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money have been entered into by the inhabitants to purchase provifions for the troops, by which means the end proposed of making the burden fall as much as poffible on the guilty is entirely defeated, by making it fall in a light proportion on the whole, and thereby eafing and protecting the guilty; it has been thought proper to direct, that wherever that practice has been adopted, or thall be attempted, the general officers commanding divifions of the fouthern district, fhall immediately double, treble, or quadruple the number of foldiers fo ftationed; and fhall send out foraging parties to provide provifions for the troops in the quantities mentioned in the former notice, bearing date the 27th April 1798; and that they fhall move them from ftation to ftation, through the diftrict and barony, until all arms are furrendered, and the tranquillity be perfectly reftored, and until it is reported to the general officers, by the gentlemen holding landed property, and those who are employed in collecting the public revenues and tithes, that all rents, taxes, and tithes are completely paid up.

A Proclamation by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin.


WHEREAS I have received information, that many perfons, charged with feditious and treafonable practices, have of late left their ufual places of refidence in this kingdom, and are now fecreting themfelves in this city and the environs thereof, in order to evade being apprehended and brought to justice for the various atrocious offences of which they ftand charged:

Now, in order to promote the difcovery and apprehending of all fuch offenders, I do hereby call upon and ftrictly enjoin all perfons within this city, and the liberties thereof, who harbour or entertain strangers, forthwith, and from time to time, to return to me, or any of the magiftrates of this city, the names and defcriptions of all fuch ftrangers as fhall be lodged or entertained in their houses, with an account of the place from whence they refpectively came, as diligent fearch will be made by me, and the feveral other magiftrates, in order to difcover and apprchend all fuch perfons, and to punifh, according to law, all thofe by whom they fhall be fo harboured or entertained. And I further call upon all his Majefty's loyal and well-difpofed fubjects to give information and affiftance to carry this proclamation, and the intentions thereof, into effect.

And I alfo further require all inhabitants of this city, who have neglected registering their arms, forthwith to come forward and regifter the fame, as the magiftrates are determined to levy the penalty prefcribed by law upon all perfons with whom arms VOL. VII.

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fhall be found, which have not been registered pursuant to act of Parliament.

Given at the Manfion-house, Dawfon Street, the 11th day of May 1798.

Signed, by order of the Lord Mayor,


Letter fent to the Lord Mayor of Dublin by Lord Viscount

My Lord,


Dublin Caftle, May 21, 1798.

I AM directed by the Lord Lieutenant to inform your Lordfhip, that the difaffected in the city and neighbourhood of Dublin have been daring enough to form a plan for the purpose of poffeffing themselves, in the courfe of the prefent week, of the metropolis, and of feizing the executive government, and thofe in authority within the city. His Excellency, fully informed of their defigns, has made the neceffary military arrangements for completely defeating their defperate purpose, and for giving the fulleft fecurity to the perfons and property of the loyal and welldifpofed. His Excellency, nevertheless, feels it his duty to intimate their traitorous defigns to your Lordship, and relies, that, in conjunction with the magiftracy and the King's loyal fubjects, you will exert the utmoft poffible energy in preferving tranquil lity within the bounds of the metropolis; that your Lordship, without lofs of time, will caufe the ftricteft fearch to be made for concealed arms, and adopt fuch meafures of general precaution as fhall appear best calculated to defeat the defigns of the rebellious against the King's government and our invaluable confti


I have the honour to remain, with the greatest truth and refpect, my Lord, your Lordship's moft obedient fervant, The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor. CASTLEREAGH.

Notice iffued by Lieutenant-general Lake.

LIEUTENANT-GENERAL Lake, commanding his Majefty's forces in this kingdom, having received from his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant full powers to put down the rebellion, and to punish rebels in the moft fummary manner, according to martial law, does hereby give notice to all his Majesty's fubjects, that he is determined to exert the powers entrusted to him in the moft vigorous manner, for the immediate fuppreffion of the fame; and that all perfons acting in the prefent rebellion, or in any wife aiding or affifting therein, will be treated by him as rebels, and punished accordingly,

And Lieutenant-general Lake hereby requires all the inhabitants of the city of Dublin (the great officers of state, members of the houses of Parliament, privy counfellors, magistrates, and military perfons in uniform, excepted) to remain within their refpective dwellings from nine o'clock at night till five in the morning, under pain of punishment.

By order of Lieutenant-general Lake,
Commanding his Majesty's forces in this kingdom,
G. HEWETT, Adjutant-general.

Dublin, Adjutant-general's Office,

24th May 1798.

Proclamation iffued by the Mayor and Sheriffs of Cork.

WHEREAS we have received information, that many feditious and treasonable perfons have of late left their ufual places of abode, and are now fecretly refiding in this city and its liberties: in order to discover and apprehend all fuch perfons, we do hereby call upon, and ftrictly command the feveral refident inhabitants of this city and its liberties, as they fhall anfwer at the utmost peril of the law, forthwith, and from time to time, to return to us the names and defcriptions of all fuch strangers as shall be lodged or entertained in their houses, together with an account of the places whence each feparate ftranger refpectively came. And we do further call upon the feveral magiftrates, the high and petty conftables, and all others his Majesty's loyal and well-difpofed fubjects, to give information, and to be otherwife aiding and affifting in carrying this proclamation into effect.




Cork, May 23, 1798.

(the younger),

By the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin. A PROCLAMATION.


WHEREAS the circumstances of the prefent crifis demand every poffible precaution: these are therefore to defire all perfons who have registered arms, forthwith to give in, in writing, an exact lift or inventory of fuch arms at the Town Clerk's office, who will file and enter the fame in a book to be kept for that purpose; and all perfons who have not registered their arms, are hereby required forthwith to deliver up to me, or fome other. of the magiftrates of this city, all arms and ammunition of every kind in their poffeffion. And if, after this proclamation, any



perfon having registered their arms fhall be found not to have given in a true lift or inventory of fuch arms; or if any perfon who has not registered, fhall be found to have in their power or poffeffion any arms or ammunition whatever, fuch perfon or perfons will, on fuch arms being difcovered, be forthwith fent on board his Majefty's navy, as by law directed.

And I do hereby defire, that all houfekeepers do place upon the outfide of their doors a lift of all perfons in their refpective houfes, diftinguishing fuch as are ftrangers from thofe who actually make part of their family; but as there may happen to be perfons, who, from pecuniary embarraffments, are obliged to conceal themselves, I do not require fuch names to be placed on the outside of the door, provided their names are fent to me. And I hereby call upon all his Majefty's fubjects within the county of the city of Dublin, immediately to comply with this regulation, as calculated for the public fecurity; as thofe perfons who fhall wilfully neglect a regulation fo eafy and falutary, as well as perfons giving falfe ftatements of the inmates of their houfes, muft, in the prefent crifis, abide the confequences of fuch neglect.

Given at the Manfion-houfe this 24th day of May 1798.

Signed, by order, JOHN LAMBERT, Sec.

Notice iffued by Lieutenant-general Sir James Stewart, commanding the Southern District in Ireland.

Adjutant-general's Office, Cork, May 24, 1798.

IT having been reprefented to Lieutenant-general Sir James Stewart, that notwithstanding troops have been ftationed at free quarters in the barony of Imokilly, to enforce the furrendering of arms, none have yet been brought in, although he has reafon to believe that vaft numbers are concealed, and particularly pikes; and it having alfo been reprefented to the General, that an idea has been fet forth, no doubt with a bad defign, that the gentlemen of the barony, now fatisfied that the rents, tithes, and taxes, are either actually paid, or fhortly will be fo, are to make application to the General, to have the public relieved from the free quartering of troops:

The General hereby declares, that he will refift any fuch application, fhould it be made, until all concealed arms are difcovered, or given in unless that the gentlemen of the barony give the moft pofitive declaration in writing, that they do not feel the neceffity of troops being stationed at free quarters within the barony; that after the most minute inquiries, they believe there are no concealed arms; and that they will be refponfible to Go


vernment for the prefervation of tranquillity within the barony; and if this is not very thortly effected by the prefent means, he will march five hundred men, cavalry and infantry, under the command of Brigadier-general Sir C. Rofs, into that barony, there to forage for themfelves, until he fhall be convinced that there is not an arm of any fort remains in the poffeffion of the inhabitants, or concealed within the barony.

Should the free quartering be found unavoidable, in that cafe, wherever arms are found in the houses or on the grounds, the houfes on the premifes fhall be fet fire to, and the polleflors fent to Duncannon Fort, or on board prifon-fhips.

It cannot be doubted, that the mild meafures which have hitherto been opposed to every fort of outrage by murder, plunder, and refiftance of the law, fufficiently fhow with how much reluctance feverity is adopted; but when once it becomes necellary for the re-establishment of public fafety, then it must be feverely felt, in order that it may be long remembered. What is moft to be lamented is, that the innocent will fuffer with the guilty, for the foraging will be general, and it is not poffible for the troops to difcriminate.

The General therefore calls on all the inhabitants, and that for the last time, to confider well of their conduct, and prevent the miferies which await them, for the general fafety of the country, against the attempts of a threatening enemy, who would not proceed with the like reluctance to free quarters, were they once to effect a landing; but, on the contrary, whofe great object is a general plunder of the rich and of the poor.

By order of Lieut.-gen. Sir James Stewart, Bart.

NATHANIEL MASSEY, Affiftant Adjutant-gen.

Paper read by Order of Dr. Troy at each Mafs in all the Catholic Chapels in Ireland.

IN the prefent awful and alarming period, when every good fubject, every good Chriftian, views with grief and horror the defperate and wicked endeavours of irreligious and rebellious agitators to overturn and deftroy the conftitution, we fhould deem ourselves criminal in the fight of God, did we not, in the moft folemn and impreffive manner, remind you of the heinoufnefs of violating the laws of our country, and of attempting, by infurrection and murder, to fubvert the government of our gracious king, to whom the allegiance we confciously owe in common with all our other fellow-fubjects, has been, with regard

• Dr. Troy is at the head of the Roman Catholic priesthood.


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