Imágenes de páginas

was stated, there was reason to believe that | of; that increase was owing, however, to in the process of time every thing that could wise acts of parliament, and the falling in be wished would be done. It was there- of old leases granted by the James's and fore for the benefit of the public that no in- the Charles's.-The right hon. gent. had terruption should be given to Mr. F's ma- held out splendid promises to the house, of nagement of his means of clearing off the the repayment of what Mr. F. owed to the arrears. The facts, however, ought to be public; but there was no reasonable proslaid before the house in a parliamentary pect of their being realized. After the reway. The right hon. gent. had stated the port of the Finance Committee in 1797, the facts clearly, and promised to produce the public were led to believe, that before this documents; when they were produced, the time the incumbrances of Mr. F. would house would be enabled to judge of what have been removed. The fact was, howwas now but matter of belief and of opi- ever, that after the lapse of eight years, the nion.. debt was as considerable as when the re

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in ex-port he had alluded to had been formed. planation, stated that Mr. Fordyce, as a Conceiving, then, that this was a subject member of the last commission, did not act highly fit for the interference of the house, generally, but specifically, with the view of he felt himself called on to support the moapplying the best remedies to existing abuses tion of his hon. friend. in the naval department. This appointment he had received from the knowledge of the former beneficial exercise of his talents in the same branch of the public service.

The Secretary at War thought himself called upon to state, that sir C. Middleton had refused to undertake the task entrusted to this commission, unless Mr. Fordyce were also appointed on it; and this from the opinion sir C. had formed of the talents and capacity of Mr. Fordyce, in a former service in which he had been associated with him. As a proof that Mr. F. had devoted all his emoluments to the discharge of his arrear, he instanced the case of a sum of 25 or 26,000l. accruing to him, which he refused to appropriate to a provision for his large family, notwithstanding the recommendation of some of his friends, preferring to transfer it immediately to the chequer, for the discharge of his debt.

Mr. Creevey, however, on understanding that the chancellor of the exchequer would himself move for the information on the subject, consented in the mean time to withdraw his motion.

[IRISH REVENUE BILLS.]-The Irish Excise Duty bill, the Irish Stamp Duty bill, the Irish Postage Duty bill, the Irish Malt and Spirit Duty bill, and the Irish Customs Duty bill, went through a committee.-In the committee on the last,

Mr. Foster consented, from respect to the opinion of so many Irish members, to discontinue the 6 per cent. duty on Irish retail imports. He believed, however, and expected, that on a revision of the English duties, it would be found proper to impose something of this kind in Ireland. The other tax that was objected to, the tax on timber, he thought so unexceptionably fair, Ex-that he would persevere in it.

Sir J. Newport repeated his former objecnotion to this tax, which he thought was calculated to discourage the growth of timber in Ireland, and to defeat the produce of the tax itself, by diminishing the import. The produce on the tax on windows and auctions would so far exceed the estimate, that the tax on timber would not be wanted. He therefore moved "that this tax should be struck out."

Mr. Johnstone said, that he should be advocate for any harsh measures, unless the result of the enquiry should make it necessary; but he could not conceive how Mr. Fordyce could be justified by the failure of his agents, as there was nothing to prevent him from obtaining securities from them, previously to their appointment. In the case of an individual, the house would naturally be inclined to a liberality of conduct; but in matters of account, they could not do justice to the public, without, on their part, acting in the same manner which every man would do, in the management of his private affairs. Instead of 40,000l. had the treasury called on the securities, they would, by this time, have had the whole. The increase of the crown lands had been boasted

Lord De Blaquiere thought the duty just and well considered; its merits had been fully discussed, and the propriety of the tax established by a vote of the house the very night before, and he felt it rather hard that at that hour of the day he should have nothing offered him to eat but his own words, an aliment he certainly did not relish, and therefore, if it came to a discus


Wednesday, March 20. [MINUTES.]-The bills upon the table were forwarded in their respective stages; among these, the Marine Mutiny bill went through a committee, and was afterwards reported; and lord Thynne's Indemnity bill was read a 2nd time.-The bishop of Oxford presented a bill to repeal so much of the act of the 9th Geo. 2d as restrained certain colleges in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge from purchasing the Advowson of Livings; which was read a first time, and ordered to be printed.-Adjourned.


sion, he should persevere in his former [ were vested entirely in the crown, and no conduct. The question being put, there individual had any claims on account of appeared for sir J. Newport's motion 34, captures; and that the rights of that sort against it 80.-Majority 55. The other items which individuals could claim, flowed from in the schedule were then read and agreed the bounty of his majesty, and his predeto.-Adjourned. cessors, and immediately proceeded from the spontaneous declaration of his majesty at the commencement of every war, which not only gave to the captors a right, but which also regulates the distribution of the prizes among them. The acts, he said, which regulate this subject, respect either, 1. the persons to be entitled to the property: 2. the functions of the courts to decide on its appropriation: 3. the management of the property during the process, and the distribution of it after it has been adjudged. With regard to the first, the provisions of the act vary in their application, according to the peculiar circumstances and situation of the parties. With respect to the second, immediately affecting the constitution and dignities of the civil courts, the legislature Wednesday, March 20. has been extremely tender of interposing [MINUTES. A new writ was ordered its authority, and introducing new regulafor the election of a member for the borough tions. It has considered, that the courts of of Wigtown, in the room of Mr. Macdowal, Admiralty are not restricted within the narwho had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. row limits of municipal institution: the law A list of the Reversionary Grants of offices of nature, and of nations, is the foundation in Ireland was presented, and ordered to lie on which they build; all the subjects of foon the table.-The Hull Dock bill was read reign states, on the general principles of jusa 2nd time.-On the motion of Mr. Rose, tice and humanity, have a right to redress the house went into a committee on the for injuries received upon the high seas, and acis relating to Foreign Ships. A resolution look for protection to these establishments. that the ships and inhabitants surrendering The rights of parties grounded on these ento his majesty in the captured settlements larged principles, are not less sacred than of the enemy be allowed to trade as British, those which are erected on the solid basis of according to the regulations in last war, was the common law of England; and the chaagreed to, and leave given to bring in a billracter and honour of every country, in a accordingly. Leave was also given to bring great measure, depends on the regard in a bill to allow neutral ships to import certain articles, for a time to be limited.-The Exchequer Bills bill, and the Irish Spirit Warehouse bill, were read a 3rd time and passed. Mr. Huskisson brought in a bill for permitting the negociation of small notes, which was read a first and second time, committed, and reported.-The Irish Revenue bills were reported.-Mr. Dawson moved, that there be laid before the house the number of licences for killing game issued in Ireland, since 1801, distinguishing the years, and specifying the names of the persons in each district, by whom they were taken out.Ordered.

[PRIZE AGENCY B111.]-Sir William Scott rose to make his promised motion. He began by stating, that by the law and constitution of the country, all the rights of war

which is paid to the just demands of individuals, placed in the most remote regions of the world. There are three modes in which the business of prize agency may be conducted :—1st. by a public officer: 2d. by persons selected by parties interested: 3d. by a mixed mode, in which both these are comprised.-The mode now pursued is the second I have named, and it has many recommendations, although the trust necessarily reposed has been liable to very serious abuses. When we consider the number of persons, respectable for their characters and for their property, who have been engaged in this business, we need not be surprised that agents of that description have received abundant encouragement. The great question is, if, under the violation of private right to which, in this mode of agency, in

dividuals have been exposed, it would be eligible that public official men should interpose; and in our consideration of this, we are naturally led to enquire into the principal matters which effect the interests of the parties. First; the security of the property is the great object; it is better that it should be forthcoming, however late, than that it should be wholly lost. While the decison is witheld, it is material that the fund should be accumulating, for the advantage of those who shall be declared entitled to it. Should the property be invested in real securities? Certainly not; because, from the nature of those securities, it would be liable to be empounded a considerable time posterior to the decision, when the parties might want to apply the property to advance their interests in their own private concerns. If it cannot be invested in real securities, much less can it be dependant on the risk of personal security, or submitted to the hazards of trade; even in its application to the public funds of the state, some respect is to be paid to private opinion and convenience, under the vicissitudes of national affairs. During one of the more atrocious periods of the French Revolution, if any distinction may be made in the poli-ners could only recover their shares by tetical profligacy of that republic, it was the dious proceedings in the courts of law or practice to invest one of the officers on board equity; now they may attain their right by every ship with the functions of a Judge of a short and summary proceeding in the court the Admiralty, and by this means, instantly of admiralty. Under the former acts, the that a capture was made, the prize was con- charges of the agents were not submitted to demned, and an immediate distribution was examination and controul; now they may made among the successful depredators. be inspected and reduced, when they are We are not, however, here governed by inreasonable, at a very small expence to the laws of Algerine piracy, or the insti- the parties. At this time, the agent is tutions of revolutionized France, Eng- obliged to remit the balance due on the land must act with good faith to every prizes to the navy pay-office, where, as forindividual wherever he resides; documents merly, he could retain the money in his must be procured, and all the parties must own hands. Heretofore, there was no probe heard. Delays have been complained vision for the payment of monies on the acof in our court, and in some respects, and count of prizes, after the appointed time of to a certain extent, they are unavoidable. such payment, so that persons absent, either To give the parties an opportunity of ap- on their private affairs, or on public duty, peal is necessary, and this is one source of on their return, were frequently disappointdelay. It is well known, that the general ed of the rewards due to their exertions and law of Europe has assigned the interval of a their gallantry: now, for two days in each year and a day to the appellant. To pre-week, the office of the agent is required to vent procrastination, the term of appeal was be kept open, for the purpose of answering for some time limited to three months, but to these claims. Under the prior forms, however good the intention might be in this regulation, the legislature found it necessary to trace back its own steps. Appellants in America, in Asia, or even in the remote parts of Europe, had not sufficient time to resist the decision they thought inequitable, and the former interval for appeals was

| again conceded. The object then has bee during the delay, to make the effects spe dily productive, and to attend to the accom modation of each party as much as poss ble. If security were the only object, th delivery of the property into the hands o a public officer under the mandate of the the court, would be sufficient. In any new regulation on the subject of this question however prudently formed, we cannot ex clude all inconveniences. In considering the defects of the present system, we have the satisfaction to discern, that they are nei ther great nor numerous. The late act. which is the present law on the subject. contains many provisions; some of which I shall shortly state, in order to shew, that the evils we apprehend are not gigantic and formidable. Previous to this act, the prize agents gave no security for the faithful discharge of their duties. Now they are required to give security to the sum of 50001. Under former statutes, agents might keep in their own hands the monies they receiv ed during the progress of a cause; now the captors may compel the agents to vest the proceeds in public securities, until the proper time of distribution. Formerly, mari

the prize-money was disposed of without regularity; now there must be a power of attorney for each captor. Thus it would be seen that much had been done to remove the evils, and to prevent the impositions to which a meritorious class of men were exposed. These regulations, then, deserve


Thursday, March 21. [MINUTES.]-Mr. Bully, from the Exchequer Office, presented an Account of the Produce of the Permanent Taxes, the progress made in the liquidation of the na tional debt, and the surplus amount of the Consolidated Fund; which were ordered to be printed.-A message from the lords stated their having agreed to Lord J, Thynne's Indemnity, the Marine Mutiny, and some Private bills.-The Irish Customs, Excise, Post Office, Stamps, and Malt Duty bills, were read a 3rd time and passed.

the attention of the house in the formation | cise bill, the Irish Stamp Duty bill, the Irish of any new plan to counteract the disad- Spirit Warehousing bill, and several private vantages which the wisdom of parliament, bills, were brought from the Commons, and from the nature of the concern, has not yet read a first time.-Mr. Alcock, from the been able to remove. One great cause of custom-house, presented an Account of the detriment has been from their ignorance of Sums in the hands of the Collectors on the the parties interested in the provisions under 5th of January last, so far as the same could the late act, which have been made in their be made up.-Adjourned. favour. If they do not know what is their situation in this respect, it is precisely the same as if no such prudent and humane regulations had been made. It is proverbial in our courts, that "the law is made for those who are awake, not for those who are asleep." It has occurred to me, as the means of preventing the mischievous effects from the ignorance and inactivity of claimants, that curators or guardians be appointed to enforce the provisions of the act. These may have full opportunities of acquiring information, and may communicate the result of their judgment on the legislative regulations, as applicable to the particular cases, to the parties themselves. This seems to [IRISH LUNATICS BILL.]-Sir John Newme to be an obvious and practical remedy port rose to submit to the house the motion for most of the mischiefs from the cause to of which he had some time since given nowhich I have adverted. In addition to this, tice, for leave to bring in a bill to regulate some supplementary arrangements may be the practice in Ireland with regard to the introduced with great propriety at the prin- confinement of lunatics and idiots. By the cipal ports of the kingdom. It might be 27th of his present majesty, the poor and asked, if what I have proposed be consistent the lunatics of Ireland were confined in the with what has been recommended by the same houses, a practice from which the commissioners of naval enquiry? It is per- most distressing inconveniencies had frehaps unnecessary minutely to enter into quently resulted. He wished the appointthis comparison in the present stage of the ment of distinct asylums for lunatics and business; enough surely has been shewn, idiots. The existing method of confineboth in the present exposition of the law, ment was only calculated for malefactors, and in the general notoriety of the facts, for but not for lunatics. Proper care cannot the house to form some competent judg-be taken of lunatics without separate instiment on the fitness of bringing this measure tutions. He had therefore to propose a bill under consideration.-The hon. and learned for establishing an asylum for each of the gent. concluded with moving," that leave be given to bring in a bill for the encouragement of seamen, and for the more effectual manning of his majesty's ships."-The question was immediately put from the chair, and agreed to.-Adjourned.


four provinces to contain 250 patients. These asylums to be in the central towns of the principal counties. The provinces to bear the expence, which is to be imposed by assessment; and a report to be made, from time to time, to the judges of assize, of the management, funds, and whole concerns and situation of the four asylums. He Thursday, March 21.. had bestowed much attention, for many [MINUTES.] The Duke of Athol spoke years, on this subject, and was persuaded in support of the appellants, in the case, the that the measure he was about to propose, Earl of Kinnoul and others v. Mr. Maule was one which the situation of the public and others; after which the Lord Chan- institutions in Ireland loudly demanded.. cellor delivered his opinion, and the deci- Accordingly, he concluded by moving for sion of the Court of Session was affirmed.leave to bring in a Bill for establishing ProThe Exchequer Bills bill, the Sugar Draw-vincial Asylums for Lunatics and Idiots in back bill, the Irish Malt bill, the Irish Post-Ireland.

age bill, the Irish Customs bill, the Irish Ex

Colonel Bagwell, in seconding the mo

tion, thanked the hon. baronet for the pains he had taken to examine into the subject in question. There was a necessity for the asylums. He went once to the gaol of Clonmell, to enquire respecting this subject; from the bellowing and hideous noise of the lunatics there, the ordinary sick were prevented from taking their natural rest. After a short conversation, in explanation of the mode of raising the funds for the Asylums, between Mr. Rose, Sir J. Newport, Mr. Corry, and Mr. Foster, leave was given to bring in the bill.

[IRISH LOAN AND EXCHANGE.]-Lord A. Hamilton, pursuant to notice, rose to submit his motion on this subject to the house. In bringing forward the resolution which he should have the honour to propose, he was not actuated by any sentiment of hostility to the right hon. gent. opposite (Mr. Foster.) When he had first called the attention of the house to this subject, he had | stated, that the excessive issue of paper had arisen from the restriction of issues of specie from the Bank, and had produced the consequent depreciation. The object of his motion was, a disapprobation of the measures that had been taken by the commissioners of the treasury in order to remedy the high rate of exchange. Their measures were of a partial and temporary nature, answering no one purpose proposed, and leaving the exchange in precisely the same state. The noble lord here read from the papers on the table the different rates of exchange at which the Irish treasury had of fered at different times their drafts upon this country, from 11 per cent. to 8 1-3d at par; and contended, that by giving their drafts at par, whilst the actual exchange was 13 or at least 12 per cent. they negociated the transmission of the loan at the loss to the public of 40,000l. on every million, and he should ask whether this was fair, legal, and regular? An expectation was entertained in Dublin that the measures of the treasury would reduce the exchange to par; and, consequently, the whole of the sums advertised had not been purchased whilst the rate was above par; but, when the accommodation had been offered at par, though the sum wanted did not exceed 150,000l. the sum of 500,000l. was subscribed; and such was the eagerness and avidity to procure a share of it, that a kind of riot had taken place amongst the bidders at the castle, which required the military to suppress. The house, he trusted, would put an end to this practice in future, as it had

produced no advantage, but great loss to public. The restriction of cash payments had caused an excessive issue of paper, which enabled the Bank Directors to give a bonus of 5 per cent. last year, making the total dividend on their stock 12 per cent. He should ask the right hon. chancellor of the exchequer under what possible circumstances he could renew the payments in specie? As the restriction had now existed during a period of peace and of war, as the effect of it was an excessive issue of paper, and a consequent depreciation of it, and as by the measures pursued by the Irish treasury, a loss of 40,000l. had fallen on the public in every million, and as amidst this desolation of the finances of Ireland, the only stock that thrived was Bank Stock, he should therefore move his resolution, "That it appeared to the house that a considerable part of the sums raised in G. Britain for Ireland, for the service of the year 1804, had been transmitted to Ireland by Bank of England Post Bills; and that said bills had been sold in Dublin by the commissioners of the treasury, by public advertisement, at rates inferior to those at which they had been before sold."-The other resolutions expressed disapprobation of the conduct of the Irish treasury in so doing.-On the question being put on the first resolution,

Mr. Foster observed, that whatever complexion the noble lord might put on his resolutions, they amounted to a direct charge on the commissioners of the treasury in Ireland. He had confounded the question of exchange with the conduct of the treasury. The right hon. gent. begged to state the nature of the transaction. A large loan had been negociated in England for the service of Ireland, and he had applied in Nov. to the Directors of the Bank in Ireland, to bring over the money, which they had refused, lest it should injure their character for impartiality, as some of them were concerned in the business of exchange. The commissioners were obliged to order it over in Bank of England Post Bills, which they sold in Dublin. They first advertised a sum of 200,000l. at 11 per cent. but only 170,000l. were subscribed. The next sum they advertised was of the same amount at 10 per cent. and only 170,000l. was obtained. They then found themselves under a necessity of disposing of the bill at par, which was 8 1-3d, in order to procure the sums required for the public service. But during the whole of this period, the actual state of exchage fluctuated between 8 and


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