Imágenes de páginas

made, placed or attached that it can easily be seen and read and cannot be easily defaced, and the same shall be placed upon the cloth surrounding such cheese as well as upon the container thereof.

cil brand.


SEC. 7. The Dairy and Food Commissioner shall procure Uniform stenand issue to the cheese manufacturers of the State, on proper application, which application shall be made on or before the first day of April in each year, and under such regulation as to the custody and use thereof as he may prescribe, a uniform stencil brand, bearing a suitable device or motto and the words "Michigan full cream cheese," or "Michigan skimmed milk cheese." Every such brand shall be used on the outside of the cheese, and upon the package containing the same, and shall bear a separate number for each separate factory. The said commissioner shall keep a book in which shall be registered the name, location and number of each manufactory using the brand, and the name or names of persons at each factory authorized to use the same. The com- Registration missioner shall receive a fee of one dollar for each registration, said fee to be paid by the party applying for the same, which amount shall be accounted for and used as a part of the fund appropriated for the enforcement of the laws of this State with which the Dairy and Food Commissioner is charged. No person shall knowingly offer, sell or expose for sale, in any package, cheese which is falsely branded or labeled. Whoever shall violate the provisions of sections five, six, seven Penalty. or eight of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail or the Michigan Reformatory at Ionia for not less than ninety days nor more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court for each and every offense.

where imita

SEC. 8. The proprietor or keeper of any hotel, restaurant, Placards eating saloon, boarding house, or other place where imita- tion cheese tion cheese is sold or furnished to persons paying for the sold, etc. same, shall have placed on the walls of every store or room where imitation cheese is sold or furnished a white placard on which is printed in black ink, in plain Roman letters of not less than three inches in length, and not less than two inches in width, the words "Skimmed Milk Cheese Sold or Used Here," and shall at all times keep the same exposed in such conspicuous place as to be readily seen by any and all persons entering such store, or other room or rooms, and any person or persons violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished as provided in section seven of this act.

Approved April 16, 1913.

Free transportation, when issued.



Sworn statement.

When certifi

[No. 74.]

AN ACT to provide for railroad companies issuing free transportation or reduced rate tickets to persons actually engaged in securing settlers for unimproved farm lands within the State of Michigan.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Any railroad company may issue free transportation or reduced rate tickets to persons actually engaged for more than one-half of their time each year in the business of securing actual settlers for unimproved farm lands within the State of Michigan: Provided, That no transportation shall be issued to or used by any person until the Railroad Commission, upon application of such person and after such investigation as it may deem necessary, shall have determined that the person making the application is actually engaged in the business of securing actual settlers for unimproved farm lands within this State, and shall have issued to such applicant a certificate to that effect.

SEC. 2. Any person holding a certificate as provided in section one of this act shall on or before the tenth day of each month file a sworn statement with the Railroad Commission, showing the total miles traveled, if any, upon the railroads of this State during the preceding calendar month.

SEC. 3. Any person holding a certificate as provided in cate rescinded. this act who shall fail to comply with any of its provisions, shall forfeit the right to the use of any transportation he may have, and the Railroad Commission shall forthwith rescind and cancel the certificate held by said person. Approved April 16, 1913.



[No. 75.]

AN ACT to amend section six of act number one hundred thirty-six of the Session Laws of eighteen hundred sixtynine, entitled "An act relative to the organization and powers of fire, marine, and automobile insurance companies transacting business within this State," as amended by act number fifteen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section six of an act entitled "An act relative to the organization and powers of fire, marine, and automobile insurance companies transacting business within this State," being act number one hundred thirty-six of the Ses

sion Laws of eighteen hundred sixty-nine, as amended by act number fifteen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven,

is hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 6. The capital stock of any stock company organized Capital stock. under this act, shall not be less than one hundred thousand dollars, in shares of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars each, which capital stock may be increased by a vote of two-thirds of the stockholders to not more than one million dollars; nor shall any company hereafter organized on the plan of mutual insurance, commence business in this State until agreements have been entered into for insurance with at least two hundred applicants, the premiums upon Premiums. which shall amount to not less than twenty-five thousand dollars, of which at least five thousand dollars shall have been paid in actual cash, and for the remainder of which notes of Notes. solvent parties, founded upon actual and bona fide application for insurance, shall have been received. No one of the notes received, as aforesaid, shall amount to more than five hundred dollars; and no two thereof shall be given for the same risk, nor made by the same person or firm, except where the whole amount of such notes does not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars; nor shall any note be regarded or represented as capital stock, unless a policy to be issued upon the same within thirty days after the organization of the company taking the same, upon a risk which shall be for no shorter period than twelve months. Each of said notes shall be pay- When payable. able, in whole or in part, at any time when the directors shall deem the same requisite for the payment of losses by fire, and such incidental expenses as may be necessary for transacting the business of said company; and no note shall be accepted as part of such capital stock, unless the same shall be accompanied by a certificate of the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the person executing such note shall reside, that the person making the same is, in his opinion, pécuniarily good and responsible for the same in property not exempt from execution by the laws of this State; and no such note shall be surrendered while the policy for which it was given continues in force. But no company organized on the plan of mutual insurance, and insuring against any other risks mentioned in section one of this act, shall hereafter do any business, or take any risks, or make any insurance, in any more than two counties in this State, which counties shall be contiguous, and which counties, in the case of companies hereafter organized, shall be named and set forth in their articles of association, and in the statement required by section three to be filed in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance. No fire insurance company organized under Amount at risk, limit. this act, or transacting business in this State, shall expose itself to any loss on any one fire or inland navigation risk or hazard, to an amount exceeding ten per cent of its paidup capital, nor shall any fire insurance company organized


under the laws, or by authority of any foreign government,
expose itself to any loss on any one fire or inland navigation
risk, or hazard, to an amount exceeding ten per cent of its
deposited capital in the United States: Provided, however,
That no portion of any such risk or hazard which shall have
been reinsured in a corporation licensed to do fire insurance
business in this State, shall be included in determining the
limitation of risk prescribed in this section.
Approved April 16, 1913.

Sections amended.

[No. 76.]

AN ACT to amend sections fifty-three and fifty-eight of act number two hundred six of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-three, being "An act to provide for the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied; making such taxes a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the State and not redeemed or purchased; and to repeal act number two hundred of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninetyone, and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening any of the provisions of this act," being compiler's sections three thousand eight hundred seventy-six and three thousand eight hundred eighty-one of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by act number one hundred thirty of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred one, and act number two hundred thirteen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred five.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Sections fifty-three and fifty-eight of act number two hundred six of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-three, entitled "An act to provide for the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied; making such taxes a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the State and not redeemed or purchased; and to repeal act number two hundred of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening any of the provisions of this act," being compiler's sections three

thousand eight hundred seventy-six and three thousand eight hundred eighty-one of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by act number one hundred thirty of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred one, and act number two hundred thirteen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred five, are hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 53. Any person may pay the taxes, or any one of the Partial several taxes on any parcel or description of land, or on payment. any undivided share thereof and the treasurer shall note across the face of the receipt in ink any portion of the taxes remaining unpaid. He may pay any tax, whether levied on Payment under protes personal or real property, under protest, to the treasurer, specifying at the time, in writing, signed by him, the grounds of such protest, and such treasurer shall minute the fact of such protest on the tax roll and in the receipt given. The person paying under such protest may, within thirty days and not afterwards, sue the township for the amount paid, and recover, if the tax is shown. to be illegal for the reason shown in such protest. When payment of the taxes on any Payment of parcel or description of land or on any undivided share there- divided share of, is made to any city, village or township treasurer, said treasurer shall place or cause to be placed upon the face of the receipt the following certificate: "I hereby certify that Certificate. application was made to pay all taxes due and payable at this office on the description shown in this




tax on un

Any person owning an undivided share or other part or parcel of real property assessed in one description may pay on the part thus owned, by paying an amount having the same relation to the whole tax as the part on which payment is made has to the whole parcel. The person making such payment shall accurately describe the part or share on which he makes payment, and the receipt given, and the record of the receiving officer shall show such description, and by whom paid; and in case of the sale of the remaining part, or share for non-payment of taxes, he may purchase the same in like manner as any disinterested person could. Any person hav- Holders of ing a lien on property may, after thirty days from the time pay tax. the tax is payable, pay the taxes thereon, and the same may be added to his lien and recovered with the rate of interest -borne by the lien. A tenant of real estate may pay the taxes thereon and deduct the same from his rent, unless there be an agreement to the contrary. Such payment may be made to the township treasurer while the tax roll is in his hands, or afterwards to the county treasurer. The receipt given shall be evidence of such payment.

lien, etc., m

urer may re

SEC. 58. After the return of lands for unpaid taxes, the County treas county treasurer is authorized to receive, under like provisions ceive taxes as in section fifty-three of this act, the amounts of the several turned. taxes or any of them due, and the board of supervisors in

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