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of the General Affembly: Provided however, that the cause or causes for which such removal may be required, fhall be ftated at length in fuch addrefs, and on the journal of each House. They fhall at ftated times receive for their fervices, an adequate compenfation to be fixed by law.

SECT. 4. The Judges fhall, by virtue of their office, be confervators of the peace throughout the State. The file of all procefs fhall be The Commonwealth of Kentucky. All profecutions fhall be carried on in the name, and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Ken tucky, and conclude Against the peace and dignity of the fa me.

SECT. 5. There fhall be eftablished in each county, now or which may be hereafter erected, within this Commonwealth, a County Courr.

SECT. 6. A competent number of Juftices of the Peace fhall appointed in each county; they fhall be commiffioned during good behaviour, but may be removed on conviction of misbehaviour in office, or of any infamous crime, or on the addrefs of two thirds of each Houfe of Affembly: Provided however, that the cause or caufes for which fuch removal may be required, thall be stated at length in fuch addrefs and on the jour nal of each Houfe."

SECT. 7. The number of the juftices of the peace, to which the feveral counties in this Commonwealth now eftablished, or which may hereafter be established, ought to be entitled, fhall from time to time be regu lated by law.

SECT, 8. When a furveyor, coroner, or a justice of the peace, fhall be needed in any county, the County Court for the fame, a majority of all its juftices concurring therein, fhall recommend to the Governor two proper perfons to fill the office, one of whom he fhall appoint thereto: Provided however, that if the county court fhall for twelve months omit to make fuch recom mendation, after being requested by the Governor to recommend proper perfons, he fhall then nominate, and byjand with the advice and confent of the Senate, appoint a fit perfon to fill fuch office,


SECT. 9. When a new county fhall be erected, a competent number of juftices of the peace, a Sheriff and Coroner therefor, thall be recommended to the Governor by a majority of all the Members of the Houle of Reprefentatives from the fenatorial diftrict or diftricts in which the county is fituated; and if either of the perfons thus recommended fhall be rejected by the Governor or theSenate, another perfon fhall immediately be recommended as aforefaid.

SECT. 10. Each Court fhall appoint its own clerk, who fhall hold his office during good behaviour; but no perfon fhall be appointed clerk, only pro tempore, who hall not produce to the court appointing him a certifi cate from a majority of the judges of the Court of Appeals that he had been examined by their clerk in their prefence, and under their direction, and that they judge him to be well qualified to execute the office of clerk to any court of the fame dignity, with that for which he offers himself. They fhall be removable for breach of good behaviour by the Court of Appeals only, who fhall be judges of the fact as well as of the law, Twothirds of the Members prefent must concur in the fen


SECT. 11. All commiffions fhall be in the name, and by the authority of the State of Kentucky, and fealed with the State feal, and figued by the Governor.

SECT. 12. TheState treasurer and printer or printers for the Commonwealth, fhall be appointed annually by the joint vote of both Houfes of Aflembly: Provided, that during the recefs of the fame, the Governor fhall have power to fill vacancies which may happen in either of the laid offices.


Concerning Impeachments. SECT. 1. The Houfe of Reprefentatives fhall have the fole power of impeaching.

SECT. 2. All impeachments fhall be tried by the Senate; when fitting for that purpofe, the Senators fhall be upon oath or affirmation: No perfon fhall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the Members prefent.


SECT. 3. The Governor and all civil officers fhail be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office; but judgment in fuch cafes fhall not extend further than to removal from office, and difqualification to hold any office of honour, truft, or profit under this Commonwealth;` but the party convicted fhall nevertheless be liable and fubject to indictment, trial, and punishment according to law,


General Provifions

SECT. 1. Members of the General Affembly, and all officers, executive and judicial, before they enter upon the execution of their refpective offices, fhall take the following oath, or affirmation: "I do folemnly fwear (or affirm, as the cafe may be that I will be faithful and true to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, fo long as i continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully execute to the best of my abilities, the office of according to law."

SECT. 2 Treafon against the Commonwealth fhall confift only in levying war against it, or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No perfou fhall be convicted of treason, unless on the teftimony of two witneffes to the fame overt act, or his own confeffion in open Court."

SECT. 3. Every perfon fhall be difqualified from ferving as a Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Senator or Reprefentative, for the term for which he thall have been elected, who fhall be convicted of having given or offered any bribe or treat, to procure his election.

SECT. 4. Laws fhall be made to exclude from office, and from fuffrage, thofe who thall thereafter be convicted of bribery, perjury, forgery, or other high crimes or mildemeanors. The privilege of free fuffrage fhall be fupported by laws regulating elections, and prohibiting, under adequate penalties, all undue influence thereon from power, bribery, tumult, or other improper practices.

SECT. 5. No money fhall be drawn from the treasury, but in purfuance of appropriations made by law, nor fhall any appropriations of money for the fupport of an


army be made for a longer time than one year; and a regular #atement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money, fhall be published annually,

SECT. 6. The General Affembly fhall direct by law in what manner, and in what courts, fuits may be brought agaiaft the Commonwealth.

SECT. 7. The manner of adminiftering an oath or affirmation fhall be fuch as is molt confiftent with the confcience of the deponent, and fhall be efteemed by the General Affembly the moft folemn appeal to God.

SECT. 8. All laws, which on the first day of June one thousand feven hundred and ninety-two, were in force in the State of Virginia, and which are of a general nature, and not local to that State, and not repugnant to this Conftitution, nor to the laws which have been enacted by the Legislature of this Commonwealth, fhall be in force within this Stnte, until they fhall be altered or repealed by the General Assembly.

SECT. 9. The compact with the State of Virginia, fubject to fuch alterations as may be made therein, agreeably to the mode prefcribed by the faid compact, fhall be confidered as part of this Conflitution.

SECT. 10. It fhall be the duty of the General Affembly to pafs fuch laws as thall be neceffary and proper to decide differences by Arbitrators, to be appointed by the parties who may chufe that fummary mode of adjust


SECT. II. All civil officers for the Commonwealth at large, fhall refide within the State, and all district, county, or town officers, within their respective diftricts, counties or towns (truftees of towns excepted) and thall keep their refpective offices at fuch places therein, as may be required by law; and all militia of ficers thall refide in the bounds of the divifion, brigade, regiment, battalion, or company to which they may feverally belong.

SECT.12. The Attorney General and other attornies for this Commonwealth, who receive a fixed annual falary from the public treafury, Judges and Clerks of Courts, Justices of the Peace, furveyors of lands, and all com

miffioned militia officers, fhall hold their respective offices during good behaviour, and the continuance of their respective courts, under the exceptions contained in this Conftitution.

SECT 13. Abfence on the business of the State, or the United States, fhall not forfeit a refidence once obtained fo as to deprive any one of the right of fuffrage, or of being elected or appointed to any office under this Commonwealth, under the exceptions contained in thisConftitution.

SECT. 14. It fhall be the duty of the General Affembly, to regulate by law, in what cafes, and what deduction from the falaries of public officers fhall be made for neglect of duty in their official capacity.

SECT. 15. Returns of all elections for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and Members of the General Affembly,fball be made to the Secretary for the time being.

SECT. 16. In all elections by the people, and alfo by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives, jointly or feparately, the votes fhall be perfonally and publicly given, viva voce,

SECT. 17. No Member of Congress, nor person holding or exercifing any office of trust or profit under the United States, or either of them, or under any foreign power fhall be eligible as a Member of the General Affembly of this Commonwealth, or hold or exercife any office of truft or profit under the fame.

SECT. 18. The General Affembly fall direct by law how perfons, who now are or may hereafter becoine fecurities for public officers, may be relieved or discharged on account of fuch fecurityfhip,


Concerning Slaves.

SECT. 1. The General Affembly fhall have no power to paf's laws for the emancipation of flaves without the confent of their owners, or without paying their own ers previous to fuch emancipation a full equivalent in money for the flaves fo emancipated. They fhall have no power to prevent emigrants to this State from bringing with them fuch perfons as are deemed flaves by the laws of any one of the United States, fo long

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