OF THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN SECOND EXTRA SESSION OF 1900 Printed by virtue of an act of the Legislature, under the direction WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO. OF LANSING, MICH. STATE PRINTERS SENATE. Lansing, December 12, 1900. Pursuant to a proclamation issued by the Governor, Hon. Hazen S. Pingree, calling the Legislature to meet in extraordinary session, the Senate convened in the Senate Chamber of the capitol, in the city of Lansing, this 12th day of December, 1900, at 12 o'clock m., and was called to order by Hon. Orrin W. Robinson, President of the Senate. Religious exercises were conducted by Rev. Wm. H. Pound, of Plymouth Congregational church, Lansing. The roll of the Senate was called by the Secretary, Charles S. Pierce. Present: Senators Atwood, Blakeslee, Brown, Collingwood, Flood, Giddings, Graham, Heald, Helme, Humphrey, Latimer, Loomis, Lyon, McGraw, McMullen, Maitland, Milliken, Monaghan, Perren, Potter, Sayre, Sheldon, A. G. Smith, Charles Smith, Ward. Absent: Senators Baker, Davis, Leidlein, Moore, Stoll, Wagar, Wag ner. On motion of Mr. Blakeslee, leave of absence was granted to the absentees from today's session. A copy of the proclamation issued by the Governor, Hon. Hazen S. Pingree, convening the Legislature in extra session, certified to by the Deputy Secretary of State, Hon. Willard K. Bush, was read by the Secretary of the Senate, as follows: PROCLAMATION. To All Whom it May Concern,-Greeting: At the general election held on November 6 last, the people of this State ratified and approved the amendments to the Constitution of the State relating to the taxation of corporations. These amendments were submitted to the people, for ratification or rejection, by the present Legislature, convened in extra session on October 10, last. Under the Constitution, as so amended, it is now possible to enact a law providing for the assessment and taxation, at its cash value, of the property of railroad, telegraph, telephone and express companies, and similar corporations, now paying specific taxes upon gross earnings. The amendments to the Constitution, which make it possible to enact such a law, were ratified and approved by a majority so overwhelming |