Gibson for the amount of certificate number twenty-six, issued to said Gibson by Chauncey L. Crouse, special commissioner under "an act appropriating certain internal improvement lands for the improvement of a State road in the counties of Livingston and Genesee," approved March twenty-third, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, the time for presentation of which warrant expired on the fifteenth day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty. Sec. 2. Before said warrants shall be issued, the certificate of said commissioner shall be presented and delivered to the Auditor General; and said warrants shall continue in force for two years from the fifteenth day of September, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty, and no longer. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 11, 1851. [No. 28. ] Fec. 2 of act AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Algon quin Mining Company, approved March 30, 1848. Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That sec1818, amen- tion two of an act to incorporate the Algonquin mining company, approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ded. Capital. may hold "Sec. 2. The said company shall have corporate succession, and its capital stock shall be one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of fifteen dollars each; and said company may acCompany quire and hold such real and personal estate in the upper peninsula of Michigan as the business of the company may require, to an amount not exceeding the capital stock of said company: Provided, That said company shall not be permitted to purchase or hold any real estate except such as shall be necessary for the exercise of its corporate franchises." real estate. Sec. 3 amended. Sec. 2. That section three of the act to which this act is amendatory be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 3. The officers of said company shall consist of a president, a board of directors, of whom the president shall be one, a secretary Assessm'ts. and treasurer, who may, at the pleasure of the company, be one and Officers. the same person; and the said company may levy assessments on the shares of its stock, and forfeit and sell the same for non-payment of any such assessment, in such manner as said company may by its by-laws prescribe: Provided, That one of the directors of said company shall at all times be a citizen and resident of the State of Michgan, upon whom service of all process against said company may be made, and the same shall be deemed a valid service thereof upon Service of said Algonquin mining company; and said company shall at all times how made. be subject to all the general laws of the State in reference to the commencement and prosecution of suits and the service of legal pro cess." process, Condition Sec. 3. The said company shall not be entitled to any of the benefits of this act, unless such company shall have been duly organized of benefits under the act to which this is amendatory,.before the passage of this act of this act. of accep where filed. Sec. 4. The said company shall not be entitled to any of the benefits of this act, unless within six months after the passage of this act Certificate a certificate, signed by the president and a majority of the directors tance, of said company, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan, setting forth that said company have accepted of and assented to all the provisions of this act. Approved March 11, 1851. [ No. 29. ] AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Siskowiet Sec. 1 of act 1949, amen Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section one of an act to incorporate the Siskowiet Mining Company of Mi- No. 76 ot chigan, approved March twelfth, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, ded. be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in the eighth line thereof, the words "upon the island of Isle Royal," so that said section shall read as follows: Incorpora "Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That Clement March, David H. Hall, tors. Royal C. Wightman, Charles Whittlesey, James G. Clark and Au Purposes of incorporation. Powers lim ated. Sec. 2 amen Restrictions. Capital stock. Company real estate. gustine L. McCrea, and others who shall be associated with them. are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of the Siskowiet Mining Company of Michigan, for the purpose of mining, smelt-. ing and manufacturing ores, minerals and metals in the upper peninsula of Michigan: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall confer on said company any powers of banking or brokerage, exchange, dealing in money, purchasing any stock of any bank, or for any other purposes than those herein particularly specified." Sec. 2. That said act be amended by adding at the end of section two of the same, the following: "Provided, That said company shall not be permitted to purchase or hold any real estate except such as shall be necessary for the exercise of its corporate franchises, and not exceeding one-half of their capital stock;" so that said section shall read as follows: "Sec. 2. The said company shall have corporate succession; its capital stock shall be two hundred thousand dollars, divided into ten thousand shares of twenty dollars each; and said company may ac may hold quire and hold such real and personal estate as the business of said company may require, to an amount not exceeding the capital stock: Provided, That said company shall not be permitted to purchase or hold any real estate except such as shall be necessary for the exercise of its corporate franchises." Sec. 3 amended. Officers. Assessm'ts. Service process, bow made. Sec. 3. That section three of the act to which this act is amendatory be and the same is hereby amended, so as to read as follows: "Sec. 3. The officers of said company shall consist of a president, a board of five directors, (each owning in his own right not less than twenty shares of stock,) of whom the president shall be one, a secretary and treasurer, who may, at the pleasure of the company, be one and the same person. And the said company may by its officers, levy assessments on the shares of its stock, and forfeit and sell the said shares for non-payment of any such assessment, in such manner as their by-laws shall prescribe: Provided, That one of said directors shall be a resident of the State of Michigan, and upon whom service of all process against said company may be made, and the same shall be deemed a valid service thereof upon said Siskowiet Mining Company; and that until the first annual meeting of said company after its organization under this act, Clement March, David A. Hall, of Washington, District of Columbia, James G. Clark, of Philadelphia, Charles Whittlesey, of Michigan, and Augustine L. McCrea, of Wisconsin, continue, and they and their successors are expressly constituted directors of said company, and shall have and exercise all the powers, and be subject to all duties and restrictions imposed on the directors to be chosen under this act; and said company shall at all times be subject to such general laws as are now in force, or may hereafter be passed in reference to the commencement and prosecution of suits and the service of legal process against corporations." Directors. ded. Duration of Certificate Sec. 4. That section nine of the act to which this act is amendato- Sec. 9 amenry, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 9. This act shall take effect and be in force for thirty years charter. from and after its passage, and the Legislature may at any time alter, amend or repeal this act for a violation of the provisions thereof." Sec. 5. The said company shall not be entitled to any of the benefits of this act, unless, within six months after the act, a certificate signed by the president and a majority of the direc- where fiod. tors of said company, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan, setting forth that said company have accepted of and assented to all the provisions of this act. Approved March 11, 1851. passage of this of accept ance, [ No. 30. ] AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Bohemian Mining Company, approved March 27, 1848. Sec. 2 of act Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section two of an act to incorporate the Bohemian mining company, ap- 1848, amenproved March twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ded. stock. Sec. 2. The said company shall have corporate succession; its Capital capital stock shall be two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of fifteen dollars each; and said eompany may acquire and hold such real and personal estate in the upper peninsula of Company Michigan as the business of the company may require, to an amount real estate. not exceeding the capital stock of said company: Provided, That said may hold Sec. 3 amen ded. Officers. Assessm' ts. company shall not be permitted to purchase or hold any real estate except such as shall be necessary for the exercise of its corporate franchises." Sec. 2. That section three of the act to which this act is amendatory, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 3. The officers of said company shall consist of a president, a board of five directors, of whom the president shall be one, a secretary and treasurer, who may, at the pleasure of the company, be one and the same person; and the said company may levy assessments on the shares of its stock, and forfeit and sell the same for non-payment of any such assessment, in such manner as said company may by its laws prescribe: Provided, That one of the directors of said company shall at all times be a citizen and resident of the State of Michigan, upon whom service of all process against said process, company may be made, and the same shall be deemed a valid serbow made. vice thereof upon said Bohemian mining company; and said company shall at all times be subject to all the general laws of the State in reference to the commencement and prosecution of suits and the service of legal process." Service of Condition of of Sec. 3. The said company shall not be entitled to any of the provisions of this act, unless such company shall have been duly organized under the act to which this is amendatory, before the passage of this act. Sec. 4. The said company shall not be entitled to any of the beneCertificate fits of this act, unless within six months after the passage of this act, of accep where filed. tance, a certificate, signed by the president and a majority of the directors of said company, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan, setting forth that said company have aecepted of and assented to all the provisions of this act: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to revive any rights forfeited by said company in consequence of not having complied with the provisions of their charter. Proviso. Approved March 11, 1851. [ No. 31. ] AN ACT to repeal an act to incorporate the village of St. Mary, approved April second, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That an |