Imágenes de páginas
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Des Typhons de 1848, des Ouragans Obliques et des Coups
de Vent fixe, etc.-Annales Hydrographiques, 1848-1849,
pp. 211-252.

Des Ouragans, Tornados, Typhons, et Tempêtes-Annales
Maritimes et Coloniales; publiées par MM. Bajot et Poirré;
Paris, 1847.

Du Typhon du 11 au 14 Septembre, 1849—Annales Hydro-
graphiques, vol. iv., 1850, 2o semestre, p. 116; also
Moniteur du 7 Mars, 1855.

Chapitre sur les Ouragans, dans les Considérations Générales sur l'Océan Atlantique; 3rd edit., Paris, 1854, pp. 64–73; et Appendix, pp. 175-188.

Mundus subterr., lib. iv. prep. iv.

Nouveau Voyage aux Iles de l'Amérique; Paris, 1742, vol.
ii. pp. 278, 281, 468.

Observations on Hurricanes and their Prognostics; Phil.
Trans., 1698, vol. xx. p. 407; Naut. Mag., 1840, p. 638.
Hand-Book of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, 3rd
Course, London, 1853, p. 30.

Observations sur les Orages dans les Montagnes des Pyrénées
-Remarques sur l'Analogie des Orages des Pyrénées avec
les Ouragans des Régions Intertropicales et des Mers
adjacentes aux Côtes des Etats-Unis-Comptes Rendus de
l'Acad. des Sc. de Paris, vol. xli. 1855, p. 1015-Moniteur,
19 December, 1855; also Exposition du Système des
Vents, 2nd edit., Paris, 1855.

Sur les Ouragans des Antilles, Voyage de la Louisiane, fait
par ordre du Roy en 1720; Paris, 1728, p. 227.
Voyages aux Antilles et à l'Amérique Méridionale; Paris,
1813, vol. i. p. 396.

Voyage aux Iles de Ténériffe, la Trinité, St. Thomas, Ste.
Croix, et Puerto Rico; Paris, 1810, p. 182.

Mémoire sur les Ouragans de la Mer des Indes au sud de
l'Equateur; Annales Hydrographiques, 2o partie, Paris, 1852.
Hurricane at Honduras; Naut. Mag., 1839, p. 246.
Explication Physique et Chimique des Feux Souterrains, des
Tremblements de Terre, des Ouragans, etc.- Histoire de
l'Acad. des Sc. de Paris, 1700, pp. 51, 101.

Sur la Tempête de la Mer Noir en Novembre, 1854-Comptes
Rendus de l'Acad. des Sc. de Paris, vol. xli. 1855, p. 1197
-Jour. le Cosmos by l'Abbé Moigno, vol. viii. 1856, pp.
3, 47.

On the Hurricanes of Jamaica; History of Jamaica, London,
1774, vol. i. p. 364; vol. iii. p. 620.

On the Storm which was experienced throughout the United States about December 20, 1836; Am. Phil. Trans., N. S., 1841, vol. vii. p. 125.

Supplementary Observations on the Storm which was expe-
rienced throughout the United States about December 20,
1836; Trans. of the Am. Phil. Soc., vol. viii., N. S., 1843,
p. 305.

On Two Storms which were experienced throughout the
United States in February, 1842; Trans. of the Am. Phil.
Soc., vol. ix., 1846, p. 161.

Calcutta Review, October, 1847.

vi. 422. Trans. of de Lagrange.

Hurricane in South Indian Ocean; Naut. Mag., 1852, p. 384.

Observations de M. Maille sur le Rapport de M. Babinet sur les Travaux de M. Espy; Nouvelle Théorie des Hydrométéores, Paris, 1853.

Bull. de la Société de Géographie de Paris, No. 125, p. 194.












Lettres sur l'Amérique; Bruxelles, 1851, vol. i. p. 218. Memoir on the Equinoctial Storms of March, April, 1850: an Inquiry into the Extent to which the Rotatory Theory may be applied; London, 1852.

Opinion on the Cause of Hurricanes; New Phil. Journal, vol. li. p. 271.

Physical Geography of the Sea; London, 1855, p. 257. Gales of the Gulf Stream, p. 303-Data for the Gale of 1848, plate x. p. 309-Data for the Gale of 1852, plate xvii. p. 314-Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts; 6th edit., Philadelphia, 1854.

Storm and Rain Chart of the North Atlantic, 1853, series E. The Hurricane in the West Indies; Extract of a Letter dated Her Majesty's ship 'Rodney,' at Havanna, October 9, 1844; Naut. Mag., 1845, p. 15.

Narratives written by Sea Commanders, illustrative of the
Law of Storms, and of its Practical Application to Navi-
gation-No. I., the 'Blenheim's' Hurricane of 1851, with
some Observations on the Storms of the South-East Trade-
Wind; London, 1851.

Hurricanes in the Eastern Seas-Redfield's Theory; Naut.
Mag., 1843, p. 145.

How to Make Use of a Hurricane; Naut. Mag., 1843,
p. 644.

Trans. Royal Society of Edinb., 1839, and vol. xiv. 1840,
p. 467.

On the Proximate Causes of certain Winds and Storms;
Silliman's Journal, 1831, vol. xix. p. 248; Edinb. New
Phil. Jour., vol. xi.

On Storms and Meteorological Observations (this is a reply
to Mr. Redfield's first paper on Storms); Silliman's Jour.,
1831, vol. xx. p. 361.

Application du Télégraphe Électrique à l'Étude des Ouragans, par M. Espy; Traité de Télégraphie Électrique, 2de edit., Paris, 1852, p. 127.

MOREAU DE JONNÈS Sur les Ouragans des Antilles, avec un Tableau Chronologique de ceux qui eurent lieu; Histoire Physique des Antilles Françaises, Paris, 1822, vol. i. p. 346.

MOREAU DE SAINT Des Ouragans de Saint Domingue; Description Topogra-
phique et Politique de la partie Espagnole de l'Ile de Saint
Domingue; Philadelphie, 1796, vol. i. p. 27, 114, 247.
Concerning Wind and Water Spouts, Tornados, and
Hurricanes; Trans. American Society, vol. i. p. 335.
Correspondance pour l'Avancement de la Météorologie,
Nevers, 1827, paragraphs 211, 212, 572 to 575, 662, 702,
704, 708, 709, 789, 796.



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On Whirlwinds; Society Journal, p. 202.

Hurricane on Sept. 23, 1658, which raged in Europe, was
felt in England-the depression of the barometer on that
occasion was possibly the cause of the death of Cromwell,
which took place that day--David P. Thomson, Intro-
duction to Meteorology; Edinb. 1849, p. 412.
Examination of the Storms which have visited England and
Ireland during the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, with
reference to the Theory of Rotatory Storms-Report of
the Twenty-fourth Meeting of the British Association;
London, 1855, p. 30.

Account of the Hurricane of August 2, 1837, at St. Thomas;
Naut. Mag.

Description de l'Ouragan du 4 Août, 1772, qui eut lieu à


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TABLE showing the Monthly Distribution of 365+ Cyclonic Hurricanes which have occurred in the West Indies and in the Atlantic Ocean within 362 years, from 1493 to 1855.

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This record shows that hurricanes have occurred in every month of the year, although they seem to be far more frequent from July to November, especially during August and September.

If we examine the distribution of hurricanes by centuries, according to my table, we come to the following conclusion:

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It is to be observed that for the last half century my records show more cases of hurricanes than for any century previous, and that the 18th century offers also five times as many hurricanes as the 17th century, and so on. But it would not be prudent to deduce from this remark, that hurricanes have occurred with less frequency during the previous centuries than in the last; for as I have observed several times, in my investigations on the phenomena of hailstorms, lightning, and earthquakes in Cuba, we are for the most part in

* 1855, Aug. 26, Santo Domingo, Schomburgk. See London Athenæum, Nov. 3, 1855.-ED.

Although my Table comprises 400 hurricanes, yet there are 45 of which the month has not been ascertained.

See my Memoirs on Hailstorms in Cuba in the Annales de Chimie et de Phys., 3e. série, t. xliv.; on Lightning Storms in Cuba and the United States of America, in the Annuaire de la Société Météorologique de France, t. iii. p. 41; and the Chronological Table of Earthquakes which have occurred in Cuba from 1551 to 1855, in the Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, June, 1855.

want of meteorological data to establish any laws from the little materials which science possesses. It is only from the commencement of this century, and more especially from 1831, when Mr. Redfield drew the attention of philosophers and observers by his important discovery, that the phenomena of hurricanes have been more closely studied and observed.

A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST of 450 Authors, Books, and Periodicals where some interesting accounts may be found, especially on the West and East Indian Hurricanes. By Andrés Poey, of Havanna, Cuba.

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Rules in Seamanship; Bermuda Royal Gazette, Sept. 29, 1846-Annual of Scientific Discovery, edited by David A. Wells, A.M., Boston, 1853, p. 380.

Opinion of M. Arago on the Theory of Espy, Bache, Reid,
and Redfield, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences
de Paris, 1838, vol. vii. p. 708. See also, on different
subjects of Hurricanes, An. de Chi. et Phy., vol. vii. p. 255,
1843; vol. viii. p. 66, 1818; vol. ix. p. 216, 1818; Comptes
Rendus, vol. i. p. 403, 1835.

Météores, liv. 3, ch. i.; Traité de Mundo, ch. iv.
Hurricane of Oct. 18, 1815, at Jamaica; Edin. Phil. Journal,
vol. vii. p. 257.

Pacific Hurricanes; Naut. Mag., 1851, p. 610.

The Hastings and Sphinx Hurricane of Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 in the China Sea; Naut. Mag., 1852, p. 34.

Exposé de la Théorie de M. Espy sur les Ouragans, Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 3° Série, vol. i. p. 372; Comptes Rendus, vol. xii., 1841.

Note and Diagrams illustrative of the Directions of the
Forces acting at and near the Surface of the Earth in
different parts of the Brunswick Tornado of June 19,
1835, read to the Am. Phil. Soc. on April 2, 1836; Trans.
of the Am. Phil. Soc., vol. v., 1837, New Series, p. 407.
An Attempt to fix the Data of Dr. Franklin's Observations
in Relation to the North-east Storms of the Atlantic
States; Franklin Journal, November, 1833.

On Dust Storms and Whirlwinds of Electricity; Phil. Mag.,
August, 1850, No. 248.

Mechanical Theory of Storms, containing the True Law of
Lunar Influence, &c., New York, 1854.

Memoranda relative to Hurricanes; Barbados General
Almanac for 1848.

Traité d'Electricité artificielle et naturelle; Turin, 1753,
chap. 7me

On Whirlwinds; Jour. of Voyages and Travels, vol. ii. p. 362.

Meteorologisch-Klimatographischer Atlas, Gotha, 1849, plate vii., Windkarte der Erde.

Hydrodynamica; Strasbourg, 1738.

BERTHOLON (l'Abbé) Des Ouragans; De l'Electricité des Météores, Paris, 1787,

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vol. ii. p. 309.

Description des Ouragans des Antilles qui eurent lieu à
l'Ile de Barboude dans le Voyage de la France Equi-
noxiale en l'Ile de Cayenne entrepris par les Français en
l'année 1652, Paris, 1664, p. 285.

Handbook of the Law of Storms, being a Digest of the
Principal Facts of Revolving Storms, Liverpool, 1853.
The Hurricane Guide, being an Attempt to Connect the
Rotatory Gale or Revolving Storm with Atmospheric





des Sc., vol. xii., 1841; Bibliothèque Universelle de
Genève, 1841, vol. xxxiv. p. 139.
Deductions from Observations made, and Facts collected, on
the Path of the Brunswick Spout of June 19, 1835; Trans.
of the Am. Phil. Soc., N. S., Philadelphia, 1837, vol. v.
p. 421.
Facts and Observations respecting the Tornado at New
Brunswick, New Jersey, in June last, Trans. of the Am.
Phil. Soc., N. S., p. 381.

First Report on Meteorology to the Surgeon-general of the
United States Army.

On Storms-Report of the Tenth Meeting of the British
Association, 1840, p. 30; The London Athenæum, No.
676, October 10, 1840, p. 794.

Analyse des Travaux d'Oersted et Espy sur les Ouragans; Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève, 1839, Sept., vol. xxiii. p. 145; and 1841, July, vol. xxxiv. p. 139.

Mémoires sur les Ouragans et les Trombes, Jour. de l'Institut, vol. viii. p. 436.

The Tornado of August 22, 1851, in Waltham, West Cam-
bridge, and Medfort, Middlesex County (Mass.). Plan-
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
N. S., vol. v. 1st Part, 1853, p. 169; Annuaire de la
Société Météorologique de France, vol. ii. 1854, p. 16;
Proceedings of the Am. Ac. of Arts and Sciences, vol. ii.
1852, pp. 269, 284, 285, 289, 298, 301.

EVANS (see Stormy Jack) Hurricane of January 13, 1843; Naut. Mag., 1843, p. 135.
Account of the Boston Storm of September 23, 1815, Am.
Phil. Trans., and reprinted in Brande's Quarterly Journal
of Science, 1819, p. 102.




On Hurricanes-Pacific Ocean Directory, London, 1851.
Part 2, p. 1207.

Voyage of H. M. SS. Adventure and Beagle (surveying
vessels), vols. i. and iii. p. 53; Appendix to vol. ii. p. 277.
On the Hurricane of December 7, 1827; Ed. Journ. of Sc.,
vol. ix. p. 139.

Supplementary Report on Meteorology to the British Association. Tenth Meeting, 1841, p. 109. FORNIER-DUPLAN.. Essai sur la Loi des Tempêtes ou des Coups de Vent, appliquée aux Mers des Indes et de Chine; par H. Piddington, traduit de l'Anglais par M. Fornier-Duplan, Capit. de Corvette; extrait des Annales Maritimes et Coloniales, publiées par MM. Bajot et Poirré, Avril, 1845; The Bengal and Agra Annual Guide and Gazetteer of 1842, 2nd Part, vol. i. p. 2.


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A Letter to the late Rev. William Derham, D.D., F.R.S., concerning the Storm, Jan. 8, 1734; Phil. Trans., 1735, vol. viii. part 2, p. 285.

General Account of the Calamities occasioned by the late tremendous Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the West India Islands, &c.; London, 1781. 8vo.

Works, Sparks's Edit., vol. vi. p. 201; Théorie de Franklin sur les Ouragans de l'Amérique ; Œuvres, vol. ii. p. 78. Notice of the Storms at Madras on October 20 and November 25, 1846; Madras Journal of Literature and Science, vol. xiv. 1847, p. 146.

Nautical Magazine, May, 1849.

Description de huit Tempêtes, et Considérations sur les Ouragans; Considerations conjecturales et d'hypothèses sur la Lune et les Marées, les Vents, etc., par les Electricités, Nantes, 1829, pp. 11-44, 117, 130, 136.

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