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THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION succeeds to the subscription lists, advertising partonage, and good will of the Golden Era, established in San Francisco in 1852.

Subscription, #1 50 a year. Single copies, 15 cents.

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ADVERTISEMENTS-Advertisements of an unobjectiona. ble nature will be inserted at the rate of $3.00 a month per inch.

MSS.-Articles on methods, trials of new theories, actual experiences, and school news, reports of teachers' meetings, etc., urgently solici ed.

Address all communications to THE WESTERN JOURNAL
OF EDUCATION, 723 Market Street, San Francis o.

THE WHITAKER & RAY COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. Entered at the San Francisco Post-office as second-class matter.

The Official Organ of the Department of Public Instruction of the State of California.



The following signed statement concerning the shooting of the President was prepared by Benjamin Ide Wheeler, President of the University of California, for one of the daily papers. It contains the whole story. Pages of type could not say more or say better than these few trenchant paragraphs:

"Every American heart is filled to-night with pain and distress. The hand of violence has been raised against one of the kindliest and wisest friends of man and men that in all the records of time ever sat in the chair of authority. But this is not all, nor even the beginning of the whole. That hand was raised against the Chief Magistrate of the land, against the father of his people, against the embodiment of the supreme law, against the representative of that system of order we call the state, through which society, our homes, our well-being are secured.

"The pistol shots in Buffalo sent through the land a fearful warning against license disguised as liberty, against lawlessness, masquerading in the cloak of freedom. They are a call to every loyal man that he lay aside the easy sloth of indifference and enroll himself with the vigilance-men against disorder, lawlessness and every form and guise of anarchy. The miserable wretch who fired the shots is not of his own making. Every encouragement of disorder, every wanton criticism of men in public office has helped to make him what he is. If the vigilance-men will cope with anarchy they must kill these seeds of anarchy - and it is high time for them to be up and doing."

This issue of THE JOURNAL is so replete with excellent articles that it was impossible to crowd anything out except the editorial comments. President Wheeler's address to students should be read in every school. Dr. Kimmin's article deserves to be considered by every parent. This issue shows something of the educational trend of California toward higher ideals.

Superintendent A. M. Phalin called his institute to meet at Crockett, September 4, 5, 6. The Trustees, consisting of Theo. Moiles, John Edwards, J. Emil Peterson, and the citizens, spared no pains to make the reception and comfort of the teachers complete and satisfactory in every detail. The fine new school building is a pride to Crockett, and a building that would be a credit to any city. The decorations were elegant. Miss Trimingham, the principal of Crockett schools, assisted by other teachers, helped to make the occasion delightful to the visiting teachers. The Crockett Committee secured for the elegant reception Wednesday eve ning Hynes' Orchestra, served refreshments and aided in securing the Knickerbocker Quartette for the day and evening sessions. The committe issued a handsome souvenir program.

The institute was favored with several virile practical talks on history, geography and language by Frank J. Browne of Berkeley. Mr. Browne is a new man in the State. We have never heard any. one, with the possible exception of Professor Heaton, of the University of California, who has such adequate knowledge of the subjects he discusses. He has the spirit of the teacher. He does not need a freak treatment of a subject to hold the attention of the audience. His work is along the line of sincere, earnest teaching adapted to the needs and purposes and achievements of the public schools.

Alex. B. Coffey, of the University of Washington, now doing special work at Stanford, made his first appearance since his return to alifornia. He has lost none of his old time popularity, but has greatly improved in the power of presentation, and in the application of the principles of pedagogy to the every day work of the public school teacher. His evening lecture on "Young America" is a masterly effort, whether you judge it from the standpoint of platform rhetoric, from the standpoint of rational patriotism, or from the standpoint of inspiration for young and old to higher ideals of life.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Thomas J. Kirk addressed the teachers, school trustees and Supervisors of the county on Thursday afternoon. It was a notable gathering. Superintendent Kirk gave a practical talk on the duties of school trustees. He gave advice on building and furnishing school houses, on purchase of school supplies, visits to school, selection of teachers, etc.

Mr. Buttner, the clerk of the Port Costa School, made a very interesting and practical address, and related his experiences as school trustee. He insisted on frequent visits on the part of trustees to schools, and the selection of teachers on the basis of merit, and spoke against frequent changes in the teaching force.

Friday afternoon the teachers visited the Selby Smelting Works and the sugar refinery.

The Knickerbocker Quartette furnished excellent and most entertaining music. Mrs. Martin Schultz, of San Francisco. delighted the people with her rendition of several songs.

Miss Gretchen Bernett, of St. Paul's Choir, Oakland, sang "September" and "The Merry Miller" in a most charming manner.

There were many important dicussions on the part of the teachers. Mr. Odel of Richmond gave an instructive and scholarly address on "Spelling Reform."

The meeting thruout was a success. Superintendent Phalin was congratulated by the teachers, citizens of Crockett and trustees on the success of his institute

The institute season has approached and is here. At least forty counties will assemble the teachers for institutes. This year does not promise much that is new, nor much that is strong in addition to that of other years. Professor Elwood P. Cubberley and Dr. Elmer E. Brown will be missed from many programs. Professor Alex. B. Coffey, who has been absent from the State for three years, wi enter the institute field again, and will accept a few engagements that will not interfere with his special studies at Stanford. Frank J. Browne, ex-State Superintendent at Washington, who has located at Berkeley, is the only new man in the field this year.

President Burk of the San Francisco Normal will be more in demand than others for institute work. Superintendent W. C. Doub of Bakersfield, who made an excellent reputation as an institute instructor at San Joaquin last year, and who, since that time, has been prominently before the State, on account of course of study, will be invited to a number of institutes. His topical discussions of geography, history and grammar will be invaluable to teachers. H. H. Johnson of Ohio, more recently of Mt. Vernon, Washington, the author-musician and one of most successful men in handling music in an institute in the United States, will tour the State in November and December, and will assist a number of counties.

Prof David S. Snedden, Prof. John T. McManus of Stanford, Dr. F. B. Dresslar, Prof. T. L. Heaton, L. Duport Syle of the University of California, will also be on hand at a number of institutes.

The teachers of the State will certainly have at opportunity to come in contact with the best there is in current educational thought,

G. W. Beattie and bride have sailed for Manila. Mr. Beattie will take the position of superintend ent of one of the provinces.

Tulare Union High School Board has de- ¦ cided to put in a commercial course.

Chas. Biedenboch has been elected principal of the Dwight Way School, to succeed W. H. De Bell.

Mrs. L. W. Sweesy of Pasadena has been e ected special teacher in music in the Berkeley schools.

O W. Erlewine of the City of Sacramento, has written an able article for the Sacramento Bee on manual training.

Professor J. B. Horner, who organized the summer school at Newport, Oregon. is to be congratulated on making an excellent success of it.

F E. Perham who served last year as City Superintendent of San Bernardino, has been appointed to a high school position in San Francisco.

W. F. B. Lynch, at one time County Superintendent of Public Schools of Alameda County, died at San Leandro last week at the age of 74 years. He was prominent in educational circles for a number of years.

F. N. Miller, formerly of the Commercial Department of the San Diego High School, has been elected to the same position in Willows High School. Mr Miller is one of the best commercial teachers in the State. What is very necessary in a position of this kind, is that a man shall have good sense and good business habits. Mr. Miller has both.

The Board of Education of Honolulu adopted a new list of text books for the common schools August 5th. The list is one reported by the committee of teachers and approved by the text book committee and in turn adopted by the Board. These books are to be provided under contract by the government and none of the local book dealers have laid in a supply. The list so far adopted includes the fo lowing: Bass's Beginner's Reader; Baldwin's Readers; Supplementary Reading Hawaiian Young People; Home and School Classics; Prince's Arithmetic: Language-The Mother Tongue, Rice's; Rational Spelling; Redway's Geography; Eggleston's History; Dole's Young Citizen.

At a meeting of the San Benito County Board of Education held recently, H. G. Bacon was elected president.

W. J. Dougherty of San Juan, San Benito County, has been elected to the principalship of the Dos Palos schools

M. P. Hubler, an ex teacher, is canvassing San Benito County for school supplies in the interest of M. A. Williamson of Hollister.

Superintendent Hartrauft, of King County, Wash, has arranged to bring to the Northwest L. P. Harvey, of Wisconsin, as institute conductor for King and other counties.

Contra Costa County has established three Union High Schools this year. One is at Martinez, one at Concord and one at Crockett. The latter is named in honor of John Swett.

J. F, Barbee, Superintendent of Mendocino County, writes that he has formed thirteen new districts in his county. This is the banner county of the State in the formation of new schools.

F. F. Jeffers has been employed as special instructor in music in San Mateo, Palo Alto, and several other places. He is also prepared to instruct in institutes on the subject of music. He is located at Palo Alto.

Miss Teresa Hess, a graduate of the University of California in 1899, has been employed as teachier of English and German in the High School in College City to succeed Miss Louise J. Holling, who has secured a position in the Oakland schools. Dr. Geo. C. Thompson, who has been principal of the High School at College City for four years, has been employed as principal of the Marysville High School.


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The State Normal School at San Jose under the presidency of Morris E. Dailey has begun a most promising session. President Dailey has inaugurated the requirement of high school graduation for admission. The training department has been improved and the other departments have been keyed up to make the attempt to secure better results than ever before.

The State Normal School at Los Angeles

The catalog of the Los Angeles State Normal shows that President Pierce has not been idle. The president has gradually worked out a harmo nious correlation of each teacher with the training school. The Department of Domestic Science and Art has been very successful and each year will see it attain still greater usefulness. The Kindergarten Department is by far the most complete west of Chicago and graduates of this department will be in demand from all parts of the country. Work has commenced on an addition to the school to cost $20,000. This consists of two floors built under the gymnasium which has a floor space of 55x120 feet. One of these floors is to be devoted to the Manual Training and Domestic Science, and a large lunch room 37 by 55 feet. The other floor will contain nine rooms for the use of the Training School, making it possible for us to accommodate 450 children in that department The new building is to be connected with the old by an enclosed bridge or hallway 20 by 70 feet. This will be used in part for museum purposes and in part as a social hall.

State Normal School at San Diego. President S. T. Black has every reason to be congratulated on the continued success of the Normal School at San Diego. A number of his best teachers have been called to Manila. These have been replaced with men of the highest professional training. Many of the graduates of the school have found good positions in San Diego County. Quite a number have joined the ranks in the Philippines.

The State Normal School at Chico. President C C. Van Liew makes the following announcements in his circular:

There are many things which combine to render the State Normal School at Chico a desirable place to seek a higher education. The location of the school is healthful and beautiful. The building is an elegant structure, well equipped as to libraries, laboratories and apparatus The institution is under the direction of a large and able faculty, composed of men and women either of university or other special training: the course of study is full and thoro. Tuition is free. There are no library fees.

The demand for trained teachers is growing constantly. While a large percentage of those who obtain certificates upon examination remain unemployed, the graduates of the Normal Schools seldom fail to secure good positions, and their

work is coming to be recognized more and more as greatly superior to that of the untrained teachers with the Isame native ability. Graduates of the State Normal School at Chico are now employed in over forty counties of California and in a large number of its larger cities.

The State Normal School at San Francisco President Burk has had many visitors from all points of the State during the month of August. The training department is well organized, and the pupil teachers are working out, under direction of President Burk, Jean Parker and other members of the faculty, the problems that confront a new teacher.

President Burk has secured positions for over seventy-five per cent of last year's graduating class

In June, 1901, after two years' experience. the Board, upon motion of Trustee F. A. Hyde, reduced to written form its policy of management, in resolutions which were unanimously adopted, as follows:

WHEREAS, State Normal Schools are supported and should be conducted for the sole purpose of supplying public schools with teachers of the highest efficiency; and,

WHEREAS, The Trustees of the San Francisco State Normal School desire that the school shall be so conducted that a certificate of graduation therefrom shall he esteemed an honorable distinction by the holder thereof, as being a certain guarantee of thoro training and efficiency as a teacher, and so recognized by school officials. Now, therefore, bit

Resolved, First, that it is the determined policy of this Board that the faculty shall be selected as hereto. fore, upon a basis of merit alone. wholly uninfluenced by personal or political interference or consideration, and the Trustees therefore require that all applications for positions in the faculty be first submitted to the principal of the school, who will nominate to the Board those whom he may deem most competent and meritorious

Second. That the President shall continue to maintain the present high standard of admission to the school, and his judgment and decision in individual cases shall be final; and where, after a fair trial, it shall appear to him that a student shows an incapacity to become a thoroly efficient teacher it shall be his duty to discourage the student from further attendance at the school

Third. That the President shall certify to the Trustees for graduation only those students who can be confidently and honestly recommended to School Trustees, Superi tendents and Boards of Education, as teachers of undoubted capability.

San Jose Normal School Faculty

The trustees of the State Normal School of San Jose met recently for the purpose of selecting the faculty for the ensuing year. Trustees H. C. Brown, (chairman), F. C. Jacobs, G. W. Pierce, F. H. Short, F. W. Leavitt and State Superintendent Kirk were present. Only two new teachers were added to the force and one resignation was accepted. Miss Chloe N. Daniels, teacher of English, resigned. Miss Gertrude Payne was granted a year's leave of absence. Professor C. J. C. Bennett, who has been in Europe a year, was reassigned as teacher in pedagogy. Professor H. L. Schemmel, who has been filling a vacancy because of the resignation of Mrs. Goodell, was elected teacher of music. A department of physical culture was provided, and Miss Alice Bassler of San Jose was elected instructor at $1,000 a year. The trustees signed a deed by which the City of San Jose is given a lot in the northeast corner of the square for the Carnegie Library.


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"Education," the oldest high-class educational monthly magazine in the United States, will hereafter be edited by Superintendent Richard G. Boone, of the public schools of Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Boone is one of the best known educators in the country and will bring to Education" the fruits of his ripe scholarship, long experience as an educator, and wide acquaintance with teachers. The magzine will be published in Boston by the Palmer Company. Mr. Palmer, the President of the company, will be managing editor.

"The Story Reader." By Alfred E. Logie and Claire H. Uecke, assisted by Sarah A. Milner, Principal of Madison Avenue School, Chicago. 128 pages. Price, 30 cents. American Book Company.

This latest addition to the well-known Eclectic School Readings furnishes a series of simple and interesting stories, carefully graded and attractively illustrated, and well suited to appeal to a variety of interests in children. "The New Basis of Geography," by Jacques W. Redway, The Macmillan Company, publishers, is certainly a book which deserves a place in the teachers' professional library. Some years ago Richard D. Faulkner, President of the California Teachers' Association, developed the idea of trade routes as a new basis for teaching history and geography. Mr. Redway treats of the matter in a systematic manner in the first chapter of this book. Other important chapters are Maps and Their Uses; The Emphasis of Essentials and The Course of Study. Under the chapter of the Course of Study there is a reference to the Stockton Course of Study as furnishing the basis for geographical work. This is certainly a great compliment to Superintendent Barr and his teachers; that of all the courses in the United States that his should be singled out as illustrative of what is good in a course of study. Price, $1.00.

Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch

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San Francisco

Tehama County.

Schools are all closed for the summer. Teachers are nearly all selected for next year. Red Bluff High School has had a most prosperous year and the entire corps of teachers have been reëlected; Principal O. E. Graves, Prof. J. A. DeCon and Misses Grace Lewis Henley and Rose Hofeld. Red Bluff Grammar School retains G. K. Bingham as principal, and no changes made in the force except Miss Mabel Garvin vice Mrs. Gove (Frankie Albright), resigned. Tehama retains the same body of teachers, J. D. Sweeney, principal. Corning made a grand sweep, Miss Mabel Baker is the only one of the last year's teachers reëmployed; the new principal is Mr. Van Fossen, an Eastern man. Miss Mabel Moore became Mrs. Albert Montgomery at the close of her term of school. A. W. Glover and Miss Ellen Lynch were appointed on the board of education to succeed themselves. Miss Lena Nangle, in her sixmonth term, has made herself quite popular as a superintendent. Ex-Supt. L. W. Valentine, now assessor, has been quite ill for some time. Ex-Supt. Myron Yager acts as deputy assessor. Ex-Supt. Belle Miller is principal of the Antelope school. The board have revised our course of study and have discarded the tenth grade. S


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