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point out the objects which may be employed for that purpose ; they ought not, nor can occupy themselves upon the application of the principle, until the principle itfelf is recognised. Then only will they (to make use of the very expreffions of the deputation) determine what is neceffary with refpect to the articles joined to the note of the 3d March, in which, in fact, they find fome admiffible difpofitions.



Raftadt, 23d Ventofe (15th March).

Note of the Deputation of the Empire in Anfwer to the Plenipotentiaries' refpecting Secularizations.

THE deputation of the Empire had believed that the most proper mode of proceeding, and beft adapted to accelerate the conclufion of a peace, was to agree previously on every thing neceffary to be determined to fix the future limits between the two nations, before they fhould proceed to difcufs the other articles of the peace. But as the French minifters, in their laft note, have declared, that they have already answered the propofitions of the deputation, and that they cannot engage in any farther negotiation relative to this object, until the deputation has declared its confent to the mode of indemnification propofed; and that, without this declaration, it is abfolutely impoffible that peace should be concluded; but that in the fubfequent negotiations, attention will be paid to whatever may be just and conformable to the interest of the two nations: the deputation, to haften thefe negotiations, and the final conclufion of the treaty, fees itself obliged to confent to the indemnities demanded, by the mode of fecularizations, for the loffes which thall be sustained on the left bank of the Rhine; and to enter into new negotiations on this fubject, in such a manner, however, as to proceed in it with all the precautions and reftrictions which are effentially neceffary for the maintenance of the Germanic Empire in all its relations; as well as for the establishment and fecurity of the well-being of the states, members and fubjects of the Empire. But, as in the fixing of each indemnity, it is principally of importance to determine the amount of the loffes fuftained; it is expected that the French ministers will return a precife and voluntary anfwer to the three previous points contained in the note of the 12th of March; and that they will likewife make no difficulty to declare themselves on the eighteen articles tranfmitted to them on the 3d of March. The deputation, therefore, conceiving that it has advanced in every way in its power towards the abfolute conclufion of peace, expects that the French government will at length grant the wish it has fo often urged in vain, by withdrawing the troops which still occupy,

in great numbers, the right bank of the Rhine, and thereby relieving the inhabitants of that country from an oppreffive burden.

Raftadt, 5th April.

Reply of the Plenipotentiaries to the foregoing Note.

THE deputation of the Empire having acknowledged the neceffity of fecularization, in order to provide indemnifications for thofe ftates which have loft poffeffions on the left bank of the Rhine, and having acceded to the principle of fecularization, proceeds in its note of the 16th of Germinal (April 5), to exprefs a wish, that the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic would declare themfelves relative to the fecond propofition in the note of the deputation of the 21ft of Ventofe (March 12), and the eighteen articles annexed to their note of the 13th of Ventofe (March 3). It is likewife required that the troops of the republic on the right bank of the Rhine may be withdrawn. The minifters plenipotentiary wish to declare themfelves relative to thefe feveral demands. With refpect to the laft, they repeat what they have already alferted, that the relinquishing of military pofitions can only be the confequence of a peace finally concluded, and therefore there is as yet no fufficient reafon for withdrawing the troops from the other fide of the Rhine. With refpect to the fecond propofition contained in the note of the 21 of Ventofe (March 12), the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic anfwer, that they have already faid fufficient to fatisfy every reasonable perfon, as they have declared, that in the further progrefs of the negotiations they will only liften to what is juft and agrecable to the common interefts of both nations, by which they have declared that fuch only fhall be the demands on their fide. Laftly, with respect to the articles annexed to the note of the 13th of Ventofe (March 3), the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic remark that these articles by no means appear to have been framed with a view to accelerate the conclufion of peace. Some of them can never have been objects of serious doubt on the part of the deputation of the Empire, fuch as, for example, the fecurity of private property, the free exercise of religious worship according to the regulation of the laws, and oblivion of all opinions that may have been expreffed during the war. Others of thefe articles, however, are evidently incompatible with the fovereignty of the republic and its conftitution.. The undersigned can never fufficiently exprefs their furprise that any perfons fhould ever have entertained a doubt of fome of these articles, or have refolved to require the fulfilment of the others. In the prefent fituation of circumftances, the true mean to haften the negotiations, is to make



exertions for the application of the bafis of indemnifications. Probably it would be moft conducive to this end, fhould the deputation of the Empire lay down fome general rules to determine the fate of thofe ftates (des titularies) which are to be abrogated, that no doubts may remain with respect to the principles of reafon and prudence which guide this important operation.

Raftadt, 19 Germinal (April 8th), the 6th

year of the French republic.




Reply of the Deputation of the Empire to the laft Note of the French


THE deputation of the Empire has obferved in its late note, that in order to fix the indemnities, it will efpecially be neceflary to know the quantity of the loffes; that it therefore expected that a precife and determinate anfwer would be returned to the fecond point previously stated in the note of the 12th of March, and that the French ministers would in like manner make no difficulty to declare themselves relative to the eighteen articles tranfmitted on the 3d of March. The deputation added, in the same note, that it entertained the firmeft hope that the French troops would be withdrawn as foon as poffible from the right bank of the Rhine.

The contents of the note of the French minifters of the date of the 19th Germinal (8th April), by no means correfponded with thefe juft expectations; for with refpect to the withdrawing of the French troops, it was ftated, that no fufficient motive for it could exist before the abfolute conclufion of peace. As to the fecond previous point, it was only explained in a manner which could not be entirely fatisfactory, by declaring indeterminately, that it must be understood from preceding declarations, that only fuch demands as might be accepted would be made on the part of France. With refpect to the eighteen articles tranfmitted on the 3d of March, the French minifters remark, that some of them can admit of no doubt; and affert, that others are entirely incom patible with the fovereignty and conftitution of the republic, without making any mention of the reft. They have concluded by the propofal to labour for the application of the bafis of indemnities, and previously to lay down fome general rules to fix the fate of thofe which may be fuppreffed.

The deputation of the Empire perfectly recognifes the juft confiderations which may have induced the French minifters to make the latter propofition: and it is a fatisfaction to it, that, relative to this particular, its obligations entirely accord with the defires of the French republic. The deputation is, however, firmly


perfuaded that it is impoffible to proceed efficaciously to establish the principles on which the indemnities ought to be founded, until a precife and determinate knowledge fhall be obtained of the ftate of things, and all circumstances. But this knowledge cannot be acquired till by the adjustment of the eighteen articles above mentioned, the whole of the lofs, the modifications under which the ceffions must take place, and the fate of the inhabitants,of the provinces beyond the Rhine, fhall have been agreed on in concert; the deputation having only confented to facrifices so great and fenfible to Germany, in the full expectation that the three previous points contained in the note of the 11th of March would be acceded to. The deputation of the Empire therefore believes it conformable to its important duties to infift on the adherence to its former propofitions. It therefore again repeats the expectation it has, that the French minifters plenipotentiary fhall answer in a precife and determinate manner to the fecond previous point of the note of the 11th of March; that they fhall explain themfelves relative to each of the eighteen articles before mentioned; and that they fhall without delay take the neceffary measures for withdrawing the French troops from the right bank of the Rhine, where the different countries are fo much exhaufted as to be incapable of any longer fupporting the burden.

Rafladt, April 18th, 1798.r

Anfwer of the French Minifters to the Note of the Deputation of the Empire of the 18th April.

THE ceffion of the left bank of the Rhine, and the acceptance of the principle of fecularization, in order to provide indemnifications, leave now nothing more to be done, but to examine in what manner these two formally acknowledged principles may be carried into effect. The deputation of the Empire has very juftly remarked, that, in order to adjust the measure of the indemnifications, it will be proper firft to afcertain the extent of the loffes. It has therefore exprefled a wish for an explanation relative to this point, and likewife to all other demands which it may be intended to make. The demands of the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic are fimple, and founded on the common advantage of both nations. It is, in fact, fufficient merely to state them, to render their propriety evident. The deputation will find the prefent note a fufficient anfwer to almost all the questions contained in its former communications. The navigation of the Rhine fhall be alike free to both nations; but no others can participate in it, except by their confent, and under fuch conditions as they fhall choose to require. The ways on the fide of that river fhall be maintained by the inhabitants of the refpective banka. VOL. VII. T t

and no works undertaken on either fide which may be to the detriment of the other. The tranfits on both fides fhall be free, and all tolls fhall be abolished. Commodities thall only be fubject to the tolls which are paid on their being fhipped, which, however, on the one bank, fhall not exceed those paid on the other. The iflands of the Rhine fhall belong to the French republic. The infinite advantages that must refult from a free navigation give reafon to hope that the deputation will find it no lefs proper to render the navigation of the rivers which flow into the Rhine, and the navigations of the great rivers of Germany, fuch as the Danube, likewife free to both nations. In confequence of these ftipulations, the French republic will retain nothing on the right bank of the Rhine, except the fort of Kehl, and its territory. It will easily be perceived that the republic does not wish to retain poffeffion of these for the fake of aggrandizement, but for its own fecurity and tranquillity, and to prevent every occafion of a rupture. From a reafon of fimilar urgency, the demolition of the fortrefs is required, the existence of which is in fome measure incompatible with the existence of Coblentz. It is not necessary here to mention the fort of Caffel and its appurtenances, as this fort can only be confidered as a part of the fortifications of Mentz, and confequently cannot be feparated from it. Lastly, the republic requires the commercial bridge between the two Brifacs fhall be restored; and that a tract of land, fifty acres in extent, oppofite the old bridge at Huninguen, fhall be ceded, with the road neceffary to pafs to it. All the rest of the countries on the right bank of the Rhine fhall be evacuated by the French troops, immediately after the conclufion and ratification of the treaty of peace.

It now only remains to point out thofe poffeffions on the left bank of the Rhine, which are to be indemnified from the right bank. The minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic think it cannot be neceffary to declare themselves more explicitly on this head; as it cannot efcape the deputation, that whatever appertained to the princes or ftates of the Empire, or knights of the Teutonic order, by a neceflary confequence, and according to the principles generally acknowledged, must be transferred to the right bank of the Rhine. The debts likewife with which thefe objects or poffeflions were encumbered, must be transferred to the poffeffions applied as indemnifications. It is also to be un derftood that the Empire renounces all kind of pretenfions, of whatever nature they may be, to the ceded poffeffions; and that all titles derived from them fhall entirely ceafe. The fame renunciation fhall likewife take place with refpect to all pretenfions on the territory of the republics in alliance with the French republic. The deputation will perceive, that the articles here of. fered are the only ones which can produce that fecure order of things, and that durable peace, which must be the with of both


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