you come to him, at the first approach, you must kneel; then kiss his foot; then deliver up your pigeons; and then look for your reward. I'll be at hand, sir; see you do it bravely. Clo. I warrant you, sir; let me alone. Tit. Sirrah, hast thou a knife? Come, let me see it Here, Marcus, fold it in the oration; For thou hast made it like an humble suppliant :- Tit. Come, Marcus, let 's go:-Publius, follow me. SCENE IV. The same. Before the Palace. [Exeunt. Enter SATURNINUS, TAMORA, CHIRON, DEmetrius, Lords and Others: SATURNINUS with the Arrows in his Hand, that TITUS shot. Sat. Why, lords, what wrongs are these? Was ever seen An emperor of Rome thus overborne, Troubled, confronted thus; and, for the extent My lords, you know, as do the mightful gods, Buz in the people's ears, there nought hath pass'd, His sorrows have so overwhelm'd his wits, 6 as do] These two words were supplied by Mr. Rowe; who also in the concluding lines of this speech substituted-if she sleep, &c. for, if he sleep, and-as she, for, as he. Malone. 7 —even with law,] Thus the second folio. The first, unmetrically, even with the law. Steevens. на What's this, but libelling against the senate, Shall be no shelter to these outrages: Tam. My gracious lord, my lovely Saturnine, Whose loss hath pierc'd him deep, and scarr'd his heart; For these contempts. Why, thus it shall become Enter Clown. [Aside How now, good fellow? would'st thou speak with us? Clo. Yes, forsooth, an your mistership be imperial. Tam. Empress I am, but yonder sits the emperor. Clo. 'Tis he.-God, and saint Stephen, give you good den: I have brought you a letter, and a couple of pigeons here. [SAT, reads the Letter. Sat. Go, take him away, and hang him presently. Clo. How much money must I have? Tam. Come, sirrah, you must be hang'd. Clo. Hang'd! By'r lady, then I have brought up a neck to a fair end. [Exit, guarded Sat. Despiteful and intolerable wrongs! I know from whence this same device proceeds; 8 the anchor's in the port.] Edition 1600, reads--the anchor in the port. Todd. Go, drag the villain hither by the hair; Nor age, nor honour, shall shape privilege:- Enter EMILIUS.9 What news with thee, Emilius? Emil. Arm, arm, my lords;1 Rome never had more cause! The Goths have gather'd head; and with a power Who threats, in course of this revenge, to do Sat. Is warlike Lucius general of the Goths? 'Tis he, the common people love so much; Myself hath often over-heard them say, 9 Enter Emilius.] [Old copy-Nuntius Emilius.] In the author's manuscript, I presume, it was writ, Enter Nuntius; and they observing, that he is immediately called Emilius, thought proper to give him his whole title, and so clapped in----Enter Nuntius Æmilius.----Mr. Pope has very critically followed them; and ought, methinks, to have given this new-adopted citizen Nuntius, a place in the Dramatis Persona. Theobald. The edition 1600 reads as in Theobald's old copy. Todd. 1 Arm, arm, my lords;] The second arm is wanting in the old copies. Steevens. Arm is here used as a dissyllable. Malone. i. e. to those who can so pronounce it. I continue, for the sake of metre, to repeat the word----arm. May I add, that having seen very correct and harmonious lines of Mr. Malone's composition, I cannot suppose, if he had written a tale of persecuted love, he would have ended it with such a couplet as follows?—— and yet, according to his present position, if arms be a dissyllable, it must certainly be allowed to rhyme with any word of corresponding sound;-for instance : 66 Escaping thus aunt Tabby's larums, وو i. e. arums. But let the reader determine on the pretension of arms to rank as a dissyllable. Steevens. 2 Myself hath often over-heard --] Self was used formerly as (When I have walked like a private man) And they have wish'd that Lucius were their emperor. Tam. King, be thy thoughts imperious, like thy name.3 And is not careful what they mean thereby; With words more sweet, and yet more dangerous, The other rotted with delicious feed. Sat. But he will not entreat his son for us. Tam. If Tamora entreat him, then he will: For I can smooth, and fill his aged ear a substantive, and written separately from the pronominal adjective: my self. The late editors, not attending to this, read, after Sir Thomas Hanmer,-have often.-Over, which is not in the old copies, was supplied by Mr. Theobald. Malone. Over is wanting in edition 1600. Todd. 3 imperious, like thy name.] Imperious was formerly used for imperial. See Cymbeline, Act IV, sc. ii: "The imperious seas" &c. Malone. Again, in Troilus and Cressida: 4 "I thank thee, most imperious Agamemnon." Steevens. stint their melody:] i. e. stop their melody. Malone. So, in Romeo and Juliet: " it stinted, and cried-ay." 5 Steevens. honey-stalks to sheep;] Honey-stalks are clover-flowers, which contain a sweet juice. It is common for cattle to overcharge themselves with clover, and die. Johnson. Clover has the effect that Johnson mentions, on black cattle, but not on sheep. Besides, these honey-stalks, whatever they may be, are described as rotting the sheep, not as bursting them; whereas clover is the wholesomest food you can give them. M. Mason. Perhaps, the author was not so skilful a farmer as the commentator. Malone. With golden promises; that were his heart [To EMIL. Yet should both ear and heart obey my tongue.- Bid him demand what pledge will please him best. And temper him, with all the art I have, And bury all thy fear in my devices. Sat. Then go successfully, and plead to him. [Exeunt. ACT V..... SCENE I. Plains near Rome. Enter Lucius, and Goths, with Drum and Colours. Luc. Approved warriors, and my faithful friends, Which signify, what hate they bear their emperor, Therefore, great lords, be, as your titles witness, And, wherein Rome hath done you any scath,9 6 be our embassador:] The old copies read--to be &c. Corrected by Mr. Steevens. Malone. 7 on hostage Malone. Mr. Rowe. Old copies--in hostage. Corrected by 8 successfully,] The old copies read--successantly; mere blunder of the press. Steevens. a Whether the author of this play had any authority for this word, I know not; but I suspect he had not. In the next Act he with equal licence uses rapine for rape. By successantly, I suppose, he meant successfully. Malone. |