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tranfmitted to them on the 21ft inftant, by the minister plenipo tentiary of his Majesty the Emperor.

It refults from this paper, that the deputation of the Empire was actually occupied in deliberating on the 3d article of the note of the French legation of the 19th of July; that it had given an answer to that article, but that the anfwer was not found, as it fhould have been, in the note communicated the 10th of Auguft by the minifter plenipotentiary of his Majefty the Emperor. It is the effect of an omiffion which cannot be attributed to the deputation, and for which every poffible reparation is now made by the reftitution of the text.

As an explanation on the subject matter of that answer, the underfigned declare, that they cannot in any way liften to what is propofed to them; and that on account of the reafons fufficiently detailed, and annexed to the 3d article of their note of the 19th of July, they perfift more strongly in their opinion on that point, as well as on all the other articles of the fame note, which they have equally offered as conditions of peace. therefore refer to the two notes of the 13th and 19th of Auguft, The undersigned the object of which, inftead of being determined, ftill fubfifts completely and adhering to the declaration made by them to the deputation of the Empire, that it remains refponfible for the confequences which may be produced by further delays, they require it repeatedly to furnifh, without delay, an anfwer, both categorical and separate, with refpect to all the articles of their note, and particularly of that of the 19th July, to which it has not yet given its confent.

The French government fincerely wishes for peace. It proves that with by its moderation, and still more fo by employing all the means of melioration which are in its power. If the deputation wifhes for it, as they defire to believe, let it at length come to a decifion. Peace can be retarded but by thofe who think nothing of the public calamities, and who are blind with respect to their future interests.

Raftadt, Auguft 22.



Note tranfmitted by the Plenipotentiaries of the Courts of Deux Ponts, Heffe Darmstadt, Baden, the Houses of Nassau, and the Proteftant Counts of Weftphalia and Veteravia, to the French Plenipotentiaries.

THE underfigned have the honour to inform the minifter plenipotentiary of the French republic, that they have just tranfmitted to the deputation of the Empire a note, in which they ar dently folicit them to accelerate the peace of the Empire. They


flatter themselves that the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic will be convinced they have used every effort to render fuch a step efficacious, and to attain the beneficent object so generally delired. Penetrated with the jufteft confidence in the fentiments of equity and humanity which animate the ministers plenipotentiary of the French republic, the underfigned abstain from retracing the afflicting picture of the numberlefs miferies which, for feven years, Germany, and more particularly the countries. of their constituents, have experienced. The enormous facrifices which have been the confequence of this difastrous war are known; and the defpair of the inhabitants of thofe countries would be complete, if they did not cherith the hope of better things to


The undersigned invite by the most preffing folicitations the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic to concur efficaciously in the work of pacification, and they promise themselves that they will not refuse to confider this step as a fresh proof of the wishes that animate the princes of the ftates of the Empire for the immediate conclufion of peace. They dare to hope that the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic, by deferring to this preffing invitation, will prove in their scale that it is not in vain; but that it is with a well-founded confidence reliance has been placed upon the generofity and moderation of a great nation, the eclat of whofe power will be augmented by foftening the conditions upon which depends the accomplishment of their wishes.

(Signed) BARON de RECHBERG of Pappenheim, Krufe, Rectenftein.

26th Aug. 1798.


Conclufum of the Deputation of the Empire of the 29th Auguft.

THE deputation of the Empire informs the Imperial legation, that it has refolved on the following anfwer to the French note of the 5th Fructidor (August 22).

The French minifters plenipotentiary, in their last note of the 5th Fructidor (August 22), have returned an answer to the detailed note of the deputation of the Empire of the 10th of August, in a manner which cannot fulfil its object. As this note of the 10th of Auguft contained precife and circumftantial explanations relative to the feven articles of the French note of 1ft of Thermidor (July 19), an answer equally precife and detailed was expected on the part of the French minifters, fince it is only by reciprocal approaches that negotiations already fo advancd can be happily terminated; inftead of which, the French minifters plenipotentiary, in the answer they have remitted, have merely referred to the contents of their note of the 1f Thermidor (Ju

19), to which the deputation had already anfwered, as far as in

its power.

The deputation of the Empire, in its note of the 10th of Auguft, has already acceded, particularly to article 1, relative to the fuppreffion of the tolls on the Rhine, and alfo to the demolition of the fortrefs of Ehrenbreitficin, mentioned in article 3; and when it required, in return, that the French government thould reftore to the Empire all the fortified points on the right bank of the Rhine, and on this fide the Thalweg, it equally understood that all these points fhould be and remain difmantled.

As to article 6, relative to the important object of debts, it feemed fufficient to prove in a general manner, the existing im poffibility in every refpect of taking charge of all the debts indifcriminately; and the French minifters are required to explain themfelves in a manner more precise relative to their object, as well as to all the other points which they have not yet anfwered. The French minifters plenipotentiary must be convinced that this article of the debts, and that of the particular properties of the abfentees and emigrants of the left bank of the Rhine, as well as of thofe whom service or other relations will not permit to remain on that bank, are among the most effential articles of the peace, without which the deputation of the Empire can conclude nothing. Though the deputation of the Empire is convinced of the French government's love of justice, and is certain that it never can have meant to form pretenfions on the property of individuals, yet it cannot but with that the French minifters would, by an explicit declaration, place beyond all doubt the prefervation and free enjoyment of every kind of individual property.

The deputation of the Empire has certainly laboured hitherto moft feriously, and with a fincerity which cannot be mifunderftood, to accelerate the work of peace. It feels in the most lively manner the urgency of circumftances; and to attain its principal object, which is to fecure the independent existence and tranquillity of the Empire, it has confented to make the greatest facrifices. The only demands to which it cannot accede, are those which are contrary to the object of its miffion, and which cannot be comprifed among the conditions of a permanent and fuitable peace. By endeavouring to prevail on the French minifters to defift from fuch pretenfions, it cannot by any means incur the reproach of retarding the conclution of peace; and in fuch a state of things, the deputation cannot in any cafe become refponfible for the confequences which may be produced by the delay of the conclufion of peace. Continuing to place a confidence in the moderation of the French government, of which it has received fuch repeated affurances, it waits a tranquillizing declaration, conformable to thofe moderate fentiments relative to all thofe points which have not yet been adjusted.


The deputation of the Empire, taking into confideration all exifting circumftances, believes itfelf entitled to expect that the Imperial legation fhould give its fanction to this anfwer, as well as o that part of its decifion of the 7th of Auguft, to which the minifter plenipotentiary has not yet acceded.

Note of Bavaria, delivered in the Sitting of the 29th Auguft.

FROM the laft note of the French minifters it follows, that the doubts raifed relative to the conclufum of the deputation of the 21ft Thermidor no longer exift; that the thread of the negotiation has been refumed: but the language in which this note is couched, is ill calculated to follow it up with effect.

That different anfwers given in the conclufum of the 11th Thermidor, upon the feven articles of the French note, are perfectly nugatory; and it feems that it is determined to confider them as fuch, until each of them is answered abfolutely in the affirmative, that is to fay, one fide has only to demand, and the other only to agree.

To this pretence are added in each note threats of refponfibility, as if they reckoned as nothing the immenfe facrifice of the countries fituated on the left bank of the Rhine. The deputation ought to be fatisfied with refpect to the article of refponfibility. It is convinced, as well as the whole Empire, that its juftification exifts in the conftitutional progrefs of the negotiation, and in the motives of its refolutions.

If a few men among the Germans have thought it their duty to prefs the deputation to make facrifices greater than it has done, it is the cruel effect of the exceffive diftreffes to which we are reduced by the miseries of war-miferies which have not been entirely erafed during the courfe of the negotiation. But the cries of fuffering humanity are addreffed with lefs force to the party which is conftantly demanding facrifices, than to that which is conftantly forced to yield them. Thefe complaints of defpair fhould not induce the deputation to betray its duties towards the Empire. If it confents, without examination, to whatever may be incompatible with the dignity, the exiftence, and the future fafety of the Empire, it would then fill up the measure of its refponfibility towards the prefent and future generations.

Previous to the demand of keeping poffeffion of all the fortified pofts on the right bank of the Rhine, Germany thought fhe would be entirely feparated from France by a natural barrier which could not be furmounted, and which would form a protection against any future aggreffion. This idea was the natural confequence of the expreffions contained in our refpective notes. But on a fuddeappeared that of the French minifters of the 17th Floreal. T demand all the iflands, Caffel, Kehl, all the fortified poft 3Q



the right bank of the Rhine, and they wish to convert the natural limits of the Rhine into a barrier, to facilitate future hoftile enterprises. From this idea of a new barrier it naturally results, that the deputation, in agreeing to it, would compromise the very existence of the Empire, and would devolve on itself a real re sponsibility.

The Empire defires, and ought to defire peace. The French minifters defire it alfo. This affurance is confolatory. We are therefore fenfible, though we cannot explain it, that there exists in the negotiations an obitacle which paralyzes its diplomatic progrefs.

May all difficulties be finally terminated by moderate measures. In the prefent ftate of things, the underfigned deputy is compelled to infift on the contents of the conclufum of the 21ft Thermidor, and he thinks we ought to declare to the French minifters, that in return for the demolition of Ehrenbreitftein conceded to them, they ought to renounce the fortified pofts on the right bank of the Rhine; that they ought to endeavour to come to an understanding on the article of debts, and that they fhould determine upon queftions which have not yet been propofed, as well as those already fubmitted to difcuffion. As we have before expreffed our thoughts on these important objects, without forming any refolution on the subject, it behoves us to occupy our attention folely in presenting a note to the French legation.

Note of the French Minifters Plenipotentiary of the 1st September.

ANOTHER note from the deputation of the Empire has been communicated on the 14th Fructidor (30th Auguft) to the underfigned minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic, appointed to negotiate with the German Empire, by the minifter plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor.

The underfigned haften to acquaint the deputation of the Empire, that they accept the pure and fimple confent given in their note to the demolition of the fortifications of Ehrenbreitftein; but they perfist most strongly, and for reafons expreffed in their preceding note, in demanding the ceffion of Kehi and of Caffel, and its appurtenances, points effential to the fafety of the French frontier, of which the republic is in poffeffion, and which are partly neceffary dependencies upon what has already been irrevocably ceded to them.

They equally perfift in all their other propofitions and declarations contained in the notes they have remitted up to this day; that is to fay, fince and including the 14th of laft Floreal. The deputation of the Empire feels too well that even if the French government should facrifice ftill fomething more to their defire of


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