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Duplicate receipts.


Further proviso.

each county may authorize notice to be given to all delinquent
taxpayers so far as known. The county treasurer shall issue
duplicate receipts for all such taxes received by him, which
shall be countersigned by the county clerk, and one of such
duplicates shall be left with said clerk, who shall make an
entry of the amount for which every such receipt was given,
with the name and post office address of the person paying
such taxes in a book provided for that purpose, and shall on
the first Monday of each month forward all such receipts
to the Auditor General, in such manner as he may direct:
Provided, That if any description of land is held by the State
subject to sale as State tax land, the county treasurer shall
not be authorized to receive the amounts due for years sub-
ject to payment, where payment thereof is tendered in con-
templation of an application to the Auditor General to pur-
chase the land for taxes of prior years as State tax land
under the provisions of section eighty-four of this act: Pro-
vided further, That when payment of the taxes on any parcel
or description of land, or on any undivided share thereof, is
made to any county treasurer, said treasurer shall place or
cause to be placed upon the face of the receipt or redemption
certificate, the following certificate: "I hereby certify that
application was made to pay all taxes due and payable at
this office on the description
shown in this



Approved April 16, 1913.


Locomotive headlights.

[No. 77.]

AN ACT to require railroads to equip locomotives with proper headlights.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Every railroad corporation operating a railroad or a part of one in this State, shall on or before the first day of July, nineteen hundred fourteen, equip each of its locomotives, except locomotives used exclusively in yard service, with a headlight of such construction, and with sufficient candle power to render plainly visible at a distance of not less than three hundred fifty feet in advance of such engine, whistling posts, land marks and other warning signs, and it shall be unlawful, after such date for any such railroad to use a locomotive, except locomotives used exclusively in yard service, upon any part of its road lying within this State, that is not equipped with a headlight of such con

struction and candle power as will enable the engineer to sec whistling posts, land marks and other warning signs at a distance of not less than three hundred fifty feet in advance of the engine: Provided, That not less than thirty per cent of Proviso. all the locomotives herein before required to be provided with such headlights shall be so equipped on or before March one, nineteen hundred fourteen.

SEC. 2. The State Railroad Commission shall from time to Inspection by commission. time inspect or cause to be inspected the headlights of all locomotives found in use on any railroad in this State. On discovering any defective headlight, the commission shall report the fact to the superintendent or other officer having charge of the road on which it is found, and the railroad corporation receiving such notice, shall thereupon cause such defective headlight to be immediately repaired, and if so ordered by the Railroad Commission shall put the locomotive containing such defective headlight out of service until repaired and put in good working order: Provided, That Proviso. should a headlight on any locomotive become defective when being used in transportation, it shall not be considered a violation of the provisions of this act to continue the operation of said locomotive to its destination.

SEC. 3. Any railroad corporation using or permitting to Penalty. be used on its line in this State, a locomotive in violation of any provision of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each violation, to be recovered in a suit or suits to be brought by the prosecuting attorney in the circuit court of the county having such jurisdiction in the locality where such violation occurred. Upon duly verified information being given him of such violation, such prosecuting attorney shall bring such suits. The Railroad Commission shall give the proper prosecuting attorney such information of any such violations as may come to its knowledge.

Approved April 16, 1913.


Section amended.

Certain re


[No. 78.]

AN ACT to amend section fourteen of act number forty-four of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, entitled "An act to provide for the publication and distribution of laws and documents, reports of the several officers, boards of officers, and public institutions of this State, now or hereafter to be published, and to provide for the replac ing of books lost by fire or otherwise, and to provide for the publication and distribution of the official directory and legislative manual of the State of Michigan, and to repeal act number one hundred twenty-two of the Session Laws of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved May thirtyone, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, act number twenty of the Session Laws of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved March nineteen, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, and all other laws or parts of laws contravening or inconsistent with this act," approved April eighteen, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, as last amended by act number forty-two of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven, relative to the printing of reports of various State officers and departments.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section fourteen of act number forty-four of the Public Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, entitled "An act to provide for the publication and distribution of laws and documents, reports of the several officers, boards of officers, and public institutions of this State, now or hereafter to be published, and to provide for the replacing of books lost by fire or otherwise, and to provide for the publication and distribution of the official directory and the legislative manual of the State of Michigan, and to repeal act number one hundred twenty-two of the Session Laws of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved May thirty-one, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, act number twenty of the Session Laws of eighteen hundred eighty-nine, approved March nineteen, eighteen hundred eighty-nine, and all other laws or parts of laws contravening or inconsistent with this act," approved April eighteen, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, as last amended by act number forty-two of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven, is hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 14. Of all other reports not specifically enumerated ports, number in this act there shall be printed and bound one hundred copies for deposit in the office of Secretary of State, two hundred copies, in either paper or permanent binding, for deposit in the State library, as provided in section twenty of this act, and any additional number in the discretion of the


Board of State Auditors. It shall be the duty of each officer or department when making requisition for the printing of his or their report, to certify to said board the number of copies which in his or their estimation, should be printed or printed and bound. In determining the additional number of Additional copies to be printed or printed and bound, it shall be the duty of the Board of State Auditors to take into consideration the value of the contents of said report, the demand for the same and the certification of the officer or department as to the required number in their estimation. Upon such determination the number of copies decided upon, and no more, shall be printed, or printed and bound.

Approved April 17, 1913.

[No. 79.]

AN ACT to amend sections two, nine and ten of part five of act number ten of the Public Acts of the first extra session of nineteen hundred twelve, entitled "An act to promote the welfare of the people of this State, relating to the liability of employers for injuries or death sustained by their employes, providing compensation for the accidental injury to or death of employes and methods for the payment of the same, establishing an Industrial Accident Board, defining its powers, providing for a review of its awards, making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act, and restricting the right to compensation or damages in such cases to such as are provided by this act."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Sections two, nine and ten of part five of act Sections number ten of the Public Acts of the first extra session of amended. nineteen hundred twelve, entitled "An act to promote the welfare of the people of this State, relating to the liability of employers for injuries or death sustained by their employes, providing compensation for the accidental injury to or death of employes and methods for the payment of the same, establishing an Industrial Accident Board, defining its powers, providing for a review of its awards, making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act, and restricting the right to compensation or damages in such cases to such as are provided by this act," are hereby amended to read as follows:


SEC. 2. The Commissioner of Insurance shall immediately "Accident upon assuming the administration of the collection and disbursement of the moneys referred to in the preceding section,




Bond of commissioner.

Commissioner to give and

cause to be created in the State treasury a fund to be known as "accident fund." Each such employer shall contribute to this fund to the extent of such premiums or assessments as the commissioner shall deem necessary to pay the compensation accruing under this act to employes of such employers or to their dependents, which premiums and assessments shall be levied in the manner and proportion hereinafter set forth. There shall be maintained in said accident fund a sufficient amount of cash to pay current losses and expenses, and the balance may be invested by the Commissioner of Insurance and the State Treasurer acting together, in such securities as are specified in section four of act number seventy-seven of the public acts of eighteen hundred sixty-nine, for deposit by insurance companies with the State Treasurer. All such securities shall be purchased and may be sold at such time, in such manner and in accordance with such rules and conditions as may be prescribed and required by the joint action of said Insurance Commissioner and State Treasurer: Provided, however, That no such investment shall be made nor any securities sold or disposed of except by and with the consent and approval in writing of the Board of State Auditors. The Commissioner of Insurance shall give a good and sufficient bond in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, executed by some surety company authorized to do business in the State of Michigan, covering the collection and disbursement of all moneys that may come into his hands under the provisions of this act. The premium on said bond shall be paid out of the general funds of the State on an order of the Auditor General. Said bond must be approved by the Board of State Auditors.

SEC. 9. The Commissioner of Insurance shall issue proper take receipts. receipts for all moneys so collected and received from employers, as aforesaid, shall take receipts for all sums paid to employes for compensation under the provisions of this act, and shall keep full and complete records of all business transDeputies and acted by him in the administration of such funds. He may


employ such deputies and assistants and clerical help as may be necessary, and as the Board of State Auditors may authorize, for the proper administration of said funds and the performance of the duties imposed upon him by the provisions of this act, at such compensation as may be fixed by Expenses, how said Board of State Auditors, and may also remove them. The paid. Commissioner of Insurance and such deputies and assistants shall be entitled to receive from the State their actual and necessary expenses while traveling on the business of the board, but all such salaries and expenses so authorized by the provisions of this act shall, when audited and approved by the Board of State Auditors, be charged to and paid out of said accident fund. He shall include in his annual report a full and correct statement of the administration of such fund, showing its financial status and out standing obli

Annual accounting of fund.

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