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that, on the most favourable calculation, full four | remain until returning light should enable us to miles of treacherous ice yet intervened between pursue our journey. us and land.

We were obliged, however, frequently to spring to our feet, and move briskly about, in order to counteract the insidious and benumbing effects of the cold, to which one of my companions, despite of remonstrance, was fast giving way. Determined to rescue him from the dangerous lethargy which was stealing over him, and finding persuasion useless, I resorted to the device of provocation. By degrees I managed to rouse him into a towering passion, which restored his languid circulation; and saved him, by arousing him to a state of physical activity. The weary hours at length crawltokened the approach of morning; but with it came no abatement of the tempest. The thick air was still oppressed with its heavy burden of snow, of which it seemed vainly endeavouring to rid itself. But the approach of light had deprived the scene of nine-tenths of its horrors, and we lost no time in preparing to resume our journey..

We had made but little progress in this way, when, to our dismay, the wind began once more to increase in violence, and we were compelled again to seek what shelter we could by coming to a dead halt. We had scarcely done so, however, when our alarm took another direction. We were startled by a dull, deep sound, resembling a heavy but smothered crack, which arose to our left, and apparently in the vicinity of the shore; and which, after a moment's cessation, was repeated, and growing louder and louder, seemed to approach the spot where we stood, and to which we were now riveted with terror.ed by, and a dull, grayish light in the east beFor a few moments we listened, unconscious of its cause, but recognized it, as it came nearer and nearer to us, bellowing like thunder. It seemed to pass swiftly about a hundred yards in advance of us; and, although still in fear, we could not refrain from mutual congratulations on having escaped the danger. As it receded to our right, it became fainter and fainter, until at length it resembled the sound of musketry heard at a dis- The cold had by this time, however, so entance, and finally died away amongst the bays feebled us, that it was with difficulty we sucand promontories at the upper end of the lake. ceeded, by our conjoint efforts, in restoring the The whole proceeded from the occurrence of sleigh to its right position. I held the horse, one of the physical phenomena of these wintry whilst my companions proceeded to reconnoiregions. The ice had, in fact, opened another tre the chasm, to select the most favourable seam; and in doing so, it roared as if it had been point for crossing it. Whilst they were so racked with pain. As it swept by, we clung in-engaged, I had to shout occasionally to them, stinctively to the sleigh, for the chasm might have opened beneath our feet.

As this might prove a crowning difficulty to us, we cautiously advanced to ascertain its extent. We had not proceeded far, when we heard the water beating in small ripples against the newly-rent ice. It was so distinct, that even the horse seemed to recognize it; and with unerring instinct, recoiled a step or two from the danger. There was now no alternative before us, but to retrace our steps, or to remain where we were until morning. Between the two, however, there could be no hesitation, and we at once determined to remain. We could gain nothing by retreating; for, to say nothing of our having already crossed the greater portion of the lake, there were dangers behind us similar to those before. The width of the newly-opened seam we ascertained to be about four feet at the point where we stood. Dark and stormy as it was, half that width would have deterred us from attempting to cross it. We therefore prepared to bivouac for the night. Retreating some distance from the chasm, we unharnessed the horse, and turned the sleigh on its side, to protect us from the wind and the still drifting snow. The horse we tied by the reins to the sleigh, and left him to forget the cold in an ample feed of oats, which we placed before him. We then sat down, enveloped in our buffalo skins, under the shelter of the sleigh, in which posture we determined to

with all the strength that remained to me, to enable them to rejoin me, for the light was still faint, and the heavy snow, mingled with the drift, soon hid us from each other. The noise thus occasioned, or something else, which it is not now necessary to ascertain, caused the horse to become restive. I tried to soothe him, but failed, and my hand was not strong enough long to retain the rein. Finding himself at liberty, he darted off, and ran past my companions, who made a vain effort to stop him. We followed him for a few seconds in the direction he had taken, until at length a heavy plash warned us that further pursuit might be as dangerous as it was useless. We cautiously approached the spot whence the sound proceeded, but on reaching the chasm, could find no trace of the poor animal, save a little blood, which the feeble light enabled us to discern staining the snow on the opposite side, and which showed that his head had come in violent contact with the ice in tumbling into the water.

We had now no alternative left but to prosecute our journey on foot. To cross the chasm, it was necessary to resort to our planks; but these were no longer at our command, being by this time buried under a heavy wreath of snow. We made several ineffectual efforts to recover them, and at last gave up the attempt in despair. Our situation was now more than ever hopeless. We had not sufficient strength left us to overcome

the chasm by a leap, nor were we in a condition to | miseries of the night, and the painful apprehenundertake a journey of five-and-twenty miles, sions of the morning.-Chambers' Journal.


On the morning of the 10th inst, Daniel P. King, a member from Massachusetts, presented to the House of Representatives at Washington, the following strong memorial from the Meeting for Sufferings of Friends in New England. In presenting it, he made some appropriate remarks in relation to the source whence it came, stating that the meeting represented 9000 citizens of six different States, of the most respectable classes; and concluded with moving that it be printed, which, after some opposition and discussion, was agreed to.

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress

which an attempt to retrace our steps would have involved. Exhausted and benumbed, and in utter despair at our situation, we once more resorted to our buffalo skins, wrapped in which we again lay down under the shelter of the sleigh. The storm raged wildly as before, and, although the sun had been now more than half an hour above the horizon, the thick atmosphere seemed to absorb its struggling beams, and nothing but a dull grayish twilight was the result. It was again with extreme difficulty that we prevented one another from yielding to that drowsy lethargy which, under such circumstances, is the sure prelude to dissolution. Our powers of resistance would have sustained us but little longer, when hope again shed its cheering light into our souls. A solitary gleam of wan and struggling sunlight suddenly passed over us, but was instantly swallowed up again by the drifting clouds. It was an omen of good, and we hailed it with a feeble shout. With renewed prospects of life and future happiness in store for us, our energies once more revived, and we sprang instantly to our feet. That your memorialists regard with deep reThe vapoury masses which had shrouded the hea- gret and sorrow, the existence and continuance vens and deluged the earth with snow, were rent of the war between this country and Mexico. asunder on all sides; the sky gradually lightened We are not insensible of the importance and reof its burden; and in half an hour's time, over sponsibility of appearing as petitioners before the vast surface of the lake-to which the my- the constituted authorities of our country, but riad snow-wreaths now imparted as stormy an we are constrained, under a deep sense of the appearance as its unchained waters had ever unrighteousness and vast practical evils insepaworn when lashed into billows by the wind-rably connected with war, again earnestly to the shadows of the broken and fast-drifting clouds were sporting themselves in the dazzling sunlight.

It is unnecessary to prolong the recital. After considerable search, we discovered a point at which we could safely cross the chasm which had so unseasonably yawned across our pathway during the night. We had not proceeded far on our way towards Bonie, when, to our inexpressible joy, we perceived a sleigh making directly towards us. It was driven by our warmhearted friend Mr. to visit whom was the object of our journey. Aware of our intention to make a night passage of the lake, our nonarrival, coupled with the storm which had occurred, gave rise to apprehensions in his mind which induced him to start off in search of us. The relief which his appearance gave us was more than seasonable. We jumped into his sleigh, and made for land at as rapid a pace as the loose, deep snow, with which the ice was now covered, would permit us. On arriving at our journey's end, we inured ourselves gradually, as was but prudent, to the warmth of the house; and when, shortly afterwards, seated by the large, crackling, blazing log-fire, which leaped and roared in the ample chimney around which we were ranged, its comfortable heat, together with the happy faces and cordial welcomes of those around us, made us forget for a time the


The memorial of the representatives of the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends for New England, respectfully showeth :

solicit your serious attention to it. While your memorialists believe that all wars and fightings are contrary to the precepts and spirit of the Gospel of Christ, and are forbidden to Christians, they are aware that circumstances sometimes attend the prosecution thereof, which may very much increase their calamities. How far the war in which this country is now engaged with Mexico partakes of such circumstances, it may not become us, in thus memorializing you, to decide. But in addition to the many thousands of Mexicans, among whom are great numbers of women and helpless children, who have fallen on the field of battle or in the capture of cities, is the fearful fact, that the lives of thousands of our own citizens have also been sacrificed in this strife, increasing in no small degree the number of the widows and the fatherless.

Nor can we but deplore the circumstance, that our own citizens now compose an invading army within the acknowledged territory of a neighbouring nation, towards whom this country has heretofore been on terms of amity and peace. And your memorialists would entreat you, as the representatives of this nation, calmly to take into your serious consideration, the responsibility of your present position.

And they earnestly desire, that in your deliberations upon this momentous subject, you may be directed by that wisdom, which has for its

aim the doing unto others as we would they | manded, of no great actual amount, yet still exshould do unto us, to adopt measures for the travagantly high when estimated by their value or speedy termination of this war; and that the original cost. The occupants of these miserable retrospect of after days may afford to you the habitations are, in many instances, almost desticonsolation of having faithfully discharged your tute of fuel, clothing or furniture, with nothing to duty to yourselves, to your country, and to your repose upon except the boards or the earth.


Signed by direction and on behalf of a meeting of the Representatives aforesaid, held in Providence, R. I., the fourth day of the first month, 1848. SAMUEL BOYCE, Clerk.


Agreeably to the intimation in our last number, we insert in the present one, the first part of the address upon war, recently issued by our friends of New York. The Christian doctrines and well compacted arguments which it exhibits, are worthy of a careful and serious examination. We have also given a place in our columns to the concise, yet judicious memorial of the Meeting for Sufferings of New England Yearly Meeting. It appears desirable, as intimated in a former number, that the advocates of peace should unite in memorials to the general government, urging a cessation of hostilities as speedily as possible.

A correspondent has suggested the expediency of publishing in the Review, the form of a memorial to be extensively circulated and signed. This could be easily done; but we apprehend that wherever there is a disposition to remonstrate against the further prosecution of this desolating contest, there can be little difficulty in preparing a suitable remonstrance. We have no need of long or laboured arguments. Our demands may be couched in a few simple, but explicit sentences. We ask, and have a right to ask emphatically, for the restoration of peace. It is the number, rather than the arguments, of petitioners that must be expected to influence the conduct of representative bodies.

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A number of Friends were convened, on the evening of the 11th inst., at the committee room on Mulberry street, to take into consideration the condition of the coloured people residing in the southern parts of this city and vicinity. By a recent investigation it appears there are in that neighbourhood about two hundred and fifty families, probably consisting of one thousand individuals, who are nearly destitute of the means of support. Many of these are living in cellars totally unfit for the habitations of human beings; others crowded together in small rooms, for which rents are de

Two committees were appointed at the meeting; the one to collect the requisite funds, and to afford relief, with the least possible delay; the other to devise the proper means for preventing the recurrence of these distressing scenes.

We hope to be able at a future day to furnish our readers with more ample details respecting the condition of these people, and the causes to which their destitution and sufferings may be traced. In the mean time we may acknowledge, that we are greatly mistaken, if the impositions practised by unprincipled dispensers of intoxicating liquors, and the habits engendered by slavery, do not lie at the bottom of all these miseries.

A sheet entitled the "Christian Soldier," has been recently published in this city, understood to be the compilation of a number of young menthe object of which is to exhibit, in a forcible manner, the unchristian character and complicated horrors of war. The paper is placed, for gratuitous distribution, at Friends' depository, No. 84 Mulberry street.

The report respecting the Girard coal mines of Pennsylvania, may perhaps call to the remembrance of some readers of the Review, the curious fact that these lands, when exposed to sale by the old Bank of the United States, about eighteen years ago, were scarcely considered of any value. Their rough and mountainous aspect seemed to bid defiance to cultivation; yet beneath that rugged surface uncounted treasures were concealed. Thus we may perceive that the Scriptural admonition, judge not according to the appearance, will apply in more senses than one.

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mercy of our Heavenly Father, she was permitted to enter into rest.

in this city, on Second day the 7th inst., in the 77th year of her age, MARY SHOгWELL, a member of the Western District Monthly Meeting.

on the 19th of last month, aged 83 years, SARAH MOTT, widow of Benjamin Mott. On the 24th, JOB SHERMAN, aged 82; and on the 31st, JAMES CHASE, aged 88 years. All three were members of Rhode Island Monthly Meeting; the first, of Portsmouth, and the last two of Newport Particular Meeting. They were diligent attenders of our religious meetings, and worthy members of society. The removal, in so short a period, of three such aged Friends, of one Monthly Meeting, is, we ap

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at Millville, New Jersey, on the 2d inst., in the 18th year of his age, THEOPHILUS BEESLEY, son of Dr. T. E. Beesley, of this city.

Endued with good natural abilities and an amiable and affectionate disposition, and having, for a riousness and stability, this beloved youth was apconsiderable time past, evinced an increasing seproaching manhood with the promise of future usefulness in civil and religious society. In the 7th month last, he left the parental roof, to reside at the glass works belonging to the friends with under the watchful care of his parents appeared to whom he was apprenticed. His removal from impress his mind with the importance of seeking amid the temptations incident to his age, and divine direction and assistance, to preserve him enable him to walk circumspectly. In speaking of at his residence in Marion County, Ohio, his situation to a near relative, he said that he felt on the 2d inst., in the 45th year of his age, REUBEN the weight of responsibility which rested upon him, WOOD, a member of Gilead Monthly and Prepara- and endeavoured to conduct himself in such a mantive Meeting. A widow and eight minor childrenner as to bring no shade over his profession, or are left to mourn their loss. He was an affectionate husband and father, a kind neighbour, and useful member of society; and his friends, in the midst of their affliction, are comforted in the belief that their loss is his gain.

prehend, an unusual occurrence.

cause uneasiness to his parents or friends; adding, that many with whom he was obliged to mingle in the way of business, were persons of evil habits, and that he had sometimes thought it right to admonish them, but felt diffident of doing so, in consequence of his youth and inexperience.

It was his daily practice to spend a portion of time in retirement, reading in the Holy Scriptures, and endeavouring to draw near to the Source of all good.

In a letter to one of his young friends, written about two weeks before his death, he makes the following remarks, viz:

at her residence in Muncy, Penna., on Fourth day the 9th inst., MERCY ELLIS, in the 87th year of her age. Although life in the case of this dear Friend has been protracted far beyond its ordinary duration, and the infirmities of age have of latter years confined her much to her own neighbourhood, yet has the intelligence of her decease awakened very solemn emotions in the minds of many who "Not being able to go to meeting to-day, I was have long loved her for her works' sake. The cheerfulness of her disposition, her affability, and brought into a solemn silence, considering the pasthe remarkable sweetness and tenderness of her sage of Holy Scripture, "They that wait upon the spirit, rendered her very attractive in the social Lord shall renew their strength," and was made circle. Her humility, charity, and patience in tri- to believe that the more we keep in this waiting bulation, made her an example which those who and prayerful state, the better it will be for us, were most intimately associated with her most and that we should thus be enabled to grow from highly prized. Living remote from the great body grace to grace. But if our minds are so engrossed of her fellow-members, her house was the familiar with business, or other things, that we have not resort of all who needed counsel and sympathy, time, or think we have not, for this important and she delighted in the exercise of a simple and duty, we shall find that it will choke the word unostentatious hospitality, which few who have and render it unfruitful. Many, I doubt not, who partaken of it will be likely to forget. She appears have had serious impressions in youth, and who, to have submitted, early in life, to the visitations of if they had continued their course, might have Divine grace, and having known much of the chas-been as bright stars in the firmament of celestial tening hand of her Heavenly Father, she became increasingly conformed to his will, and was enabled, in a remarkable degree "to show out of a good conversation her works with meekness of wisdom." She long filled the important station of a minister of the gospel, and in the exercise of her gift was often much favoured. To few can with more propriety be applied the language of the apostle, "not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." Even when the weight of years seemed to render repose necessary, she more than once yielded to the call of her Divine Master, and went forth in his service. Few particulars have reached us of her last moments, but to one who had long been so watching, the summons could not come unlooked for; and' those who have been favoured to know something of her meek trust in the mercy of God through Christ Jesus, may well rest in the assurance of faith that she has been permitted to join that blessed company "who have come out of much tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

glory, have, for want of thus waiting for a renewal selves afresh, Him who would have been their of strength, fallen back, and crucified to themRedeemer, and, in many instances, put him to open shame. May we be preserved, is the sincere prayer of thy friend and well wisher.”

He was conscientious and faithful in the discharge of his duties to his employers, and demeaned himself towards all with such propriety and kindness as to secure their respect and esteem. His illness was short, and the obscure and insidious character of the disease prevented any apprehension of danger, until a few hours before his close. Although he said but little respecting himself, yet his mind appeared to be under religious exercise, and at times he was evidently engaged in mental prayer. A sudden and general hemorrhage occurring, his strength rapidly declined, and he gently passed away, as we humbly believe, to a brighter and better inheritance in the kingdom of his heavenly Father. His early and unexpected removal presents affecting proof of the uncertainty.

of life, and is a loud call, especially to his young | sides. An uneasiness under the burden that so companions and friends, to prepare to meet their


For Friends' Review.

oppresses freemen is working in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. In Georgia, if report says true, the causes of the depression of the white labouring man are engaging a constantly increasing attention, and there are whisThe following extract appears to have been pers even, that the thing is whispered even intended as the concluding part of an able and among the sandhillers of South Carolina. But eloquent speech which J. G. Palfrey, of Massa- whether more or less developed in one place or chusetts, was delivering in the chamber of the another, I take it to be unquestionable that a House of Representatives, at Washington, when desire for emancipation prevails, to an extent his course was arrested by the expiration of the already not inconsiderable, among the non-slavehour. The bold and uncompromising ground holding population of the Southern country. assumed by the speaker, on the subject of And it has a healthy root, and must grow. They slavery, is worthy of the State which he reare coming to see that for the welfare of the presents. If the views which he entertains in whole, and especially for their own, it is neregard to a great and growing aversion to the cessary that the nuisance be abated. Atten"patriarchal institution" in the slaveholding tion is getting fixed upon that great political States, are sustained by facts, the circumstance truth. The baleful Political Aspect of the Slave may be justly hailed by the friends of emancipation, with mingled emotions of gratitude and hope. There is, however, some reason to fear, that in reading the signs of the times the orator has been led, by the ardour of his own sentiments, to ascribe to the non-slaveholders of the South, a more deep and abiding conviction of the evils of slavery than they actually possess. As far as the opinions of the people at large can be estimated from the acts of their representatives, we can scarcely fail to admit that the interests of the slaveholders of the South, like Aaron's serpent, swallow all the rest. Yet it is of importance that the friends of justice and equal rights should be aware of their own strength, and the absolute weakness of the authority which tyrannizes over them.

"There is a large and all-important class of enemies of Slavery beyond the borders of the Free States. In the Lexington District of Kentucky it is well known that there lives one of its foes, and from the city of Louisville a newspaper is sent abroad, within, and to the South and East of, that State, devoted to the doctrines of Freedom, conducted with singular talent and good feeling, and exerting a sensible and extensive influence. A Governor of Virginia, not long ago, proposed to his Legislature the enactment of a law giving to the respective counties the power to expel coloured people beyond their limits. The non-slaveholding farmers, west of the Blue Ridge, thanked him for teaching them that word.' They did not approve the particular application recommended of this new principle in legislation; but already there is much speculation about a State law, authorizing the counties severally to abolish Slavery within their own borders. Delaware seems on the verge of emancipation, and panting for the untried prosperity it will bring. There are indications that Maryland will not be very far behind. The institution which her Representative does not think ought to be spoken of here, is discussed very freely in her dwellings and by her road

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Question stands out in the light. Discussion of it must take place, and must infallibly end in confirming, enlightening and guiding to a practical issue, the sense of its reality and of the obligation to seek a remedy.

"So that, as I view the case, this is by no means a geographical and sectional question. It is not at all between North and South, but between the many millions of non-slaveholding Americans, North, South, East, and West, and the very few hundreds of thousands of their fellow-citizens who hold slaves. It is time that this idea of a geographical distinction of parties, with relation to this subject, was abandoned. It has no substantial foundation. Freedom, with its fair train of boundless blessings for white and black-Slavery, with its untold miseries for both

these are the two parties in the field; and, as to their relative power, the slaveholders, if collected, would be outnumbered by the population of the single city of New York, while the name of the other host is Legion. I cannot, therefore, attach any importance to the hint which the gentleman threw out, towards the close of his remarks, of what "the South" might think it necessary to do, if the Anti-Slavery movement were too much pressed. On this point he spoke forbearingly, and in a strain which contrasts most agreeably with language to which these walls have listened in some other times. I have something to say upon the subject, but I do not feel called upon to bring it forward till some further occasion shall arise. I will now only express my deliberate and undoubting conviction, that the time has quite gone by, when the friends of Slavery might hope anything from an attempt to move the South to disunion for its defence. When they raise that question seriously, their non-slaveholding neighbours-with their majority of more than six votes to one, even in that region-will settle it for them very quietly and effectually, through the ballot-boxes. And it is altogether likely they will then go further yet, and say, 'An evil which has all along annoyed,

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