1 12. Joint resolution relative to enrolled bills and resolutoins which may not be reported before the final adjournment of the legislature, approved April 5, 1851, 13. Joint resolution relative to the interest account between the State of Michigan and certain counties thereof, approved April 7, 1851, 14. Joint resolution relative to printing the revised constitu- 16. Joint resolution relative to the distribution of the session 18. Joint resolution authorizing the sale of the published Page 257 258 258 258 259 260 261 19. Joint resolution relative to enrolled bills and resolutions which may not be reported before the final adjournment of the Legislature, approved June 28, 1851. 333 Act No. 96 of 1840, amended, Auditor General, authorized to issue certain warrants, act relative to salary of clerk's in the office of, Appropriations, for payment of the members and officers of the Legislature, payment of members and officers of the extra session the payment of the accruing indebtedness of the State, expenses authorized for the year 1851, Attachment, proceedings by, against foreign corporations in certain cases, chapter 114 of revised statutes in relation to, amended, Ann Arbor City, incorporated, Atwater, John Atson, name changed to Rosebrook, Appeals. act relative to, amended, Bridges, 18 25 171 255 256 37 82 168 265 267 274 329 91 161 121 149 280 act for the construction of across Grand River in the village Circuit Court, act to define the limits, jurisdictions and powers of, act relative to trial of civil causes by jury in, amended, Cotton Wood Swamp Turnpike Company, charter amended, Circuit Court Commissioner, act to provide for one additional in Wayne county, certain duties of, 242 272 311 102 146 277 147 150 142 172 305 to charters, 153 act to provide for removal of causes remaining in late, 276 act authorizing F. G. Hubinger and A. Cramer to erect a dam across Cass river, amended, 321 act to provide for holding terms of, in upper peninsula, act providing for the election of circuit judges and regents act to provide for holding of, in the upper peninsula, |