Imágenes de páginas

Inspectors' salaries and expenses.

When admittance refused.

Oath of inspector.

Beet chemists, etc., oath of.

Public weigh


Fraudulent tests, etc.


Persuading to make unfair test, penalty.

of the number of tons of sugar beets sliced, and shall pay an annual inspection tax of one-fourth cent per ton on all beets manufactured into sugar. Said fund shall be maintained by the State Treasurer as an inspection fund for beet sugar factories. The salaries and actual and necessary expenses and equipment of the inspectors appointed under the provisions of this act shall be paid out of the fund hereby created. The salaries of said inspectors shall not exceed the sum of two hundred dollars each per month.

SEC. 7. Any manager, officer or employe who shall refuse to admit to any beet sugar factory, or weigh station in operation in this State, any inspector having authority signed by the Dairy and Food Commissioner of the State of Michigan; or who shall interfere with or obstruct any person so provided with such written authority in the exercise of any privilege, or in the discharge of any duty provided by this act, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 8. Each inspector appointed under this act shall before entering upon the duties of his office, subscribe to an oath to be prepared by the Dairy and Food Commissioner that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of his office.

SEC. 9. All beet chemists, and all weigh men and tare men employed by beet sugar manufacturers in the State of Michigan shall before entering on their duties, take and subscribe to an oath, to be prepared by the Dairy and Food Commissioner, to make just and impartial tests and correct weights, samples and tares, a copy of which oath shall be posted in a conspicuous place where said person is employed.

SEC. 10. All persons engaged in weighing beets for sugar factories shall be declared public weigh masters.

SEC. 11. Any beet chemist, weigh master, or tare man who has taken the oath of office herein prescribed, and who shall make any false or fraudulent test, or take any false or fraudulent sample, tare or weight, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 12. Any person who shall influence or persuade any chemist, weigh man or tare man to make any unfair or fraudulent test, tare or sample, or take any false or fraudulent weights, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one

thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for not less than sixty days nor more than six months in the county jail.

SEC. 13. The Dairy and Food Commissioner shall prepare Posting of act. copies of this act, which shall be posted by the manufacturers

of beet sugar conspicuously where beets are weighed, tared or tested.

Approved April 16, 1913.

[No. 70.]

AN ACT to amend act number one hundred seven of the Session Laws of eighteen hundred seventy-one, entitled "An act to provide for the sale of perishable property," being compiler's sections ten thousand three hundred sixty and ten thousand three hundred sixty-one of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by act number fifty-nine of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred one.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Act number one hundred seven of the Session Act amended. Laws of eighteen hundred seventy-one, entitled "An act to provide for the sale of perishable property," being compiler's sections ten thousand three hundred sixty and ten thousand three hundred sixty-one of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by act number fifty-nine of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred one, is hereby amended

by adding a new section to stand as section three, and sections Section added. one, two and three shall read as follows:

SEC. 1. Whenever the sheriff of any county shall, by virtue Perishable of any attachment or execution, issued by a court of record, proper by levy upon any peaches, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, sheriff. or other perishable property, he shall proceed to sell the same at such time, place or manner as he may deem most beneficial for the interest of the defendant.

SEC. 2. Whenever any constable shall, by virtue of any By constable. attachment or execution issued by any justice of the peace, levy upon any peaches, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, or other perishable property, he shall forthwith make his return to said justice, who by a written order shall authorize the constable to sell said property at such time, place and manner as said justice shall deem most beneficial for the benefit of the defendant.

authorize sale.

SEC. 3. No sale shall be made under the provisions of this Court to act, except upon the written order of the court from which proceedings shall have been issued, authorizing such sale at such time, place and manner as said court shall decree most

Proviso, notice.

beneficial for the benefit of defendant: Provided, That the
court shall direct that notice be given to the defendant, or
his agent, of the time and place of such sale, and the court
shall direct how the notice shall be given.
Approved April 16, 1913.

Section amended.

When may transact business.


[No. 71.]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number thirty-six of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-three, as amended by act number one hundred ninety-seven of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nine, entitled "An act to allow mutual fire insurance companies of the State of Michigan and of other states to do business within this State."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section one of act number thirty-six of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-three, as amended by act number one hundred ninety-seven of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nine, entitled "An act to allow mutual fire insurance companies of the State of Michigan and of other states to do business within this State," is hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 1. It shall be lawful for any mutual fire insurance company organized under the laws of the State of Michigan or of any other state of the United States, and being possessed of at least one hundred thousand dollars of actual net cash assets, to transact the business of fire insurance in this State in like manner as stock companies of the State of Michigan or other states may do, upon receiving from the Commissioner of Insurance a certificate of authority. Such amount of one hundred thousand dollars shall be deemed to be actual capital of such company, and shall be treated as capital by the Commissioner of Insurance in determining the solvency of such company. In all other respects such mutual fire insurance companies shall be subject to all the penalties and provisions of law applicable to stock fire insurance companies of the State of Michigan and of other states transacting business in this State.

Approved April 16, 1913.

[No. 72.]

AN ACT to amend section sixty-five of act number two hundred six of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninetythree, being "An act to provide for the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied; making such taxes a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the State and not redeemed or purchased; and to repeal act number two hundred of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening any of the provisions of this act," being section three thousand eight hundred eighty-eight of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. Section sixty-five of act number two hundred Section six of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-three, being "An act to provide for the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied; making such taxes a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the State and not redeemed or purchased; and to repeal act number two hundred of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening any of the provisions of this act," being section three thousand eight hundred eightyeight of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, is hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 65. The cost of such advertising shall in no case ex- Cost of adceed the sum of forty cents for each description of land so vertising.

advertised and sold: Provided, That in case there are less Proviso. than sixty-three descriptions of land so advertised in any county, the sum of twenty-five dollars may be paid for such advertising, and shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrant of the Auditor General out of the general fund of the State.

Approved April 16, 1913.

Sections amended.


cheese, manufacture and

[No. 73.]

AN ACT to amend sections five, six, seven and eight of act number one hundred ninety-three of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five, entitled "An act to prohibit and prevent adulteration, fraud and deception in the manufacture and sale of articles of food and drink," being sections five thousand fourteen, five thousand fifteen, five thousand sixteen and five thousand seventeen of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, relative to the manufacture, sale and branding of cheese.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Sections five, six, seven and eight of act number one hundred ninety-three of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five, entitled "An act to prohibit and prevent adulteration, fraud and deception in the manufacture and sale of articles of food and drink," being sections five thou sand fourteen, five thousand fifteen, five thousand sixteen and five thousand seventeen of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, are hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 5. No person shall manufacture, deal in, sell, offer or expose for sale or exchange, any article or substance in the sale unlawful. semblance of, or in imitation of cheese made exclusively of

unadulterated milk or cream, or both, into which any animal, intestinal or offal fats or oils or melted butter in any condition or state, or modification of the same, or oleaginous substances of any kind not produced from unadulterated milk or How graded. cream shall have been introduced. All cheese manufactured or sold within this State shall be divided into two grades, to be known as "full cream cheese," and "skimmed milk cheese." All full cream cheese shall contain in water free substance not less than thirty per centum of milk fat, as may appear upon proper test, and all cheese containing less than thirty per centum of milk fat shall be known and branded as Proviso, where "skimmed milk cheese": Provided, That the provisions of not applicable. this act shall not be construed to apply to such cheese as is

How branded.

known as "fancy cheese" and is under five pounds in weight each, nor to what is known as "Swiss cheese," "brick cheese," "Dutch cheese" or "cottage cheese," and does not contain anything injurious to health.

SEC. 6. Every manufacturer of full cream cheese may put a brand upon each cheese, indicating "full cream cheese," and no person shall use such a brand upon any cheese made from milk from which any of the cream has been taken. Every manufacturer of imitation cheese, as defined by this act, shall put a brand upon each cheese so manufactured, indicating "skimmed milk cheese," which brand shall be in plain Roman letters, not less than one-half inch in length, and so

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