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Proceedings in Parliament.-Reform Bill.

sure to vote with him and his friends.-The House then divided-For General Gascoyne's Amendment, 299; against it, 291; majority against Ministers, 8.

On the motion of Lord Althorp, the Bill was ordered to be committed on the 21st.


Lord Wha: ncliffe asked whether there was any truth in the rumours that it was the intention of his Majesty's Ministers to dissolve the Parliament ?-Earl Grey replied that he must decline to answer a question of so unusual a nature.-Lord Wharncliffe then gave notice that he should on Friday move an Address to his Majesty, begging him not to dissolve the Parliament.-Earl Carnarvon in presenting a petition from Newbury, condemned the Reform Bill as a piece of political jobbing, and added, as it was understood below the bar, some very strong language regarding the man who would, under existing circumstances in England and Ireland, advise the Sovereign to dissolve the Parliament.

The breach of privilege committed by the Editor of the Times, was finally brought forward, Mr. Lawson, the printer, having been in custody for the offence since the 18th inst. After the case had been debated with closed doors for some time, Mr. Lawson was ordered to the bar, and having been reprimanded by the Lord Chancellor, he was declared to be discharged on the payment of the fees.

In the HOUSE OF COMMONS, the same day, Mr. Benett brought forward a resolution declaring that the corrupt state of the representation of Liverpool demanded the corrective interference of the House. The discussion was carried to great length, and eventually led to a long debate on the Reform Bill.-Sir R. Vyvyan asked whether it was the intention of his Majesty's Ministers to proceed with the Bill, or to advise the King to dissolve Parliament, because the House of Commons had not consented to reduce the number of English Representatives?-Lord Althorp replied, "I have no hesitation in stating, that having taken into consideration the necessary effect and consequences of the vote of the House the other night, it is not the intention of his Majesty's Government to proceed with the Bill"'—a declaration which was received with immense cheering. As to the other inquiry, his Lordship said he did not consider it consistent with his public duty to give any answer. Mr. W. Bankes moved an adjournment, which was resisted by Lord Althorp. The House divided, when the numbers were-For the motion of adjournment, 164; against it, 142-majority against Ministers,




It being announced that his Majesty intended to dissolve the Parliament this day in person, the House presented an extraordinary scene. The Lord Chancellor entered at twenty minutes before three, when, prayers being read, his Lordship withdrew. On the motion of the Earl of Mansfield, the Earl of Shaftesbury was called to the chair; when high words passed between several Noble Lords, and a scene of the greatest confusion prevailed. Silence having at length been obtained, Lord Wharncliffe moved, that an Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that he would not dissolve Parliament on the present occasion, on the ground that, under existing circumstances, such a procedure would be dangerous to the interest of the Crown, and all the established institutions of the State.-The Lord Chancellor having again entered the House, observed, that it was high time for the Crown to take this step, when the House of Commons had thought proper to refuse the supplies. (Cheers, and great clamour, amid which the joyful shouts of the populace, and the roaring of artillery, announced the approach of his Majesty.) The Lord Chancellor withdrew to meet the King. -The Earl of Mansfield arose, and accused Ministers of weakness, and of conspiring against the safety of the State, by making the King a party to his own destruction. His Lordship added, that he had advised his Majesty on the subject, and told him, that if he gave his assent to a dissolution for the sake of this Bill, it was a measure so pregnant with danger, that he was certain an attack would be made on the credit of the country; first on the privileges, and then on the existence of that House, and lastly, on the privileges of the Crown itself; privileges which were inseparably connected with the happiness of the people.

Here the entrance of his Majesty put an end to the discussion. One or two of their Lordships, however, allowed a clamorous expression or two to reach the royal ear. His Majesty took his seat on the throne, wearing the crown and sceptre, and surrounded by a numerous body of the royal household. He wore beneath the royal robes the uniform of an Admiral.

The Commons having been summoned, there was a tremendous rush of Members. -The Speaker addressed a few words to his Majesty, assuring him, that on no former occasion did the House of Commons more truly represent the feelings and sentiments of a faithful and loyal people than at present. The royal assent having been given to the Civil List Bill, and several others, his Majesty read, in a firm tone of voice, the following Speech from the throne :"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"I have come to meet you for the pur


Proceedings in Parliament.-Reform Bill.

pose of proroguing this Parliament, with a view to its immediate dissolution. I have been induced to resort to this measure for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of my people, in the way in which it can be most constitutionally and authentically expressed, on the expediency of making such changes in the representation as circumstances may appear to require, and which shall be founded on the acknowledged principles of the constitution, and may tend at once to uphold the just rights and prerogatives of the Crown, and to give security to the liberties of my people.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons, "I thank you for the provision which you have made for the maintenance of the honour and dignity of the Crown; and 1 offer you my special acknowledgments for the arrangements which you have made for the state and comfort of my Royal Consort. I have also to thank you for the supplies which you have furnished for the public service, and I have observed with satisfaction, that you have endeavoured to introduce the strictest economy in every branch of that service, and I trust that the attention of the new Parliament which I shall forthwith direct to be called, will be applied unceasingly to that important subject.


Vyvyan resumed). Ministers must take all the responsibility of the present procedure on their own heads. If any benefit was derived by one class, it must be at the expense of another. The farmers would suffer, and Ministers would no longer be able to appeal to the agricultural interests with any hope of success. In short, if we got a reformed Parliament, it would take the Crown off the King's head. (At this moment the discharge of cannon announced that his Majesty had arrived at the House of Lords. As every succeeding gun was fired, the cheers and groans of Members became stronger and louder. The shouts were deafening.)—Sir R. Peel rose and approached the table. During the confusion, Lord Althorp rose on the opposite side of the table. The Noble Lord on one side, and the Right Hon. Baronet on the other, exerted all their physical strength to obtain a hearing. The Speaker called order, and the whole of the Members rose from their seats, when loud cries of "Shame, shame!" resounded from all parts of the House. Sir F. Burdett and Lord Althorp at length gave way, when Sir R. Peel, under great excitement, said, that he did not complain of the dissolution, so much as the manner in which it was done. It was an insult to the House. A reformed Parliament would give the country to the government of demagogues, and reduce it to a state of despotism and destruction. The present Ministers had shown the greatest imbecility ever displayed in this country. They had been in office for six months, and he begged to ask what they had done? They had tossed "In resolving to have recourse to the upon the table certain bills-game bills for sense of my people, in the present circum- instance-and emigration bills; and then, stances of the country, I have been influ- after having established respecting them enced only by a paternal anxiety for the what they were pleased to denominate libecontentment and happiness of my subjects—ral principles, they left them to their fate. to promote which I rely confidently on your continued and zealous assistance."

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"I am happy to inform you, that the friendly intercourse which subsists between myself and foreign powers affords the best hope of the continuance of peace; to preserve which my most anxious endeavours shall be constantly directed.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

The Lord Chancellor then rose and said, "It is his Majesty's pleasure that this Parliament be prorogued to Tuesday, the 10th of May; and the Parliament is prorogued to that day accordingly."

All parties then immediately left the House.

In the HOUSE OF COMMONS, the same day, on the presenting a petition from Kent, in favour of Reform, Sir R. Vyvyan rose, amidst tremendous confusion, and deprecated, in strong terms, a dissolution, in the present excited state of the country. He contended that England was on the eve of a revolution (Sir F. Burdett rose to order, when a scene of increasing confusion ensued, accompanied by cries of hear! order! chair! &c. When order could be restored, Sir R.

At this moment, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, the Usher of the Black Rod, appeared at the Bar, and commanded the immediate attendance of the Commons in the House of Lords, to hear his Majesty's royal assent to several Bills; and also his Majesty's Speech for the prorogation of Parliament. At twenty-five minutes to four, the Speaker returned to the House, and intimated, that having been summoned to the other House, his Majesty had been pleased


pronounce a most gracious speech, which the Speaker read to the House, upon which the several Members separated without the slightest demonstration of party feeling.

On Saturday, the 23d, a Royal Proclamation was issued, announcing the dissolution of Parliament, and the calling of a new one to assemble on Tuesday the 14th of June







On the 20th of April, the King of France closed the Session of the Chambers in perHis Majesty said, in his speech, that it had been his endeavour to fulfil the promises which he had made on accepting the Crown-namely, ever to keep in view the interests, happiness, and glory of the French nation. He then alluded to the zeal displayed by the troops and national guards in restraining anarchy at home, and their readiness to repel foreign aggression; adding, that at no former period were the French troops in better condition, better disciplined, and animated with nobler feelings, than they were at the present day. His Majesty, in allusion to the disturbances which have taken place from time to time, said, that, after the shock which had been experienced by social order, fresh crises were to be expected; adding, that they had gone through some severe ones during the session. Thanks, however, to the loyalty of the population, its patriotism, and the indefatigable zeal of the national guard and the troops of the line, they had passed through them fortunately. He explained that the refusal of the Belgic crown was dictated by the welfare of France. He had no fear of any event during the recess which patriots would not be ready to meet. The speech was followed with loud shouts of "Vive le Roi," and the King, in his progress to and from the Chambers, was most loyally greeted.

In the Chamber of Peers, on the 29th March, the debate on the perpetual exclusion of the Bourbons, led to a three hours' speech from the Duke of Fitz James, which was repeatedly interrupted by ministers, and encouraged by several peers. "The desecration of the emblems of the late sovereignty would," he said, “be followed by a devotion to their cause which "Which," said Casimir Perier, in great indignation, "we shall combat." The agitation was extreme. The law was carried by 74 to 45.

A proposal has been made at Paris, to raise a sum of 120,000,000 francs, or 4,750,000l. sterling, by subscribing to a loan bearing five per cent. at par. When the proposal was made, the five per cents. were down at 77, so that every subscriber consented to a loss of 23 per cent., or nearly one-fourth upon his subscription. The project failed; and a new loan has since been contracted for in the usual way, aud bears a premium.


There does not appear to be the shadow of a regular government in Belgium. There is no confidence in the administration of lawfew of the benefits of civil order-no manu

facturing industry-no commercial creditno protection for persons or property. A new association has been formed, on the French model, for excluding the Orange family, and defending the Belgic territory against the Holy Alliance, by means of a twopenny subscription.

The mobs of Brussels, excited by the attempts of various parties to restore a feeling of loyalty towards the Prince of Orange, lately burst forth as at the commencement of the revolution. The printing presses and materials of the Vrai Patriote were destroyed, the premises of the printer forced, and notwithstanding the efforts of the civic guard, his life was in much danger. A similar scené occurred to the editor of the Journal du Gand, at Ghent, and in both places blood has been shed in contests between the civic guard and the people.

At Antwerp, the populace, on the 31st ult., broke out into tumults, and proceeded to attack the houses of persons suspected of Orangeism. The residence of the late Burgomaster came under the vengeance of the mob, and subsequently several other houses were exposed to pillage and devastation. The national or civic guard showed themselves unwilling, or unable, to restore order or to protect property. The Governor had felt himself called on to issue a proclamation, declaring the city to be in a state of siege, and expressing it to be his determination to destroy by grape-shot all illegal assemblages of persons who should refuse to disperse.

At Liege, on the 28th, numerous groups assembled before the printing-office of the Echo, a new journal of the Orange party. The materials of the printing-office and all the household furniture were broken to pieces, and thrown into the street. Encouraged by the impunity with which the operations of the rioters have been carried on in Brussels, Liege, Antwerp, Ypres, Namur, &c., bands of beggars, or rather plunderers, traverse the country, visiting the chateaux and houses, where they demand money or food, and menacing the proprietors, in case of refusal, with denunciation or plunder.

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[blocks in formation]

there was some hard fighting, about half a league from Rimini, between a body of the insurgents, numbering about 1500 men and four pieces of cannon, and a principal corps of Austrians, amounting to 6000 men. On the 27th, the Austrian General made an attempt to take the position of the patriots by assault, but, after some hours' hard fighting, was obliged to retire upon Rimini.

According to the latest accounts, the insurrection was completely suppressed. The Pope had issued a decree for the maintenance of order; and Austria and France appear to have come to an amicable understanding on the affairs of Italy, whence the imperial troops will shortly be withdrawn ; the Pope having, in a great measure, conceded to the moderate demands of the revolted states.


The heroic Poles have rendered themselves worthy of their illustrious ancestors. Their barbarous invaders have been successfully resisted, and deservedly punished. The confidence felt in the prowess of the Poles by the whole of sympathizing Europe has not been misplaced; that gallant, that chivalrous people have added another page to their history, that shall shine with undiminished splendour amidst the gloom and darkness, in which its annals have been written whilst under the sombre domination of its relentless and overbearing tyrants. It appears that the Polish commander-in-chief, General Skrzynecki, having been informed of the negligence of the Russians at Wawr and Grochow, in their cantonments and camp, led a corps of 25,000 men on the 30th March to Praga, and in the night of the 31st approached the Russian camp; the road was covered with straw, so that the artillery and cavalry advanced without being perceived, to which the darkness of the night did not a little contribute. The advanced guard of General Geismar, consisting of 8 or 10,000 men, was first attacked, and almost wholly destroyed. The Poles took 4,000 prisoners, and sixteen pieces of cannon. The latter, ornamented with green boughs, were brought into Warsaw. Skrzynecki followed up his victory, and fell upon the corps of General Rosen, who, with 20,000 men, was posted at Dembe Wielski. He too was obliged to yield to the impetuous attack of the Poles-lost 2000 prisoners and nine pieces of cannon. The Russians retired by way of Minsk, to join the main body of the army. On the 3d, 4th, and 5th of April, Skryznecki followed up his good fortune, and the above important battle was succeeded on the third, &c. by the regular advance of the Polish outposts, and with the hourly accession of stragglers, guns, and standards, taken by the skirmishing parties of the Poles. The head-quarters were at Siennica on the 4th. Among the


prisoners taken by the Poles during the seve ral battles, were members of the first families in Russia.

Another important victory was afterwards fought near Zelechow, to the north of Skladwo, one of the branches of the river Wiepey, where the Russians wished to concentrate. 12,000 Russians were killed, wounded, or taken by the Poles, with thirty or forty pieces of cannon. During the action the Lithuanians and Volhynians, who served in the Russian army, turned their arms against the Muscovites, and powerfully contributed to the success of the battle.

The following, signed Skryznecki, dated April 10, gives an official account of the Polish success: "I have great satisfaction in announcing to the government that the Polish army obtained a considerable victory yesterday. We have taken several cannons, and 3000 or 4060 prisoners, amongst whom are nearly 300 officers, of different ranks." Russian prisoners, guns, standards, &c. were daily poured into Warsaw from the headquarters of the Poles.

It is said that Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and the Ukraine are in arms for Poland. A letter from Memel of the 1st April, mentions the overthrow of the Russian authority in Wilna. The first impulse to the popular movement was given by the priests, who carried their enthusiasm to the extent of exhorting from the pulpit the people to rise against their oppressors. Nearly all persons in Lithuania holding authority under the Emperor had been displaced, and scarcely any troops existed to offer opposition, as the greater part had been draughted off for the invasion of Warsaw.

The enthusiasm of the Poles for the cause of liberty is represented to be so great, that all the Nobles of the Duchy of Posen who could bear arms, although at the risk of their property being confiscated by the Prussian Government, have abandoned it, and proceeded to Poland. A new regiment of cavalry, of twelve hundred men, composed of volunteers of the Duchy of Posen, had recently been formed at Warsaw. The Polish army is now stated to consist of ninety thousand men, well armed, of which there are twenty-five thousand superb cavalry, with a great number of scythe-bearers.

By recent accounts received from Warsaw, deputies from Lithuania had arrived there, offering assistance in favour of the common cause. It is added that, when the courier left, ten thousand armed Lithuanians, well organized and equipped, had entered the capital. Insurrections increased from day to day with the greatest rapidity, and had extended to ancient Poland, as far as Smolenski. The Provisional Government of Lithuania has published several proclamations, and all the arsenals are in their power, as well as the public chests. The citizens are armed. A transport of arms,


Foreign News.-Domestic Occurrences.

destined for the army of Diebitsch, has been seized. The inhabitants of Howno have risen against the Russian government, and intercepted twelve pieces of cannon belonging to the Imperial Guard.


Accounts from Constantinople state that the Turk is reforming all his institutions, and giving equal privileges to Mussulmans and Christians. An edict to this effect has been issued, so that the sound of reform is


already re-echoed from the shores of the Bosphorus. It is said that a conspiracy has been discovered, the object of which was to overthrow the Nizam-Gedid, and re-establish the corps of Janissaries on its former footing. The usual expeditious mode was resorted to by the Sultan on the discovery of the conspiracy, and between 700 and 800 heads were immediately disposed of, to serve as a warning to his discontented subjects generally.


The state of Ireland, particularly in the western districts, is deplorable. The pea santry, driven to desperation by famine, and the neglect and harassing oppression of the landlords, have resorted to acts of the utmost ferocity. In Clare agricultural property, while it is yet in the earth, is devastated and burned to waste; barns are burned, cattle houghed, and houses demolished. Every species of midnight violence is carried into fearful execution, not from motives of religious animosity or political rancour, but because the people want food; because thousands of human beings are driven out from their wretched homes, and pursued by the famine-cry of their miserable offspring. More than half the gentry have fled their homes, and taken refuge in Limerick or Dublin. The remnant, who are bold enough to stay behind, or so much in want of money as to be incapable of removing to any distance, are forced to barricade their houses and keep regular guard day and night, to prevent surprise by the wretched and ferocious peasantry. The last exploit of these desperate beings was the massacre of five policemen, and that a few hours after the King's representative, the Marquis of Anglesea, had set his foot within the county on a journey of beneficent examination into the wants and sufferings of the poor. In Galway 5,000 Whiteboys attacked the house of Sir John Burke, the county member, destroyed the windows, furniture, &c. and carried off several stand of arms. They threatened to storm the town of Woodford, and did actually plunder the habitations of other gentlemen besides Sir John Burke, making arms the chief purpose of their depredation.

The report of the select Committee of the House of Commons on the state of the poorer classes in Ireland, and the best means of improving their condition, which, with the minutes of evidence, fills four folio volumes, contains an excellent summary of facts and opinions bearing upon the three great divisions of the subject; first, the actual state and condition of the poorer classes GENT. MAG. April, 1831.

in Ireland; secondly, the laws which affect them, and the charitable institutions, both public and private; and lastly, the remedial measures proposed by different witnesses. In considering the last branch of the subject, the committee strongly recommend the extension of public works and inland naviga tion, upon the principle of loans repayable and adequately secured. On the subject of emigration, the Committee " do not entertain the slightest doubt, that colonization might be carried on to a very great extent indeed, if facilities were afforded by the Government to those Irish peasants who were disposed voluntarily to seek a settlement in the Colonies." Respecting the possibility of recovering the waste land and bog by drainage and embankments, a proportion of the country estimated at 5,000,000 of English acres-the Committee considered it a matter of regret and surprise that so important an object, which, if it can be accomplished, would afford a permanent demand for productive labour, has been so little promoted; and they venture to recommend one or two experiments, on a limited scale, at the public expense, on an estate of the Crown, and which would require, according to the testimony of Mr. Weale, only drainage, roads communicating with the neighbouring towns, and access to a supply of lime.

April 18. Mr. Luke Dillon, a young man of respectable connexions, the heir to a large property in Roscommon, was tried at Dublin, for the seduction and rape of a young lady named Frizell, the niece of Dr. O'Reardon, whose parents reside at Stapolin, near Howth. It appeared that he lured her from her uncle's, where she was residing; and taking her to a house of ill fame, under pretext of sheltering her from the weather, he first stupefied by administering to her a potion, and then, when she was in a state of insensibility, forcibly violated her. The young lady was the principal witness against the prisoner, who was found guilty upon the clearest evidence, and received sentence of death, which was to be inflicted on the 7th of May. The father of the young lady has

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