THE WORKS 79347 Of the MoST REVEREND Dr. JOHN TILLOTSON, LATE Lord Archbishop of CANTERBURY. IN TEN VOLUMES. VOL. I. EDINBURGH and GLASGOW: Printed for G. HAMILTON & J.BALFOUR, W.SANDS, MDCCXLVIII. The MASTERS of the BENCH, AND The reft of the MEMBERS of the Honourable Society of LINCOLN'S-INN. GENTLEMEN, W Hen I refolved to publish thefe fermons, there could be no difpute to whom I fhould dedicate them. They do of right belong to you, being most of them first preached among you; befides my great obligation to you for your conftant refpects to me, both in the favourable acceptance, and in the generous encouragement of my labours, ever fince I had the honour and happiness to be related to you. In a thankful acknowledgment whereof I humbly prefent this fmall part of them to you; hoping that, by the bleffing of God, they may be of fome ufe for the promoting of true piety and virtue; which is the fincere wish and aim of, Your most obliged and faithful fervant, JOHN TILLOTSON. |