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Motor cycle manufactur



Further proviso.

Horse power, how deter


Sale and transfer.


Further proviso.

Further proviso.

For the registration of all motor cycles owned by or under the control of a manufacturer of motor cycles, who does not manufacture or deal in automobiles, including ten seals and number plates to be furnished with the certificate of registration, twenty dollars: Provided, That for all vehi cles registered after September first in any calendar year, a fee of one-half the rate herein provided shall be collected: Provided further, That nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt factories, garages, not dealers in motor vehicles, from paying taxes as personal property on automobiles in stock or bond, except on the specified number of machines that have been licensed to operate on the highways.

For the purposes of this act, the horse power of all motor vehicles shall be determined in accordance with the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers' standard rating in which the horse power is computed by squaring the diameter of one cylinder, multiplying by the number of cylinders and dividing the product by two and one-half.

Sub. 7. Sale and transfer. Upon the sale of a motor vehicle registered in accordance with this section, the vendor shall, within ten days after the date of such sale, notify the Secretary of State, stating the name and business address of the purchaser and the number under which such motor vehicle is registered: Provided. That the vendor may, upon application at the time of such notice, have the registration number transferred to a motor vehicle described in such application and owned by him, and which is not licensed under the law: Provided further, That should such motor vehicle have a greater horse power than the one transferred, then such applicant shall pay the difference between the fee already paid and the fee lawfully chargeable for the motor vehicle. of greater horse power, together with the transfer fee herein provided: Provided further, That should such motor vehicle. have a less horse power than the one transferred, then shall the Secretary of State remit to the applicant the difference. between the fee already paid and the fee lawfully chargeable for the car of lesser horse power, less the transfer fee herein provided, or if any application be not received by the Secretary of State for a transfer of the license number by the vendor as above provided, the vendee, upon filing application, may have the license transferred to him. A fee of one dollar shall be paid to the Secretary of State for each transfer, all applications for which he shall file in his office, and note. upon the registration book or index such change, and at least monthly notify every county clerk of the State of such transfers, each of whom shall immediately note the same on the list of registered vehicles received and kept on file as herein provided.

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SEC. 4. Sub. 1. Registration by manufacturers and Reg dealers. Every person, firm, association or corporation manu- ture facturing or dealing in motor vehicles may, instead of registering each motor vehicle so manufactured or dealt in, make a verified application upon a blank to be furnished by the Secretary of State for a general distinctive number for all the motor vehicles owned or controlled by such manufacturer or dealer, such application to contain:



1. A statement setting forth whether the applicant be a tain dealer or manufacturer;

2. The name, residence and business address of such manufacturer or dealer. On the payment of the registration fee named in section two, subdivision six of this act, such application shall be filed and registered in the office of the Secretary of State in the manner provided in section two of this act. There shall thereupon be assigned and issued to such manufacturer or dealer a general distinctive number and duplicate number plates in the manner provided by section two, which shall be in the form of plates as provided in section three, duplicates of which shall be carried or displayed by every motor vehicle of such manufacturer or dealer so registered when the same is driven or operated on the public highways. Such manufacturer or dealer may obtain as many duplicate sets of such number plates as may be desired upon payment to the Secretary of State of ten dollars for each duplicate set in excess of the first five issued with the license. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to apply to a motor vehicle operated by a manufacturer or dealer for private use or for hire: Provided, That for all licenses issued after Pro September first in any registration year, a fee of one-half the rate provided in this section shall be paid. No provision of this section shall be construed to apply to a motor vehicle operated by a manufacturer, or his authorized representative, between the factory where such motor vehicle is manufactured and any railroad depot, railroad siding, warehouse, steamship dock or other place where such motor vehicle is to be delivered for shipment, or to the warehouse or salesroom of such manufacturer: Provided, That the person so Pro operating the motor vehicle under the provisions of this section shall first be furnished by the manufacturer, or his authorized agent, with an order for the delivery of such motor vehicle to its destination, which order shall bear the date upon which it is issued, and shall contain the number of the motor vehicle so operated and the point to which it is to be delivered: Provided further, That each such motor vehicle Fur so operated shall have displayed upon the front and rear of same upon a card or otherwise the general distinctive number assigned such manufacturer by the Secretary of State as provided in this section; and provided said motor vehicle is in charge of a competent driver.


Annual reregistration.

Non-resident owners, exemption. Proviso.

Further proviso.

Further proviso.

Fees, disposal of.

When act effective, title.


Sub. 2. Re-registration annually. All registrations under this act shall expire on December thirty-first of each year, and shall be renewed annually in the same manner and upon the payment of the same fees provided for in this section for original registration, such renewal to take effect on the first day of January of each year.

SEC. 5. Exemption of Nonresident owners. The provisions of the foregoing sections shall not apply to a motor vehicle owned by a nonresident of this State: Provided, That the owner thereof shall have complied with the provisions of the law of the state or province of his residence relative to motor vehicles and the operation thereof, and shall conspicuously display his state or province number, and that the provisions of the foregoing sections of this act are substantially in force in such state or province: Provided further, That this exemption shall not apply to nonresident corporations doing business in this State: Provided further, That nonresidents shall not be exempt from the foregoing sections, unless the state or province of his residence extends similar privileges to motor vehicles registered under this law, nor in any case for a continuous residence in the State for more than ninety days.

SEC. 15. All fees paid to the Secretary of State as provided in this act shall be turned over to the State Treasurer, and applied to the State highway fund, five per cent of which shall constitute a fund to be used for salaries and running expenses of the State Highway Department, the remainder to be applied to the building and improvement of the highways of the State under such division of said fund and for such purposes as the highway laws of the State shall provide, to be paid out by the State Highway Commissioner in accordance with the statutory provisions therefor. Any moneys remaining in either fund at the close of any year shall be carried over by the Auditor General and added to the funds which become available for the following


SEC. 18. Title of act and when it takes effect. This act shall be known as the "Michigan Motor Vehicle Law" and shall take effect the first day of January, nineteen hundred fourteen: Provided, That applications for registration may be made and registration certificates and badges issued at any time within sixty days prior to such date.

Approved May 2, 1913.

[No. 182.]

AN ACT to regulate the sale of butter and cream in the State of Michigan, and to prescribe a penalty for the violation of this act.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

unlawful to

SECTION 1. No person shall offer or expose for sale, have Butter, when in his possession with intent to sell, or sell as butter any sell, etc. product which contains less than eighty per cent of milk fat, and which is not made exclusively from milk or cream, or both, with or without common salt and with or without additional coloring matter.

SEC. 2. No person shall offer or expose for sale, have in Cream. his possession with intent to sell, or sell as cream any product which contains less than eighteen per cent of milk fat, and which is not that portion of milk, rich in milk fat, which rises to the surface of milk on standing, or is separated from it by centrifugal force, and which is not clean: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not be deemed Proviso. to apply to any person not a manufacturer or producer of butter and cream, who has bought the products mentioned in this act for resale, and when found to be under the standard prescribed by this act, shall furnish information from whom his products were received.


SEC. 3. Whoever shall do any of the acts or things pro- Misdemeanor, hibited, or wilfully neglect or refuse to do any of the acts or things enjoined by this act, or in any way violate any of its provisions, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and where no specific penalty is prescribed by this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Approved May 2, 1913.

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Sections amended.


when unlawful to practice.


Assumed name, etc.

Signs, etc.

[No. 183.]

AN ACT to amend sections one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight and nine of act number three hundred thirty-eight of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred seven, entitled "An act to provide for the examination, regulation, licensing and registration of persons engaged in the practice of dentistry, and for the punishment of offenders against this act, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Sections one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight and nine of act number three hundred thirty-eight of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred seven, entitled "An act to provide for the examination, regulation, licensing and registration of persons engaged in the practice of dentistry, and for the punishment of offenders against this act, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith," are hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, not a registered dentist, within the meaning of this act, to operate or control as proprietor, manager or otherwise, any room or rooms, office or dental parlors, where dental work is done, provided or contracted for, or to practice dentistry or dental surgery in any of its departments in the State of Michigan, except as hereinafter provided: Provided, That, the use of any name or names used by any proprietor, manager or other person operating any dental parlor, office or rooms at the time this act becomes operative, including the firm name, assumed name or corporate name of any dental parlor, office or rooms used for dental purposes that are operating at the time this act shall take effect, shall not be prohibited to the present owners, their heirs or assigns, but no such proprietor, manager, or other person or their heirs or assigns operating any such dental office, parlor or rooms shall be permitted to open any office under such assumed or corporate name in any city other that the one in which he may maintain such office at the time this act takes effect.

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, whether registered or not, to operate or run any dental office or parlors, where dentistry or dental surgery in any of its departments is practiced, under any name other than the name or names of the person or persons to whom the license provided for in this act is issued, as hereinabove provided.

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons operating or controlling any dental office or parlors or place where dentistry or dental surgery in any of its departments is practiced, to display on any card, sign, handbill, circular, in any newspaper, or through any other medium of advertise

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