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Mr. BELL rose to a point of order. He submitted whether a piece of trickery was to cheat the members of this body, out of an intention which they honestly entertained, to

Mr. STEVENS called the gentleman from Chester (Mr. Bell) to order.

Mr. BELL said, he had understood that a motion was pending that the committee rise. Pending that motion, the previous question had been called; the effect of which would be not only to get rid of the motion that the committee rise, but of all amendments to the resolution under discussion, in committee. That subject had been debated a long time, and at the very moment when he was under the impression that the question was about to be taken, the previous question was demanded. He submitted to the Chair, whether that demand was in order at this time.

The CHAIR said, that the motion, in the opinion of the Chair, was in order at this time.

Some further conversation ensued on a point of order,

And on the question,

Shall the main question be now pift

The yeas and nays were required by Mr. SMYTH, of Centre, and nineteen others, and are as follows, viz:

YEAS-Messrs. Agnew, Ayres, Baldwin, Barnitz, Biddle, Carey, Chambers, Chandler, of Philadelphia, Chauncey, Clark, of Dauphin, Cline, Coates, Cochran, Cope, Cox, Craig, Cummin, Cunningham, Darlington, Denny, Dickey, Dickerson, Doran, Dunlop, Farrelly, Forward, Hays, Henderson, of Dauphin, Hopkinson, Houpt, Ingersoll, Jenks, Konigmacher, Maclay. M'Dowell, M'Sherry, Meredith, Merrill, Pennypacker, Pollock, Royer, Scott, Serrill, Sill, Sterigere, Stevens, Weidman, Young, Sergeant, President-49.

NAYS--Messrs. Banks, Barclay, Barndollar, Bedford, Bell, Bigelow, Bonham, Brown, of Northampton, Brown, of Philadelphia, Clarke of Beaver, Clarke, of Indiana, Cleavinger, Crain, Crawford, Crum, Curl, Darrah, Dillinger, Earle, Fleming, Fou'krod, Fry, Fuller, Gamble, Gearhart, Gilmore, Grenell, Harris, Hastings, Hayhurst, He ffenstein. Hiester, Hyde, Keim, Kennedy, Kerr, Krebs, Magee, Mann, Martin, M'Cahan, M'Call, Merkel, Miller, Montgomery, Nevin, Overfield, Porter, of Northampton, Purviance, Reigart, Read, Ritter, Russell, Seager, Scheetz, Sellers, Seltzer, Shellito, Smith, of Columbia, Smyth, of Centre, Snively, Stickel, Sturdevant, Taggart, Thomas, Todd, Weaver, Woodward-68.

[Mr. STERRIGERE, here resumed and concluded his remarks, for which see APPENDIX.]

Mr. WOODWARD having addressed the committee until the expiration of the hour allowed by the rule of the committee of the whole on that subject.

[The remarks of Mr. WOODWARD, not having been returned in time for insertion in their proper place, will be given in the APPENDIX.]

A motion was made by Mr. WOODWARD,

That in this instance the rule be dispensed with, and that leave be granted him to proceed with his remarks.

And on the question,

Will the committee of the whole agree to the motion ?

The yeas and nays were required by Mr. BELL and nineteen others, and are as follows, viz:

YEAS-Messrs. Baldwin, Bonham, Chambers, Clarke, of Indiana, Craig, Cunning, ham, Denny, Dickey, Dillinger, Donagan, Dəran, Dunlop, Flaming, Forward, Gamble, Hastings, Helffenstein, Hiester, Hopkinson, Ingersoll, Keim, Krebs, Maclay, Martin, M'Dowell, M'Sherry, Merrill, Nevin, Porter, of Lancaster, Porter, of Northampton, Purviance, Read, Royer, Scheetz, Serrill, Shellito, Sterigere, Stickel, Taggart, Weidman. -40.

NAYS-Messrs. Agnew, Ayres, Banks, Barndollar, Bainitz, Bedford, Rell, Biddle. Bigelow, Brown, of Northampton, Carey, Chandler, of Philadelphia, Chauncey, Clarke, of Beaver, Clarke, of Dauphin, Cleavinger, Cline, Coates, Cochran, Cope, Cox, Crain, Crawford, Crum, Cummin, Curll, Darlington, Darrah, Dickerson, Earle, Fry, Fuller, Gearhart, Gilmore, Grenell, Harris, Hayhurst, Hays, Henderson, of Dauphin, Houpt, Jenks, Kerr, Konigmacher, Mann, M'Cahen, M'Call, Merkel, Miller, Montgomery, Overfield, Pennypacker, Pollock, Reigart, Ritter, Russell, Saeger, Scott, Sellers, Seltzer, Sill, Smith, of Columbia, Smyth, of Centre, Snively, Stevens, Sturdevant, Todd, Weaver, Young-67.

So the question was determined in the negative.

Mr. AGNEW, of Beaver, rose and said, that the principle of this amendment had been acted on already, in convention, at Harrisburg. At that time, the subject had undergone an ample discussion, and time was given for every gentleman to express his opinions. The convention had then come to a decision, and such as his judgment was willing to rest on. And when we saw the course pursued by gentlemen in introducing into the discussion

Mr. WOODWARD rose to a point of order.

Mr. STEVENS called the gentleman from Luzerne to order.

Mr. AGNEW demanded the previous question, which was sustained by the number required by the rule.

And on the question,

Shall the main question be now put?

The yeas and nays were required by Mr. M'CAHEN, and nineteen others, and are as follow, viz:

YEAS-Messrs. Agnew, Ayres, Baldwin, Barndollar, Barnitz, Biddle, Carey, Chambers, Chandler, of Philadelphia, Chauncey, Clarke, of Beaver, Clark, of Dauphin, Cline, Cochran, Cope, Cox, Craig, Crum, Cunningham, Darlington, Denny, Dickey, Dickerson, Dunlop, Farrally, Forward, Harris, Hays, Henderson, of Dauphin, Hiester, Houpt, Jenks, Kerr, Konigmacher, Maclay, M'Call, M'Sherry, Meredith, Merrill, Merkel, Montgomery, Pennypacker, Pollock, Porter, of Lancaster, Purviance, Reigart, Royer, Russell, Saeger, Scott, Serrill, Sill, Snively, Stevens, Thomas, Todd, Weidman, Young, Sergeant, President-59.

NAYS-Messrs. Banks, Barclay, Bedford, Bell, Bigelow, Bonham, Brown, of Northampton, Brown, of Philadelphia, Clarke, of Indiana, Cleavinger, Coates, Crain, Crawford, Cummin, Curll, Darrah, Dillinger, Donagan, Doran, Earle, Fleming, Foulkrod, Fry, Fuller, Gamble, Gearhart, Gilmore, Grenell, Hastings, Hayhurst, Helffenstein, Hopkinson, Hyde, Ingersoll, Keim, Kennedy, Krebs, Magee, Mann, Martin, M'Cahen, Miller, Nevin, Overfield, Porter, of Northampton, Read, Ritter, Scheetz, Seliers, Seltzer, Shellito, Smith, of Columbia, Smyth, of Centre, Sterigere, Stickel, Sturdevant, Taggart, Weaver, Woodward-59.

So the committee determined that the main question should not now be taken.

Mr. INGERSOLL said, if it was the pleasure of the body to discuss this question, out of time and out of temper, he should endeavor to proceed as well as he could, in time, and, he would assure gentlemen, in perfect good temper. He thought it to be a question, in comparison with which, all the other questions, which we have had before, were of minor imporHe had a great deal more to say upon it, than he could possibly say in the hour which would be allotted to him; and he must, therefore, not only abridge, but mutilate his argument.


Mr. I. here gave way, at the request of several gentlemen, to

Mr. COCHRAN, on whose motion the committee rose and reported progress.

The PRESIDENT having resumed the chair,

Mr. PORTET, of Northampton, moved a suspension of the rule, for the purpose of offering a resolution to rescind the resolution restricting members to one hour in debate.

Mr. INGERSOLL called for the yeas and nays on this motion, which were ordered, and were, yeas 39, nays 52, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Baldwin, Bell, Biddle, Carey, Chambers, Clarke, of Indiana, Coates, Cochran, Cope, Crain, Cummin, Curll, Denny, Dickey, Donagan. Doran, Dunlop, Fleming, Foulk rod, Gamble, Helffenstein, Houpt, Ingersoll, Jenks, Kennedy, Magee, Martin, M'Cahen, M'Dowell, M'Sherry, Meredith, Porter, of Lancaster, Porter, of Northampton, Royer, Scott, Serrill, Sterigere, Thomas, Woodward, Sergeant, President-39.

NAYS-Messrs. Banks, Barclay, Barndollar, Barnitz, Bedford, Bigelow, Bonham, Clarke, of Beaver, Clark, of Dauphin, Cline, Crawford, Darlington, Darrah, Dillinger, Earle, Fuller, Gearhart, Gilmore, Grenell, Harris, Hastings, Hayhurst, Hays, Hyde, Keim, Kerr, Krebs, Maclay, Mann, M'Call, Miller, Montgomery, Nevin, Overfield, Pollock, Reigart, Read, Ritter, Russell, Saeger, Scheetz, Sellers, Shellito, Smith, of Columbia, Smyth, of Centre, Snively, Sturdevant, Taggart, Weaver, Weidman-52. So the convention refused to suspend the rule.

The convention then adjourned.


The PRESIDENT laid before the convention a communication from the clerk of the commissioners of the county of Philadelphia, accompanied with the following statement presented in compliance with a resolution of the convention, adopted on the 22d instant.


Showing the annual cost of each of the State courts of justice, in the city and county of Philadelphia, for the four years prior to the first day of December, 1837, and the fees received out of the county funds, by the Attorney General, or his deputies, on the several criminal prosecutions therein, during that period of time.

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NOTE.-The fees received by the Attorney General are included in the respective amounts charged to the different courts. Attest-J. PLANKINTON, Clerk to County Commissioners.

COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, December 28, 1837.

Mr. DORAN, of Philadelphia county, moved that the communication be printed, which motion was decided in the negative.

The communication was then laid on the table.

Mr. EARLE, of Philadelphia county, presented a petition from citizens of Philadelphia county, praying that the right of trial by jury may be extended to every human being.

Which was laid on the table,

Mr. RITER, of Piladelphia county, presented two memorials from Philadelphia county, praying that measures may be adopted so as effectually to prevent all amalgamation between the white and coloured population, so far as regards the government of the state.

Which was also laid on the table.

Mr. PORTER, of Northampton, from the committee to whom was referred the letter of the auditor general, accompanied with Muments relative to the affairs of the banks of this commonwealth, for purpose of arranging the same for publication, made report:

"That the abstract of the affairs of the banks in this commonwealth, on the first discount days in the months of January, May, June and November, of the current year, be printed entire, so arranged as to exhibit, at one view, the state of each bank on each of these days.

"That the abstracts of the affairs of the Bank of the United States, as furnished monthly since March last, in the recapitulating statement of each month, be printed in like manner. They, therefore, offer the following resolution, viz:

"Resolved, That the said abstracts be printed according to the form here with submittted, under the direction of the secretary."

The resolution was then taken up for consideration, read a second time, considered and agreed to.

Mr. PORTER, of Northampton, moved, that there be printed five hundred extra copies of this communication, for the use of the convention.

Mr. DICKEY called for the yeas and nays on this question, and they were ordered.

The question was than taken on the motion of Mr. PORTER, and decided in the negative, as follows, viz:

YEAS-Messrs. Baldwin, Bell, Chambers, Cochran, Cope, Crain, Cunningham, Dillinger, Dunlop, Forward, Foulkrod, Grenell, Helffenstein, Houpt, Kennedy, Magee, M'Cahen, M'Sherry, Merrill, Overfield, Porter, of Lancaster, Porter, of Northampton, Reigart, Scheetz, Scott, Serrill, Smith, of Columbia, Stevens, Sergeant, President-28.

NAYS-Messrs. Agnew, Ayres, Banks, Barclay, Barndollar, Bedford, Bigelow, Bonham, Carey, Clarke, of Beaver, Clark, of Dauphin, Clarke, of Indiana, Cleavinger, Cline, Craig, Crum, Cummin, Curl!, Darlington, Darrah, Denny, Dickey, Dickerson, Donegan, Earle, Fleming, Fry, Fuller, Gamble, Gearhart, Gilmore, Harris, Hastings, Hayhurst, Hays, Henderson, of Dauphin, Hiester, Hopkinson, Ingersoll, Jenks, Keim, Kerr, Konigmacher, Krebs, Maclay, Mann, M'Call, Meredith, Merkel, Miller, Montgomery, Pennypacker, Purviance, Read, Riter, Ritter, Royer, Russell, Saeger, Sellers, Shellito, Smyth, of Centre, Sterigere, Stickel, Sturdevant, Taggart, Thomas, Todd, Weaver, Woodward, Young-73.

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