Page. Sheriff: Sherman Township: duties, compensation, etc., of Wayne county... 447-9 township board may divide, of Keweenaw county, into two election precincts.... 72 name changed to Joseph Edward LaFevre......... 53 Sibley Village: Sidewalks: Wayne county, incorporated by supervisors.... 951-2 township board of Carrollton township, Saginaw county, to have control of.... 167-71 providing, and commissioners for care of, in Grand Rapids..... 288-91 396-9 55 57-9 27 27 Van Buren county, may issue bonds for park.... 568 Van Buren county, incorporated as city of fourth class, by supervisors.... 944-5 458 act organizing school district in, Kalkaska county, amended.. 462 141 54 454-7 Arenac county, incorporated as a city of the fourth class.... 608-11 Arenac county, may issue bonds for public improvements... 28 Houghton county, to constitute single school district.. 17 action of school inspectors legalized relative to apportionment of indebtedness 17-19 19 action of board of supervisors of Houghton county relative to organization of, 20 Houghton county, defining limits of election precincts in... 29-31 915-18 territory detached from Hancock and attached to, by supervisors in Houghton assessment and expenditure of highway taxes in Port Huron township... 40-2 62 powers prohibiting sale of liquors except in hotels in. Wayne county, incorporated by supervisors.... school board of certain district in Cottrellville township, given additional St. Clair Heights Village: St. Clair Township: 63 899 953-4 action of township board relative to "Luck Bridge," legalized.... 152 providing, for criminal examinations and coroner's inquests in Genesee county 252 253 255-8 904 St. Joseph County: act amended relative to slack water navigation companies in, and other regulating levy of special assessments for opening, in Detroit in certain cases T. Taxes: assessment and expenditure of highway, in Port Huron township, St. Clair Page. 40-2 260 404 490 650-4 756 844-7 Teachers: providing uniform system for examining, in Presque Isle county..... Weldon township, Benzie county, may construct water works outside of.. charter amended, relative to powers of council over streets, etc...... action of, of townships of Hancock and Stanton, Houghton county, legalized... of Posen township, Presque Isle county, may issue bonds to pay outstanding of Grand Rapids township, Kent county, may pay for loss of sheep killed by of Niles township, Berrien county, may maintain office in Niles city.. establishing, in Farmington township, Oakland county... 391 171-4 Townships: act organizing Pointe Aux Barques, Huron county... act to organize Wells, from territory detached from Forsyth in Marquette act organizing Brampton, in Delta county.. 71 195 196 Mills, Ogemaw county, vacated, territory attached to Richland. 234 452 creating office of drain assessor in, of Allegan county. 490 Gibson detached from Bay and attached to Arenac (act declared unconstitu- 608 territory detached from Vienna and attached to Briley, by supervisors of Union School Districts: (See School Districts.) relative to fences on highways used as, in Charlevoix county. providing for election of county drain commissioners in... Decatur village may issue bonds for public improvements. South Haven village, incorporated as city of fourth class, by supervisors.............. Decatur village may refund certain waterw works bonds. Lawrence village, may issue bonds for water and lighting plant.. school district number one of, Ingham county, may issue bonds for schoolhouse Vevay Township: Kalamazoo county, may appoint board of waterworks and electric light com- Page. Vienna Township: territory detached from and attached to Briley, by supervisors of Montmor- 923 Villages: Addison, Lenawee county, public schools may borrow money for schoolhouse.. 209 212 territory Rogers to contain.... 287 territory detached from Wakefield, Gogebic county. 402 limits of Hancock, Houghton county, altered.. 931-3 Hancock, Houghton county, incorporated as a city by supervisors.. 934 940 944-5 South Haven, Van Buren county, incorporated as city of fourth class, by Peck, Arenac county... Wolverine, Cheboygan county. Applegate, Sanilac county Kinde, Huron county. Marlborough, Lake county. Incorporated by Boards of Supervisors: St. Clair Heights, Wayne county. Voting Precincts: (See Election Precincts.) bridge across Grand river between, and Grand Rapids..... Washtenaw County: Macomb county, authorized to pave Centerline road.... (See Board of Water Commissioners.) creating board of county auditors in... Water Commissioners: Waterworks: Weldon township may construct, outside of Thompsonville, Benzie county... 927-9 929-30 936-8 939 941 942 943-4 946 947-9 949-51 951-2 953-4 402 165 50-2 901 542 25 school district number four of Ecorse township, may issue bonds for schoolhouse 64-6 210 school district number twelve of Ecorse township, may issue bonds for school- board of auditors may issue registered bonds to replace outstanding coupon 754-6 Highland Park village, may issue bonds to extend waterworks. 843 act amended, authorizing special assessments for sewers in Highland Park 847 Grosse Pointe township, authorized to pave Jefferson avenue.. Berrien county, territory detached from school district in Chickaming township relative to school districts in, and Chickaming, Berrien county.. 628 Weinman's Creek Sewer: Lansing township, may raise tax for....... 844-7 Weldon Township: Benzie county, may construct waterworks outside village of Thompsonville.... 542 Page. Wells Township: West Bay City: West Side Big Ditch: Wexford County: act organizing, in Marquette county.... 195 act submitting question of consolidation of, with Bay City.... 193 659-751 charter amended, general amendment.. 837-41 Grand Rapids may Issue bonds to improve..... 505-8 name of Little Clam lake changed to Lake Cadillac... 207 207 Whitney Township: may issue bonds for bridge across Au Gres river, Arenac county.. 496 name changed to Anna E. Huff....... act incorporating, in Cheboygan county.... Witzky, Anna E.: Wolverine Village: Woodstock Township: Wyandotte City: in Wayne county, may issue bonds bonds for sewer system. 32 56 Lenawee county, divided into two election districts.... 164 453 856 |