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to Him who protected them through their perilous jours ney bearing a striking resemblance of Noah and his fam. ily, when the ark rested up on Mount Arrarat. They had nought before them but a broad sheet of water. They trusted in the goodness and faithfulness of Him whe promised to cause the earth to veg.tate and bring forth her fruit in its season. Our puritan fathers trusted in the eternal God. In their rear they had almost an unnaviga. ble ocean, before them lay a trackless forest; but they were not dismayed at this. God had said to them, io! I am with you even to the end of the world. This gave them strength to accomplish the object for which they had left their homes and their country. It was this spirit of which I write that gave them victory over their enemies, it was this star that led them on from conquest to conquest. "My God and my country," was their motto.

When Great Britain turned her covetous eyes upon the little band, a mere fragment of her nation; she was bent upon their distruction, for they had thrown off the roke of tyranny and bondage, and had sworn to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience.Great Britain then unlawfully invaded our country. God's goodness was here made manifest. He gave us men whose heroic deeds have never been rivaled by any nation. Europe may point to their reckless Bonaparte; but we can present to them, the spotless, the heroic, the dauntless, the unrivaled GEORGE WASHINGTON, in whose heart dwelt the spirit of Him whose darling attribute is goodness and mercy. He has caused villages and cities to be planted where, a lew centuries ago, naught was to be seen but a wet howling wilderness. But indeed the earth is filled with the wisdom, the knowledge and goodness of God. If I should take the wings of the morning and fly to the ut termost parts of the earth, his right hand there would sus. tain mo. Had I power to soar away to the planetary world; could I step from planet to planet, or climb from orb to orb; could I be permitted to stand upon the brightest orb, and hold in my hand a telescope powerful enough to view allworlds, and systems of worlds, and then obtain the pen of the highest angel, aud dip the same in the irradiatin beams of the sun, I should not do justice to the sl


You need not be astonished that I am so limited in my descriptions, and so imperfect in my views,ior there was a time, when the angels in heaven were silent, when the Sn of the most high God offered to lay aside the glory that he had with his Father, and come down to earth, that nar might through his death and sufferings be again re tored to the favor and mercy of God.



Admiration of the mercies of God.
A Mother's legacy to her daughter,
A soul under conviction,
Abraham offering up Isaac,





An appeal to my brother,


Address to a prayer circle,



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Jesus Christ the example of prayer,

Jesus the door of the sheep,





Land of rest,


Loss of sight,

Longing for heaver,

Lines to a friend on the reception of a dona-


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Mount Horeb,

Miss Elizabeth Denny,

Mary at the feet of the Savior,



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To a friend on the death of a sister,


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