147. An act to amend the charter of the village of Niles, approved April 8, 1851, 148. An act granting to Alexander H. Bartley and his assigns, the right to keep and maintain a ferry across the St. Clair river, at the village of St. Clair, approved April 8, 1851, 149. An act to amend section one of chapter ninety-three of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and fortysix, conferring jurisdiction upon justices of the peace, approved April 8, 1851, 150. An act to amend the second section of an act entitled an act to incorporate the Douglass Houghton mining company, approved March 27, 1848; approved April 8, 1851, 151. An act to provide for the government of the State University, and to repeal chapter fifty-seven of the revised statutes of 1846, approved April 8, 1851, 152. An act to amend sections one, two and three of chapter ninety-five of the revised statutes of 1846, approved April 8, 1851, Page. 195 202 204 204 205 209 153. An act relating to the State Library, approved April 8, 1851, 209 154. An act to provide for publishing the reports of the State officers for the year 1852, and every second year thereafter, approved April 8, 1851, 155. An act to provide for the formation of companies to construct plank roads, approved April 8, 1851, 156. An act to define the powers and duties of the boards of supervisors of the several counties, and to confer upon them certain local, administrative and legislative powers, approved April 8, 1851, 210 211 231 157. An act to define the limits, jurisdiction and powers of circuit courts, approved April 8, 1851, 242 LIST OF ACTS PASSED AT THE EXTRA SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE OF 1851. 158. An act to provide for the payment of the members and officers of the extra session of the Legislature, approved June 17, 1851., 265 159. An act prescribing the manner of filling vacancies in 266 267 No. Title. Page. 161. An act to amend section one of an act entitled an act to provide for publishing the reports of State officers for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two and every second year thereafter, approved April 8, 1851, approved June 23, 1851, 162. An act to provide for the publication of legal notices, approved June 24, 1851, 163. An act to provide for letting to contract the furnishing of fuel and stationery for the use of the State, and also the State printing and binding, approved June 24, 1851, 164. An act to divide the State into Congressional districts, approved June 26, 1851, 165. An act to amend section twenty-one of an act to define the powers and duties of the boards of supervisors of the several counties, and to confer upon them certain local, administrative and legislative powers, approved April 8, 1851, approved June 21, 1851, 166. An act to amend section three of an act to provide for the trial of civil causes in the circuit court by jury, approved March 28, 1850; approved June 26, 1851, 167. An act to apportion anew the Representatives among the several counties and districts of this State, approved June 26, 1851, 168. An act making appropriations for the salaries of State officers for the years eighteen hundred and fifty-one and eighteen hundred and fifty-two, approved June 27, 1851, 169. An act to provide for the disposal of certain justices' dockets in the county of Kent, approved June 27, 1851,. 170. An act to provide for the removal of causes remaining in the late court of chancery, approved June 27, 1851, 171. An act to provide for the discharge of the duties heretofore performed by Injunction Masters, approved June 27, 1851, 172. An act to amend sections three, fourteen and fifteen of chapter fifteen of the revised statutes of 1846, in relation to vacancies in office, approved June 27, 1851, 173. An act to organize the townships of Newaygo and Brooks, in the county of Newaygo, approved June 27, 1851, 174. An act to amend an act entitled an act to amend chapter 93 of the revised statutes of 1846 in relation to appeals, approved March 16, 1849; approved June 27, 1851, 268 269 269 271 271 272 273 274 276 276 277 278 280 280 No. Title. 175. An act to provide for holding general and special elec- 176. An act to divide the State into Senate districts, approved Page. 281 June 27, 1851, 302 177. An act to organize the county of Newaygo, approved June 27, 1851, 305 178. An act to amend chapter forty-one of the revised statutes of 1846, of taverns and other licensed houses, approved June 27, 1851, 179. An act supplementary to an act to define the limits, jurisdiction and powers of circuit courts, approved April 8, 1851, providing the mode of trying causes in the circuit court without a jury, approved June 27, 1851, 180. An act to amend an act entitled an act to provide for the election of a district judge and regent of the university in the upper peninsula, approved April 7, 1851, approved June 28, 1851, 181. An act to amend an act entitled an act to provide for 185. An act to provide for holding terms of the district court and seventy-four of an act to consolidate the laws in lands granted to the State, and for the disposition of 306 311 312 313 314 315 316 321 321 322 188. An act supplementary to the acts incorporating the city of Detroit, approved June 28, 1851, 323 189. An act to amend sections two and three of, and supplementary to, an act entitled an act to incorporate the Copper Falls mining company, approved March 15, 1848, approved June 28, 1851, 324 190. An act to amend section two of an act entitled an act to in- 192. An act to amend section three of an act entitled an act 193. An act to repeal an act entitled an act to amend sections one, three, four, six, thirteen, seventeen and nineteen of an act entitled an act to incorporate the St. Mary's canal company, approved March 17, 1847; approved April 8, 1851; approved June 28, 1851, 194. An act to amend sections one and two of, and supplementary to, an act to incorporate the Medora mining company, approved March 28, 1848, and to change the name of said company to that of the Agate Harbor mining company, approved June 28, 1851, 195. An act making appropriations to defray certain expenses authorized for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-one, approved June 28, 1851, Page. 325 326 327 327 328 329 No. JOINT RESOLUTIONS. Title. 1. Joint resolution in relation to Indian claims, approved February 19, 1851, 2. Preamble and joint resolutions relative to bounty land, approved February 22, 1851, 3. Preamble and joint resolution in relation to claims to land of Joseph Sansfacon and others, approved February 22, 1851, 4. Joint resolution relative to the appropriation of 25,000 acres of land to build a canal around the rapids of Grand river at Grand Rapids, approved February 25, 1851, 5. Joint resolution relative to the construction of a ship canal around the Falls of Ste Marie, approved March 3, 1851, 6. Joint resolutions relative to moneys advanced by the State of Michigan, in behalf of the United States, and for the amount paid by the State for expenses incurred whilst a territory, in maintaining our territorial boundary, approved March 3, 1851, 7. Joint resolution for the relief of Gardner Kellogg, M. S. Kellogg and Nelson H. Chittenden, approved March 24, 1851, 8. Joint resolution authorizing the Auditor General to draw and deliver to John Snow a land warrant in place of certain warrants which have been lost, approved April 2, 1851, 9. Joint resolution relating to certain primary school lands, approved April 4, 1851, 10. Joint resolution authorizing the Auditor General to draw certain warrants in place of warrants which have been lost, upon p oof of such loss, approved April 4, 1851, 11. Joint resolution to authorize the Auditor General to correct the charge for the two and one-half mill tax against the county of Lenawee for the year 1850, approved April 4, 1851, Page 249 250 251 251 252 254 255 255 256 256 257 |