Imágenes de páginas
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Establishment of the northern boundary line
of Ohio, June 23, 1836,
Description of the east and west line,
Change of the time of holding the Circuit
and District Courts of Ohio, June 1, 1842,

Representatives in Congress according to the
sixth census,
Repeal of the act to amend the act of March
10, 1838, entitled "An act to change the
time of holding the Circuit and District
Courts in the district of Ohio," March 26,

Sec Courts Judiciary.

Oregon and California.


Purchase of certain copies of the History of
Oregon and California, &c., from Robert

Oregon and California.


Greenhow, authorized, February 20, 1845,
Distribution of the copies purchased,
Orphans' Court of Alexandria County.
Salary of the Judge of the Orphans' Court
of the county of Alexandria, in the Dis-
trict of Columbia, June 28, 1838, - 253

Osage Indians.
Provisions to be furnished to them. Farmers
to be employed, and stock to be purchased
for them, January 16, 1838,

Paintings for the Rotundo of the Capitol.

A contract to be made with American artists
for four historical paintings, June 23, 1836,
Passengers on board of Steam Vessels.
Owners of steam vessels to make a new en-
rolment and take out a new license, July
7, 1838,
Inspectors of steam boilers and machinery
on board vessels to be appointed by Dis-
trict Judges,
Examination and certificates of inspection,
Safety-valves to be opened whenever vessels


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Regulations to be observed on board of steam

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An act to modify the act entitled "An act
to provide for the better security of the
lives of passengers on board of vessels pro-
pelled in whole or in part by steam," ap-
proved July 7, 1838, March 3, 1843, 626
Vessels propelled by steam to be provided
with additional steering apparatus, 626
Vessels provided with certain apparatus may
use hemp tiller ropes, &c.,
Freight vessels propelled by sails and Erick-
son's propeller, not required to provide suc-
tion hose, &c.,
Experimental trials of inventions to prevent
explosions, &c.,

Patents for Public Lands.

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Patents to be issued to heirs, devisees, and
assigns, May 20, 1836,
An act to confirm land patents, March 3, 1841,
Literal exemplifications of records of patents
and other evidences of title, to be as valid
as if the names of the officers signing and
countersigning the same had been fully in-
serted in such record, March 3, 1843, 627

Patents for useful Inventions.

A Commissioner of Patents to be appointed,
July 4, 1836,



Proceedings to obtain patents,
Patents to be signed by the Secretary of State
and the Commissioner of Patents,
Interfering applications,



Sums to be paid for patents by citizens of the
United States-by the subjects of Great
Britain, and by other persons,
Assignments of patents and records thereof,

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Patents invalid from defective exemplifica-
tions. Additions to patent,

Patents for useful Inventions.

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Suits for violations of patents,
Actions cognizable in the Circuit Courts, 124
Library of the patent office. Models,
An act in addition to the act to promote the
progress of science and the useful arts,
March 3, 1837,
Patents issued, and assignments executed and
recorded prior to December 15, 1836, may
be recorded anew,
Measures to be taken to obtain patents, &c.,
to be recorded,
Certified copies of records to be evidence.
Renewal of new patents. Duplicates of
models. Patents returned for correction,

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When specification has been too broad, or a
mistake made in filing a declaration, may
make disclaimer, &c.,
Clerks to be appointed,


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Annual statement of expenditures, &c., to be
laid before Congress,
An act in addition to "An act to promote the
progress of the useful arts," March 3, 1839,
Distribution of the Digest of Patents, Sept.
1, 1841,
An act in addition to an act to promote the
progress of the useful arts, and to repeal
all acts and parts of acts heretofore made
for that purpose, August 29, 1842,
Moneys paid as fees under mistake to be paid
The third section of the act of March 3,
1837, chap. 43, extended to patents granted
prior to December 15, 1836, though lost
subsequently, -
Any alien &c. who may have resided one year
in the United States, may obtain a patent on
making an oath of his intention to become
a citizen of the United States,
Penalties for infringing patent rights, 544
Articles patented, when offered for sale to be


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The benefits of the act of July 1836, chap.
362, not to be withheld from any widow
who has been allowed a pension, in conse-
quence of her marriage subsequent to the
allowance of a pension to her, March 3,
Widows of persons who continued in service
till November 3, 1783, and were married
before that day, entitled to the benefits of
the third section of the act of July 1836,

All money after having remained in the hands
of the pension agent unclaimed for eight
months, to be repaid to the Treasury of the
United States. To be paid to the Treasurer
of the United States by draft from the
Commissioner of Pensions, April 6, 1838,


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362, not to be withheld from the widows
of those whose husbands have died, or shall
die since the passage of the act, July 7,
Appropriation for the payment of revolution-
ary pensioners for the year 1839, February
19, 1839,
Appropriations for the payment of revolu-
tionary and other pensioners for the year
1841, February 18, 1841,
Appropriations for pensions in the year 1842,
February 12, 1842, -
Pensions to Cherokee warriors, April 14,
Marriage of a widow to be no bar to her pen-
sion under the act of July 7, 1836, chap.
362, and July 18, 1838, chap. 189, if a
widow at the time of her application for a
pension, August 23, 1842,
The benefits of the act of July 7, 1838, not
to be withheld from widows, August 16,

Appropriations for pensions, February 14,
Appropriations for the payment of navy pen-
sions for 1843, March 3, 1843,
Pensions to certain widows, under the pen.
sion acts, to be continued for five years,
March 3, 1843,
Appropriations for the payment of revolu
tionary and other pensioners for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1845, April 30, 1844,

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On application to any pension agent in Ken-
tucky, the name of the pensioner shall be
transferred to the agency in Cincinnati,

Act of 1813, chap. 102, extended for four
years from March 4, 1844,
Widows entitled under the act of 1838, chap.
189, to have the benefit of this act,
Appropriations for the payment of revolu-
tionary and other pensioners for the year
ending June 30, 1846, February 20, 1845,


Widows' pensions limited,
Resolution that the act of April 30, 1844,
chap. 15, shall not be construed to affect
the claims of widows whose application for
pensions or arrears of pensions, at the
time of the passing of this resolution, had
been made and filed in the office of the
Commissioner of Pensions, January 23,

Pier on Winnebago Lake.

Appropriation for building a pier at the
northern extremity of Winnebago lake,
March 3, 1839,

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Ports of Entry and Delivery.

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sachusetts, to be known as ports under
these names within the collection district
of New Bedford, and the vessels belonging
to these places to be described as belonging
to the respective places, May 27, 1840, 381
The port of delivery and the office of Sur-
veyor of the Customs at Currituck Inlet in
North Carolina, to be abolished, March 3,
Robbinston, in the State of Maine, to be a
port of delivery, March 3, 1843, 609
Port of entry in the district of Passamaquoddy
in the State of Maine, May 31, 1844, 658
Lafayette, in Louisiana, to be a port of deli-
very, June 12, 1844,
Vessels proceeding to the port of Lafayette,
in the State of Louisiana, to make report
and entry at New Orleans,


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An act to change the organization of the
post-office department, and to provide more
effectually for the settlement of the ac-
counts thereof, July 2, 1836, - 80
Regulations of the post-office department, and
duties of the postmasters and auditors, 80
Settlement of the accounts of the post-office
Compensation of assistant Postmasters-Gene-
ral, auditors, clerks, &c.,
Postmaster-General authorized to change the
time of termination of contracts for carry-
ing the mail, March 3, 1837, -
The walls of the post-office building destroy-
ed by fire to be taken down, and the mate-
rials preserved, March 19, 1838, 310
An act further to regulate the transportation
of the mail of the United States on rail.
roads, January 25, 1839,
An act providing for the erection of a fire-
proof building for the use of the general
post-office, March 3, 1839,

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A complete edition of the laws and regula-
tions of the post-office to be printed, August
29, 1842,
An act to authorize the extension of the con-
tract for carrying the mail on the mail
routes between Mobile and New Orleans,
June 6, 1842, -


Resolution for the extension of the contract for

carrying the mail on the Potomac, August
31, 1842,
The chief clerk in the office of the Secretary
of State authorized to frank letters and do-
cuments from the office,
Appropriations for the service of the post-
office for the fiscal year, ending June 30,
1845, June 15, 1844,
The Postmaster-General to make arrange-
ments with the British government for the
transmission of the mails between Boston
and Canada, and the mail between the
United States and Europe, June 15, 1844,

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Mail between Bremen, Havre, &c.,
Regulations to be established for the mail,

Ports of Sippican and Mattapoisett in Mas-
VOL. V.-104

Franking privilege of officers of government
taken away, March 3, 1845,


Reduction of postage on letters to five cents
for less than 300 miles, and ten cents for
any distance exceeding 300 miles,

Postages on newspapers,
Postages on printed handbills,
Postages on pamphlets,
Regulations relative to mails,




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Deputy postmasters to be paid postage on
business letters,
Transportation of the mail by railroads, 738
Appropriations for deficiencies of the revenue
of the post-office,
Franking privilege to members of Congress,
to Presidents of the United States, Mrs.
Madison and Mrs. Harrison, 733, 739
Provisions relating to violating the post-office
laws, -
Appropriations for the post-office for the year
ending June 30, 1846, March 3, 1845, 739
An act to reduce the rates of postage, to
limit the use and correct the abuse of the
franking privilege, and for the prevention
of frauds on the revenue of the United
States, March 3, 1845,

The Postmaster-General authorized to make
contracts for the transportation of the mail
from the United States to foreign countries,
March 3, 1845,


Contracts to be made with American citizens,

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Regulations for transporting the mail,
Consuls of the United States authorized to
pay the postage on letters detained for
postage in foreign countries,
Preference to be given to steam-ships for
carrying the mail,
Steam-ships to be delivered to the govern-
ment, at their full value, on demand, 750
Transportation of the mail to the Gulf of
Mexico in steamers,
The Postmaster-General may contract for
carrying the mail on railroads without ad-
vertising for contracts, February 20, 1845,

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A resolution to fix the time when the act to
reduce the rates of postage, and limit the
use and correct the abuse of the franking
privilege, and for the prevention of frauds on
the revenue of the post-office department,
shall go into effect, March 3, 1845, - 800
Post Roads.

An act to establish certain post roads, and
to alter and discontinue others, &c., July 2,
Post roads in Missouri and Arkansas esta-
blished, March 10, 1836,

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Pre-emption Rights to Public Lands.
Qualifications necessary to entitle settlers to
the benefits of the act of May 29, 1830,
chap. 208, June 25, 1838,
An act supplementary to the act entitled “An
act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers
on the public lands," approved June 22,
1838, June 1, 1840,
Provisions relating to pre-emption of public
lands, by the act to appropriate the pro-
ceeds of public lands, and to grant pre-
emption rights, September 4, 1846,
Provisions relating to entry of land under
pre-emption rights,
Settlers at Mineral Point, Wisconsin, who
have been refused entry, to be allowed to
re-enter land elsewhere, August 23, 1842,

Patents to issue for lands entered under pre-
emption laws, but withheld on account of
the quantity exceeding that specified in the
- 534
law, August 26, 1842,
Act of September 4, 1841, chap. 16, not to
confer a right of pre-emption by reason of
a settlement on a tract heretofore sold, 535
An act to authorize an investigation of al-
leged frauds under the pre-emption laws,
and for other purposes, March 3, 1843,

Provisions for the execution of the act, 619
Patents to issue on all entries made at St.
Augustine under the act of June 22, 1838,
chap. 119, notwithstanding any informality
in the mode of entry or defect of proof,
June 15, 1844,

Presents from the Emperor of Morocco.
Such as cannot be conveniently deposited in
the office of the Secretary of State, to be
disposed of, July 20, 1840,

Presents from the Imaum of Muscat.

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President and Vice President of the United States.
A uniform time for holding elections of elec-
tors of the President and Vice President
of the United States, January 23, 1845, 721
Prisoners of the United States in Rhode Island.
The prisoners of the United States to be kept

under the like restrictions and penalties as
prisoners committed under the authority of
Rhode Island, June 19, 1840, -

Property lost or destroyed by the enemy.
Officers and others to be paid the value of
horses, &c., lost in the United States' ser-
vice, January 18, 1837,
Volunteers and militia to be paid for arms,
&c., lost,

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Property lost or destroyed by the enemy.

The act of January 18, 1837, chap. 5, con-
tinued in force for two years, February 27,
Amendment of the act of January 18, 1837,
chap. 5, August 23, 1842,
To include claims for horses lost by abandon-
ment by order of the commanding general,
or by being shot or lost by accident,
Appeal from the Auditor to the Second Comp-
troller on the rejection of the claim, 511
The act providing for the payment of horses
and other property lost in the revolutionary
service of the United States, passed Janu-
ary, 18, 1837, chap. 5, continued in force
for two years, March 3, 1843,
Appropriation for the payment of horses lost
by the Missouri volunteers in the Florida
war, June 15, 1844,

Property of the United States.

The banking-house of the Bank of Michigan,

which has been purchased by the United
States, to be set apart for the courts of the
United States and the post-office at Detroit,
March 3, 1843,

The property of the Bath bank, in the State
of Maine, purchased by the United States,
to be in the charge of the Secretary of the


The use of the building of the United States
at Lazaretto Point, given to the Corpora-
tion of Baltimore,

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A tract of land on the Coosa river granted to
Cherokee county, Alabama, for a seat of
justice in the county, July 5, 1838, 254
The sale of certain lands of the United States
near the Wabash and Erie canal, author-
ized, July 7, 1838,
Certificates of deposite renewed in the pur-
chase of public lands, under the act of
1820, may be surrendered, and other certi-
ficates issued, February 28, 1830,
Provisions in relation to settlers on the public


The Register of public lands authorized to ad-
minister oaths, and no compensation to be
charged, June 12, 1840, -

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An act to amend an act entitled "An act to
authorize the State of Tennessee to issue
grants and perfect titles to certain lands
therein described, and to settle the claims to
the vacant and unappropriated lands with-
in the same," passed the 18th day of April,
1806, February 18, 1841,
An act to provide for the early disposition of
lands acquired from the Cherokee Indians
by the treaty of December 29, 1835, March
4, 1842, -
Entries of lands in the State of Louisiana, in
the land district north of Red river, con-
firmed, and patents to be issued, April 14,
Settlers at Mineral Point, in Wisconsin, who
have been refused entry under the pre-emp-
tion act of June 19, 1794, allowed to enter
one quarter section elsewhere. The claim-
ant to make oath, August 23, 1842,
An act in relation to lands in the Greensburgh,
late St. Helena land district, in Louisiana,
August 29, 1842,
The sale of the lands on which buildings have
been erected for the use of United States'
agents, teachers, farmers, mechanics, and
others, authorized, March 3, 1843, - 611
Land may be sold with each building, under
the direction of the Secretary of War, 611
Certain lands in Ohio, ceded by the Wyan.
dott tribe of Indians, to be sold, March 3,


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Provisions for the sale of the lands,
Lands in Wyandott reserve in Michigan to be
offered for sale,
- 625
When public lands are occupied as a town
site, the corporate authorities may enter the
same in trust for the occupants, March 23,
The execution of the trust shall be regulated
by the Legislature of the State or Terri-
tory where the land is situated, 657

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