Imágenes de páginas

the conduct of the populace towards the
French embaffy, 291-Second letter on
the fame fubject, 292-Third letter, 293
-His note to the Emperor on the fame
fubject, ibid.--His letter to the French
minifter at Ratisbon on the same subject,
Berne, Canton of, their reply to the demand
of the Executive Directory of France for
the departure of Mr. Wickham from
Switzerland, 117-The city of Berne
taken by General Brune, 136
Berthier, General, his fpeech upon taking
poffeffion of the Capitol at Rome, 109-
His addrefs to the Romans on the designs
of ill-difpofed perfons, 112-His procla-
mation upon the establishment of a repub-
lican form of government at Rome, 116
His proclamation to the Cifalpines,

Brune, General, his proclamation to the
Sardinian infurgents, 93-His letter to
the Sardinian ambaffador to the Cifalpine
republic, 94-His letter to the Directory
concerning the capture of Beine, 136-
Decrees the affembling of the reprefent-
atives of feveral parts of Switzerland to
form an indivifible republic, 142-Takes
leave of the army of Italy, 548
Buonaparte, ambafador to the Court of
Rome, his letter respecting the disturb-
ances at Rome, 97-His letters to the
Cardinal Secretary of State for affistance,
105, 106

Buonaparte, General, his inftructions re-
fpecting the Cifalpine republic, 7-His
proclamation refpecting the Ottoman fub-
jects, ibid-His addrefs to his foldiers,
13-His fpeech to his foldiers on the fête
of the 1 Vendemiaire, 14-His letter
to the Directory refpecting his letter from
the Dey of Tunis, 47-Ordered by the
Directory to take upon him the command
of the army of England, 79-His ad-
drefs to the Pacha of Egypt on his expe-
dition to Egypt, 438-Announces his
intention to enter Alexandria, 439-His
addrefs to the people of Egypt upon the
conduct of the Beys, ibid.-Orders all
perfons guilty of pillage to be fhot, 440-
His convention with the Mufti of Alex-
andria refpecting the conduct to be ob-
ferved by the inhabitants to the French,
442-Orders the Turkish failers who
were flaves in Malta to be fet at liberty,
443-Orders the names of French fol-
diers killed to be engraved on Pompey's
Pillar, ibid.-His addrefs to the Cheiks of
Cairo, ibid. His proclamation to the
people of Cairo on the motives of his ex-
pedition, 444-To the Pacha of Cairo,
ibid. To the Pacha of Cairo, stating that
it is his design to fecure to him his reve-
aues, $49

Bureau de Pufy, his declaration previously
to his release from prifon, 4-His letter
to General Buonaparte, 6


Cardinal Secretary of State, his letter to the
Marquis of Maffimi refpećting the dif
turbances at Rome, 103-His letter to
the ambaffador Buonaparte on the fame
fubject, 106

Cartel for the exchange of prifoners of war
between Great Britain and France, 338
Cifalpine republic, limits of, defined by
General Buonaparte, 7-Letter from the
minifter for foreign affairs relative to the
acknowledgment of the republic, 7-Pro-
clamation of the Executive Directory re-
fpecting the maintenance of public order,
13-The Council of Elders refute to
ratify the treaty with France, 148-
Treaty of alliance with France, x.-Of
commerce with France, xi.

Claffen, Mr. his letter upon the decree of
the French legiflature refpecting neutral
thips, 290

Colloredo, Count, his letter to the ambaffa-

dor Bernadotte, in answer to his note to
the Emperor on the disturbances at
Vienna, 294

Convention, additional, to the treaty of peace
between the Duke of Wurtemberg and the
French republic, vi.

Council of Five Hundred, report to, on the
treaty of peace between the Emperor and
France, 33-Their refolution on the car-
goes of neutral fhips, 266
Credentials of Mers. Pinckney, Marshall,
and Gerry, 181


Declarations-Of General La Fayette-of
General Latour Maubourg-of Bureau de
Pufy, previously to their release from im-
prifonment, 2-Of the Sovereign Coun
cil of Berne to defend their country, 121-
Of General Menard to Colonel De Weils,
to difband his troops, 127-Of Pruffia,
refpecting the ceffion of the left bank of
the Rhine, 315-Of Pruffia, refpe&ting
Ehrenbreititein, 337-Of the Mufti of
Alexandria, refpecting the conduct to be
obferved by the inhabitants and the French
army, 442

Decree, for affembling an army, to be called
the Army of England, 30-Respecting
neutral fhips and their cargoes, 66-For
forwarding the naval operations at Breft,
for the expedition against England, 78-
Directing General Buonaparte to take
upon him the command of the army of
England, 79-Of the Council of Soleure
to defend their liberties, 128


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Egypt-Buonaparte announces to the Pacha
his expedition to Egypt, 438-Warns the
commander of the caravan to commit no
hoftilities against the French, 439-Ad-
dreffes the people of Egypt on the conduct
of the Beys, ibid.-Orders all perfons
guilty of pillage to be shot, 440-Decla-
ration of the Mufti of Alexandria, on the
conduct to be adopted by the French, and
the people of Alexandria, 442-The
Turkish failors, who were flaves in Malta,
are ordered to be fet at liberty, 443-The
names of the French foldiers killed, are
ordered to be engra ed on Pompey's Pillar,
ibid. Addrefs to the Cheiks of Cairo,
ibid.-Proclamation to the people of Cairo,
on the motives of his expedition, 444-
To the Pacha of Cairo, ibid.-To the
Pacha of Cairo, ftating that it is the defign
of the French general to fecure to him his
revenues, 549

Elector Palatine, his letter on the views of
France, 308

Emigrants, report refpecting them, 14
Emperor of Ruffia, his proclamation for

protecting trade in the Sound against the
Directory of France, 83

English prifoners in France ordered to be con-
fined, 79-Report to the House of Com-
mons on their treatment, 511
Executive Directory of the French republic,
their proclamation that the French army
be complete on the 6th October, 22-
Their proclamation refpecting the invasion
of England, 29-Their decree for af-
fembling an army to be called the Army
of England, 30-Their proclamation
against the English government, 42-
Their meffage refpecting a loan for the
invafion of England, 53-Their message
refpecting the feizure of English mer-
chandife, 58-Their proclamation respect-
ing the loan for the invafion of England,
59-Their decree for forwarding the naval
operations at Breft for the expedition

against England, 78-Their meffage to
the Council of Elders refpecting the expe-
dition against Ottend, 84-Their meage
to the Council of Five Hundred respect-
ing the capture of Malta, 90-Their
meffage refpecting the disturbances at
Rome, 107-Their meffage upon the con-
duct of the government of Rome, 112
-Note to the government of Berne, re-
quiring the departure of Mr. Wickham
from Switzerland, 117-Their meffage to
the Council of Five Hundred refpecting
the Pays de Vaud, 121-Their order in
confequence of the refufal of the Cifalpine
Council of Elders to ratify the treaty with
France, 148-Their meffage upon the
entrance of the French troops into Egypt,
342-Their decree refpecting letters of
marque or reprifal in America, 529-
Their arrêté respecting the crews of ships,
549-Their fecond arrêté, deferring the
execution of their former one refpecting
the crews of thips, 550

Executive Directory of the Cifalpine republic,
their letter to General Brune respecting the
conduct of the Court of Turin, 92
Extract from the deliberations of the French
commiffion to the Leeward Islands, I


Fleury, Citizen, his letter upon the declara-
tion of war by the Porte, 548
François de Neufchateau, his letter to the
commiffioners of the Directory on being
appointed a Director, 16-His letter to
the Spanish ambaffador on the commerce
with Spain, 346

French republic, treaty of offenfive and de-
fenfive alliance with Sardinia, i.-Of
union with Mulhaufen, iii.-Convention
with the Duke of Wurtemberg, vi.-Of
peace, and offenfive and defenfive alliance
with Switzerland, vii.

French prifoners in England, report upon
their treatment, 67-Report to the
Houfe of Commons on their treatment in
England, 511


Garat, ambaffador to the Court of Naples
his fpeech to the King of Naples on pre-
fenting his credentials, 79-His speech to
the Queen of Naples, 82
Geneva is united to France, 147
Genoa declared in a state of hostility with
Great Britain, 341

Gerry, Mr. appointed one of the American
minifters to the French republic, 168-
Inftructions to him, ibid.-His creden-
tials, 181-Full powers, 182-Letter to
the foreign minifter at Paris, announcing
the object of his miffion, 183-Progress
of the negotiation, 184-Letter to the

F 2


French minifter, 209-Letter to the
French minifter on the conduct of France
to the United States, and of the United
States to France, 222-Letter to the
French minifter upon his reply to the de-
tailed letter of the American ministers,
399-His letter to the American Pre-
fident on the state of affairs at Paris, 427-
He is requested by the French minister to
refume the negotiation, 428-He declines
refuming it, ibid.-Inftructions to him,
430-Conefpondence between him and
the French minifter upon the publication
of the particulars of the negotiation, 431
to 434-Letter to him from Hauteval on
the negotiation, ibid.-His letter to the
minifter for foreign affairs, in answer
to the minifter's letter refpecting the nego-
tiation, 536

Guillemardet, his fpeech to the King of
Spain on prefenting his credentials, 91-
His fpeech to the Queen of Spain, ibid.


Hauteval, his letter to Mr. Gerry on the
American negotiation, 434
Hatry, General, his fummons to the com-
mandant of Mentz to furrender that city,
54-His letter to the commander of
Mentz, respecting the refiftance made to
the French taking poffeffion of the Tête du
Pont at Manheim, 76,
Humbert, General, his proclamation for
eftablishing a provifional government in
Connaught, 361


Instructions to the commanders of British

fhips of war, 41

Inftructions to Meffrs. Marfhall, Pinckney,
and Gerry, the ambassadors to the French
republic, 168

Ireland-Proclamation of the Lord Lieute-

nant on the breaking out of the rebel-
lion, 347-Notice iffued by the Com-
mander in Chief refpecting the disturb-
ances in Kildare, and concealed arms,
348-Notice to the inhabitants of the
Queen's County to place lifts of perfons
refiding in each houfe, on the doors of
fuch houfes, 349-Notice iffued at Lime-
rick refpecting arms, and difturbances,
350-Notice requiring the people of Con-
naught to deliver up their arms, 351-
Proclamation by the high fheriff of Tip-
perary ordering all emigrants to return,
bid. Orders respecting subscriptions of
money, 352-Proclamation of the Lord
Mayor of Dublin refpecting feditious per-
fons fecreted in that city, 353-Letter to
the Lord Mayor of Dublin upon the con-
Spiracy for feizing Dublin, 354-Notice

requiring all perfons to remain within
their houfes during a specified period, ibid.—
Proclamation refpecting perfons fecreted in
Cork, 355-Proclamation requiring lifts
of arms to be given in, ibid.-Notice
refpecting pikes, 356-Dr. Troy's ad-
drefs to the Roman Catholics refpecting
the rebellion, 357-Proclamation to the
infurgents in Down, inviting them to
return to their duty, 359-Orders to pre-
vent free quarters, and houses being fet
fire to, 360-Proclamation of the Wex-
ford infurgents for the apprehending of
certain magiftrates, ibid.-The adjutant
general of the French army's letter, 361
-Proclamation of the French general for
establishing a provifional government in
Connaught, ibid.-Proclamation of Gen.
St. John, inviting the laying afide the
diftinguishing badges of the different reli-
gious fects, 362-Notice refpecting per-
fons fecreted in the county of Down, ibid.
-Agreement between the Irish govern-
ment and the ftate prifoners, 363-Of
General Nugent, 364-Proclamation to
various inhabitants of Mayo, promifing
them pardon on conditions, ibid.-Report
to the Irish House of Commons refpecting
the rebellion, 365-To the Irish Houfe
of Lords on the fame fubject, 384


King of Pruffia, his letter to the Directory
on his acceffion to the throne, 40


La Fayette, General, his declaration pre-
viously to his release from prifon, 2-His
letter to General Buonaparte, 6
Leeward Islands, French commiffion to, I
Letters from the Cifalpine minifter for fo-
reign affairs, to the Prefident of the Bata-
vian Convention, 7-Letters from Noel
to the minifter of police, 9-Of François
de Neufchateau to the commiffioners of the
Directory, on his being elected a Direc-
tor, 16-From the Helvetic body to the
Cifalpine republic, 21-From the Arch-
bishop of Mechlin refpecting the bath
against royalty, 22-From the King of
Pruffia to the Executive Directory on his
acceffion to the throne, 40-From Buo-
naparte to the Directory, respecting the
conduct of the Turkish government, 47

From the Dey of Tunis to General
Buonaparte, refpecting the release of some
Alaves, ibid.--From the minifter of foreign
affairs to the diplomatic and confular
agents of the republic, refpecting the
Court of London, 54-From General
Hatry to the commander of Manheim,
refpecting the refiftance opposed to the

French taking poffeffion of the Tête du
Pont at Manheim, 76-From the Pruf-
fian minitter at Paris to the Regency of
Cleves, that the organization of their pro-
vince by the French is to be discontinued,
78--From the Cifalpine Directory to Gene-
ral Brune, on the conduct of the Court of
Turin, 92-From General Brune to the
Sardinian minister, 94-From the am-
baffador Buonaparte to the minitter for
foreign affairs, respecting the disturbances
at Rome, 97-From the Cardinal Secre-
tary of State to the Marquis Mafiimi, re-
lative to the disturbances at Rome, 103-
From the Spanish minifter Azarra to
Buonaparte, 104-From Talleyrand Peri-
gord to Buonaparte, on the disturbances at
Rome, 107-From Mr. Ochs to the peo-
ple of Bafle, upon the Swiss revolution,
118-To the Directory from General
Brune concerning the capture of Berne,
136-From General Schauenbourg to the
Directory, 139-From the Ligurian mi-
nifter of war to the minifter for foreign
affairs, 150-Anfwer of the latter, 151
-From the Spanish minifter to Mr.
Pinckney, on the report of the latter
upon the proceedings of Spanish officers,
in relation to the ports occupied within
the limits of the United States, 153-
From the American minifters at Paris to
the French minifter, 209-On the con-
duct of the United States to France, and
of France to the United States, 222-
From the French minifter, in answer to the
detailed letter of the American minifters,
275-Of Bellamy, of Hamburgh, on
the American negotiation, 283-Of Mr.
Claffen, on the decree of the French
legiflature respecting neutral fhips, 290
-Of Bernadotte, on the conduct of the
populace at Vienna towards the French
embaffy, 291 and 292-Of Baron de
Thugut, in anfwer to the letters of Ber-
nadotte, 293-Of Count Colloredo, in an-
fwer to the ambaffador Bernadotte's note
to the Emperor, 294-Of the ambaffador
Bernadotte to the French minifter at Ra-
tifbon, on the disturbances at Vienna, 295
-Of Trouvé to the two Cifalpine coun-
cils, on the fituation of the Cifalpine re-
public, 296-Of the Elector Palatine on
the views of France, 308-Of-Belleville
to the Ligurian government, requiring all
the ports to be shut against the English,
346-To the Lord Mayor of Dublin, on
the confpiracy for feizing Dublin, 354-
Of the adjutant-general of the French
army in Ireland, 351-Of the American
ambaffadors at Paris to the French minif-
ter, upon his answer to their detailed letter,
399-Of Mr. Gerry to the American
Prefident, on the ftate of affairs at Paris,
427-Of the French minifter to Mr.

Gerry, to refume the negotiation at
Paris, 428-Mr. Gerry's antwer to
the French minifter, declining to re-
fume it, 429-Of Hauteval, to Mr.
Gerry, on the negotiation, 434-Of
General Washington, accepting the
command of the American army, 436
-Of the Pacha of Albania, to Citi-
zen Bruyere, on
capture of
Malta, 445-To Mr. Gerry, refpeft-
ing the negotiation, 530--To Mr.
Gerry, on his departure from Paris,
540-From the French conful at Bu-
chareft, on the declaration of war by
the Porte, 548

Ligurian government required to shut
its ports against the English, 346
Ligurian republic, letter of her minif
ter of war to the minifter for foreign
affairs, 150-Anfwer of the minifter
for foreign affairs, 151
Lucerne, canton of, declaration againft
the interference of France, 127


Manifefto of the citizens of the country near
Bafle to the burgeffes, requiring the re-
ftoration of rights, 120-Of the Otto-
man Porte, declaring war against France,
Marshall, Mr. appointed one of the Ameri-
can minifters to the French republic, 168
-Inftructions to him, ibid.-His creden-
tials, 181-Full powers, 182-Letter to
the foreign minister at Paris, announcing
the object of his miffion, 183-Progrefs
of the negotiation, 184-Letter to the
French minifter, 209-Letter to the
French minifter, on the conduct of the
United States towards France, and of
France towards the United States, 222
-Letter to the French minifter, upon
his reply to the detailed letter of the Ame-
rican minifters, 399-Returns to Ame-
rica, 427-Inftructions to him, 430
Maubourg, General Latour, his declaration
previously to his release from prifon, 3-
His letter to General Buonaparte, 6
Menard, General, his declaration to the
Swifs Colonel Weifs, to difband his
troops, 127

Mengaud, his addrefs to the inhabitants of
the dependencies upon the old bithopric
of Balle, 130

Minifter for foreign affairs, his letter to the
ambaffadors and confuls of the French
republic, refpecting the conduct to be
adopted by thein, 54

Memorial of the Porte on the invafion of
Egypt by the French, 445
Meffage from the Directory to the Council
of Five Hundred, refpecting the opening


of a loan for the invafion of England, 53
-From the Directory to the Council of
Five Hundred, refpecting the feizure of
English merchandife, the Exe-
cutive Directory, refpecting the expedi-
tion against Oftend, 84-From the Exe-
cutive Directory to the Council of Five
Hundred, refpecting the capture of Mal-
ta, gc-From the Directory to the Coun-
cil of Five Hundred, on the diffurbances
at Rome, 107-Fom the Directory to
the Council of Five Hundred, on the
conduct of the government at Rome,
112-Of the Di.ectory, refpecting the
Pays de Vaud, 121-From the Directory,
refpecting their operations in Switzerland,
143-01 the American Prefident, upon
the fubject of the difpatches from the
American minifters at Paris, 166-From
the American Prefident to the Congress,
coinmunicating the difpatches from Pa-
ris, 168-Of the Directory to the Coun-
cil of Five Hundred, on the feizure of
Englith merchandile, 219-Of the Ame-
rican Prefident, communicating to Con-
grefs the particulars of the laft interview
between the American minifters and the
French minifter, 267-Of the Directory,
announcing the entrance of French troops
into Egypt, 342-Of the American Pre-
fident, upon the return of General Mar-
thall from France, 427-Of the Ameri-
can Prefident, informing the Senate that
General Washington had accepted the com-
mand of the American army, 436
Monge, his fpeech on prefenting the treaty
of peace between the Emperor and France,
Mulhaufen, republic of, her treaty of union
to France, iii.


Noel, his letter to the minifter of police, 9
Note from the Ottoman Porte, refpecting

the occupying of Iftia and Dalmatia by
the Imperialists, 27-From the Execu-
tive Directory to the Government of
Berne, requiring the departure of Mr.
Wickham from Switzerland, 117-Of
the French minifter to the State of Berne,
requiring the difmiffal of the ancient ma-
giftrates, 126-Of the ambaffador Ber-
nadotte to the Emperor, upon the dif
turbances at Vienna, 293
Notice iffued by the commander in chief in
Ireland, refpecting the disturbances in
Kildare and concealed arms, 348--to the
inhabitants of the Queen's County, to
place lifts of perfons refiding in each houfe
on the doors of fuch houses, 349-No-
tice iffued at Limerick, refpecting arms
and difturbances, 350--requiring the
people of Connaught to deliver up their

arms, 351--requiring all perfons in
Dublin to remain within their houfes
during a specified period, 354-refpect-
ing pikes, 356-refpecting perions fecret-
ed in the county of Down, 362


Oath taken by the inhabitants of Zurich,
to establish a constitution without foreign
interference, 128-Form of cath to be
taken by the Swifs refident in Ruffia, 149
Ochs, his letter to the people of Baile, on
the Swifs revolution, 118

Order of the Executive Directory, in con-
fequence of the refufal of the Cifalpine
Council of Elders to ratify the treaty with
France, 148-cfpecting fubfcriptions of
money in Ireland, 352-Orders itflued in
Ireland, to prevent houfes being fet on
fire, and free quarters, 360-to Colonel
Tate, preparatory to his landing in
Wales, 526-of General Brune, on tak-
ing leave of the army of Italy, 548
Ottoman Porte-Note refpecting the occu-
pancy of Iftria and Dalmatia by the Im
perialists, 27


Parliamentary Papers, 551-Irish Parlia-
ment, ibid.-Speech of the Lord Lieute-
nant on the meeting of Parliament, ibid.
Motion by Earl Moira, for the adoption
of conciliatory measures, 553-Proteft
against the decifion of the House on
Lord Moira's motion, ibid.-Sir Law-
rence Parfons's motion for a committee to
inquire into the state of the country, ibid.
--Speech of the Speaker, on presenting
the fupply bills, 554-Lord Glandore's
motion, to return thanks to his Excel-
lency, 555-Mr. Vandeleur's motion,
refpecting orders to general officers, ibid.--
Meffage from the Lord Lieutenant, re-
fpecting the disturbances, 556-Addrefs
of both Houfes, in confequence of the
meffage, 557-Meffage refpecting the re-
bellion, 558-Addrefs, in confequence of
the meffage, ibid.--Meffage, informing
Parliament of his Majesty's intention to
grant a general pardon, 559-Addrefs, in
anfwer to the meffage, 560-His Excel-
lency's fpeech on proroguing the Parlia
ment, 561

British Parliament, 563-Addrefs of both
Houfes upon the negotiation, ibid.-A-
mendment moved to the address by Sir
John Sinclair, 564-His Majesty's an-
fwer to the addrefs, 565-Motion in the
Houfe of Commons by Mr. Nicholls,
refpecting falaries and fees, ibid.-Meffage
from his Majesty refpecting the prepara-
tions for invafion by France, ibid.--Ad-


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