NAMES Of the Governor, Lieut. Governor, Senators and Representatives in Office at the time of the passage of the Laws contained in this Volume. JOHN S. BARRY, GOVERNOR. SENATE. WILLIAM M. FENTON, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, AND PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN. The People of the State of Michigan do ordain this Constitution: ARTICLE I. BOUNDARIES. The State of Michigan consists of and has jurisdiction over the territory embraced within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a point on the eastern boundary line of the State of Indiana, where a direct line drawn from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the most northerly cape of the Maumee Bay shall intersect the same-said point being the north-west corner of the State of Ohio, as established by act of Congress, entitled "an act to establish the northern boundary line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for upon the conthe admission of the State of Michigan into the Union ditions therein expressed," approved June fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six; thence with the said boundary line of the State of Ohio till it intersects the boundary line between the United States and Canada in Lake Erie; thence with said boundary line between the United States und Canada through the Detroit river, Lake Huron and Lake Superior to a point where the said line last touches Lake Superior; thence in a direct line through Lake Superior to the mouth of the Montreal river; thence through the middle of the main channel of the said river Montreal to the head waters thereof; thence in a direct line to the centre of the channel between Middle and South Islands in the Lake of the Desert; thence in a direct line to the southern shore of Lake Brule; thence along said southern shore and down the river Brule to the main channel of the Territory over which the State o Michigan has jurisdic tion. |