east and west center line of sections five and six of Monguagon township on the north; the Detroit river on the east; George street of Trenton village and the line of George street as extended westerly on the south, and a line 600 feet west of and parallel to the right of way of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company on the west. And we respectfully represent that said territory contains more than one square mile of area and a resident population of more than three hundred persons, viz., four hundred and fifty-six, according to an accurate census caused to be made by your petitioners. Thomas Smith and others. By Supervisor Lynch: Resolved, That the village of Sibley, in the township of Monguagon, be and hereby is granted the powers of incorporation with boundaries fixed according to the original plat named in the prayer of the petitioners; and be it further Resolved, That the date of the first election of village officers in and for said village of Sibley be and the same is hereby fixed for Friday, the eighth day of August, A. D. 1902. The polls of said election to be open from 7 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Said election to be held at the office of the Sibley Quarry Co., in said proposed village of Sibley, and this board doth appoint Henry Barron, Daniel Cummings, Thomas Smith and Joseph La Belle, four discreet persons legally quali fied and residing within the said territory, as inspectors of election at said first election, and to constitute a board of registration for the first election in and for said village of Sibley. By Supervisor Lynch: Moved the report be received and the resolution be adopted. Which was adopted by the following vote: Yeas-Supervisors Atyeo, Benton, Bouchard, Brown, Burnham, Buckley, Campbell. Chilson, Day, Dederichs, DeLisle, Freda, Hurst, Jerome, Jones, King, Koch (Louis), Koenig, Lemke, Lynch, McGuire, Megges, Moeller, Monaghan, Nash, Nevermann, Root, Stiles, Tossy, Underwood, Vernier, Weber, Weibel, and the Chairman.-34. Nays-Supervisors Codd, Crowley, Haarer, Houghton, Joy, Keating, Liphardt, Rutter, Steiger.-9. I, Wm. H. McGregor, clerk of Wayne county, and clerk of the circuit court for the county of Wayne, do hereby certify, that the above and the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a portion of petition and resolu tion of board of supervisors, in session June 24th, 1902, granting permission to incorporate the village of Sibley, entered in the above entitled cause by said court, as appears of record in my office. That I have compared the same with the original, and it is a true transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. [L. S.] IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court and county, at Detroit, this 10th day of July, A. D. 1902. WM. H. McGREGOR, Clerk. By CLINTON L. WILCOX, WAYNE COUNTY. In the matter of the incorporation of the village of St. Clair Heights. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen-Your special committee, to whom was referred the petition of Edward A. Newberry et al. for the incorporation of a village, to be known as the village of St. Clair Heights, and also the remonstrance against said incorporation presented by various parties, beg leave to report that they have carefully considered this matter and have listened to the arguments for and against said incorporation, and, after careful consideration, believe that the said territory should be incorporated into a village, and therefore recommend that the prayer of the petitioners for said incorporation be granted, and herewith offer the following resolution. Respectfully submitted. Geo. P. Codd, Patrick O'Brien, Maurice J. Keating, Edmund C. Vernier. Resolutions by Supervisor Codd: Detroit, Mich., October, 1903. WHEREAS, Upon the 12th day of October, 1903, an application was made to this body by petition of Edward A. Newberry and others, being legal voters residing within the territory hereinafter described and bounded, praying for the incorporation of said territory as a village, to be known as the village of St. Clair Heights; and WHEREAS, The advisability of incorporating such territory as a village has been considered by this board. Therefore, Be it resolved, That an order be and the same is hereby made and granted to Edward A. Newberry and other petitioners, being legal voters residing within that portion of Gratiot and Grosse Pointe townships, Wayne county, Michigan, more particularly hereinafter described and bounded, to incorporate and hereby incorporating said territory as a village under the name of "The Village of St. Clair Heights," in accordance with the provisions of "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the State of Michigan, and defining their powers and duties," being act No. 3 of the Public Acts of 1895, of the State of Michigan, and known as chapter 87 of the Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan of 1897, and acts amendatory thereof. Said territory being described as follows: All that territory situate in the townships of Gratiot and Grosse Pointe, in said county and State, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of the Butler road, so called, with the easterly line of the city of Detroit; thence easterly along said center line of the Butler road to the point of intersection of said center line of the Butler road with the westerly shore line of Connors creek; thence in a southerly direction following said westerly shore line of Connors creek to the point of intersection of said westerly shore line of Connors creek with the center line of the Shoemaker road; thence in a southwesterly direction along the center line of said Shoemaker road to the point of intersection of said center line of the Shoemaker road with the easterly line of private claim 26; thence southerly along the easterly line of said private claim 26 to the point of intersection of said easterly line of private claim 26 with the northerly line of the village of Fairview; thence westerly along said northerly line of the village of Fairview to the easterly limits of the city of Detroit; thence northerly following the line of the easterly limits of the city of Detroit to the place of beginning, containing in all more than a square mile of land. In making and granting this order this board determines: That it is advisable to incorporate all of the said above described territory as a village, under the name of "The Village of St. Clair Heights," and the same shall be an incorporated village under said name. That said territory contains and comprises more than a square mile of land and is not, nor is any portion thereof, included within the limits of any incorporated village. That an accurate census has been taken of the population of said territory, and that said territory contains more than the number of persons required by law for the incorporation thereof. That the proper notices of the application for the incorporation of said territory have been given, posted and published as required by law, and that all the requirements of the law relating to the incorporation of villages have been complied with. And be it further resolved, That the date for the first election of village officers in and for said village of St. Clair Heights, be and the same is hereby fixed for Tuesday, the first day of December, 1903. The polls of said election to be kept open from 7 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Said election to be held at the factory of Reuben Walters on the east side of Park avenue, north of Mack avenue, in the territory hereby incorporated as "The Village of St. Clair Heights," and this board doth appoint Reuben Walters, Michael O'Doherty, Edward Hengstebeck and Albert Miller, four discreet persons, legally qualified electors, residing within the hereinbefore described territory, as inspectors of election at said first election, and to constitute a board of registration for the first election, to be held in and for said village of St. Clair Heights. That the clerk of this body is hereby directed to enter this order in the record of the proceedings of this board. By Supervisor Wiever: Moved the report and the accompanying resolution be received, printed in the proceedings and laid on the table. Which was adopted by a viva voce vote. STATE OF MICHIGAN, } County of Wayne. SS. I, Wm. H. McGregor, clerk of Wayne county, and clerk of the circuit court for the county of Wayne, do hereby certify that the above and the foregoing is a true and correct copy of board of supervisors' proceedings of re the incorporation of the village of St. Clair Heights entered in the above entitled cause by said court, as appears of record in my office. That I have compared the same with the original, and it is a true transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. [L. S.] IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court and county, at Detroit, this 30th day of Oct., A. D. 1903. |