Imágenes de páginas




ABERCROMBIE, General, supersedes General Shirley, i. 289; commander-in-chief, i. 336; proceeds against Ticonderoga, i. 343; attacks the French works, i. 345; repulsed by Montcalm, i. 347; superseded by Major-General Amherst, i. 368

Abercrombie, Lieutenant-Colonel, attacks American batteries, vi. 379

Ackland, Lady Harriet, with Burgoyne's army, iv. 322; during the action, iv. 368; her distress, iv. 370; seeks her husband, iv. 373; subsequent history, iv. 391 Ackland, Major, commands the Grenadiers, iv. 363; wounded and taken prisoner, iv. 364

Adams, John, birth of American Independence, i. 420; at town meetings, ii. 75; on the General Congress, ii. 78; to his wife about Mr. Duché, ii. 81; opposes petition to the king, ii. 143; proposes Washington as commander-in-chief, ii. 147; on the conduct of Washington, ii. 150; opposed to Lee and Gates, ii. 152; on the act of Massachusetts General Court, ii. 306; to General Thomas, on Schuyler's unpopularity, ii. 342; on the defense of New York, ii. 391; on the Declaration of Independence, iii. 121; concerning sectional jealousies, iii. 159; on committee to confer with Lord Howe, iii. 232; at

Adams, John-Continued.

Washington's inauguration, vii. 120; on presidential etiquette, vii. 140; his Discourses on Davila, vii. 251; on the British Constitution, vii. 277; concerning Washington's judgment of Genet, vii. 373 ; elected President, viii. 57; inaugural address, viii. 60; convenes Congress, viii. 77; to Washington, asking advice, viii. 85; on the appointment of Washington commander-in-chief, viii. 87 Adams, Mrs., to her husband on the appearance of Washington, ii. 205; description of General Lee, ii. 208; account of party at General Mifflin's, ii. 363 Adams, Samuel, as moderator, ii. 75; proposes Mr. Duché, as chaplain, ii. 80; apprised at the movement of troops, ii. 118; irresolute as to commander-inchief, ii. 146; excepted from proffered pardon, ii. 157; on the united command of Schuyler and Gates iii. 149; meets Washington at Cambridge, vii. 182 Adams, Sir Thomas, i. 408

Adet, M., minister from France, viii. 4; presents the colors of France, viii. 33; complaint against the Government of the United States, viii. 55

Agnew, Brigadier-General, in the expedition against
Danbury, iv. 101; killed at Germantown, iv. 402
Albany, panic at St. Clair's retreat, iv. 189
Allen, the fighting parson, iv. 267

Allen, Ethan, at the head of the Green Mountain Boys, ii. 135; commands expedition to Ticonderoga, ii. 136; expedition against St. John's, ii. 140; rivalry with Arnold, ii. 250; to New York Congress, ii. 253; to Trumbull, ii. 253, 259, 264; designs on Canada, ii. 254; repairs to Congress and to New York convention, ii. 255; superseded by Seth Warner, ii. 264; sent to reconnoiter, ii. 281; report to Schuyler, ii. 282; to Montgomery on Canadian volunteers, ii. 288; meets Major Brown, i1. 288; decides to attack Montreal, ii. 289; taken prisoner, ii. 290; sent to England, ii. 291; memory of, ii. 293; treatment by the British, ii. 321; exchanged for Colonel Campbell, v. 142; visits Valley Forge, v.

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