Imágenes de páginas

see that thou thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of thy thumb.


r in rear, roar, row, oar, urn.

Errors in Pronunciation:

Sometimes incorrectly sounded like a in father and like aw in awl.

Distinction Drill:

Utter in pairs decisively, the mind intently upon the dis*tinction:

Accent Drill:

car, caw; mar, maw; farther, father;
leer, Leah; carve, calve; bore, boa.

Pronounce the following, attacking vigorously the accented syllable:

armour, farther, further, shriller, robber, rarely, ewer, berry, rural, arrowroot, arable, burner, approach, bursar, mercer, merger, roiler, rather, murderer, regulator, interpreter, quarter-master, rearing, riderless, rhubarb, phrenzy, rampart, uproarious, oratorical, mirror, uprising, Christian, discerner, rhinoceros, burgomaster, forefinger, harbinger, wharfinger, encroacher, furnisher, hydrographer, chirographer, chevalier, chandelier, fusilier, gondolier, carabinier, rapier, harrier, harquebusier, hearkener, foreigner, extortioner, sojourner, usurper, forswearer, demurrer, harbourer, purchaser, animadverter.


erter, & criticise)

The cart caught the father farther from his hearth than Hawth expected.

Hark! a hawk!

O, horrible! horrible! most horrible!

[blocks in formation]

Sometimes incorrectly sounded like z in zone and ooze.

Distinction Drill:

Utter in pairs decisively, the mind intently upon the distinction:

hiss, his; brace, braze; sounds, zounds; haste, hazed; face, phase; fleece, flees; mace, maize; race, raise; cease, seize; ceaseth, seizeth; muscle, muzzle; use (noun), use (verb).

Accent Drill:

Pronunce the following, attacking vigorously the accented syllable:

passing, massing, asbestos, asceticism, assassins, assets, assessor, associate, assuage, assuasive, basilisk, basis, brassiness, bristles, siesta, disuse (noun), essential, justice, isosceles, slices, losses, mischievousness, pessimism, presence, sassafras, seasons, sensations, sensuous, sparseness.


He says his sowing zone has several associated sections sizing similarly.

Sometimes his hisses seem seriously sent.


sh in ash, she.

Error in Pronunciation:

Sometimes sounded like zh in seizure.

Distinction Drill:

Utter in pairs. decisively, the mind intently upon the distinction:

tressure, treasure; glacier, glazier: barouche, by rouge;

ashery, azure; meshy, measure; leash, leisure; innovation, invasion; addition, adhesion; concession, concision; my rash, mirage.

Accent Drill:

Pronounce the following, attacking vigorously, the accented syllable:

enmeshed, sheltering, shiftlessness, shriveling, shrunken, splashing, crashing, conscientious, constitutional, splashing, crushing, swishing, bashfulness, refreshments, ocean, nauseous, personification, considerations, commemoration, admonition, misapprehension, additional, expansion, inattention, shiverer, -provisional, shrievalty, explanation, harshness, relaxation, hashish, rashness, confessional.


She visually vitiated the abashed glazier's glacier.
The nation's vision of vanishing pleasure.


z in gaze, zero.

Errors in Pronunciation:

Sometimes incorrectly sounded like s in sit.

Distinction Drill:

See Distinction Drill under sound "s."

Accent Drill:

Pronounce the following, attacking vigorously, the accented syllable:

mesmerism, easiness, visage, prosaic, disposing, Moses, cruising, malfeasance, enthusiasm, protoplasmic, laziness, cousin, business-like, drizzling, miserable, amazement, measles, fizzle, miserly, emblazoned, displeasing, nosegay,

apprizing, appeased, visitant; proposing, interpose, irresolute, museum, unwisdom, disease; dizziness, divisible, mizzen-mast.

Sentence Drill:

see under s.


zh in rouge, seizure, vision.

Error in Pronunciation:

Sometimes incorrectly sounded like sh in she, ash.

Distinction Drill:

See Distinction Drill for sound "sh."

Accent Drill:

Pronounce the following, attacking vigorously the accented syllable:

vision, seizure, cortege, displeasure, immeasurable, cohesion, transfusion, delusion, unusually, incision, fusionists, provisionally, visualizing, sub-division, revision, casually, cohesion, abrasion, osier, casuistry, abscission, persiflage, erasure, leisurely, infusion, treasured, persuasion, explosion, confusion, collision, bourgeoisie.


See under "sh."


w as in wood, wet.

Errors in Pronunciation:

Sometimes incorrectly sounded like v in veal.

Distinction Drill:

Utter in pairs decisively, the mind intently upon the distinction:

Very, wary; veal, weal; vale, wail; veered, weird; averred, a word; vague, wake; vassal, wassail; vane, wane; vaunt, want; vaulter, Walter; vest, west; vent, went.

Accent Drill:

Pronounce the following, attacking vigorously the accented syllable:

wolverine, wabble, wafer, wagoner, worldliness, wainscoting, waving, interwoven, intertwining, wanderer, awakening, awarding, war-arrow, war-whoop, withershins, work-woman, war-ship, warrior, unwavering, warrantable, bewitching, watchword, watchfulness, water-way, waving, witchingly, wilderness, waywardness, wealthy, wearisomeness, weatherwise, weevil, well-wisher, westwardly, wishy-washy.


With worthiness we welcome Willie Varden.
We were very well versed.


wh as in whip.

Errors in Pronunciation:

Sometimes incorrectly sounded like w in wool, v in very.

Distinction Drill:

Utter in pairs decisively, the mind intently upon the distinction:

wether, whether; wye, why; wat, what; weed, wheat; wealth, whelp; weal, wheel; wear, where; wine, whine; wide, white; weal, wheel, veal; wary, wherry, very; wine, whine, vine.

Accent Drill :

Pronounce the following, attacking vigorously the accented syllable:

whacking, whatnot, whatever, wheaten, wheel-barrow, whichsoever, wheresoever, wherewithal, whimperer, whimsically, whipper-snapper, whirlwind, whisper, whistler,

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