Imágenes de páginas

drefs of the Houfe of Commons, in con-
Tequence of the meffage, 566-Motion
in the Houfe of Commons by Mr. Ba-
ker, refpecting the treatment of French
prifoners, ibid.-Motion in the House of
Commons by Mr. Hufkiffon, for the pa-
pers respecting Sir Sidney Smith's deten -
tion, ibid.--Motion in the House of
Lords by the Duke of Bedford, for the
difmiffal of his Majefty's minifters, 567
Protest against the decifion of the House,
569-Refolution moved in the Houfe of
Lords by Lord Romney, ibid.-Meffage
from his Majefty refpecting the prepara-
tions on the part of France, ibid.-Ad-
drefs of the Houfe in confequence of the
above meffage, 570-Meflage from his
Majefty refpecting remittances to Ireland,

-Meffage from his Majesty, for a
Supply to provide against emergencies, 571
-Motion in the Houfe of Commons by
Mr. Sheridan, for a committee to in-
quire into the state of Ireland, ibid.—Ad-
drefs moved by M. Sheridan, for a change
of measures refpecting Ireland, ibid. -
Motion in the House of Lords by the
Duke of Leinster, for a committee to in-
quire into the state of Ireland, 572-
Mellage from his Majefty refpecting the
offers of militia regiments to ferve in Ire-
land, ibid.-Addrefs of the Houfe of
Commons in confequence of the above
metlage, 573-Motion in the House of
Commons by Lord George Cavendish, for
a committee to inquire into the diftub-
ances in Ireland, ibid.—Addrefs moved in
the House of Lords by the Earl of Bef-
borough refpecting the ftate of Ireland,
574-Motion in the House of Lords by
the Duke of Bedford, upon the fyitem of
coercion in Ireland, ibid.-Protests against
the deeifion of the Houfe of Lords, upon
the motions refpecting Ireland, ibid.-His
Majetty's fpeech to both Houfes, on pro-
roguing the Parliament, 579-His Ma-
jetty's fpeech to both Houfes, at the
meeting of Parliament, 581-Addrefs of
the House of Commons in confequence
of his Majesty's fpeech, 583-His Ma-
jetty's anfwer to the addrefs, 585-Ad-
drefs of the House of Lords, ibid.-His
Majefty's answer to the addrefs of the
Houfe of Lords, 586

Petition of the Dutch merchants and fhip-
owners to the Dutch Directory, on the
hoftile treatment of French privateers,

Pinckney, Mr. appointed one of the Ame-

rican minifters to the French republic,
168-Inftructions to him, ibid.-His
credentials, 181--Full powers, 182-
Letter to the foreign minister, announ-
cing the object of his miffion, 183-Pro-
grefs of the negotiation, 184-Letter to

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the French minifter, 109-Lerter 10 the
French minifter, on the conduct of the
United States to France and of France to
the United States, 222-Letter to the
French minifter, upon his reply to the
detailed letter of the American ministers,
399-Inftructions to him, 430
Proclamations--General Buonaparte's
Venice, refpecting Ottoman fubjects,
Greeks, and Albanians, 7-Of Admiral
De Galles to his failors, 10-Of the Cif-
alpine Directory, relative to the mainte-
nance of public order, 13-Of the Exe-
cutive Directory, that the French armies
be ready to march on the 6th October,
22-Of the French Directory, respecting
the invasion of England, 29-Of the
Executive Directory, against the English
government, 42-Of Citizen Rudler to
the inhabitants of the conquered countries,
45--Cf the Executive Directory to the
people, relative to the loan for the inva-
fion of England, 59-Of the Batavian
Conflituent Affembly to the people, 70--
Informing the Venetians that Venice is
to be united to the Auftrian territories,
75-Refpecting fome diflurbances at Ve-
Tona, ibid.-At Padua, refpc&ting the
maintenance of public tranquillity, 76-
Of General Schauenbourg to his aring en
the frontiers of Switzerland, that the
troops are to make no more conquests, 77
-Of the governor-general of the Mau-
ritius, refpecting the withes of Tippoo
Sultan, ibid-Of the Emperor of Ruffia,
directing a fleet to repair to the Sound, to
protect trade against the French Directory,
83-To the Batavian people, refpecting
the changes in the government, &-Of
General Brune, to the Sardinian infur-
gents, 93-At Turin, refpecting the de-
figns of evil-minded perfons, 96----Of
Cardinal Doria, on the approach of a
French army againft Rome, 108-To
the infurgent communes in the Roman
territories, 109-Of the police at Rorne,
on the abolition of the former govern-
ment, 110-Of General Vial to the Ro-
mans, on the rumours circulated against
the French army, 112-Of General Ber-
thier, relative to the establishment of a
republican form of government at Rome,
116-Of Gene al Schauenbourg, deny-
ing that France intends uniting Switzer-
land to the French republic, 146-Of the
Sardinian infurgents, 148-Of General
Berthier to the Citalpines, on the necef-
fity of a treaty of alliance with France,
149-On the disturbances at Vienna, 295
-Of the court of London, declaring
Genoa to be in a state of hoftility with
Great Britain, 341-Of the Lord Lie -
tenant of freland, on the breaking out of
the rebellion, 347-By the High She-


rift of Tipperary, ordering all emigrants
to return, 351-By the Lord Mayor of
Dulin, refpe&ting feditious perfons fe-
creted in that city, 353-Respecting per-
fons fecreted in Cork, 355-Requiring
lifts of arms to be given in, ibid.-Invit-
ing the infurgents in Down to return to
their allegiance, 359-Of the Wexford
infurgents, for the apprehending of cer-
tain magiftrates, 350- Of the French
general, for etablishing a provifional go-
vernment in Connaught, 361-Of Ma-
jor-general St. John, in Clonmel, invit-
ing the laying afide the diftinguishing
badges of the different religious fects, 362
-Of General Nugent, 364-To vari-
ous inhabitants of Mayo, promifing par-
don, ibid.-Of Buonaparte, to the people
of Cairo, upon the motives of his expe-
dition, 440-To the Pacha of Cairo, 444
-Of the Auftrian general, on entering
the Grifon country, 546--Of the
French general to his army, refpecting
Switzerland, 547-Of General Beguinot,
on the revolt in the Netherlands, 548
Proceedings at the fatting of the Directory

on he 21st December, refpecting he open-
ing of a loan for the invasion of England,

Pruffia, her declaration refpecting the cef-
fion of the left bank of the Rhine, 315
-Her declaration respecting the demand
of France, that Ehrenbreitftein be demo-
lifhed, 337--Her note refpecting the
boundary of the Rhine, 457-Her note,
requiring that the ifland of Buderich
fhall remain to the Empire, 494-Her
aufwer to the French note, in which the
repeats her demand refpeéting Budcrich,
496-Her note refpeéting the blockade of
Ehrenbreitftein, 508


Raftadt, congrefs at- -Decree, appointing
the congrefs to be held at Raftadt, 305
--General powers to the deputies of the
Empire, 307-Letter of the Elector Pa-
latine, on the views of France, 308-
France demands the boundary of the
Rhine, 309-Anfwer of the Deputation
of the Empire, ibid.-The French mi-
nifters perfift in their demand, ibid.--The
Deputation of the Empire conceive that
the boundary of the Rhine will not be in-
fifted upon by France, 310-The French
minifters perfit in their demand, 311-
The Deputation require to be inforined
of all the facrifices defired from the Em-
pire, 312--The French minifters re-
quire the ceffion of the left bank of the
Rhine as the bafis of the treaty, and that
the indemnifications fhould be granted on
the right bank, 313-The Deputation of

the Empire exprefs a willingness to cede
half the territories on the left bank of
the Rhine, 314-The French minifters
demand the ceffion of all the left bank,
and infift upon a speedy answer, ibid.—
Declaration of Ruffia, on the ceffion of
the left bank, 315-The French minif-
ters require a pofitive anfwer from the
Deputation, whether they will accede to
the bafis propofed, 316-The Deputa-
tion confent to cede the left bank on
conditions, 317-The French minifters
propofe fecularizations as the basis of the
indemnities for the loss of territories on the
left bank, ibid.-The Deputation confent
to the mode of fecularizations, 318—
The French minifters refuse to withdraw
the French troops from the right bank of
the Rhine, 319-The Deputation of the
Empire require to know the quantity of
the loffes expected from the Empire, and
repeat their demand for the withdrawing
of the French troops from the right bank,
320-The French minifters demand the
free navigation of the Rhine, the forts of
Kehl and Caffel, the demolition of Eb-
renbreitftein, and the transfer of debts to
the right bank, 321-Conclufum of the
Deputation of the Empire, in answer to
the demands of France, 323-The French
modify fome of their demands, 333-
Vote of Auftria on the demands of France,
refpecting Kehl, Caffel, and Ehrenbreit-
ftein, 336-Declaration of Prufía, upon
the demand of France, that Ehrenbreit-
ftein be demolished, 337-Pruffian note,
refpecting the boundary of the Rhine,
457-Anfwer of the Deputation of the
Empire, refpecting the immediate noble,
ibid.--Note of the French minifters, on
the islands of the Rhine, Caffel, com-
mercial bridges, nobles, and debts, ibid.-
Vote of Auftria, on the free navigation
of the Rhine, &c. 461-Anfwer of the
Deputation of the Empire to the French
note concerning the navigation of the
Rhine, Caffel, &c. 467-The Deputa-
tion confent to the demolition of Ehren-
breitstein, 469--The French minifters
infift upon the demands made in their
latt note, 472--Converfation respecting
the refufal of the Imperial minifter to
ratify the article in which the Deputa
tion confents to the demolition of Ehren-
breitfcin, 473-The Imperial minifter re-
ceives orders to confent to no new ceffions,
476-The French minifters require an
inflant and categorical answer to their last
note, ibid.-The Deputation of the Em-
pire come to a conclufum, in which they
reiterate their confent to the demolition of
Ehrenbreitstein, ibid.-The Imperial mi-
nifter tranfmits the conclufum with the
article refpecting Ehrenbreitftein in it,

but declines giving it his fanction, 477-
The French minifters perfift in the de-
mands contained in their last note, ibid.—
The plenipotentiaries of various courts
piefs the Deputation to accelerate peace,
478-Conclufum of the Deputation upon
the tolls of the Rhine and debts, 479-
Bavarian note, requiring the French to
renounce the fortified pofts on the right
bank, &c. 481-Note of the French
minifters, perfifting in the demand of the
ceffion of Kehl and Caffel, 482-Notes
from the Imperial minifter, consenting to
the demolition of Ehrenbreitstein, 483-
Notes from the Deputation, ceding the
ifland of Peterfave, requiring the reftora-
tion of Kehl and Caffel, and the with-
drawing the French troops from the right
bank, 484-Note of the French minif-
ters, confenting to the demolition of
Kehl and Caffel, ibid.--Note of the
French minifters, refufing to withdraw
the French troops from the right bank,
487-Conclufum of the Deputation,
refpecting debts and emigrants, requiring
the renunciation of the territories of Kehl
and Caffel, and reiterating their demand,
that the French troops on the right bank
be withdrawn, 488-Auftrian vote, re-
quiring every place on the right bank to
remain to the Empire, 493-Note of
the French minifters, confenting to the
reftoration of the territories of Kehl and
Caffel, on conditions, ibid.-Pruffian note,
requiring that the island of Buderich still
remain to the Empire, 494-Anfwer of
the French minifters, refufing to accede
to the requifition of Pruffia, 496-Pruf-
fian note, preffing the demand respecting
Buderich, ibid.-Imperial note refpecting
the blockade of Ehrenbreitstein, 498--
Converfation between the French and Im-
perial minifters, respecting the blockade
of Ehrenbreitftein, 500-Auftrian vote,
refpecting the menace of introducing
French principles, 502--Conclufum of
the Deputation on the navigation of the
Rhine, tolls, bridges, French troops on
the right bank, the Frickthal, Buderich,
&c. ibid.-Imperial decree, respecting
Ehrenbreitstein, 507-Pruffian note, re-
fpecting the blockade of Ehrenbreitstein,
508-Conclufum of the Empire, re-
fpecting Ehrenbreitftein, 509-Note of
the French minifters, perfuting in their
former demands, and refufing farther con-
ceffions, 510-Note of the French mi-
nifters, respecting the retreat of the
French troops on the right bank, 511
Report to the Directory, refpecting emi-
grants, 14-To the Council of Five Hun-
dred, on the treaty of peace between the
Emperor and France, 31-To the Coun-
cil of Five Hundred, refpecting the treat

ment of French prifoners in England, 67

Of the American fecretary of state to
the Prefident of the United States, on
the proceedings of Catholic officers, 152
-To the Irish Houfe of Commons, on
the rebellion; 365-To the Irish House
of Lords, on the fame fubject, 384-To
the Houfe of Commons, on the treat-
ment of prifoners of war, 511
Reveilliere Lepaux, his fpeech on the treaty
of peace between the Emperor and France
being prefented, 31

Riou, his report to the Council of Five
Hundred on the treatment of French
prifoners in England, 67

Rudler, Citizen, his proclamation to the
inhabitants of the conquered countries, 4$


Sardinia, treaty of offensive and defensive al-
liance with France, i.

Schauenbourg, General, his proclamation to
his army on the frontiers of Switzerland,
that the troops are to make no more con-
quefts, 77-Summons Soleure to furren
der, 135-His letter to the Directory,
139-His orders refpecting a change of
government in the canton of Soleure, 141
-Denies that the French government in-
tend uniting Switzerland to France, 146
-His proclamation to his army, respect¬
ing Switzerland, 547

Speech of Buonaparte, on the fête of the ift
Vendemiaire, 14-Of Monge, on pre-
fenting to the Directory the treaty of
peace between the Emperor and France, 3r

Of Reveilliere Lepaux, on the treaty
of peace between the Emperor and France
being prefented, ibid.—Of the minifter of
marine to Mr. Swinburne, on his audi-
ence of leave, 40-Of Garat, the French
ambaffador to the King of Naples, on
prefenting his credentials, 79-His speech
to the Queen of Naples, 82-Of Syeyes,
upon prefenting his credentials to the
King of Pruffia, 90-Of Guillemardet,
ambaffador from the French republic to
the King of Spair, on prefenting his cre-
dentials, 91-His fpeech to the Queen of
Spain, ibid.-Of General Berthier, on
taking poffeffion of the Capitol at Rome,

[blocks in formation]

burgeffes of Bafle, 120-The fovereign
council of Berne refolve to defend their
country, 121-Addrefs of the minifter
of the French republic to the people of
Switzerland, on the intentions of France,
125-The state of Berne is required to
difmifs its ancient magiftrates, 126--
Lucerne declares against the interference
of France, 127-Colonel de Weifs is re-
quired to disband his troops, ibid.—Zu-
rich takes an oath to establish a confti-
tution without the intervention of foreign
powers, 128-The fovereign council of
Soleure decree to defend their religion and
their liberty against all enemies, ibid.-
Mr. Wickham retires from the Swiss
territories, 129--Mengaud's addrefs to
the inhabitants of the dependences upon
the old bishopric of Bafle, 130-The
Bernefe deputies addrefs their conftituents
upon the revolution, 131—The govern-
ment and people of Berne require French
troops to be withdrawn from their fron-
ties, 134-Soleure is fummoned by Ge-
neral Schauenbourg, and taken, 135--
Berne is taken by General Brune, 136--
Operations of General Schauenbourg, 139
-The government of Soleure is changed
by General Schauenbourg, 141-Gene-
ral Brune orders the reprefentatives of fe
véral parts of Switzerland to affemble,
and form an indivifible republic, 142-
The French Directory lend a meffage to
the Council of Five Hundred, respecting
their operations in Switzerland, 143–
General Schauenbourg, by a proclama-
tion, denies that the French government
entertain a defign of annexing Switzerland
tb France, 146-Concludes a treaty of
peace, and of offenfive and defenfive alli-
ance with France, vii.-Decree of the
Helvetic legiflature, that the French
army have deserved well of the repub-

Tic, 545

Syeyes, his fpeech to the King of Pruffia,
on prefenting his credentials, 90
Summons of General Hatry to the com-
mandant of Mentz, to furrender that
city, 54-Of General Schauenbourg, to
the commandant of Soleure, 135


Talleyrand Perigord, his letter to Buona-
parte, upon the difturbances at Rome,
107-His anfwer to the detailed letter of
the American minifters, upon the con-
duct of France to the United States, 275

His letter to Mr. Gerry, requiring him
to resume the negotiation, 428-Corre-
fpondence with Mr. Gerry upon the pub-
lication of the particulars of the negotia-
tion, 431 to 434-His letter to Mr.

Gerry on the negotiation, 530-To Mr.
Gerry, on his departure from Paris, $40
Tate, Colonel, orders to him preparatory to
his landing in Wales, 526

Thugut, Baron de, his aufwer to the three
letters of the ambassador Bernadotte, on
the conduct of the populace at Vienna to-
wards the French embaify, 293

Treaties Of offentive and defenfive al-
liance between France and Sardinia, i.
-Of the union of Mulhaufen to France,
iii. Of peace, and of offenfive and de-
fenfive alliance between the French and
Helvetic republics, vii.--Of alliance
between the French and Cifalpine repub-
lics, x.Of commerce between the
French and Cifalpine republics, xi.
Trouvé, his letter to the Cifalpine legifla
ture, on the fituation of the Cifalpine
republic, 296

Troy, Dr. his addrefs to the Roman Ca-
tholics in Ireland respecting the rebel-
lion, 357
TurkeyMemorial of the Porte on
the invafion of Egypt by the French,
445-Manifefto of the Porte, declaring
war against France, 446-Decree for the
depofition of the Grand Vizier, 451


Vial, General, his proclamation refpecting
the rumours circulated against the French
army, 111


United States of America

Report to

the Prefident on the proceedings of Spa-
nith officers in relation to the posts occu-
pied within the limits of the United
States, 152-The Spanish minifter's let-
ter, in confequence of that report, 153
-Speech of the Prefident upon opening
the congrefs, 162-Meffage of the Prefi-
dent upon the fubject of the difpatches
from the American minifters at Paris,
166-The Prefident communicates to the
Congrefs the difpatches from the Ameri-
can ministers, 168-Inftructions to Mcf-
hieurs Pinckney, Marthall, and Gerry,
ivid. Their credentials, 181-Full pow-
ers, 182-Letter of Meffrs. Pinckney,
Marshall, and Gerry, to the French mi-
nifter, announcing their miffion, 183-
Progress of the negotiation with the
French republic, 184-A loan required
from America, and a douceur for the
French Directory, 185-The American
minifters addrefs a very detailed letter to
the French minifter on the conduct of
France towards the United States, and of
the United States towards France, 822-
Refolution of the Council of Five Hun-


dred on the cargoes of neutral fhips, 266
-Meffage from the President, communi-
cating the particulars of the last inter-
view between the American minifters and
the French minifter, 267-The French
minifter's answer to the detailed letter of
the American minifters, 275-Bellamy
of Hamburgh's letter on the American
negotiation, 283-Reply of the Ame-
rican negotiators to the French minifter's
answer to their detailed letter, 399-Ge-
neral Marshall returns from France, 427
-Mr. Gerry's letter to the Prefident on
the fituation of affairs at Paris, ibid-
Mr. Gerry is required by the French
minifter to refume the negotiation, 428-
He declines refuming it, ibid.-Inftruc-
tions to the American minifters at Paris,
430-Correfpondence between Mr. Gerry
and the American minifter, upon the
publication of the particulars of the ne-
gotiation, 431 to 434-Hauteval's letter
to Mr. Gerry on the negotiation, 434-
General Washington accepts the command
of the American army, 436


Washington, General, his letter, ac-
cepting the command of the Ameri-
can army, 436
Wickham, Mr. his letter to the Privy
Council of Berne, upon the demand
of the French Directory for his depar-
ture from Switzerland, 129
Wirtemberg, Duke of, his convention
with the French republic, iii.


Yrujo, Chevalier de, his letter to Mr.
Pickering, on the report upon the'
proceedings of Spanish officers in re-
lation to the pofts occupied within the
limits of the United States, 152


Zürich-Oath taken by her inhabitants,
to establish a conftitution without the
intervention of foreign powers, 128

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