not 3. from office or from this State, said notes shall be transferred to the county clerk of the county where the cause was tried, who shall receive and safely keep the same subject to the direction of the circuit court for that county: Provided, That said notes shall be a part of the records in all of said cases, and shall be subject to inspection as other records. SEC. 8. In cases tried in said courts in which said stenographer shall be engaged, it shall not be necessary for the charge of the court to be in writing, as provided by an act, entitled "An act to declare and establish the practice of charging or instructing juries, and settling the law in cases tried in the circuit courts," approved March 25, 1869. SEC. 9. All acts or parts of acts contravening the provisions of this act shall be construed as void and of no effect as applied to the counties in said twenty-sixth judicial circuit. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved April 14, 1891. [ No. 27. ] AN ACT to prevent the spearing of fish in the waters of the inland lakes in the county of Livingston. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That it shall not be lawful hereafter to fish with any form of spear or spears in the waters of the inland lakes in the county of Livingston. SEC. 2. Any person who shall be found guilty of a violation. of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, together with costs of prosecution, and in default of the payment shall be confined in the county jail until such fine and costs shall have been paid but such confinement shall not exceed thirty days. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved April 15, 1891. in commercial serve and disse differences and members and interests of me SEC. 2 The some person au duplicate artic filed and recor record shall a clerk of the d SEC. 3. Th and personal gage or othe therein shall поге [ No. 28.] AN ACT to provide for the organization and incorporation of builders' and builders and traders' exchanges. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, -orate. That any number of persons, not less than three, may associate themselves together and become incorporated as a builders' or a builders and traders' exchange for the purpose of providing and regulating suitable rooms or places of meeting; to promote mechanical and industrial interests; to inculcate just and equitable principles of trade; to establish and maintain uniformity its members 50 fine shal Corporation estate the v dollars. SEC. 5. S mittees of re who shall be prescribed i such matter arbitration 1 This act Approved in commercial usages, by rules and regulations; to acquire, preserve and disseminate valuable business information; to adjust differences and settle disputes between members, or between members and others; and for other purposes conducive to the interests of members thereof. ciation to be filed SEC. 2. The incorporators shall sign and acknowledge before Artiales of assosome person authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds, with Secretary duplicate articles of association, of which one copy shall be of State. filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, and a record shall also be made of such articles in the office of the clerk of the county in which such exchange is located; and Body politic. upon the filing and recording of such articles, duly executed and acknowledged as aforesaid, the said incorporators and those who may thereafter become associated with them shall become a body politic and corporate for the purposes set forth in said articles. SEC. 3. The articles of association shall contain: First, The names of the persons associating in the first Name of persons: instance and their places of residence; associating. Second, The name of such corporation, and the place where Name of corits office for the transaction of business is located, and the poration, etc. period for which it is incorporated, not exceeding thirty years; Third, Definitely and distinctly the purposes for which the Purposes. corporation is formed; Fourth, The number of its directors, if any, and regular Directors, offiofficers and the time and place of holding its annual meeting; Fifth, The terms and conditions of membership therein. cers, etc. Membership. SEC. 4. Said corporation by the name adopted by said arti- succession and cles shall have succession and power to sue and be sued and to power to sue, etc.. adopt and use a corporate seal which it may alter and change at pleasure; may receive and hold property and effects, real and personal, by gift, devise or purchase, and may sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the same; may make all needful rules, regulations and by-laws for the management of its affairs and prescribing the terms and conditions under and upon which members may be received into or expelled from said corporation, and may revise and alter the same from time to time as therein shall be provided; and may impose fines upon any of its members for breach of its rules, regulations or by-laws, but no fine shall exceed twenty-five dollars: Provided, That no proviso as to reak corporation hereby created shall, at any one time, hold real estate. estate the value of which shall exceed one hundred thousand dollars. SEC. 5. Said corporation may constitute and appoint com- Arbitration mittees of reference and arbitration and committees of appeals, committees, etc. who shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed in the by-laws for the settlement and adjustment of such matters of difference as may be voluntarily submitted for arbitration by members or others. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Compensation of of the Legisla ture. [ No. 29. ] AN ACT to fix the per diem compensation of members of the State Legislature from the Upper Peninsula for and during the session of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, certain members That in addition to the compensation, mileage, and allowance for stationery, as fixed by law, for members representing the Upper Peninsula, there shall be allowed and paid two dollars per diem extra compensation during the session of the LegisÎature of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-one. Ordered to take immediate effect. Approved April 15, 1891. County detached. Sixteenth circuit formed. Thirty-first formed. Judge to continue courts, etc. Court to be held, etc. Power and duty of judge of sixteenth circuit, [ No. 30. ] AN ACT to reorganize the sixteenth judicial circuit and to create the thirty-first judicial circuit. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the county of St. Clair is hereby detached from the sixteenth judicial circuit. SEC. 2. The county of Macomb is hereby formed into and constituted a judicial circuit to be known as the sixteenth judicial circuit. SEC. 3. The county of St. Clair is hereby formed into and constituted a judicial circuit to be known as the thirty-first judicial circuit. SEC. 4. The judge of the said sixteenth judicial circuit, as heretofore organized, shall continue to hold his office as circuit judge for said courty hereby detached, and shall continue to hold court therein and perform all the functions of circuit judge thereof until a circuit judge shall be appointed and shall qualify in the said thirty-first judicial circuit. SEC. 5. Court shall be held in said counties at the time and places heretofore designated by the circuit judge of the said sixteenth judicial circuit, and the said circuit judge shall have power in said county of St. Clair to settle bills of exception, decide and determine cases submitted to him, the same as if this act had not been passed, and may issue the writ of habeas corpus, certiorari and injunction at any time in said county until the appointment and qualification of a circuit judge in said thirty-first judicial circuit. SEC. 6. The circuit judge of the sixteenth judicial circuit, as heretofore organized, shall have power, and it is hereby made his duty in said county of St. Clair to settle bills of exception in all cases tried before him and decide and determine all cases submitted to him before the appointment and qualification of a circuit judge in the thirty-first judicial circuit. SEC. 7. The office of circuit judge of the thirty-first judicial Vacancy declarcircuit, hereby created, shall be vacant from the time this act ed, how filled. takes effect, which said vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor. The person so appointed shall hold his office from the fifteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and ninetyone, until his successor is duly elected and qualified. At the Election of spring election to be held in [the year] eighteen hundred ninety- judge. two, the qualified voters of the county comprising the thirtyfirst judicial circuit shall elect a circuit judge for said circuit who shall hold his office from the third Monday in May, eighteen hundred ninety-two, until January the first, A. Ď. eighteen hundred ninety-four, and until his successor is elected and qualified. etc. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county of Duty of sheriff, St. Clair, at least thirty days previous to the first Monday in April, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, to notify the township clerk of each township and ward inspectors of election in each ward of any city in said county of St. Clair of said election of circuit judge, and such township clerks and ward inspectors shall post notices in the usual manner for such election in townships and wards at least fifteen days previous to the day of election. SEC. 9. The said election for circuit judge shall be con- How election ducted and returns made as prescribed by law for the election conducted, etc. of circuit judges for the several judicial circuits of this State, and the State board of canvassers shall, without delay, on the receipt of the certified statements of the votes given in said county of St. Clair proceed to canvass the votes and deliver to the person elected a copy of their determination or certificate of election as required by law. in ten days. of court, etc. SEC. 10. The person so elected in eighteen hundred ninety- To qualify withtwo, shall within ten days qualify in the manner now provided by law for the qualification of circuit judges in this State, and his successor shall be elected at the time and in the manner now provided by law for the election of circuit judges. SEC. 11. Within ten days after the circuit judge of the said Shall fix terms thirty-first judicial circuit shall have been appointed and has qualified he shall in the manner provided by law fix and determine the times for holding the several terms of court within his circuit, which appointments when so made, shall remain unalterable until the time when by law it is made the duty of circuit judges to fix and appoint the times of holding the several terms of court within their respective circuits in this State. Until the time thus fixed and appointed becomes operative the circuit court of the said thirty-first judical circuit shall be held at the times last fixed by the judge of the sixteenth judicial circuit as heretofore organized. teenth circuit SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the circuit judge of the six- Judge of sixteenth judicial circuit as hereby reorganized to aid and assist to assist, etc. the judge of the said thirty-first judicial circuit in transacting the business of the last named circuit so far as he can without detriment to the business of his own circuit until January first, May sit together. A. D. eighteen hundred ninety-four. To that end it shall be lawful for the judges of the sixteenth and thirty-first judicial circuits to sit together in the trial of causes or sit separately and try causes at the same time in the thirty-first judicial circuit. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Appointment of stenographer. Proviso. May appoint deputies. Proviso. Duty of stenographer. [ No. 31. ] AN ACT providing for the employment, defining the duties, and fixing the compensation of a stenographer for the twentyeighth judicial circuit, State of Michigan. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That a stenographer for the circuit courts composing the twentyeighth judicial circuit shall be appointed by the Governor, on the nomination of the judge of said circuit. The person so appointed shall take and subscribe the official oath prescribed by the constitution which oath shall be administered by the presiding judge. He shall be an officer of the court and shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Governor: Provided, The court shall have power to suspend him for incompetency or misconduct and in case of such suspension he shall thereafter cease to hold the office of stenographer, unless by order of the court his suspension be rescinded. SEC. 2. Said stenographer shall have the power to appoint one or more deputies, subject to the approval of the court, whose compensation shall be paid by the stenographer: Provided, The stenographer shall have power to revoke such appointment at any time. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the said stenographer to attend upon the circuit court of each of the counties composing said circuit during each term thereof respectively and to take full stenographic notes of all testimony given, and proceedings had upon the trial or hearing of cases therein. The Compensation. stenographer so appointed shall receive as a compensation for such services the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum which said sum shall be paid in monthly installments out of the county treasuries of the counties composing said circuit. The amount to be paid by each of said counties shall be determined upon the basis of the number of suits entered and commenced in the circuit courts for such counties respectively, the preceding year; and on the first of January of each year, or as Soon thereafter as may be, it shall be the duty of the judge of said courts to apportion the amount of such salary to be paid by each county respectively, upon the basis aforesaid, and to notify the treasurer of each county thereof; and when so notified the treasurer of each of said counties shall thereafter, until a new apportionment of salary is made, pay in monthly Judge to appor be paid by each tion amount to county. |