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trimes, however, are nothing in comparison to thofe of the Bishop of Rome.

By a former meffage, the Directory announced to you that the French troops occupied the caftle of St. Angelo, and the Capitol. They communicate to you to-day the ulterior news which they have received from Rome, and which contains the details of one of the greatest events of modern history.

On the 27th Pluviofe, General Berthier arrived under the walls of Rome: he did not enter the city himself, but remained in

his camp.

On the morning of the 27th, the anniversary of the 23d year of the reign of Pius the Sixth, the Roman people proceeded to the Campo Vaccino, where they drew up a folemn act of the refumption of their right of fovereignty.

In this proclamation it is faid in fubftance, that the Roman people, oppreffed for a long period by a government of priests, a real political monfter, have attempted feveral times in vain to throw off the horrible yoke; that a fecret magic of fuperftition, of intereft, and of armed force, combined against their efforts, had rendered hitherto their efforts ufelefs; but that at length this government had fallen afunder of itself, by its alternatives of imbecility and infult, of meannefs and pride: that the Roman people, fearful of feeing a horrible anarchy, or a worfe tyranny fucceed, had collected all their courage and ftrength to prevent the effects of this diffolution; that they had in confequence determined to reclaim their rights of fovereignty; that finally this united people declare with one voice and spirit, to God himself, and to the universe;

That the Roman people have had no hand in the horrible attacks and affaffinations by which the government have fo grievously offended the French nation, and her invincible republic: attacks which the people deteft and abhor, and the infamy of which will recoil upon the heads of the authors.

That in fuppreffing, abolishing, and annihilating the political, economical, and civil authorities of this government of priests, the people have erected themselves into a free and independent fovereign; that they have refumed all their legislative and executive powers; that they will exercise them by their reprefentatives, according to the rights of men, which are imprefcriptible, and according to the principles of juftice, truth, liberty, and equality. That in confequence, by this act, all political, economical, and civil faculties exercifed in the name of the Pope, are provisionally transferred to departments and members named by the people, at the head of whom are five councils, invefted with the powers which the congregation of state filled.



This act contains befides, the nomination of all the other magiftrates, prefects, ediles, officers of the provifional govern


Finally, the people name eight deputies to go in their names to the general of the troops of the republic, in order to implore from him the powerful protection of a generous nation-of those Frenchmen whofe example has been the light that has enlightened the Romans, and whofe friendship will guide and guarantee their return to liberty and their regeneration.

The act is dated Rome, the 15th February 1798, the first year of liberty proclaimed in the Capitol: it is followed by the fignatures of all the Roman citizens, knowing how to read and write, to the number of feveral thoufands; in prefence of whom, and a countless number of people, it is faid, that the act was read with a loud and clear voice, confirmed and approved with acclamations and univerfal joy.

After the proclamation, trees of liberty were planted before the Capitol, and in other public places.

At noon the deputation, bearing the colours of the Roman republic, prefented to General Berthier the wishes of the people and the provifional government.

The general proceeded to the Capitol himself, to reply to the Roman people in the name of the French.

He traverfed Rome in the midst of an immenfe crowd, applaud, ing our arms. He afcended the Capitol, invoked the manes of Cato and Brutus, and declared, according to the intentions of the Executive Directory, that the French republic profeffes this principle, that the people are fovereign, and recognised the independence of the Roman republic, confifting of all the territory which remained under the temporal authority of the Pope by the treaty of Campo Formio.

The Directory annex to this meffage a copy of the declaration of General Berthier, in French and Italian.

After this declaration, tranfmitted to the provifional confuls, the general in chief made the tour of the Capitol, in the midft of immenfe crowds, rending the air with cries of, Live the French republic, the Roman republic, and liberty!

He paired through Rome to return to his camp. The fame exclamations, the fame joy followed him.

He fays, in a difpatch of the 27th Pluviofe, "The altars of liberty are re-erected in the Capitol. All the people are


On the 28th, he writes that this revolution was effected in the greatest order, and that "Rome offers the impofing and majeftic fpectacle of a wife people refuming their dignity, breaking their chains, and preferving only a cold contempt for their oppreffors."

In another dispatch of the 2d of this month, he announces every thing that could confolidate the great work of the ever memorable day of the 27th Pluviofe.

The municipality of Rome is organized, as well as the civic guard, which has taken the oath of fidelity to the Roman republic.

The French general has taken those precautions which worship and prejudices might require on his part. On the 30th Pluviofe, the churches of Rome refounded with a Te Deum, to celebrate the day on which Rome regained her liberty, and proclaimed her republic. Fourteen cardinals fung this hymn themfelves in St. Peter's: they are not of the number of those who counselled the horrible perfidy committed against France; the authors of it are for the most part fled, the reft are taken.

The Pope quitted Rome on the 2d of this month, at four o'clock. He demanded from the French two officers, who were granted him to ferve as a fafeguard. It was not thought proper to keep him prifoner, because he threw himfelf upon our loyalty. Nor have the attentions due to his great age been forgotten; but he felt himself that he could not remain at Rome, that he ought to confummate the revolution, give place to liberty, and refign himfelf to his lot. Free Rome has been purged from the prefence of the defpot, his arms have been removed, and his retreat has been celebrated by a folemn fête.

Trees of liberty are planted in all the communes of the ci-devant ecclefiaftical states. It was fomewhat difficult to destroy in Rome the prejudice and hatred which the Papal government had attempted to excite against the French army, by circulating the fear of violation and pillage, and by accrediting the falfe opinion, that, under pretence of wifhing to revenge a great crime, France fpeculated upon the conqueft of the country, in order to make a hameful traffic of it with other powers; but this finifter impreffion has been done away by the frank reply of General Berthier to the act of the Roman people. He fhowed that the French are not merchants of flaves: far from trading in men, they are the deliverers of them. An order has been given to celebrate at Rome the affecting and farewell fate of the brave and illfated Duphot.

Grand monuments are about to be erected on the spots where Baffeville and Duphot were maffacred.

The Roman people themselves propofed a fête of an antique and noble character, dedicated to the glory of the French republic, and which is to take place in the Roman Forum, under the triumphal arches of the Emperors Titus and Severus.

You will be fatisfied, citizens reprefentatives, with learning, that fuch great events have taken place without the effufion of blood; that the public treafury, the monuments of the arts, pro



'perty and perfons, have been refpected; and that the difcipline of the army of Italy, equal to its valour, has merited the esteem and admiration of the Romans reftored to themselves.

The Directory has but one trait to add

The provifional government, of the Roman republic has appointed an ambaffador to the French republic. He fet off on the 3d Ventofe. Oh, citizens reprefentatives! what a feature in the Hiftory of the world is the fending to Paris of a minister from the Roman confuls, to thank the French for the generous fupport given by them to the deliverance of Rome! What foul, however under the influence of apathy, could remain infenfible to fo glorious a fight? Who can, without tranfport, hear the recital of the awaking of the Roman people from their flumber? Who could refufe to falute the renafcent republic? But, above all, how fublime to bear the title of French citizen, and to fee that great people extinguifh for ever the thunders of the Vatican, with the fame hand that is erecting again, in the Capitol, altars to liberty!

The Executive Directory cannot doubt the effect which this national fentiment will produce upon you, citizens reprefentatives ; and they have reafon to believe that you will approve, in a folemn manner, the conduct of the army of Italy.


MERLIN, Prefident.
LAGARDE, Sec. General,

Proclamation of General Berthier, at Rome, on the 27th Pluviofe. THE Roman people are restored to their rights of fovereignty by proclaiming their independence, by affuming the government of ancient Rome, and by conftituting the Roman republic.

The general in chief of the French army in Italy declares, in the name of the French republic, that he acknowledges the independent Roman republic, and that it is under the fpecial protection of the French arms.

The general in chief alfo acknowledges, in the name of the French republic, the provifional government chofen by the Roman people.

All temporal authorities proceeding from the Pope are therefore fuppreffed, and fhall exercife no functions whatever.

The general in chief fhall make every difpofition neceffary to fecure the independence of the Roman people, and to perfect the organization of their government, in order that their new laws may be founded on the bafis of liberty and equality.

He will adopt every measure calculated to promote the happiness of the Romans.


The French general Cervoni is charged with the direction of the police, and providing for the fecurity of the city of Rome; and alfo with the inftallation of the new government.

The Roman republic, acknowledged by the French republic, comprehends all the territory which remained under the temporal authority of the Pope after the treaty of Campo Formio.


Note fent on the 15th Sept. 1797, to the Government of Berne. Paris, 29 Fructidor (15 Sept.).


HE Executive Directory, convinced that the miffion of Mr. Wickham to the Helvetic cantons, has no reference whatever to the respective interests of England and Switzerland, and that his fole object is to excite and further plots against the internal and external fecurity of the French republic, charge Citizen Mingaud to invite and require the government of the canton of Berne, and alfo the other Helvetic cantons, if neceffary, to give directions for Mr. Wickham's immediate departure from the territories of Switzerland.


LAGARDE, Sec. Gen.

Reply of the Canton of Berne.

THE republic of Berne, always holding in the highest eftimation the good intentions of the French republic, has taken into mature confideration the note tranfinitted to them by Citizen Mingaud, in the name of the Executive Directory of the French republic.

They have to remark, that, for nearly a century paft, British agents or minifters have uniformly refided in Switzerland, and that Mr. Wickham, whofe departure from Switzerland is required by the Executive Directory, being accredited to all the ftates of the Helvetic confederacy as minifter plenipotentiary, the republic of Berne cannot decide feparately on a fubject which fo effentially involves the rights of others, and the neutrality of the Helvetic body, as declared and recognifed by all the powers

now at war.

The government of Berne, always employed in maintaining harmony and good understanding with France and the other bel ligerent powers, fubmits the above confiderations to the wifdom and good fenfe of the Executive Directory, affuring the Directory, at the fame time, that the government of Berne, in concert with the co-ftates, will lofe no time in coming to a refolution


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