Imágenes de páginas

threshing or hulling done; such description shall be deemed sufficient if it properly identifies the premises by the name of the owner or occupant, or other description which accurately and clearly identifies the location of the property Proviso, when upon which such lien is claimed: Provided, That such lien shall be deemed to have been waived by the person entitled thereto, unless such statement shall be filed within the period of twenty days as aforesaid.

lien waived.

Approved April 21, 1913.

Individual drinking utensils, who to furnish.

Penalty for violation.

[No. 93.]

AN ACT for the supplying of individual drinking utensils in certain cases by persons, firms and corporations, maintaining drinking fountain, water cooler, tank or other device for public drinking purposes; the posting of placards in certain cases and providing a penalty for a violation of the provisions of this act.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Hereafter it shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation, within this State, maintaining any public drinking fountain, water cooler or tank, or any other device dispensing water for public drinking purposes, other than a sanitary fountain, to provide for supplying individual drinking utensils by sale or free distribution; and if by sale, at a cost not exceeding one cent for each individual utensil. In case there shall be no facilities for furnishing as aforesaid individual drinking utensils at any such fountain, water cooler, tank or other device, the person, firm or corporation so maintaining the same shall post in close proximity thereto a placard designating the place at which or the person from whom such individual drinking utensils may be procured.

SEC. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Approved April 21, 1913.

PUBLIC ACTS, 1913-No. 94.


[No. 94.]

AN ACT to provide for the appointment of guardians of the persons of habitual drunkards, and of persons so addicted to the excessive use of intoxicating liquors or narcotic or noxious drugs as to need medical or sanitary treatment or care, and for restraining them in a suitable asylum or hospital.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

sons, appoint

to make.

SECTION 1. Any person being a resident of this State, who Guardian of shall be a habitual drunkard, or so addicted to the excessive certain peruse of intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs, as to need medi- ment. cal or sanitary treatment and care, may have a guardian of his or her person appointed by the judge of probate of the county where such person shall then reside. SEC. 2. Such guardian shall only be appointed upon the Petition, who petition of the husband or of the wife or of some relative by blood of the person for whom a guardian is asked, or by the supervisor of the township or alderman of the ward, or one of the superintendents of poor of said county, in which said person resides. Upon the filing of such petition, the judge Hearing. of probate shall fix a time for the hearing thereof, and shall cause notice thereof to be given to the respondent and next of kin, and such other persons as the judge of probate shall direct, at least ten days before the time of such hearing.

SEC. 3. Upon such hearing the judge of probate shall have Testimony. authority to take the testimony of witnesses concerning the matter of such petition, and may also examine the respondent, and shall determine whether such guardian should be ap pointed; and if he shall determine that the respondent is either a habitual drunkard or is so addicted to the excessive use of intoxicating liquors or narcotic or noxious drugs, as to require medical or sanitary treatment or care, he shall appoint some suitable person guardian of the person of the respondent, who shall continue as such guardian until the further order of the judge of probate of the county in which such appointment is made.


SEC. 4. Every guardian so appointed shall have the care Guardian to and custody of the person of his ward, and upon the order have custody of the judge of probate, may cause him or her to be taken to and restrained in any suitable State institution, asylum, hospital for medical or sanitary treatment or care, or hospital for the insane.

SEC. 5. Every such guardian shall at least once in each Report. year, and as often as required by the judge of probate, render a report to the judge of probate, verified by his oath, showing the condition of his ward, what medical or sanitary

Charges, etc.

treatment or care he or she has been subjected to, and what reason, if any, there is for the continuance of such guardianship.

SEC. 6. The rate of charge for insane patients, and the rules for admission of insane patients, so far as not inconsistent, shall apply to such patients as are committed under this act.

SEC. 7. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

Approved April 21, 1913.

Title and sections amended.

[No. 95.]

AN ACT to amend the title and sections seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-five and twenty-six-g of act number two hundred seventy-eight of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nine, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages and for changing their boundaries," and to add a new section thereto.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

[ocr errors]

SECTION 1. The title and sections seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-five and twenty-six-g of act number two hundred seventy-eight of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nine, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages and for changing their boundaries," Section added. are hereby amended, and a new section is added to said act to stand as section twenty-eight, said amended and added sections to read as follows:

Amendment, how submitted.


An act to provide for the incorporation of villages and for revising and 'amending their charters.

SEC. 17. Any amendment to any existing charter, whether passed pursuant to the provisions of this act or heretofore granted or passed by the State Legislature, for the government of a village, may be submitted to the electors by a twothirds vote of the legislative body of the village, or may be petitioned for by not less than twenty per centum of the, number of electors voting for president at the last preceding election, which petition shall be verified by the oath of the party or parties securing the same and filed with the village clerk. Every such amendment shall be submitted to the electors at the next general or special election. When the amendment originates in the legislative body, it shall be published and

remain on the table for thirty days before action is taken thereon. The form in which any proposed amendment to a Form. village charter shall be submitted on the ballot, unless provided for in the initiatory petition, shall be determined by resolution by the legislative body.



SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorneys Prosecuting of the several counties, to give advice to any and all charter duty of. commissions of this State, as to whether proposed charters contravene the constitution and general laws of this State, and such other information in relation to the formation, amendment or revision of charters as they may require. Every Governor to charter framed or revised by a charter commission, and every charter, etc. amendment to a village charter, whether passed pursuant to the provisions of this act or heretofore granted or passed by the State Legislature for the government of a village shall, before its submission to a vote of the electors be presented to the Governor of the State. If he shall approve it, he shall sign it; if not he shall return the charter to the commission, and amendment to the legislative body of the village, with his objections thereto, and any information or recommendations he may see fit to submit, which shall be spread at large on the journal of the body receiving them, and it shall reconsider it. On such reconsideration, if two-thirds of the members agree to pass it, it shall be submitted to the voters. SEC. 19. Every charter and amendment thereto, whether Publication. of villages incorporated under this act or under an existing charter of the village heretofore granted or passed by the Legislature for the government of a village, before submission to the electors shall be published as provided in section eleven of this act.

SEC. 20. If the charter or any amendment thereto, whether when and of villages incorporated under this act or under an existing where filed. charter of the village heretofore granted or passed by the Legislature for the government of a village, be approved, then two printed copies thereof, with the vote for and against, duly certified by the village clerk, shall, within thirty days after the vote is taken, be filed with the Secretary of State, and a like number with the county clerk, and shall thereupon become law.

SEC. 22. When any person has committed or is suspected crime, etc. of having committed any crime or misdemeanor within a village, whether incorporated under the provisions of this act or under an existing charter of the village heretofore granted or passed by the Legislature for the government of a village, or has escaped from any prison of such a village, the police officers of such village shall have the same right to pursue, arrest and detain such person without the village limits as the sheriff of the county.

SEC. 25. Each village whether incorporated under the pro- Statutory visions of this act or under any existing charter of the vil- provisions, lage heretofore granted or passed by the Legislature for the

adoption of.

Land for sewage disposal, purchase, etc., of.

government of a village, may adopt as its charter or any part of the same,. any chapter, act or section of the statutes of this State in force at the time of such adoption and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, which relates to the powers or government of villages generally, either by reciting the same in such charter or by appropriate reference thereto.

SEC. 26g. Any village whether incorporated under the provisions of this act or under any existing charter of the village heretofore granted or passed by the Legislature for the government of a village, may acquire by purchase or condemnation proceedings land without its corporate limits necessary for the disposal of sewage or the obtaining or protecting of a water supply for the village or the inhabitants thereof. The jury in condemnation proceedings shall consist of twelve freeholders drawn from the body of the county, and if they shall determine that such use is necessary, and that the use proposed will not materially injure the health or safety of the persons living adjacent to the land, they shall award the compensation to be paid therefor. Other proceedings in such cases shall conform to the general law authorizing cities and villages to take or hold land or property outside of their corporate limits as contained in chapter ninety of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven. SEC. 28. It is hereby intended by this act to reenact secIntent of act. tions seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty, as above amended, pursuant to the adoption of the amendment to section twenty-one of article eight of the State constitution by vote of the electors on November fifth, nineteen hundred twelve, so that villages under existing charters heretofore granted by the Legislature shall have the same right and power to amend such charters as villages that have adopted complete charter revisions under the act hereby amended.、 SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 3. This act is hereby declared to be immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 21, 1913.

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