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towards them all kindness and consideration, remembering always that we are all members one of another.

O Blessed Saviour, Who in the days of Thy Flesh wast graciously pleased to accept the ministrations of faithful women; have mercy on all who for love of Thee, have devoted their lives to ministering to the suffering members of Thy Mystical Body. ... O support and comfort them in their work of mercy.

O Holy Father, for His Sake Who loved the little ones, have mercy on all young children.

O Eternal Son, Who for our sake didst take on Thee the form of a little child, have mercy on all young children.

Melt the hardened hearts of those who injure or seek to do evil to Thy little ones, lest they fall into Thy most awful condemnation. Save, Lord, by love or


O sweet and Loving Spirit of the dear Lord Who bought us, have mercy on all young children.

Help them to love best the wondrous Child of Mary.

O Trinity of Love and Power, have mercy on all young children.

Lord, I pray for all whom Thou hast given me to love. Bless them, O Lord, above all I can ask or think. Thou knowest

all our cares, our wants, our desires; O have mercy on us in all our days upon earth, and in that Day to come.

I pray Thee to have mercy on all our relations and friends, and on all with whom we have to do.

I pray for all who have shewn us kindness, and for all who have in any way injured us, either knowingly or unknowingly. To Thee I desire to commend them all. Hear me, O Heavenly Father, for the sake of Thy Son, our dear Lord, in Whose most sweet and holy words I sum up all my wants, and the wants of all for whom I pray.

Our Father.



Arise, He calleth thee

OME forth, redeemed soul, and gaze upon thy King. Fear not by reason of sin, to look on God, for as far as the east is from the west, so far hath He set thy sins from thee. Wherefore, laying aside all fear, all profitless self-reproach, left thine eyes and see high uplifted the adorable Name; wide outstretched the Everlasting Arms of thy self-humiliated God.

Look on Him Whom thou hast pierced. Mourn for Him as one that mourneth for a mother, as one in bitterness for an only son. Listen how the great deep of His faithfulness and love, calls unto the deep of thy distrust and forgetfulness, and mourn for thyself with a quiet, patient, abiding sorrow. So will He rejoice for thee, with His Angels and His friends.

It pitieth Him to see thee sit apart, enwrapt in gloom: come to the Feet of that dear Heavenly Friend, Who alone can never fail thee: pour out thy heart before Him, for He is thy God. Learn of Him. Remember His holy Promises, His ceaseless gifts. Adore the sacred Wounds, the untold Love. Thou hast not earned that Love; thou canst

not buy it. Then give Him the glory due unto His Name: seek His Face evermore. Gaze long upon that sight; and then go forth to meet thy foes.

Faint not, fear not; thou art not alone, for thy Father is with thee; and whoso hath the Father hath the Son also; and for thee the tireless voice of the Eternal Spirit ascendeth evermore. Believest thou this?

Then rest in the Lord. So will thy sleepless longing be stilled in thee, thy wild regret cease.

Canst thou not trust in His Mercy, Who woundeth only that He may heal, Who hath dealt so lovingly with thee? Shrink not from Him, as though He asked some hard thing of thee; only give Him thy heart. And let not that heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

The world is very evil, the time is waxing late; yet a little while, it may be, and thou shalt see the blest returning Sign, see the Light of the coming Day, as the morning spread upon the mountains, see the happymaking Vision, the unveiled Beauty of the King. Thou shalt hear the voice that is dearest unto thee, even the voice of the Son of Man.

Then wait patiently for Him; give thyself unto prayer; and dear to the dear Master shall be thy prayers; yea, they shall have the strength of love and death.

The Lord hath risen indeed: the Lord hath gone up to fill all things. Through His Sacraments He breathes into His Body Mystical the Breath of His Divine Life.

He by Whom the Angels live, hath living Bread for all that come to Him, gladdening Wine of the soul for all that believe in Him.

Who can express the noble acts of the Lord? Who can shew forth all Thy praise, O Wounded Love, Thou Holiest !

Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, If ye love Me, keep My Commandments; and come and seek Him where He is found; call upon Him when He is near. Come to the Sacrament of his Death Who hath abolished death.

The Master calleth thee: the Spirit and the Bride say, Come.

Come then, it shall be for thy comfort. Sweet is the Mystery of Christ, and filled with the tender bitterness of His Passion.

Come, O Christian soul, no longer faithless but believing, come for strong salvation. Come in hope to this deep and joyful Mystery. Come in charity. And thou shalt live indeed; yet not thou, but He, thy everlasting strength, in all His gentle might, henceforth alive in thee. Yea, thou shalt feel a faint foreshadowing of that which thou canst not know here, but which thou shalt know hereafter,-joy, pure, mighty, eternal-even the Joy of thy Lord.

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