Imágenes de páginas

on file at the office of the county clerk, or city clerk, as the case may be, for public inspection at least three days prior to distribution for use at the primary election.

SEC. 24. The official primary election ballot shall be pre- How prepared. pared in the following manner: There shall be printed at the top, and to the right of the ballot in large type, the words "Official Primary Election Ballot." Underneath shall be printed the date of the election at which the ballot is to be used, followed, when necessary, by the designation of the political subdivision, as county, district, city, ward, etc. At the top and to the left of the ballot shall be printed the instructions to voters. Then shall follow the names of the political parties, each at the head of a separate column and directly under such name a circle one-half inch in diameter. The party having the greatest number of votes within the State at the last preceding general election as shown by the votes cast thereat for Secretary of State shall be placed first on the ballot, the position of the other tickets to be governed, relatively by the same rule. Under such heading shall appear the names of the candidates seeking nomination in that particular party. The order of the offices on the ballot shall be the same, as far as may be, as is required by law in making up the ballot for a general election. The title of the office shall be immediately above the name of the candidate or candidates for such office, and under such title the words "VOTE FOR," followed by the word, "one," "two" or a word designating the number of candidates under that head to be voted for. The names of the different candidates shall be separated from each other by a light faced rule, with a square at the left of the names, and the spaces devoted to the several offices shall be separated by a black faced rule so as to separate each office division clearly. The names under heading designating each official position where there are more names than there are persons to be nominated for that office shall be alternated on the ticket of each party casting at least ten per centum of the votes cast in the county or political subdivision at the preceding November election for the office of Secretary of State and printed in the following manner: First. The forms shall be set up with the names of such Names, candidates arranged alphabetically, in order according to surnames. In printing each set of tickets for the several election precincts, the position of the names shall be changed in each office division, as many times as there are candidates in the office division in which there are the most names. As nearly as possible an equal number of tickets shall be printed after each change. In making the changes

of position, the printers shall take the line of type at the head of each office division and place it at the bottom of the division, and shove up the column so that the name that before was second shall be first after the change. After the ballots are printed, and before being trimmed, they shall be kept in separate piles, the one pile for each change in position, and shall then be piled by taking one from each pile and placing it upon the pile to be trimmed, the intention being that every alternate ballot in such pile shall have the names in a different position. After the pile is made in this manner, the ballots shall be numbered consecutively on the upper right hand corner upon the front of the ballot, with a perforated line across said corner, underneath the same number, so that the corner with the number can be torn off. After the ballot [ballots] shall be trimmed and done up in seal [sealed] packages and distributed for use at the primary election the same as is required by law for the distribution of ballots at the general election. The ballots shall be preForm of ballot. pared in substantially the following form:

[blocks in formation]

If you do so it will void your ballot so far as nominations for that particular office are concerned.

[blocks in formation]

United States Senator United States Senator United States Senator United States Senator United States Senator Vote for one

Vote for one

Vote for one

Vote for one

Vote for one

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[blocks in formation]


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Signatures re

tain officers.

SEC. 25. To obtain the printing of the name of any candiquired for cer- date of any political party for United States Senator or for Governor or Lieutenant Governor under the particular party heading upon the official ballots for any primary election held in this State, pursuant to the provisions. of this act, there shall be filed with the Secretary of State nomination petitions, signed by a number of registered and qualified voters residing in this State, equal to not less than two per centum nor more than four per centum of the number of votes that such party cast for Secretary of State at the last preceding November election.

District officers.




SEC. 26. To obtain the printing of the name of any candidate of any political party for any district office under the particular party heading upon the primary election ballots in the various voting precincts of the district when such district is comprised of one county or less, there shall be filed with the county clerk of such county, nomination petitions, signed by a number of registered and qualified voters equal to not less than two per centum nor more than four per centum of the number of votes that said party cast therein for Secretary of State at the last preceding November election and in the case of a district office, in a district comprising more than one county, to obtain the printing of the name of any candidate of any political party under the particular party heading upon the primary election ballots in the various voting precincts of said district, there shall be filed with the Secretary of State, nomination petitions, signed by a number of the registered and qualified voters residing in such district equal to not less than two per centum nor more than four per centum of the number of votes that the party cast therein for Secretary of State at the last preceding November election: Provided, That when there are two or more candidates for representative in the State Legislature to be nominated by each political party in a single representative district, to obtain the printing of the name of any candidate of any political party under the particular party heading upon the primary election ballots in the various voting precincts of such district, there shall be filed, with the county clerk of the county of which such district forms a part, nomination petitions signed by a number of registered and qualified voters residing in such district, equal to not less than one per centum nor more than four per centum of the number of votes that the party cast in such district for Secretary of State at the last preceding November election, divided by the number of representatives to which such district is entitled in the State Legislature.

SEC. 27. To obtain the printing of the name of any candidate of any political party for a county office under the particular party heading upon the official primary election ballots in the various voting precincts of a county, there shall be filed with the county clerk of said county nomination peti

tions signed by a number of registered and qualified voters, who reside in the county, equal to not less than two per centum nor more than four per centum of the number of votes that such political party cast in such county for Secretary of State at the last preceding November election. To obtain City officers. the printing of the name of any candidate of any political party for a city office including all ward offices under the particular party heading on the official primary election ballots for use in such city, there shall be filed with the city clerk of such city such nomination petitions signed by a number of registered and qualified voters of such political party and who reside in such city, equal to not less than two per centum nor more than four per centum of the number of votes that such political party cast therein for Secretary of State at the last preceding November election. All Who may sign said nomination petitions may be signed by registered and qualified voters residing in any part of a ward for a ward office, in any part of a city for a general city office, or any part of a county for a county office, or any part of a district for a district office, or any part of the State for a State office: Provided, That in cities or counties of two hundred Proviso. fifty thousand population or more, in lieu of the above petition, a petition therefor, signed by the candidate, which shall state the name of the candidate, his residence, street, house number and the political party of which he is a member, and the office sought, may be filed with the clerk of the county or city where said candidate resides, as herein provided. Such candidate shall at the time pay to the clerk of the city or county, as the case may be, a sum of money equal to onehalf of one per centum of the salary and fees of the preceding year of such office, the amount thereof to be ascertained or estimated as nearly as may be by such clerk; and upon complying with the above provisions such candidate's name shall be printed upon the primary ballot, if otherwise quali fied.

senator, etc.

SEC. 28. To obtain the printing of the name of any candi- United States date of a new political party for United States Senator, Governor or Lieutenant Governor under the particular party heading on the official primary election ballots in the various voting precincts of this State, nomination petitions signed by at least three thousand registered and qualified voters resid ing in the State, shall be filed with the Secretary of State. To obtain the printing of the name of any candidate of a new New party political party for a district, county or city office, under the candidates. particular party heading on the official primary election ballots in the various voting precincts of such district, county or city, as the case may be, such candidate shall file nomination petitions with the Secretary of State, county clerk or city clerk, as the case may be, signed by at least one hundred registered and qualified electors residing in such dis

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