Proviso, payment for surety bonds. Proviso. directors: Provided, That the bank shall pay for any surety bonds required of its employes. Sixth, To prescribe by its board of directors by-laws not inconsistent with law, regulating the manner in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors and officers elected or appointed, its stockholders convened for special meetings, its property transferred, its general business conducted and the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed; Seventh, To exercise by its board of directors or duly authorized officers or agents, subject to law, all such power as shall be necessary to carry on the business of banking by discounting and negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other evidences of debts, by receiving deposits, by buying and selling exchange, coin, and bullion, and by loaning money on personal and real security as provided hereinafter; but no such bank shall take or receive more than the rate of interest allowed by law in advance on its loans and discounts: Provided, That this restriction shall not authorize any transaction for a less sum than fifty cents; and no bank shall transact any business except such as is incidental and necessarily preliminary to its organization until it has been authorized by the Commissioner of the Banking Department to cominence the business of banking. Approved March 11, 1913. Section amended. [No. 12.] AN ACT to amend section ten of act number thirty-five of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred seven, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of county schools of agriculture, manual training and domestic economy," approved April three, nineteen hundred seven, as last amended by act number twenty-nine of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven, relative to the number of schools entitled to State aid. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Section ten of act number thirty-five of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred seven, entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of county schools of agriculture, manual training and domestic economy," approved April three, nineteen hundred seven, as last amended by act number twenty-nine of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven, is hereby, amended to read as follows: approved list. SEC. 10. Any school established under the provisions of Schools, when this act, whose course of study and the qualifications of placed upon whose teachers have been approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the president of the Michigan State Agricultural College, and which shall have expended at least twenty thousand dollars in buildings and equipment, and shall have acquired title to at least eighty acres of land to be used in connection with said school, may, upon application, be placed upon the approved list of county schools of agriculture, manual training and domestic economy. A school once entered upon said list may remain listed and be entitled to State aid so long as the scope and character of its work are maintained in such manner as to meet the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. On the Annual report. first day in July of each year the secretary of each county school board maintaining a school on the approved list shall report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, setting forth the facts relative to the cost of maintaining the school, the character of the work done, the number and names of teachers employed, and if more than one county contributes to the support of such school, the amount so contributed by each county and such other matters as may be required by the county school board or the said superintendent. Upon the receipt of such report, if it shall appear that the school has been maintained in a satisfactory manner for a period of not less than eight months during the year, closing on the thirtieth day of the preceding June, the said superintendent shall make a certificate to that effect and file it with the Auditor General. Upon receiving such certificate, the Auditor Amount General shall draw his warrant payable to the treasurer of the county maintaining such school for a sum equal to twothirds the amount actually expended for maintaining such school during the year: Provided, That the total sum so Proviso. apportioned shall not exceed four thousand dollars to any one school in any one year: Provided further, That any Further such school receiving State aid shall be free to the inhabitants of the State on such terms as may be provided by said board and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. When more than one county has contributed to the support of the school, the Auditor General shall draw his warrant payable to the treasurer of each county for such portion of the State aid as the amount contributed by his county is part of the total amount contributed by all the counties for the support of the school for the preceding year. The Auditor General Tax clause. shall annually, beginning in the year nineteen hundred thirteen, include and apportion in the State tax such sum as shall have been so paid. Approved March 11, 1913. drawn. proviso. Section amended. Names printed on ballots. Proof copies sent each candidate. [No. 13.] AN ACT to amend section twenty of act number two hundred eighty-one of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nine, entitled "An act relative to the nomination of party candidates for public office and delegates to political conventions, to regulate primary elections and to prescribe penalties for violations of its provisions, and to provide for the printing upon election ballots of the names of the candidates nominated under the terms of this act, and to repeal act number four of the Public Acts of the Extra Session of the year nineteen hundred seven, and. all local primary election acts contravening the provisions of this act, except as in this act otherwise provided," approved June two, nineteen hundred nine, as amended by act two hundred seventy-nine of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven; relative to furnishing candidates with proof copies of primary election ballots. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Section twenty of act number two hundred eighty-one of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred nine, entitled "An act relative to the nomination of party candidates for public office and delegates to political conventions, to regulate primary elections and to prescribe the penalties for violations of its provisions, and to provide for the printing upon election ballots of the names of candidates nominated under the terms of this act, and to repeal act number four of the Public Acts of the Extra Session of the year nineteen hundred seven, and all local primary election acts contravening the provisions of this act, except as in this act otherwise provided," approved June two, nineteen hundred nine, as amended by act two hundred seventy-nine of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred eleven, is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 20. The said ballots so prepared by the board of election commissioners in each county shall include the names of all candidates for the particular political party for the office of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and United States Senator, and shall include the names of all candidates for district offices, and in each county the names of all candidates for county offices. Proof copies of the ballots so prepared shall be placed on file in the office of the county clerk, at least ten days prior to each primary election, and one proof copy of such ballot shall be sent by registered mail with return receipt demanded to each candidate at his last known address whose name appears upon such ballot. shall be the duty of the board of election commissioners to correct such errors as may be called to their attention. No It candidate shall have his name printed upon any official pri mary election, ballot of any political party in any voting precinct in this State, unless he shall file nomination petitions according to the provisions of this act and all other requirements of this act have been complied with in his be half. The said ballots shall also contain as many lines as Delegates. there are delegates to be elected to the county convention by the particular political party. Such lines, upon which may be placed the names of proposed delegates to the county convention, shall be printed under the title "Delegates to county conventions" and no ballot for a delegate to a county convention of any political party shall be counted unless prepared and voted under authority of this act. Approved March 11, 1913. [No. 14.] AN ACT to amend section twenty-three of chapter twentynine of the Revised Statutes of eighteen hundred fortysix, entitled "Jurisdiction, powers and procedure of circuit courts in chancery," being section four hundred thirtyfive of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety seven. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Section twenty-three of chapter twenty-nine Section of the Revised Statutes of eighteen hundred forty-six, entitled amended. "Jurisdiction, powers and procedure of circuit courts in chancery," being section four hundred thirty-five of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 23. Such courts shall dismiss every suit concerning What suits to property, excepting suits between co-partners, and suits for be dismissed. the enforcement of mechanics' liens, suits for the foreclosure of mechanics' liens, and suits for the foreclosure of mortgages, and suits for the foreclosure of land contracts or other liens upon real estate, where the matter in dispute shall not exceed one hundred dollars with costs to the defendant. Any person, his heirs or assigns, holding a mining option Enforcement or agreement for a mining lease or license, containing the usual clause found in mining leases or licenses, allowing lessees to terminate such leases or licenses, on notice, shall have an absolute right to have such options or agreements specifically enforced in chancery, if not in default in his part of the agreement himself. Any person, his heirs or assigns, Idem. holding an agreement for an interest in any such lease or license from the lessee, shall have an absolute right to have in chancery. the same specifically enforced in chancery, if not in default Proviso, jury. himself: Provided, That in all such suits for specific performance of mining options and leases, either party shall be entitled to a jury, and the verdict of such jury shall have the same force and effect as a verdict in any other suit in chancery. The remedy herein given for the enforcement of mining options shall apply to existing as well as future options. Approved March 11, 1913. Section amended. When judge of [No. 15.] AN ACT to amend section eight of chapter two hundred fiftytwo of the Revised Statutes of eighteen hundred fortysix, entitled "Payment of debts and legacies," being section nine thousand three hundred seventy-four of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Section eight of chapter two hundred fiftytwo of the Revised Statutes of eighteen hundred forty-six, being compiler's section nine thousand three hundred seventyfour of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, said chapter being entitled "Payment of debts and legacies," is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 8. In all cases where it is competent for the judge Problem ad- of probate to appoint commissioners to receive, examine and adjust claims against estates of deceased persons, or to revive or continue a commission already granted, the judge of probate may, if he shall think proper, instead of appointing commissioners or reviving or continuing a commission, appoint a time and place for the examination and adjustment Notice given. of claims against the estate before himself; and in such case if the object be to hear claims generally, he shall give the same notice of the time and place when he will sit to hear claims, and of the time limited for creditors to present their claims as is required by law to be given by commissioners; and if the object be to examine and adjust some particular claim, he shall cause notice of the time and place and object of the hearing to be given to all persons interested, or by publication in such newspaper of the county as he shall designate; and when a hearing shall be thus as aforesaid had before a judge of probate, on filing proof that notice has been given as herein prescribed, the action of the judge of probate in passing upon and adjusting claims shall have the same effect upon all claims against the estate as the |