THE * General aspect of affairs. Present appearances pacific. Some ancient causes of contention removed. France. Holland. General ftate of the North. Germany. Italy. Expulsion of the Jefuits from Naples and Parma. The interest of the court of Rome declining in Italy. Portugal. Scarcity of Strit attention of the government of Sweden to prevent luxury. An ima portant law made for enlarging the liberty of the press in that kingdom. Denmark. Great preparations making in Ruffia, to observe the tranfit of the planet Venus over the fun: the Empress writes a letter upon that fub- ject to the academy at Petersburgh. Deputies from all the provinces of the empire are summoned to Moscow, to form a new code of laws. State of affairs in Turkey. Encouragement given by the Grand Seignior, to intro- duce the art of printing in bis dominions. The piratical states of Barbary refuse to pay the ancient tribute to the Porte. An insurrection in the province State of affairs in Poland. Original causes of the late disputes. Ancient Y uni n 1 union into a of the kingdom of Poland and the great duchy of Lithuania. The kingdom modelled a republic, upon the death of Sigismund Augustus. The first diet of the republic. A perpetual peace agreed upon bersixen-the Diffidents. The original meaning of that term. The causes affigned for the great fuperiority which the Roman Carboles in Poland have acquired over the Greeks and Protestants. Account of Sigifmund the third. Treaty of Oliva. Edict against the Arians. Conftitution of 1-17. Oppreffion of the Diffidents in confequence of : Compi of 1736. Confederacies formed by the Diffident nobles. Declaration of the Empress of Ruffia in Malecontents. The diet meets : fome of the members arrested by the Ruffians, their favour. Of the King of Pruffia, &c. A commission appointed finally to fettle the affairs of the Diffidents. 17 Spain. Meafures relative to the expulfion of the Jesuits; the causes that are affigned for that proceeding. The houses of that fociety in every part of Spain feized by the king's troops; the members arrested, and their effects Sequestered. The King of Spain's ordinance against the fociety. The Jefuits transported to Croita Vecchia, but are por suffered to be landed; from The J Jefuits in Mexico, and all the other Corfica. thence they are carried to Spanish colonies, arrested, a fued in Naples and Sicilya CHAP.VN The paf Pifa; beginning of Of Corsica; its ancient flate; granted by a Pope to the republic of conquered by the Genoese; oppressive and impolitic g government of it. Corficans offer to submit themselves to the Turks: present troubles in that island; the Prince Prim of Wirtemberg, with an an imperial army, compels the malecontents to fubmit. I he troubles begin agains Theodore proclaimed king. French army fabdue the island, but upon their departure the malecontents renew the war with more fury chal Paoli declared general of the Vorficant be drives th fortified towns upon the coafts; and establishes a regular governmems 9 conquest of the island of Capraja fut List חיי laid on Paf than ever. The 4 Great distresses of the poor, from the high prices of provisions, wote und tumults thereupon; feveral of the rioters taken; special commissions ifred for their immediate trial. A proclamation against forestalling the parliament prorogued; an embargo on hips loaded avimb wbeat. The state of the e East-India Company; great disputes between the members of it; their affairs become a subject of general difcuffion. Meffage from the ministry to the court of India direttors; a great increase of di 4 vidend Didend warried by à numerous majority of proprietors. The parliament weer notice taken, in the speceb from the throne, of the neceffity that octafuned the late exertion of authority, far the preservation of the public [39 Safety CHAP VIII. : A bill of indemnity for those concerned in the late embargo, brought in great debates thereon ; the bill passed. The bill for restraining all acts of the affembly of New York, brought in and paffed. Land-tax reduced to Abree shillings in the pound. Great debates upon India affairs; proposals made by the company for an accommodation with government; the proposals accepted, and a bill passed for that parpofe. Bill for regulating India dividends; great debates thereon; the bill paffes, and the house breaks CHRONICLE. Births for the year 1767 Principal Promotions منهم . Dearbالمسال ٠٧٥ عط ٦٥ ***APPENDIX to the CHRONICLE. [46* [169 [171 172 [174 Protest against the refcinding the East-India dividend [180 Translation of his Catholic majesty's ordinance for the banishment of the Jefuits [185 An authentic narrative of the many borrid cruelties inflicted by Elizabeth Brownrigg upon her apprentice girls [190 Abstract of the trial of William Guest for bigh treason, in filing, impairing, count Wolodimer Orlow, director of the academy of sciences at Peters burg سية 200 Copy of a letter from M. Ramousky, of the imperial academy of Sciences at Petersburgh to Mr Short, of the royal fociety of London [ibid. [201 A curious account of the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 5 on the 19th of An account of the last honours paid to his rayal bighness the Duke of York, as Monaco in Italy [203 Ceremonial of the private interment of bis late royal bighness the Duke of York and Albany, in the royal vault in king Henry the VIIth's chapel [204 Same particulars of the life of bis late royal bigbness the Duke of Kork [207 A narrative of the extraordinary distresses which were suffered at fear by the Jurviving part of the crew of the brig Sally, captain Tabry, bound from In Philadelphia to Hifpaniola Oliver Cromwell's speech to the members of the long parliament, when be turned them out of the boufe:212 umbis An account of all the public debts, at the receipt of his majesty's exchequer ftanding out Fano 5,1767 fbeing old Christmas day) with the annual intereft or other charges payable for the same Supplies granted by parliament, for the year 1767 Ways and means for raising the above fupply STATE PAPE-R S. [214 ειά F226 A His majesty's most gracious speech to both houses of parliament, on Thursday 230 the 2nd day of July, 1767 His majesty's most gracious speech to both houses of parliament, on Tuesday the 24th of November, 1767; with the humble addresses of both boufes upon the occafion, and his majesty's most gracious answers [ibid. The humble address to his majesty, of the right bon. the lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in common council affembled, presented of November, 1767, on the happy occafion of the birth of a prince together with their condolence on the death of his royal highness the dake of York; and bis majesty's most gracious anfwer the 11th : A [234 His excellency George lord viscount Townshend, tord lieutenant-general, and general governor of Ireland, bis speech to both bouses of parliament at Dublin, on Tuesday the zoth day of October, 1767, with their addreffes on the occafion, &c. Dublin CHARACTERS. [235 General character of the Welsh, as it was in the time of Henry the Second Character of the English and Normans 도 of Harold 7. of William the First ibid. of William Rufus 10 of Louis le Gros 13 and death of prince Eustace, fon to king Stephen 14 of king Stephen 15 of Siward, eart of Northumberland 17 of Henry the Second ibib. ١٩١٣ of the empress Matilda 21 of Sir Philip Sidney, with a comparison between him and the cele brated chevalier Bayard Curicus particulars of fome remote nations and tribes of Tariars Character of the duke of Shrewsbury of John duke of Argyle of the duke of Berwick dus of the duke of Ormond of Cardinal de Fleury Some account of Mrs. Thomas, the celebrated Corinna Anecdotes of Monf. de Voltaire in bis prefent fituation at Fernez in Burgundy, near Geneva N NATURAL HISTORY of ف در Obfervations upon animals, commonly called amphibious, by authors A letter from James Parfons, M. D. F. R. S. to the right honourable the earl of Morton, prefident of the royal fociety, on the double horns of the rhinoceros. 79 A letter to the president of the royal Society; containing a new manner of measuring the velocity of wind, and an experiment to afcertain to what quantity of water a fall of fnow is equal Some curious particulars relative to the growth of shubarb; how an animal called the marmot contributes to its propagation, and how the natives dry the Froot 84 Some account of the hores, called mammon's borns; and the strange opinions the Tartars bold of the kind of animal to which they imagine they belonged -85 Extract from the Theatrico Critico Universal. Para Desenganno De Errores Communes, the voluminous wark of the famous Spanish Benedictine Monk, Father Feyjos 86 Of Spirits prepared by the force of fire, with some obfervations for guarding against, and remedying the noxious vapours of charcoal, &c. 88 On the effect of the imagination on a different body 192 Of the common sensory affected by poisons 96 Of the effect of rains, of marshes and bogs, fubterraneons wood, and fubterra neous waters, 99 Observations on the cicada, or locuft of America, which appears periodically once in 16 or 17 years 103 Experiments on a bog's bladder 106 Obfervations on some extraordinary symptoms occafioned by nutmeg taken in too great a quantity. 107 An account of a dwarf, kept in the palace of the late King of Poland 108 New experiments concerning the putrefaction of the juices and humours of animal bodies 109 Experiment on the heat that may be caused by the rays of the fun reflected from the moon 115 On a fingular bone, found in the lower belly 116 Account of a petrified bee-hive, discovered on the mountains of Siout, in the Upper Egypt 117 An extract from Ambrofe Beurer's dissertation on the ofteocolla 118 An uncommon instance of a catalepsis (a kind of apoplexy) in a lady 120 A fimilar cafe, still more extraordinary 121 On a fish of the river of Surinam, which produces very fingular effets 122 Of different bones which have been discovered within a rock near Aix 124 Obferuations on cures performed by burning 126 |