Imágenes de páginas

George III. in 1820, the Commons, in anticipation of a dissolution Or in of Parliament, voted certain temporary supplies, which were not 1820. appropriated by Act of Parliament in that session. Objections were raised to these votes in the House of Lords, as being an infringement of the right of their lordships to assent to the grant of supplies; but it was ultimately resolved that this House, from the state of public business, acquiesce in these resolutions, although no Act may be passed to give them effect.'z Again, in 1831, owing to the ex- Or in citement occasioned by the rejection of the Reform Bill in the House 1831. of Lords, Parliament was hurriedly dissolved in April, before the passing of an Appropriation Act. The new Parliament met on June 14, when all the grants of the former session were re-voted in Committee of Supply."

Hans. D. v. 41, 1631-1635.



May's Prac. ed. 1883, p. 640, n.



ABERDEEN, EARL, administra-
tion of, 222, 257
Abstract resolutions, 411, 700
Abyssinian war, report of com-
mittee to enquire into cost of, 757
Account, votes on, 757-760
Acquisition of territory by the
Crown, consent of Parliament
not necessary to, 373
Act of Settlement, 108

of Uniformity, obligations of, 517
Ad interim advances of money, 787
Adair, Mr., his right to evict his
tenants contested, 582
Addington, Mr., his administration,
147, 254

Addresses to the Crown for advance
of money, 700, 766
Adelaide University, incorporated
powers of, 600

Administration (the): in Parliament,
8, 32, 33; how to increase its
strength, 31; benefits of a stable,
33; of the Marquis of Rocking-
ham, 139; of Lord Shelburne,
140; of Duke of Portland, 142,
157; of Mr. Pitt, 143, 153; of
Mr. Addington, 147; of Lord
Grenville, 155; of Mr. Perceval,
161; of Lord Liverpool, 168; of
Mr. Canning, 177; of Lord Gode-
rich, 179; of Duke of Wellington,
182; of Earl Grey, 188; of Lord
Melbourne, 193, 200; of Sir R.
Peel, 195, 212; of Lord Russell,
217, 234; of Lord Derby, 219,
228, 236; of Lord Aberdeen, 222;
of Lord Palmerston, 224, 234; of
Mr. Disraeli, 238; of Mr. Glad-
stone, 246; annals of, 138-252;
tabular view of, 253-258


Admiralty, conduct of the board in-
vestigated, 534-536, 543, 673
Advances of public money, 726;
precedents, 726-730

Advertisement duty, motion to re-
duce, 715

Advice to the sovereign carries re-
sponsibility with it, 118

Affghanistan papers, debate on, 357
Albert, Prince, his character and
public conduct, 299. See also
Consort, Prince

Alexandra, seizure of the, 573 n.
Ambassadors and envoys, office of,
360; not to be controlled by Par-
liament, 361

American war, how brought to a
close, 353

Anglo-Saxon nobles, 51
polity, 49-56, 58

Anne, Queen, personal acts of, 276
Annual charges, 738

Appointments: to office, 615; in
the Church, 618; in the army and
navy, 618, 619
Appropriation Act, 787, 816, 819;
clause in the Bill of Supply, 817;
Bill, procedure upon, 819-825;
presentation of, 821; prorogation
of Parliament before passing an,

Arbitration in international disputes,

Aristocratic element in House of
Commons, 13

Arms, investigation by Parliament
into, 532

Army and navy: subject to minis-
terial control, 121, 527; preroga-
tive concerning, 520-554; a stand-
ing, maintained by consent of


the Crown from personal obloquy,
385; free exercise of executive
functions, 415; how controlled by
Parliament, 415, 416; account-
able to Parliament, 421; when
papers are refused by, 443; duty
of, to protect interests of private
individuals in Parliament, 451;
abuse of executive authority, how
to be dealt with, 456; remedy
against illegal or oppressive acts
of, 493, 496, 498; immunity of,
in courts of law, 494, 498, 499;
Bworn to keep the sovereign's
counsel secret, 497; not to divulge
council secrets in courts of law,
497; responsibility of, for control
of the army and navy, 527, 528.
See also Privy Councillors, Ministry
Ministry: evils of a weak, 32; of
'all the talents,' 121, 155; new,
constitutional confidence in, 150;
dismissal of, explanations to the
House, 157; in accepting office,
become responsible for dismissal
of preceding ministry, 195, 196;
delays in forming, 320; formation
of a new, 330; right of a sove-
reign to take advice of a peer on,
334. See also Ministerial respon-
sibility, Ministers

Minorities, representation of, 29;
articles against, 29 n.; minority
administrations in House of Com-
mons, 196, 217, 219, 228
Minutes of council: rightful limits of,
464; on educational matters, 465
Monahan, Chief Justice, case of,
573 n.

Monarchical and aristocratic ele-
ments, rights of, to representation
in the Commons, 24

Money Bills: by private members,

693; suggestions from the House
of Lords on, ib.; Bills imposing
public charges have caused abuse,
894; new standing orders re-
garding, 695, 696; Lords' practice
different, 696; concerning prac-
tice in the colonies, 806, 807;
the various kinds of, 815; speech
of the Speaker on presenting, 821,


charges, Bills involving, 765;
must be recommended by the
Crown, ib.


Money: resolutions or address of
House in favour of particular
grants, 699-701; House may
increase a special grant, 702;
advances of public, 726-730;
addresses for, 766; ad interim
advances, 787.
See also Supply
Montfort, Simon de, 67
Montreal and Kingston Railway,
charter granted, 607

Morrison, Rev. Dr., motion rejected
to grant a pension to the family of
the late, 682

Motions: for papers should not con-
tain argumentative matter, 453;
formal, to take the sense of the
House on pecuniary questions,
702; precedents concerning, 703-
709; for reduction of expenditure,
746; precedents, 746-748
Mozambique, consul at, case of, 677
Muir, Palmer, &c., case of, 563
Mutiny Act, 522–523

[blocks in formation]


146, 150, 152, 153, 155–157, 163,
165, 172, 174, 175, 177, 184, 185,

Cattle plague, legislation on the,

Certificates, Bill to reduce duty on,

Cession of territory by the Crown,

Chambers: legislative, arguments in
favour of two, 39 n.; 43 n.; ditto
in favour of a single, 40 n.; origi-
nally sat together, 71

Chaplains to House of Commons,

Charges, annual, 738

Charles I. and the House of Com-
mons, relations between, 96; his
execution, 98

Charters, prerogative in granting,
598-608; to universities, 599, 600
Chartist prisoners, 566

Checks and balances in government,
a paper on futility of, 7 n.
China, enquiry into mortality of
troops in, 547

Church of England: legal position

of, 502-519; in England, 502; the
sovereign the supreme governor
of, 504; in the colonies, 506;
in Canada, 513; in foreign lands,
516; Act of Uniformity, 517;
patronage, how distributed, 618;
increased accommodation in the
country, motions on, 708
Churchward and Jenkins, contract
case of, 754, 772-776
Civil contingencies, 730
- list, 349, 350, 656


service: principles of perma-
nence in, 613; American system,
613, 614; nominations, 621; pro-
motions, 621; competitive exami-
nations, 623, 626; appointments,
625; must not engage in politics,
631, 633, 649; fidelity in, 632;
exercise of franchise by, 632, 634;
power of dismissal from, 629-631,
635; work outside of office, 636;
pensions, 637; expenditure, 638-
642; organisation, 643; report of
a commission on, 643-645, 676;
regulation of salaries, 646, 648,
661-667, 679; ex-officials subject
to recall, 647; political influence
on behalf of, forbidden, 649; pen-


sions to widows and orphans,
657; estimates, 743, 750, 751-
753, 759, 761. See also Public

Clerks, the, of both Houses, 628
Coalition (the) ministry, 1783, 142
definition of, 237

Coast fortifications, contracts for,

Cochrane, Lord, case of, 585
Cockburn, Chief Justice, charge in
the case of Nelson and Brand,

Colenso controversy, 508-510
Colleges, see Universities.
Collier, Sir A. P., case of, 678
Colonial defences, 435
bishops, 511, 515

Church, position of the, 506
Colonies, Church of England in,

Combermere v. Dickson, 347 n., 498 n.
Commander-in-Chief, office of, 122,
528; motion to reduce salary of,
Commissions of enquiry, 431
Committee of Supply, 751; dis-

cussion on military and naval
estimates before first vote, 752;
civil service, estimates in, 752.
See also Supply
Committees: intrusions of, in con-
cerns of executive government,
419; select, on public questions,
428-439; nature and construction
of, 429, 430; result of enquiries
of, 431; precedents of proceedings
of committees, 432-439; have not
power to recommend compensation
to individuals for losses unless by
previous sanction of the Crown,
692; in Cape of Good Hope,
cannot recommend grants of land,

Commons, House of: relations be-
tween House of Lords and, 37;
position of the, 43; decides the
fate of ministries, 44; rising power
of the, 71, 72; when its power
was fully attained, 73; early
efforts to check the Privy Council,
76; advise increase of the Coun-
cil, 79; emancipated from control
of the Crown by abolition of
nomination boroughs, &c., 136;
right to express opinion on choice

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