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tlemen setting themselves up as censors of any man's conduct. For himself, he could unhesitatingly declare that he had never done it, and never would do it. Whenever a gentleman thought proper to address the Convention, he had a right to do so: he was responsible to his constituents and to no one else. And, while he would not censure any one, he would not submit to the control of any one here. He wished it clearly to be understood, that, in making these observations in regard to the impropriety of censuring one another, he meant, of course, not to reflect on any individual. The indulgence in the practice of censuring each other, sometimes produced unpleasant feelings. He should regret it, if he had said anything which had wounded the feelings of any gentleman of the Convention. And, he would, for the future, take care not to hurt them again.

Mr. PORTER replied, that his observations were not made in reference to the gentleman from Montgomery, but we.e in reply to the gentleman from Philadelphia, (Mr.BROWN). The gentleman, however, seemed to have taken some prejudice to him, (Mr. P.) and he knew not why it should exist. He did not know that they had crossed each others' path: nor could he (Mr. P.) say, that the course of the gentleman had caused him any unpleasantness.

Mr. STERIGERE: I am glad to hear the gentleman say so.

Mr. PORTER said, that he wished to undeceive the gentleman from Montgomery, as to his (Mr. P's.) course.

Mr. STERIGERE expressed himself quite satisfied with the explanation. Mr. STEVENS said, that he should vote for the indefinite postponement, as the Convention were not prepared, at this time, to say whether they would adjourn over the next election. It seemed to him, that if there were a desire among different members, or different parties here, if you please, to make a compromise-to give and take-we could agree on certain amendments to the Constitution, in time to submit it to the people at the next general election. And, if the course indicated by the gentleman from Northampton (Mr. PORTER) this morning, which was, to have a committee appointed to consider a report upon the different propositions, and to bring in a resolution for the immediate action of the Convention upon them, so that they might be disposed of at once, without going through the forms of a second and third reading, should be met in the spirit, which it seemed to him, he (Mr. P.) made it, we should be able to come to some satisfactory conclusion. Or, if not quite satisfactory, at least more so than it would to gentlemen to have to sit here nine months, and would better please those who we represent on this floor. Among the objects which he was sent here to do, was. to give the county officers to the people, and also, to oppose some alterations which gentlemen might propose, and which did not suit his constituents. He was now willing to go further than he had intended-was disposed to vote for some plan like that of the gentleman from Northampton, which he regarded, as being of fered in a spirit of reconciliation. Some gentlemen, however, were for having all, or nothing. We had sat here already, between two and three months, and had done but little, and the Convention would not get through their labors in nine months, and after having spent a proportionate amount of the people's money, unless gentlemen should evince a disposition of reconciliation and compromise. He was therefore opposed to the adjournment over to the fall; and he was somewhat surprised, that the gentleman

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from Northamption (Mr. PORTER) should be in favor of adjournment, until another week should have gone round, and we should see if there was no proposition which might be agreed on, not in the expectation of pleasing every one, but one which would be agreeable to a majority, leaving those points on which they could not agree, to the action of the people, under the easy mode which would be pointed out for making amendments. We ought never to agree to adjourn over a week or ten days, until we learn that it is the desire of the people that we should do se. Gentlemen said, we had better adjourn, and consult our constituents, and return. How are we to know their views? One gentleman told us, he was sent here to get such amendments, and another told us that he was sent here to get a different set of amendments: and we are to be made a board of Justices, to record the edicts of the people, who speak to us through their mouthpieces. Another gentleman, gave us another view. We are very apt to suppose that the people want, what we ourselves want. He wanted the justices to be elected by the people. Another says, I am the people. Another expresses a deference to the people, and favors us with opinions, which we are asked to take as the sense of the people. Persons disposed to sleep, may sometimes be rouzed by a jog. He would wake up these gentlemen, and suggest to them to make the day of adjournment the third of November, so that the people may say at the next election, whether we shall assemble here again, or not. Would gentlemen accede to the suggestion? The conservatives would not. Would the reformers, who make the people their idol, and who say prayers to the people, at the corners of the streets, twenty times a day; and, if not, dare they let us sit here, and do our business with as little cost to the country as we can? He concluded with moving to amend the amendment, by striking out the words "sixteenth of October", and inserting the words "third day of November", and adding to the end thereof, the following, viz:

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"Provided, that at the next general election, the question whether this Convention shall re-assemble, shall be submited to the people in the following manner, to wit: Tickets, containing on the outside the word "Convention", and on the inside "assemble”, or “not assemble", shall be received by the inspectors from legal voters of this Commonwealth, and carefully counted and returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, as is provided for in the election of Sheriffs; and the said Secretary shall open and count the same within days of the day of said general election; and the Governor, by proclamation, published in each county of the State, shall announce the result; and if the tickets containing the word "assemble", shall exceed those containing the words "not assemble", then the Govrenor shall notify the Convention to re-assemble; but if the majority of the votes thus given, shall not be in favor of the Convention's re-assembling, then this Convention shall not again meet, but be dissolved -and that the amendments to the Constitution already agreed upon in committee of the whole, as well as the proposition now pending, with regard to county officers, be submited to the people at the next general election, for their ratification or rejection".

Mr. FULLER, of Fayette, expressed a hope that the question would be taken. He wished the Convention to save time in debating. He had desired to pass such a resolution some weeks ago, but it seemed as if gentlemen were determined no resolution of the kind should pass. He would go

against the motion. He desired to make such amendments as the people asked for, and nothing should influence him from that course. He would not agree to postpone, nor would he agree to leave the Convention until there had been a test vote of the Convention. He moved the previous question.

The PRESIDENT decided that the motion was out of order-the Convention having already refused to-day to take the previous question.

Mr. HIESTER, of Lancaster, said, he was opposed to the indefinite postponement, and was also opposed to any adjournment before the business was concluded. It would only delay getting the question on the resolution, which he now believed a majority were determined to pass. He had, as the Journals would show, uniformly voted against similar propositions, and intended to vote against the present resolution also. The people expected us to complete what we had assembled to do, without an adjournment over; and that, he believed, might yet be done by about the middle of August, and before the commencement of the sickly season. He coincided in opinion with the gentleman from Lycoming, (Mr. FLEMING,) that, after we had agreed on an amendment that the Legislature should, in future, meet on the first Tuesday of January, in order to prevent the holy-day adjournments, against which there was so much complaint, it came with an ill-grace from us, to do the same that we wished to restrict others from doing.

The gentleman from Franklin (Mr. DUNLOP) had given a detailed statement of the daily expense of the Convention, which he made out to be upwards of nine hundred dollars, and this, he seemed to think, was a good reason for voting for an adjournment over until next October, as he told us he would vote for the resolution. This, said Mr. H., together with the whole of the gentleman's argument, was to his mind, the best reason for voting against the resolution. For, who did not know, that if gentlemen went home for a couple of months, that they would return with a variety of new schemes and projects, and with a renewed desire to make long speeches; and that it would consequently, require double the time to get through, that would now be necessary to finish the work. But, said Mr. H., he had risen principally to say a word in support of his colleague's (Mr. KONIGMACHER) amendment. If the Convention did adjourn to the middle of October, it was very certain that they could not get through by the first Monday in December, and the Legislature would then (if it should not be sooner convened by the Governor, and which was not improbable) take possession of this Hall. It would, consequently, become necessary to obtain and fit out another place for the Convention to meet in. He did not know whether another house could be got in this place; but he thought, that upon a little reflection, every gentleman would agree with him, that it would not be proper for the Convention and the Legislature to be assembled in the same place, at the same time. There would necessarily, be a suspicion on the public mind, that one of these bodies might exercise an undue influence over the other; and he thought there ought to be no cause given for such an imputation, or suspicion. If, therefore, the resolution was adopted, he hoped that some other place of meeting would be agreed upon. His colleague, (Mr. REIGART,) who was now not present, had informed the Convention, some time ago, that the German Lutheran church in the city of Lancaster, would be given gratis for the

Convention to sit in, if they chose to assemble there. This building was large and commodious, and might, with very little expense, be fitted up for the accommodation and convenience of the Convention. He should, therefore, vote for the amendment; and if that was not agreed to, he should, if no other gentleman did, move to insert the city of Philadelphia as the place of meeting; for, in his opinion, it was highly important that the Convention and Legislature should not be assembled here, at one and the same time.

Mr. BALDWIN moved an adjournment. Lost.

Mr. CURLL hoped, if the gentleman would not withdraw the motion for the indefinite postponement, that it would not prevail. He wished to have a direct vote upon the resolution, so as to settle the question. For his own part, he had felt in favor of the resolution, but after the argument we have just heard, he had determined to go against it, and against all adjournments, until we finish our labors.

Mr. McDowELL begged leave to say a word, before the question was taken. He hoped and prayed that the motion for a postponement might not prevail; but that the question might be taken directly on the resolution, and this question of adjournment decided and settled, one way or the other, so that we may never hear more of it in this Convention, until we adjourn sine die.

The question was then taken on the motion to postpone indefinitely, and decided in the negative.

The motion to strike out "this place", and insert "Lancaster", was decided in the negative.

Mr. HIESTER then moved to strike out "this place", and insert "Philadelphia."

Mr. AGNEW should vote in favor of Philadelphia, because if we adjourned, until the time proposed, he thought we should meet at some other place; but by that vote he did not wish to be understood as being favorable to an adjournment at all.

Mr. CLARKE called for the yeas and nays, which were ordered, and were yeas, 43; nays, 46-as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Agnew, Bayne, Bonham, Brown, of Northampton, Brown, of Philadelphia, Butler, Clarke, of Beaver, Clark, of Dauphin, Clarke, of Indiana, Cochran, Crain, Darrah, Donnell, Doran, Dunlop, Earle, Farrelly, Fleming, Gamble, Gearhart, Grenell, Hayhurst, Helffenstein, Hiester, Keim, Kerr, M'Sherry, Miller, Montgomery, Myers, Nevin, Purviance, Read, Riter, Ritter, Shellito, Smith, Smyth, Sterigere, Stevens, Stickel, Taggart, Young-43.

NAYS-Messrs Baldwin, Barclay, Barndollar, Carey, Chambers, Chandler, of Chester, Chauncey, Cleavinger, Cline, Crum, Cummin, Curll, Darlington, Denny, Dickerson, Dillinger, Forward, Foulkrod, Fry, Fuller, Gilmore, Hastings, Henderson, of Allegheny, Henderson, of Dauphin, Hopkinson, Houpt, Hyde, Jenks, Kennedy, Konigmacher, Krebs, Maclay, Mann, M'Call, M'Dowell, Meredith, Merkel, Overfield, Pennypacker, Pollock, Porter, of Northampton, Rogers, Russell, Saegar, Scott, Sellers, Serrill, Scheetz, Sill, Snively, Swetland, Thomas, Todd, Weidman, Sergeant, President-55. So the question was decided in the negative.

Mr. BAYNE moved to strike out "this place", and insert "Pittsburg". Mr. CHANDLER, of Chester, moved that the Convention do now adjourn. Lost.

The question was then taken on Mr. BAYNE's amendment, and decided in the negative.

Mr. RITER moved to strike out "this place", and insert "Germantown", which was negatived.

Mr. OVERFIELD modified his proposition, so as to read the fifteenth of July.

Mr. STEVENS moved to strike out "this place", leaving it to be decided hereafter, where the Convention should meet.

Mr. READ thought the amendment should be modified, because, if the resolution were passed with a blank in it, no place would be named where the Convention should meet again.

The PRESIDENT said a blank would not be left in the resolution, and that the Convention would meet here.

Mr. STEVENS moved to amend the resolution by striking out the words "sixteenth day of October", and inserting "third Tuesday of November", and to add at the end thereof, as follows, viz: "And provided, That at the next general election, the question whether this Convention shall reassemble, shall be submited to the people, in the following manner, to wit: Tickets containing on the outside, the word "Convention", and on the inside" assemble", or "not assemble", shall be received by the Inspectors from the legal voters of this Commonwealth, and carefully counted, and returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, as is provided for in the election of Sheriff; and the said Secretary shall open and count the same within days of the day of said general election; and the Governor, by proclamation published in each county of the State, shall announce the result; and if the tickets, containing the word "assemble", shall exceed those containing the words "not assemble", then the Governor shall so state and notify the Convention to re-assemble; but if the majority of votes, thus given, shall not be in favor of the Convention re-assembling, then this Convention shall not again meet, but be dissolved; and that the amendments to the Constitution, already agreed upon, in committee of the whole, as well as the proposition now pending, with regard to county officers, be submited to the people at the next general election, for their ratification or rejection".

Mr. DORAN moved that the Convention do now adjourn. Lost.

Mr. CRUM asked for a division of the question, to end with the words "third Tuesday of November".

Mr. STERIGERE, after remarking that the attendance of the members was but thin to-day, and that it was proper the question ought to be taken when the Convention was more full, moved that the further consideration of the resolution and amendment, be postponed till Saturday.

The question was taken on postponing, and decided in the negative. Mr. M'DOWELL opposed the motion to postpone, and expressed his hope that the question of adjournment would now be settled for ever.

Mr. M'CALL intimated that it would be much more convenient to adjourn on the 12th, as three days would then be left for members to reach their homes before the Sabbath, as it would be improper to travel on that day.

The question then recuring, was on the adoption of the amendment of Mr. STEVENS.

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Mr. MEREDITH said that a division of the question had been demanded, and he entertained some doubts whether it was divisible,

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