside of that sought to be set off, was duly posted, according to law, in five and more of the most public places in the said township of Hancock, that being the only township affected by said application, four weeks and upwards next previous to the day when such application is to be presented to the board, according to said notice, and that a true copy of such notice has been published, according to law, once in each week for four successive weeks and upwards immediately preceding the day named in said notice for the hearing of said matter, in the Daily Mining Gazette, a newspaper printed and published in the said county of Houghton, the first publication being on the 1st day of March, 1902, and the last publication being on the 5th day of April, 1902, and said application for the erection of such new township now coming on duly to be heard before the board on the day and at the time and place at which such application was noticed to be heard as in and by said notice on file with the clerk of the board will appear, and by a vote of this board the further consideration of said matter having been adjourned and postponed to a meeting of this board to be held on the 14th day of April, 1902, at the same place, and the matter of said petition having again come before this board at said adjourned time and having been further considered. Now, after hearing the reasons of such application and the reasons against the same and due consideration being had by the board thereon, it is now resolved, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, as follows: That in accordance with the request of said application, this board having been furnished with a map of all the townships to be affected by the proposed division showing the proposed alterations, said application be and the same is hereby granted and that the following described territory, being now part and parcel of the said township of Hancock in this county, be and the same is hereby detached from said township of Hancock and erected and formed into a new township in said county to be designated and known by the name of the township of Stanton. That the first annual meeting of said new township of Stanton be held at the school house in the place called and known as Redridge, in the same territory hereinafter described on the 5th day of May, 1902, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and shall remain open according to law in such case made, and that the following persons residing in the territory hereinafter described, to wit: Frederick G. Coggin, Albert Everett and Wil |